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A curated list of Awesome Resources for Mongoose OS

List: awesome-mongoose-os

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A curated list of Awesome Resources for Mongoose OS

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## Awesome Mongoose OS [![Awesome](](

> A curated list of awesome resources for Mongoose OS

- [Resources](#Resources)
- [Official Resources](#Official-Resources)
- [External Resources](#External-Resources)
- [Community](#Community)
- [Youtube Channels](#Youtube-Channels)
- [Youtube Videos](#Youtube-Videos)
- [Libraries](#Libraries)
- [Official Libraries](#Official-Libraries)
- [Community Libraries](#Community-Libraries)
- [Deprecated Libraries](#Deprecated-Libraries)
- [Examples](#Examples)
- [Official Examples](#Official-Examples)
- [Community Examples](#Community-Examples)
- [Tutorials](#Tutorials)
- [Official Tutorials](#Official-Tutorials)
- [Community Tutorials](#Community-Tutorials)
- [Tools](#Tools)
- [Code Snippets](#Code-Snippets)
- [Misc](#Misc)
- [Contribute](#Contribute)
- [Contributors](#Contributors)
- [License](#License)

# Resources

### Official Resources

- [Official Guide](
- [API Reference](
- [GitHub Repo](

### External Resources

### Community

- [Community Forum](

### Youtube Channels
- [Official](

### Youtube Videos
- [Mongoose OS for IoT]( - Orlando IoT Meetup presentation for Mongoose OS

# Libraries

Libraries that can be used and included in projects in `mos.yml` file

### Official Libraries
- [Mongoose OS Libraries GitHub]( - Official Mongoose OS GitHub account for libraries

- [imu]( - Mongoose OS library for inertial measurement units
- [rpc-gatts]( - RPC over GATT, Server
- [bh1730]( - BH1730 sensor support
- [pppos]( - PPPoS / cellullar modem support
- [azure]( - Azure IoT Hub support library for Mongoose OS
- [arduino-compat]( - Arduino compatibility library for Mongoose OS
- [rpc-udp]( - Implementation of Mongoose OS RPC over UDP
- [ca-bundle](
- [mjs]( - Embedded JavaScript engine for Mongoose OS
- [rpc-common](
- [mqtt]( - MQTT protocol support library for Mongoose OS
- [bq27421]( - Mongoose OS Driver for TI BQ27421 Fuel Gauge
- [i2c](
- [ir]( - IR library for Mongoose OS
- [aws]( - Amazon AWS IoT integration with Mongoose OS
- [arduino-adafruit-gfx](
- [http-server](
- [mcp9808-i2c]( - Mongoose OS library implementing an I2C driver for MCP9808
- [ota-common]( - OTA common bits
- [mongoose]( - Mongoose Embedded Web Server Library
- [bt-service-config]( - System Configuration over Bluetooth GATT Service
- [dht](
- [jstore](
- [ili9341-spi]( - ILI9341 TFT Driver for Mongoose OS
- [bmp-loader]( - A wrapper for the [libbmpread]( library (by Charles Lindsay)
- [lwip]( - LwIP TCP/IP stack
- [mbedtls]( - Optimized version of mbedTLS
- [vfs-common]( - Mongoose OS VFS common bits
- [wifi](
- [core]( - Mongoose OS core lib
- [miniz]( - Miniz compression library
- [ads7843-spi](
- [bt-common]( - Common bits of Bluetooth support
- [vfs-fs-lfs]( - Mongoose OS support for littlefs
- [rpc-service-wifi](
- [fstab]( - Storage device and filesystem init table
- [dash](
- [gcp]( - Google IoT Core integration for Mongoose OS
- [dns-sd](
- [demo-bundle](
- [atca](
- [ota-http-server](
- [rpc-service-ota](
- [md-max72xx](
- [vfs-dev-encr]( - VFS device that encrypts reads and writes
- [ota-http-client](
- [crontab](
- [cron](
- [ota-shadow](
- [pwm](
- [rpc-service-config](
- [boards]( - Board configuration defs
- [vfs-dev-spi-flash]( - SPI flash VFS device driver
- [wifi-ism43xxx]( - Inventek es-WiFi module driver for Mongoose OS
- [freertos]( - FreeRTOS Kernel
- [ethernet]( - Ethernet support
- [onewire-rmt](
- [arduino-adafruit-ssd1306](
- [file-logger](
- [provision]( - A device provisioning library
- [vfs-dev-part]( - A VFS device that exposes a part of another device
- [rpc-azure]( - RPC support for Azure
- [stlm75]( - STMicro STLM75 temperature sensor driver
- [bme280](
- [dallas-rmt](
- [rpc-ws]( - WebSocket channel support for mgRPC
- [rpc-service-i2c](
- [rpc-service-gpio](
- [rpc-service-gattc](
- [rpc-service-fs](
- [vfs-fs-spiffs]( - SPIFFS filesystem support
- [prometheus-metrics](
- [arduino-pololu-vl53l0x](
- [rpc-uart](
- [watson]( - IBM Watson IoT Platfomr support for Mongoose OS
- [neopixel](
- [ccs811-i2c]( - Mongoose OS library implementing an I2C driver for CCS811
- [spi]( - Implements SPI API for Mongoose OS
- [vfs-dev-w25xxx]( - Winbond W25XXX SPI NAND Flash Driver
- [esp32-touchpad]( - JS bindings for ESP32 touch pad sensor
- [si7005]( - Si7005 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Driver for Mongoose OS
- [sntp](
- [stmpe610-spi](
- [ssd1306](
- [si7021-i2c]( - Mongoose OS library implementing an I2C driver for Si7021
- [tmp006]( - A Texas Instruments TMP006 temperature sensor
- [veml6075-i2c](
- [vfs-dev-ram]( - RAM-based VFS device
- [wifi-setup-web-ui](
- [rpc-gcp]( - RPC support for Google Cloud Platform
- [ads1x1x-i2c]( - ADS101X and ADS111X I2C drivers
- [max7219-spi]( - MAX7219/MAX7221 SPI based LED display driver.
- [ds3231](
- [apds9960-i2c]( - Mongoose OS library for APDS-9960
- [mcp23xxx]( - Mongoose OS Library for MCP23x08/MCP23x17: an 8/16-port GPIO expander w/ interrupt support
- [pcf857x-i2c]( - Mongoose OS Library for PCF8574: an 8-port GPIO expander w/ interrupt support
- [arduino-adafruit-pwm-servo]( - Arduino Adafruit PWM servo library
- [arduino-adafruit-ads1x15]( - Arduino Adafruit ADS1015 library for Mongoose OS
- [arduino-ds3231]( - Arduino DS3231 library for Mongoose OS
- [ina3221-i2c]( - I2C Library for Texas Instruments' 3-channel current sensor INA3221
- [ina219-i2c](

### Community Libraries
- [Captive Portal WiFi Stack]( - Full captive portal solution to setup and configure WiFi on device (stack of all captive portal libararies below)
- [Captive Portal]( - DNS and Redirect handling for Captive Portal prompts
- [Captive Portal WiFi Setup]( - Test, Save, and setting up device WiFi
- [Captive Portal WiFi RPC]( - RPC endpoints to scan, test, and setup device WiFi
- [Captive Portal Web UI]( - WiFi web setup UI (css/js files)
- [GCP MQTT File Queue]( - Save MQTT publish to JSON file when disconnected and send when reconnect
- [WiFi Setup via BLE]( - Expose to setup only WiFi configuration via Bluetooth
- [common-tools]( - A bunch of tools and routines in C as well as in mJS always needed in every project.
- [color-tools]( - A spin-off from "common-tools" holding functions related to pixels and colors.
- [ringbuffer]( - A basic ring buffer library with wrapping and overwrite existing values to calculate the average of a amount of values in the buffer during the last buffer filling period.
- [pca9685-i2c]( - PCM module PCA9685 native with Mongoose OS over i2c
- [ZIP Tools]( - ZIP tools to use in Mongoose-OS (stack hungry!)
- [timezones]( - Timezone related functions to get the correct settings of the tzData used by Mongoose-OS
- [neopixel]( - A fork of Cesantas original with possibilities to adjust the timing of the control protocol. Might be merged eventually after some fixes.
- [Universal-LED]( - A LED driver with tools to drive Neopixel and APA102 LEDs (see the [LED effects libraries]( coming with this library) **(late alpha, early beta state!)**
- [mgos-arduino-adafruit-epd]( - E-Paper / E-Ink library; a wrapper around the [Adafruit EPD Library](
- [pulse_cnt]( - pulse counter peripheral (and example code) for ESP32
- [epdpaint]( - Mongoose OS EPD Paint library
- [mongooseOS-epd2in7b]( - Demo, and ported library for 2.7" b/w/r EPD
- [syslog]( - syslog library

### Deprecated Libraries
- [WiFi Captive Portal]( - WiFi Captive Portal Library (replaced by WiFi Stack above)
- [Provision WiFi]( - WiFi provision library - (replaced by WiFi Stack above)

# Examples

### Official Examples
- [Mongoose OS Example Apps GitHub]( - Official Mongoose OS GitHub account for Example Applications
- [mDash Smart Light - IoT Product Design]( - Implementation of a functional commercial IoT product under a commercial-friendly Apache 2.0 license. It can be used as a reference for creating similar smart products.

- [losant-temp-sensor]( - :thermometer: A Mongoose OS app for sending temperature readings of ESP32 to Losant.
- [aws-iot-button](
- [wifi-setup-web](
- [12V-8Port-Switch]( - ESP8266 based 12V 8gang FET driver with current sensor
- [demo-c]( - A demo Mongoose OS firmware for C/C++
- [http-fetch](
- [door-bell]( - IoT doorbell that works via MQTT - generic MQTT server, AWS IoT, Google IoT, etc
- [example-dht-js](
- [demo-js]( - A JS-enabled demo Mongoose OS firmware
- [smart-washing-machine]( - Making washing machine smart - MQTT, ESP8266
- [neopixel-aws-iot]( - Neopixel control using AWS IoT and Android App
- [example-arduino-onewire-js](
- [example-rpc-c](
- [imu-demo]( - IMU Library Demo (for Chrome)
- [smallest-wifi-button]( - The Smallest WiFi Button in the World (ESP8266, MQTT, IFTTT)
- [empty](
- [LilyGo-HiGrow-Sensor-v1]( - LilyGo HiGrow ESP32 Plant Monitoring Sensor Firmware (Hardware v1)
- [bootloader]( - Boot loader
- [wifi-scan](
- [example-arduino-adafruit-ssd1306-js](
- [shelly1](
- [example-neopixel-c](
- [aws-iot-heater](
- [example-uart-c](
- [example-m5stack-js]( - Basic demo for M5stack
- [huzzah-featherwing](
- [lilygo-higrow-soil-temp-humi-sensor](
- [example-no-libs-c]( - Bare-bones app with no libraries at all
- [example-ble-js]( - BLE JS API use example
- [example-shadow-js](
- [captive-portal](
- [example-uart-js](
- [example-wifi-scan-js]( - WifFi scan app in JS
- [example-neopixel-js](
- [example-dht-c](
- [example-arduino-wire-c](
- [example-arduino-onewire-c](
- [example-arduino-hello-c](
- [example-arduino-dallas-temperature-js](
- [example-arduino-dallas-temperature-c](
- [example-arduino-adafruit-ssd1306-c](
- [example-arduino-adafruit-bme280-js](
- [example-arduino-adafruit-bme280-c](
- [blynk](
- [sonoff-basic-openhab]( - A Sonoff Basic firmware to work with openHAB
- [smart-pool-pump]( - Pool Timer Controller, integrates AWS shadow, BMP180 and ADE7912
- [ota-aws-shadow](
- [example-spi-c]( - C SPI API usage example
- [example-dns-sd]( - DNS-SD usage example
- [example-binary-lib-c]( - Binary library use example
- [losant-mqtt]( - Losant + Mongoose OS example
- [blynk-bme280-js]( - Using BME280 sensor with Blynk mobile app
- [aws-uart](
- [aws-pico]( - ESP32-PICO-KIT breakout board demo for AWS IoT
- [alexa-microwave]( - Control a microwave with ESP32 via MQTT / Amazon Alexa
- [environmental-monitor](
- [door-sensor]( - Mongoose OS IoT Door-Sensor for ESP32
- [mq135](
- [smoke-detector]( - IoT Smoke Detector Tutorial (IFTTT, SMS)
- [example-arduino-ds3231-js]( - DS3231 High Precision Real Time Clock Module usage example (JavaScript)
- [example-arduino-adafruit-ads1x15-js]( - Adafruit ADS1015 12-Bit ADC - 4 Channel with Programmable Gain Amplifier usage example (JavaScript)
- [losant-motion-sensor]( - Detecting Motion Using a PIR sensor, ESP8266, and Mongoose OS

### Community Examples
- [Captive Portal WiFi Stack Demo]( - Demo application for the Captive Portal WiFi Stack
- [LittlevGL Demo app]( - Demo application showing how to use LittlevGL to drive a TFT display
- [mJS Polyfill]( - Mongoose os example project with standardization polyfill
- [jstore demo]( - Demo project of using jstore for MQTT queues
- [build-var]( - Example to show the usage of build_vars to select the files to be included in the filesystem
- [http-gzip]( - simple example about how to serve gzipped css and js files

# Tutorials

### Official Tutorials

### Community Tutorials

# Tools
- [Command Line Tool]( - Command Line Tool for Mongoose OS
- [Visual Studio Code Extension]( - Latest official Visual Studio Code Extension
- [Visual Studio Code Extension 1.0]( - Original 1.0 version of Visual Studio Code Extension
- [mos-FS.Put-script]( - Reads a single file, encodes it in base64 and transfers it via "mos call FS.Put" (RPC)
- [Gulp Task to Minify mJS Code]( - Gulp example tasks to minify mJS code to save space on devices
- [bump mos.yml version]( - Shell script to automatically bump the version in `mos.yml` file. See comments on gist for details
- [babel-preset-mjs]( - Babel preset to transpile JS to restricted mjs JS

# Code Snippets
- [mJS CronTab Callback]( - C and mJS code to register a crontab callback in mJS

# Misc
Miscellaneous things that may be related to Mongoose OS in one way or another, but doesn't fit into any other category
- [Frozen]( - JSON parser and emitter for C/C++
- [mJS]( - Embedded JavaScript engine for C/C++
- [mJSON]( - C/C++ JSON parser, emitter, JSON-RPC engine for embedded systems

## Contribute

Contributions welcome! Read the [contribution guidelines]( first.

# Contributors

## License


To the extent possible under law, Myles McNamara has waived all copyright and
related or neighboring rights to this work.