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This repository contains LeetCode articles which are very useful during the interview preparation.

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algorithms coding data-structures leetcode leetcode-patterns

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This repository contains LeetCode articles which are very useful during the interview preparation.

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This repository contains awesome LeetCode resources to learn Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) and prepare for Coding interviews.

## 💡 Tips
- [How to Start LeetCode](
- [How I Mastered DSA](

## 📌 Fundamental Concepts
- [Algorithmic Complexity](
- [Big-O Cheat Sheet](
- [Bit Manipulation Techniques](
- [Sorting Algorithms](
- [Linked List](
- [Dummy Node Technique](
- [Queues](
- [Stacks](
- [Hash Tables](
- [Heaps](
- [Recursion](
- [Backtracking](
- [Trees](
- [Tries](
- [Binary Search](
- [Greedy Algorithm](
- [Dynamic Programming](
- [Graph Theory](
- [Important Graph Algorithms](
- [DFS Traversal](
- [BFS Traversal](
- [Union-Find](
- [Dijkstra Algorithm]('s-Algorithm)
- [Minimum Spanning Tree](

## 🚀 Patterns
- [15 Leetcode Patterns](
- [20 DP Patterns](
- [Prefix Sum Pattern](
- [Top 'K' Elements Pattern](
- [Fast and Slow Pointers Pattern](
- [Two Pointers Pattern](
- [Linked List In-place Reversal Pattern](
- [Sliding Window Pattern](
- [Monotonic Stack Pattern](
- [Overlapping Intervals Pattern](
- [Backtracking Pattern](
- [Modified Binary Search Pattern](
- [Tree Patterns](
- [Tree Iterative Traversal](
- [Tree Question Pattern](
- [Graph Patterns](
- [DFS + BFS Patterns (1)](
- [DFS + BFS Patterns (2)](

## 📝 Must-Read Leetcode Articles
- [Sliding Window Template](
- [Two Pointers Patterns](
- [Collections of Important String Questions](
- [Substring Problem Template]('substring'-problems/)
- [Binary Search Template](
- [A General Approach to Backtracking Questions](
- [Monotonic Stack Template](
- [Heap Patterns](
- [Bit Manipulation Patterns](
- [Dynamic Programming Patterns](
- [Stock Series Patterns](

## 📺 YouTube Playlist
- [Abdul Bari's Algorithms Playlist](
- [William Fiset's Data Structure Playlist](
- [William Fiset's Graphs Playlist](
- [Tushar Roy's Dynamic Programming Playlist](

## 📇 Courses
- [Coursera - Algorithms, Part I](
- [Coursera - Algorithms, Part 2](

## 📚 Books
- [Data Structures And Algorithms Made Easy](
- [Cracking the Coding Interview](

## 🔎 Visualization
- [VisuAlgo](
- [Algo-lens: Visualize leetcode problems](

## 📎 LeetCode Extensions
- [LeetCode Timer]( Easily time your leetcode practise sessions with automatic time setting based on difficulty.
- [LeetCode Video Solutions]( Watch free LeetCode video ▶ solutions on the problem page itself.
- [LeetCode Format]( Adds Format code button on leetcode to format the code using Prettier code formatter.
- [LeetHub v2]( Automatically integrate your Leetcode & GeeksforGeeks submissions to GitHub.
- [LeetCode VS Code Extension]( Solve LeetCode problems in VS Code.

## ✅ Curated Problems
- [AlgoMaster 200](
- [Blind 75](
- [Leetcode Top 100 Liked](
- [Leetcode Top Interview 150](

## 💻 Must-Do Problems (Topic Wise)
### Linked List
- [Reverse Linked List](
- [Linked List Cycle](
- [Merge Two Sorted Lists](
- [Intersection of Two Linked Lists](
- [Remove Nth Node From End of List](
- [Add Two Numbers](
- [Copy List with Random Pointer](
- [Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List](
- [Rotate List](
- [Sort List](
- [Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II](
- [LRU Cache](
- [Design Browser History](
- [Merge k Sorted Lists](
- [Reverse Nodes in k-Group](
### Binary Trees
- [Invert Binary Tree](
- [Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree](
- [Count Complete Tree Nodes](
- [All Possible Full Binary Trees](
- [Delete Leaves With a Given Value](
- [Binary Search Tree Iterator](
- [Longest Univalue Path](
- [Delete Nodes And Return Forest](
- [Validate Binary Search Tree](
- [Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal](
- [All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree](
- [Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor](
- [Find Duplicate Subtrees](
- [Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List](
- [House Robber III](
- [Step-By-Step Directions From a Binary Tree Node to Another](
- [Delete Node in a BST](
- [Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II](
- [Trim a Binary Search Tree](
- [Distribute Coins in Binary Tree](
- [Binary Search Tree to Greater Sum Tree](
- [Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree](
- [Binary Tree Cameras](
- [Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum](
- [Maximum Sum BST in Binary Tree](
### Backtracking
- [Permutations](
- [Subsets](
- [Generate Parentheses](
- [Combination Sum](
- [Palindrome Partitioning](
- [Letter Combinations of a Phone Number](
- [Unique Binary Search Trees II](
- [Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets](
- [N-Queens II](
- [Sudoku Solver](
### Tries
- [Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)](
- [Longest Common Prefix](
- [Search Suggestions System](
- [Longest Word in Dictionary](
- [Top K Frequent Words](
- [Design Add and Search Words Data Structure](
- [Implement Magic Dictionary](
- [Replace Words](
- [Word Search II](
- [Stream of Characters](

Your contributions are most welcome!