
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

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My Awesome List of anything cool that my curious mind finds interesting

List: awesome-list

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

My Awesome List of anything cool that my curious mind finds interesting

Awesome Lists containing this project



# awesome-list

My Awesome List of anything cool that my curious mind finds interesting

- [Ansible](#ansible)
- [Awesome Lists](#awesome-lists)
- [CI/CD](#continious-integration)
- [Data Science](#data-science)
- [Docker](#docker)
- [DynamoDB](#dynamodb)
- [Elasticsearch](#elasticsearch)
- [Environment Setups](#environment-setups)
- [Epic Github Repos](#epic-github-repos)
- [Golang](#golang)
- [Grafana](#grafana)
- [Great Blogs](#great-blogs)
- [Knowledge Base](#knowledge-base)
- [Kubernetes](#kubernetes)
- [Kubernetes Storage](#kubernetes-storage)
- [Machine Learning](#machine-learning)
- [Monitoring](#monitoring)
- [MongoDB](#mongodb)
- [Programming](#programming)
- [Queues](#queues)
- [Self Hosting](#self-hosting)
- [Email Server Setups](#email-server-setups)
- [Mailscanner Server Setups](#mailscanner-server-setups)
- [Serverless](#serverless)
- [Sysadmin References](#sysadmin-references)
- [VPN](#vpn)
- [Web Frameworks](#web-frameworks)

## Ansible
- [Kubernetes on LXC with Ansible](

## Awesome Lists
- [Awesome ChatOps](
- [Awesome Scalability](
- [Awesome Drone](
- [Awesome Stacks (docker swarm)](

## Epic Github Repos
- [mlabouardy](

## Authentication
- [Nginx ES and Kibana Proxy with LDAP](

## Data Science
- [bulutyazilim - datascience awesome list](

## Grafana
- [Grafana Dashboards @mlabouardy](

## Docker

#### Deploy Stacks to your Swarm: :whale: :heart:


- [shazChaudhry Swarm GELF Stack](


- [StefanProdan - Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, Node Exporter and Alert Manager](
- [Mlabouardy - Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, Kapacitor & Slack](

#### Awesome Docker Repos
- [Jess's Dockerfiles](
- [Firecat53's Dockerfiles](
- [](
- [](

#### RaspberryPi ARM Images:
- [arm32v6/alpine:edge](
- [arm32v6/golang:alpine](
- [arm32v6/haproxy:alpine](
- [arm32v6/node:alpine](
- [arm32v6/openjdk:alpine](
- [arm32v6/postgres:alpine](
- [arm32v6/python:2.7-alpine3.6](
- [arm32v6/python:3.6-alpine3.6](
- [arm32v6/rabbitmq:alpine](
- [arm32v6/redis:alpine](
- [arm32v6/ruby:alpine3.6](
- [arm32v6/tomcat:alpine](
- [arm32v6/traefik:latest](
- [arm32v7/debian:lates](
- [hypriot/rpi-redis](
- [jixer/rpi-mongo](
- [alexellis/armhf](
- [zeiot: rpi-prometheus stack](
- [larmog](
- [Rpi MongoDB](
- [ARM Swarm](

#### Docker Image Repositories
- [Docker Hub: arm32v6](
- [Docker Hub: armv7](
- [Github: Luvres Armhf](
- [Apache/PHP7 on Alpine](
- [Tomcat on Alpine](
- [Nginx (jwilder)](
- [Alpine Images (smebberson)](
- [SameerSbn](
- [](
- [Apache-PHP5](
- [Apache-PHP-Email](

#### Docker-Awesome-Lists
- [Java Docker Services](
- [shouse Docker Awesome List](

#### Docker Blogs:
- [Whoami used in Traefik Docs](
- [Sqlite with Docker](
- [Rails with Postgres and Redis](
- [Async Tasks with Flask and Redis](
- [Flask and Postgres](
- [Elastic Beats on RaspberryPi](

#### Docker Storage
- [Rancher Convoy](
- [Flocker](
- [EMC ScaleIO](
- [RexRay Ceph with Ansible](
- [ContainX](

#### OpenFaas:
- [FaaS Releases](
- [FaaS Workshop](

#### Prometheus / Grafana on Swarm:
- [StefanProdan - SwarmProm](
- [Monitoring with Prometheus](
- [UschtWill - Prometheus Grafana Elastalert](
- [Chmod-Org Promethus with Blackbox](
- [Finestructure: Prometheus Tutorial](

## Logging / Kibana / Beats

### Libraries
- [Loguru]( | [Flask Example with Loguru](

### Frameworks
- [shazChaudhry Swarm GELF Stack](

## Continious Integration:

#### Circle-CI
- [PHP with Circle-CI](

#### Concourse
- [Setup Concourse Environment with Docker](
- [Getting Started with Concourse and Docker](
- [Concourse Gated Pipelines](
- [Concourse Boilerplate](

#### Jenkins
- [Modess - PHP with Jenkins](
- [CI/CD Nodejs Tutorial with Jenkins](
- [CI/CD Nodejs Tutorial with Jenkins @medium](
- [Epic CICD workflow with Jenkins, Gitlab, Sonar, Nexus](

#### SwarmCi
- [SwarmCI](

#### Travis-CI
- [Getting Started with Travis-CI (Original Docs)](
- [Getting Started with Travis-CI (dwyl - nodejs)](
- [Blog Site with Travis-CI (Python)](
- [Build Tests with Python on Travis-CI](
- [Moving app with Travis-CI](

#### LambCI
- [LambCI](

## DynamoDB

#### DynamoDB Docs

- [AWS DynamoDB: SQL to NoSQL](

#### DynamoDB Best Practices

- [Choosing the Right Partition Key](
- [10 Things you should know](

#### DynamoDB General Info

- [Understanding DynamoDB](

## Elasticsearch

#### Elasticsearch Documentation
- [General Recommendation](
- [How Many Shards in my Cluster](
- [Managing Time-Based Indices Efficiently](
- [Elasticsearch Best Practices (](
- [AWS ES - Scaling up my Domain](

#### Elasticsearch Cheetsheets:
- [My ES Cheatsheet](

#### Elasticsearch Blogs
- [Maximize Elasticsearch Indexing Performance](
- [Autoritative Guide to ES Performance Tuning](
- [Full text Search Queries](
- [Query Elasticsearch](

#### Elasticsearch Tools
- [Export Data from ES to ES](

## Environment Setups:
- [Golang](

## Knowledge Base

- [How does HTTPS work (Miguel Grinberg)](

## Kubernetes

- [Awesome Kubernetes](
- [Kubernetes Cheatsheet](
- [Getting Started: Python application on Kubernetes](
- [Kubernetes Deployments: The Ultimate Guide](
- [Prometheus Monitoring Stack with Kubernetes on DO](
- [Traefik as an Ingress Controller on Minikube](
- [Traefik Ingress with Kubernetes](
- [Manual Connect your Kubernetes from Outside](
- [HTTPS Letsencrypt on k3s](
- [Kubernetes: Nodeport vs Loadbalancer](
- [Prometheus Monitoring Pipeline on Kubernetes](
- [Building a Kubernetes CI/CD Pipeline with Rancher](
- [Building a Kubernetes CI/CD Pipeline with AWS](
- [Gitea and Drone CI/CD on k3s](
- [Serverless with Kubernetes using OpenFaaS and Linkerd2](
- [Managing Kubernetes with kubectl](
- [OpenFaas Workshop on k3s](
- [Kubernetes Hands-On Lab with collabnix](
- [Create ReadWrite Persistent Volumes on Kubernetes](
- [Kubernetes Clusters with k3s and multipass](

### Kubernetes Storage
- [Kadalu](
- [Rancher: Longhorn Storage](

## Golang

- [Generate Fake Random Data with Golang](
- [Ultimate Golang Study Guide](

## Great Blogs

- [](
- [](
- [Benjamin Cane](
- [Michael Herman](
- [Charles Leifer](
- [Labouardy](
- [Mark's Tech Blog](

## Linuxkit:
- [Getting Started with Linuxkit](

## Logging Stacks
- [shazChaudhry Swarm GELF Stack](

## Machine Learning:
- [PracticalAI](

## Metrics:
- [AppMetrics with Flask](
- [Scales: Metrics for Python](
- [Graphite: Python Flask Metrics](

## MongoDB:
- [Setup MongoDB Cluster](
- [MongoDB Scripts](
- [MongoDB Monitoring Tools](
- [Roles with MongoDB](
- [Queries: Guru99](
- [Queries: Exploratory](
- [Queries: Tutorialspoint](
- [Queries: MongoDB Cheatsheet](

## Monitoring
- [Docker Swarm Monitoring Stack: Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, Kapacitor]( [github source](
- [Docker Swarm Monitoring Stack: Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, Node Exporter]( [github source](
- [Prometheus Grafana Docker](
- [Prometheus Blog Seros](
- [Memcached Monitoring](
- [Nagios with Nagios Graph](
- [Slack Alerts with Prometheus](
- [Local Prometheus Stack](
- [Docker Swarm Promethus Setup #1](
- [Docker Swarm Prometheus Setup #1: Blog](
- [Docker Swarm Promethus Setup #2](
- [Docker Swarm Promethus Setup #3 (Blackbox)](
- [Uptime (fzaninotto)](

## Monitoring and Alerting
- [Cabot (Lightweight Pagerduty)](
- [Nagios](

## Monitoring as Statuspages
- [Statuspage (darkpixel](
- [Cachet](

## Programming

#### Golang:
- [Golang Tutorials](
- [Golang Wiki](

#### Java:
- [Java Spring Boot Examples](

#### Python

#### Ruby:
- [Learn Ruby: Learn Ruby the Hard Way](
- [Learn Ruby: Ruby for Beginners](
- [Learn Ruby: Launch School](
- [Learn Ruby: Arrays](
- [Install Ruby Environment on Mac](

#### Ruby on Rails:
- [Tutorial: Ruby On Rails](
- [Tutorial: ROR on Docker](

## Queues

- [Alpine SQS](
- [Kombu: Messaging library for Python](
- [Python Job Queues with Redis](

## Sysadmin References:
- [Sysadmin Command References](
- [Linux Performance Observability Tools](
- [Troubleshooting High IO Wait](
- [IO Monitoring in Linux](
- [IOStat and VMStat for Performance Monitoring](
- [Debugging Heavy Load](

## Self Hosting

#### Email Server Setups
- [Extratione: Postfix Dovecot MySQL Virtual Users Postfixadmin](
- [Extratione: Postfix Dovecot MySQL Virtual Users Postfixadmin (Ubuntu 18)](
- [Linuxsize: Postfix Dovecot MySQL Virtual Users Postfixadmin](
- [Howtoforge: Postfix, MySQL, Dovecto, Dspam](
- [Linuxsize: VirtualUsers, MySQL, Postfix, Dovecot](

#### Mailscanner Server Setups
- [Spamassassin with Debian 8](

#### Financial
- [SelfHosted Firefly](

#### Self Hosting Frameworks:
- [Sandstorm](

## Serverless

- [Serverless Zappa](
- [Serverless Contact Form](
- [Serverless Authentication on AWS (danilop)](

## VPN:
#### VPN-Howto:
- [Ubuntu OpenVPN Script](
- [Ubuntu IPSec Script](
- [DO - Setup OpenVPN on Ubuntu](
- [Elasticshosts - IPSec VPN](
- [PPTP/IPSec/OpenVPN Auto Install](

## Website Templates

#### Resume Templates
- [johnmarcampbell resume-site](

## Web Frameworks

#### Python Flask:
- [Python Flask Upload Example](
- [Awesome Flask - humiaozuzu](
- [Awesome Flask Apps - Greyli](
- [Flask over HTTPS (MG)](
- [Flask Advanced Patterns](
- [Flask MVC Boilerplate](