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A curated list of awesome Gradle plugins and resources for a better development workflow automation.

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A curated list of awesome Gradle plugins and resources for a better development workflow automation.

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# Awesome Gradle

> A curated list of awesome Gradle plugins and resources for a better development workflow automation.

Inspired by the [awesome](, [awesome-gulp]( and some other awesome lists.

## Table of contents

- [Plugins](#plugins)
- [Language](#language)
- [Code quality](#code-quality)
- [Code generation](#code-generation)
- [Java application development](#java-application-development)
- [Web application development](#web-application-development)
- [Android application development](#android-application-development)
- [iOS and Mac application development](#ios-and-mac-application-development)
- [Editor and IDE integration](#editor-and-ide-integration)
- [Templating](#templating)
- [Database](#database)
- [Dependency management](#dependency-management)
- [Debugging](#debugging)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Building](#building)
- [Packaging](#packaging)
- [Releasing](#releasing)
- [Notification](#notification)
- [Cloud services](#cloud-services)
- [SCM](#scm)
- [CI](#ci)
- [VM and container](#vm-and-container)
- [Boilerplates](#boilerplates)
- [Resources](#resources)
- [General Resources](#general-resources)
- [Official Documentation](#official-documentation)

## Plugins

> Notice: in the following descriptions, "Official plugin" means that it's provided as a builtin plugin by Gradle.

### Language

- [java]( - Official plugin that adds Java compilation, testing and bundling capabilities.
- [groovy]( - Official plugin that adds support for building Groovy projects.
- [scala]( - Official plugin that adds support for building Scala projects.
- [antlr]( - Official plugin that adds support for generating parsers using [Antlr](
- [assembler]( - Official plugin that adds native assembly language capabilities to a project.
- [c]( - Official plugin that adds C source compilation capabilities to a project.
- [cpp]( - Official plugin that adds C++ source compilation capabilities to a project.
- [objective-c]( - Official plugin that adds Objective-C source compilation capabilities to a project.
- [objective-cpp]( - Official plugin that adds Objective-C++ source compilation capabilities to a project.
- [gradle-retrolambda]( - Get Java lambda support in Java 6, 7 and Android.
- [clojurephant]( - Clojure/ClojureScript support for Gradle

### Code quality

- [findbugs]( - Official plugin that performs quality checks on Java source files using [FindBugs](
- [spotbugs]( - Official plugin that performs quality checks on Java source files using [SpotBugs](
- [checkstyle]( - Official plugin that performs quality checks on Java source files using [Checkstyle](
- [spotless]( - Checks and applies formatting rules using the Eclipse, google-java-format, ktlint, scalafmt, and also user-defined rules.
- [pmd]( - Official plugin that performs quality checks on your project's Java source files using [PMD](
- [jdepend]( - Official plugin that performs quality checks on your project's source files using [JDepend](
- [codenarc]( - Official plugin that Performs quality checks on Groovy source files using [CodeNarc](
- [jacoco]( - Official plugin that provides integration with the [JaCoCo]( code coverage library for Java.
- [gradle-cobertura-plugin]( - Use cobertura.
- [coveralls-gradle-plugin]( - Send coverage data to [](
- [gradle-scoverage]( - Enable the use of Scoverage in a Gradle Scala project.
- [gradle-errorprone-plugin]( - Use the [error-prone]( compiler for Java.
- [gradle-spelling-plugin]( - Inspect spelling using custom blacklist.
- [gradle-modernizer-plugin]( - Detect uses of legacy Java APIs.

### Code generation

- [gradle-protobuf-plugin]( - Compile [Google Protocol Buffers]( files.
- [querydsl-plugin]( - Generate [Querydsl]( classes.

### Java application development

- [gradle-apt-plugin]( - Make it easier/safer to use Java annotation processors.
- [vertx-gradle-plugin]( - Unofficial plugin for starting Vert.x projects.

### Web application development

- [spring-boot]( - Provide Spring Boot support.
- [gretty]( - Run web apps on jetty and tomcat.
- [gradle-tomcat-plugin]( - Support deployment of your web application to an embedded Tomcat web container.
- [gradle-jrebel-plugin]( - Generate rebel.xml configuration file.
- [gradle-js-plugin]( - Manage JavaScript.
- [gradle-jslint-plugin]( - Run JSLint static analysis against JavaScipt code.
- [gradle-node-plugin]( - Run NodeJS scripts.
- [gradle-gulp-plugin]( - Run Gulp tasks.
- [gradle-grunt-plugin]( - Run Grunt tasks.
- [bower-installer-plugin]( - Manage client-side dependencies.
- [apina]( - Creates client-side TypeScript from server-side APIs.
- [asset-pipeline]( - Manage and process static assets in JVM applications.
- [gradle-web-resource-plugin]( - Use CoffeeScript, LESS and Bower libraries without Node.js/npm.
- [gradle-compass]( - Compile and watche SASS files.
- [rest-gradle-plugin]( - Perform REST requests.

### Android application development

- Dependency management
- [sdk-manager-plugin]( - Download and manage Android SDK.
- [android-native-dependencies]( - Gradle plugin for resolving and downloading Android native dependencies (.so)
- Alternative language
- [groovy-android-gradle-plugin]( - Support the Groovy language for building Android apps.
- APK handling
- [dexcount-gradle-plugin]( - Report the number of method references in APK.
- [android-gradle-mulchannel-plugin]( - Generate multiple apks from different channel.
- [gradle-android-apk-size-plugin]( - Gradle plugin that generates CSV files with apk size per output and variant of an apk.
- Build variant handling
- [gradle-advanced-build-version]( - Generate the Android version code and version name automatically.
- [gradle-config]( - Handle variant specific settings with yaml format.
- Icons
- [gradle-android-ribbonizer-plugin]( - Add a ribbon to launcher icons of Android apps.
- [gradle-android-appiconoverlay]( - Automatically overlay the app icon with the current git commit SHA1.
- [gradle-mdicons]( - Manage material design icons.
- Releasing
- [gradle-deploygate-plugin]( - Build and deploy apps to DeployGate.
- [testfairy-gradle-plugin]( - Official plugin to upload signed builds to TestFairy.
- [gradle-play-publisher]( - Manage your complete Play Store presence in your repository: Listing, Release Notes, APKs and App Bundles.
- Testing
- [gradle-plugin-robospock]( - Configure robospock (gradle + spock + roboelectric) easily.
- [unmock-plugin]( - Allow you to use selected classes from a real Android-Jarfile for Android unit testing.
- [gradle-monkey-plugin]( - Run Android monkey tests.
- Miscellaneous
- [ormlite-android-gradle-plugin]( - Generate an ORMLite configuration file and boost DAOs creations.
- [gradle-eclipse-aar-plugin]( - Use Android AAR libraries on Eclipse.
- [gradle-android-git]( - Manage Git dependency for Android apps.
- [Shot]( - Shot is a Gradle plugin that simplifies the execution of screenshot tests using [Screenshot Tests For Android by Facebook](

### iOS and Mac application development

- [gradle-xcodePlugin]( - Build iOS and Mac projects.
- [j2objc-gradle]( - Enable Java source to be part of an iOS application's build.

### Editor and IDE integration

- [eclipse]( - Official plugin that generates files that are used by [Eclipse IDE](
- [idea]( - Official plugin that generates files that are used by [Intellij IDEA IDE](
- [visual-studio]( - Official plugin that adds integration with Visual Studio.
- [goomph]( - Downloads an Eclipse IDE with all required plugins and creates a workspace with specified settings and projects.
- [gradle-sublimetext-plugin]( - Generate Sublime Text 2 project file.
- [gradle-syntastic-plugin]( - Integrate Java project with Vim and Syntastic.

### Templating

- [markdown-gradle-plugin]( - Convert Markdown to HTML.
- [gradle-twirl]( - Provide [Twirl]( template compilation and integration.

### Database

- [flyway-gradle-plugin]( - [Flyway]( database migration tasks.
- [liquibase-gradle-plugin]( - Use [Liquibase]( to manage your database upgrades.
- [gradle-migrations-plugin]( - Provide gradle build integration with [mybatis migrations](
- [ml-gradle]( - Automate everything involving [MarkLogic](

### Dependency management

- [gradle-versions-plugin]( - Provide a task to determine which dependencies have updates.
- [gradle-nuget-plugin]( - Execute NuGet.exe from Gradle.
- [gradle-dependency-analyze]( - Dependency analysis plugin for gradle.
- [gradle-dependency-lock-plugin]( - Allow people using dynamic dependency versions to lock them to specific versions.
- [gradle-git-repo-plugin]( - Use a private git repo as a Maven repository.
- [buildSrcVersions]( - Painless dependencies management.

### Debugging

- [gradle-groovysh-plugin]( - Start an interactive groovy shells.

### Testing

- [gradle-gatling-plugin]( - Run [Gatling]( scenarios.
- [gradle-console-reporter]( - Report test result to console.
- [gradle-test-logger-plugin]( - A Gradle plugin for printing beautiful logs on the console while running tests.
- [gradle-itest-plugin]( - This plugin adds integration testing support to the project

### Building

- [build-time-tracker-plugin]( - Continuously track and report your build times.
- [gradle-metrics-plugin]( - Collect Gradle build metrics and persist them to an external datastore.
- [nebula-plugin]( - A collection of Gradle plugins providing repeatable builds, immutable deployments and helping eliminate boilerplate code.

### Packaging

- [gradle-one-jar]( - Build self-contained executable jars that include all dependencies.
- [gradle-build-info-plugin]( - Include build information such as Git commit ID to your JAR.
- [gradle-replacer]( - Provide a minimalistic template engine feature.

### Releasing

- [gradle-ssh-plugin]( - Provide SSH facilities for continuous delivery.
- [maven]( - Official plugin that adds support for publishing artifacts to Maven repositories.
- [plugin-publish]( - Publish plugins to the Gradle Plugin Portal.
- [gradle-bintray-plugin]( - Publish artifacts to Bintray.
- [gradle-nexus-plugin]( - Configure and upload artifacts to Sonatype Nexus.
- [gradle-release]( - Automate releasing process. Similar to the Maven release plugin.
- [spotless-changelog]( - Parses changelog to calculate next version, then updates changelog on publish.

### Notification

- [announce]( - Official plugin that publishes messages to platforms such as Twitter or Growl.
- [gradle-slack-plugin]( - Send messages to Slack after each build.

### Cloud services

- [gradle-aws-plugin]( - Manage AWS resouces.
- [gradle-s3-plugin]( - Upload files to / download files from S3.
- [gradle-stash-plugin]( - Interact with the Stash SCM.
- [gradle-cf-plugin]( - Interact with CloudFoundry.

### SCM

- [gradle-git]( - Set of plugin to interact with Git repositories, publish files to gh-page, etc.
- [gradle-svntools-plugin]( - Provide various SVN-related tasks.
- [gradle-snapshot-plugin]( - Generate build metadata from SCM tools.

### CI

- [build-info]( - Artifactory's open integration layer for the CI servers and build tools.

### VM and container

- [gradle-vagrant-plugin]( - Manage Vagrant boxes.
- [bmuschko/gradle-docker-plugin]( - Gradle plugin for managing Docker images and containers.
- [nebula-docker-plugin]( - Nebula gradle plugin for reducing boilerplate in creating docker images.
- [palantir/gradle-docker]( - Build and push Docker images.
- [Transmode/gradle-docker]( - Build Docker images.

## Boilerplates

- [android-gradle-template]( - Template project for developing Android app.
- [vertx-gradle-template]( - Template project for developing Vert.x module.
- [gradle-plugin-starter]( - Template project for developing Gradle plugin.
- [gatling-with-gradle]( - Sample project that demonstrates how to automate load testing with [Gatling](

## Resources

### General Resources

- [GitHub Repository](
- [Gradle Forums](
- [Gradle Plugin Portal](

### Official Documentation

- [User Guide](
- [DSL Reference](

## Contribution

Contributions welcome! Read the [contribution guidelines]( first.

## License


To the extent possible under law, [Soichiro Kashima]( has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.