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# Embedded-AI-Report


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A curated list of awesome A.I. & Embedded/Mobile-devices resources, tools and more.

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# Awesome-Emebedded-AI

## Contents

- [Device Benchmark](#devicebenchmark)
- [Papers](#papers)
- [Classic](#classic)
- [Overview](#overview)
- [Representation](#representation)
- [Structure/Pattern](#structure)
- [Binarization](#binarization)
- [Pruning](#pruning)
- [Quantization](#quantization)
- [Low Rank Approximation](#lowrankapproximation)
- [Distillation](#distillation)
- [Execution/Frameworks](#frameworkpaper)
- [App-Experience](#experience)
- [Demo-Codes](#codes)
- [Android](#android)
- [iOS](#ios)
- [Vulkan](#vulkan)
- [Frameworks](#frameworks)
- [general](#general)
- [inference](#inference)
- [benchmark](#benchmark)
- [Course/Guide/Tutorial](#course)
- [Hardware](#hardware)
- [GPU](#gpu)
- [Company](#company)
- [News](#news)

# Device Benchmark

- [高通处理器规格表 | mydriver](

## CPU Devive

- [高通骁龙处理器排行榜,强大性能一览无余 | Qualcomm](
- [手机CPU性能天梯图 CPU performance of mobile comparison | mydriver](

## GPU Device

- [Adreno – Wikipedia](

- Qualcomm Adreno GPU Performance as below:
- [手机处理器天梯图_最新CPU天梯图_手机CPU性能天梯图 | ZOL中关村在线](

# Papers

## Classic

* [1512.03385] [Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition](
* [1610.02357] [Xception: Deep Learning with Depthwise Separable Convolutions](
* [1611.05431] **ResNeXt**: [Aggregated Residual Transformations for Deep Neural Networks](

## Overview

* [1703.09039] [Efficient Processing of Deep Neural Networks: A Tutorial and Survey](
* [1707.01209] [Model compression as constrained optimization, with application to neural nets. Part I: general framework](
* [1707.04319] [Model compression as constrained optimization, with application to neural nets. Part II: quantization](

## Representation

- [1707.09926] [A Framework for Super-Resolution of Scalable Video via Sparse Reconstruction of Residual Frames](
- [1608.01409] [Faster CNNs with Direct Sparse Convolutions and Guided Pruning](
* [SenSys ’16] [Sparsification and Separation of Deep Learning Layers for Constrained Resource Inference on Wearables](
* [IoT-App ’15] [An Early Resource Characterization of Deep Learning on Wearables, Smartphones and Internet-of-Things Devices](

## Structure

- [1704.06904] [Residual Attention Network for Image Classification]( [[code]](
- [BranchyNet: Fast Inference via Early Exiting from Deep Neural Networks](
* [CVPR2017] [Squeeze-and-Excitation networks (ILSVRC 2017 winner) at CVPR2017](
* [1707.06342] [ThiNet: A Filter Level Pruning Method for Deep Neural Network Compression](
* [1707.01083] [ShuffleNet: An Extremely Efficient Convolutional Neural Network for Mobile Devices](
* [1704.04861] [MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications](
- [1707.06990] [Memory-Efficient Implementation of DenseNets](
* [1706.03912] [SEP-Nets: Small and Effective Pattern Networks](

## Binarization

- [CVPR2017] [Local Binary Convolutional Neural Networks]( [[code]](
* [1707.04693] [Binarized Convolutional Neural Networks with Separable Filters for Efficient Hardware Acceleration](
* [1602.02830] [Binarized Neural Networks: Training Deep Neural Networks with Weights and Activations Constrained to +1 or -1](
* [1603.05279] [XNOR-Net: ImageNet Classification Using Binary Convolutional Neural Networks](
* [1705.09864] [BMXNet: An Open-Source Binary Neural Network Implementation Based on MXNet](
* [1606.06160] [DoReFa-Net: Training Low Bitwidth Convolutional Neural Networks with Low Bitwidth Gradients](

## Pruning

- [Learning to Prune: Exploring the Frontier of Fast and Accurate Parsing]( [[code]](
* [CVPR'17] [Designing Energy-Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks using Energy-Aware Pruning](
* [ICLR'17] [Pruning Filters for Efficient ConvNets](
* [ICLR'17] [Pruning Convolutional Neural Networks for Resource Efficient Inference](
* [ICLR'17] [Soft Weight-Sharing for Neural Network Compression](
* [ICLR'16] [Deep Compression: Compressing Deep Neural Networks with Pruning, Trained Quantization and Huffman Coding](
* [NIPS'16] [Dynamic Network Surgery for Efficient DNNs](
* [NIPS'15] [Learning both Weights and Connections for Efficient Neural Networks](

## Quantization

* [ICML'17] [The ZipML Framework for Training Models with End-to-End Low Precision: The Cans, the Cannots, and a Little Bit of Deep Learning](
* [1412.6115] [Compressing Deep Convolutional Networks using Vector Quantization](
* [CVPR '16] [Quantized Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Devices](
* [ICASSP'16] [Fixed-Point Performance Analysis of Recurrent Neural Networks](
* [arXiv'16] [Quantized Neural Networks: Training Neural Networks with Low Precision Weights and Activations](
* [ICLR'17] [Loss-aware Binarization of Deep Networks](
* [ICLR'17] [Towards the Limit of Network Quantization](
* [CVPR'17] [Deep Learning with Low Precision by Half-wave Gaussian Quantization](
* [1706.02393] [ShiftCNN: Generalized Low-Precision Architecture for Inference of Convolutional Neural Networks](

## LowRankApproximation

* [CVPR'15] [Efficient and Accurate Approximations of Nonlinear Convolutional Networks](
* [Accelerating Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Classification and Detection](
* [1511.06067] [Convolutional neural networks with low-rank regularization](
* [NIPS'14] [Exploiting Linear Structure Within Convolutional Networks for Efficient Evaluation](
* [ICLR'16] [Compression of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Fast and Low Power Mobile Applications](

## Distillation

* [1503.02531] [Distilling the Knowledge in a Neural Network](
* [Face Model Compression by Distilling Knowledge from Neurons](

## Joint Compression

- [1707.09102] [Fine-Pruning: Joint Fine-Tuning and Compression of a Convolutional Network with Bayesian Optimization](

## Kernel Selection

- [1703.09746] [Coordinating Filters for Faster Deep Neural Networks](
- [1606.05316] [Learning Infinite-Layer Networks: Without the Kernel Trick](

## Computation Precison/Resolution

- [ICML2017] [Analytical Guarantees on Numerical Precision of Deep Neural Networks](
- [1707.09068] [Tartan: Accelerating Fully-Connected and Convolutional Layers in Deep Learning Networks by Exploiting Numerical Precision Variability](
- [1708.00999] [Extreme Low Resolution Activity Recognition with Multi-Siamese Embedding Learning](

## Model Split

- [ASPLOS’17] [Neurosurgeon: Collaborative intelligence between the cloud and mobile edge](
- [1705.04630] [Forecasting using incomplete models](

## Others

- [1606.05316] [Learning Infinite-Layer Networks: Without the Kernel Trick](

- [1608.02893] [Syntactically Informed Text Compression with Recurrent Neural Networks](
- [1608.05148] [Full Resolution Image Compression with Recurrent Neural Networks](

- [1707.09422] [Hyperprofile-based Computation Offloading for Mobile Edge Networks](
- [1707.09855] [Convolution with Logarithmic Filter Groups for Efficient Shallow CNN](
- [1707.09597] [ScanNet: A Fast and Dense Scanning Framework for Metastatic Breast Cancer Detection from Whole-Slide Images](
- [1604.08772] [Towards Conceptual Compression](

## FrameworkPaper

* [1605.04614] [DeepLearningKit - an GPU Optimized Deep Learning Framework for Apple's iOS, OS X and tvOS developed in Metal and Swift](
* [MobiSys '17] [DeepMon: Mobile GPU-based Deep Learning Framework for Continuous Vision Applications](
* [MobiSys '17] [DeepEye: Resource Efficient Local Execution of Multiple Deep Vision Models using Wearable Commodity Hardware](
* [EMDL '17] [MobiRNN: Efficient Recurrent Neural Network Execution on Mobile GPU](
* [WearSys '16] [DeepSense: A GPU-based deep convolutional neural network framework on commodity mobile devices](
* [IPSN '16] [DeepX: A Software Accelerator for Low-Power Deep Learning Inference on Mobile Devices](
* [ISCA '16] [EIE: Efficient Inference Engine on Compressed Deep Neural Network](
* [MobiSys '16] [MCDNN: An Approximation-Based Execution Framework for Deep Stream Processing Under Resource Constraints](
* [MobiCASE '16] [DXTK: Enabling Resource-efficient Deep Learning on Mobile and Embedded Devices with the DeepX Toolkit](
* [MM '16] [CNNdroid: GPU-Accelerated Execution of Trained Deep Convolutional Neural Networks on Android](

# Experience

* 【技术共享】[怎么把人脸检测的速度做到极致](
* [基于OpenGL ES 的深度学习框架编写 - jxt1234and2010的专栏 - CSDN博客](

# Codes

## Model Compression

- [yonghenglh6/DepthwiseConvolution: A personal mobile convolution implementation on caffe by liuhao.(only GPU)](
- [liuzhuang13/DenseNet: Densely Connected Convolutional Networks, In CVPR 2017 (Best Paper Award)](
- [kevinzakka/DenseNet: PyTorch Implementation of "Densely Connected Convolutional Networks"](
- [hollance/MobileNet-CoreML: The MobileNet neural network using Apple's new CoreML framework](
- [AngusG/tensorflow-xnor-bnn: BinaryNets in TensorFlow with XNOR GEMM op](  
- [jonathanmarek1/binarynet-tensorflow](
- [farmingyard/caffe-mobilenet: A caffe implementation of mobilenet's depthwise convolution layer](  
- [kedartatwawadi/NN_compression](
- [chuanqi305/MobileNet-SSD: Caffe implementation of Google MobileNet SSD detection network, with pretrained weights on VOC0712 and mAP=0.727.](

## Model Encryption

- [OpenMined/Syft: Homomorphically Encrypted Deep Learning Library](

## Model Application

- [msracver/FCIS: Fully Convolutional Instance-aware Semantic Segmentation](
- [bearpaw/PyraNet: Code for "Learning Feature Pyramids for Human Pose Estimation" (ICCV 2017)](
- [aquaviter/iot-demo-mxnet-greengrass](
- [bearpaw/PyraNet: Code for "Learning Feature Pyramids for Human Pose Estimation" (ICCV 2017)](
- [CongWeilin/mtcnn-caffe: Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks](  
- [foreverYoungGitHub/MTCNN: Repository for "Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks", implemented with Caffe, C++ interface.](
- [OAID/mtcnn: C++ project to implement MTCNN, a perfect face detect algorithm, on different DL frameworks. The most popular frameworks: caffe/mxnet/tensorflow, are all suppported now](
- [Seanlinx/mtcnn: this repository is the implementation of MTCNN in MXnet](
- [LaoDar/cnn_head_pose_estimator: a simple and fast mxnet version CNN based head pose estimator](

## AR

- [ProjectDent/ARKit-CoreLocation: Combines the high accuracy of AR with the scale of GPS data](
- [bjarnel/arkit-tictactoe: Tic-Tac-Toe implemented using ARKit+Scenekit](
- [arirawr/ARKit-FloorIsLava: Basic ARKit example that detects planes and makes them lava.](
- [exyte/ARTetris: Augmented Reality Tetris made with ARKit and SceneKit](
- [bjarnel/arkit-portal: Simple portal demo implemented with ARKit+SceneKit, the trick is to change the rendering order and render invisible "masks" to hide what's inside.](
- [bjarnel/scenekit-tictactoe](

## Android

* [harvardnlp/nmt-android: Neural Machine Translation on Android](
* [TensorFlow Android Camera Demo](
* [KleinYuan/Caffe2-iOS: Caffe2 on iOS Real-time Demo. Test with Your Own Model and Photos.](
* [MXNet Android Classification App - Image classification on Android with MXNet.](
* [bwasti/AICamera: Demonstration of using Caffe2 inside an Android application.](
* [mtmd/Mobile_ConvNet: RenderScript based implementation of Convolutional Neural Networks for Android phones](
- [madeye/yolo-android: Quantized Tiny Yolo Demo on Android](

## iOS

* [MXNet iOS Classification App - Image classification on iOS with MXNet.](
* [Compile MXnet on Xcode (in Chinese) - a step-by-step tutorial of compiling MXnet on Xcode for iOS app](
* [KleinYuan/Caffe2-iOS: Caffe2 on iOS Real-time Demo. Test with Your Own Model and Photos.](
* [KimDarren/FaceCropper: Crop faces, inside of your image, with iOS 11 Vision api.](
* [hollance/TensorFlow-iOS-Example: Source code for my blog post "Getting started with TensorFlow on iOS"](
- [kingreza/SeeFood: Inspired by HBO's Silicon Valley: SeeFood is an iOS app that uses CoreML to detect various dishes](
- [hollance/TensorFlow-iOS-Example: Source code for my blog post "Getting started with TensorFlow on iOS"](
- [Naituw/CoreMLDemo: Demo for CoreML & Vision Framework](

## Vulkan

* [SaschaWillems/Vulkan: Examples and demos for the new Vulkan API](
* [ARM-software/vulkan-sdk: ARM Vulkan SDK](
* [alexhultman/libvc: Vulkan Compute for C++ (experimentation project)](

## Frameworks & Acceleration Library

* [Deep Learning in a Single File for Smart Devices — mxnet](
* [ARM-software/ComputeLibrary: The ARM Computer Vision and Machine Learning library is a set of functions optimised for both ARM CPUs and GPUs using SIMD technologies]( [Intro](
* [Apple CoreML](
* [Microsoft Embedded Learning Library](
* [mil-tokyo/webdnn: Fastest DNN Execution Framework on Web Browser](
* [jiaxiang-wu/quantized-cnn: An efficient framework for convolutional neural networks](
* [Tencent/ncnn: ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform](
* [JDAI-CV/dabnn: dabnn is an accelerated binary neural networks inference framework for mobile platform](

- [Darknet with NNPACK: NNPACK was used to optimize Darknet without using a GPU. It is useful for embedded devices using ARM CPUs](  
- [naibaf7/libdnn: Greentea LibDNN - a universal convolution implementation supporting CUDA and OpenCL](
- [blei-lab/edward: A library for probabilistic modeling, inference, and criticism. Deep generative models, variational inference. Runs on TensorFlow](
- [dmlc/nnvm-fusion: Kernel Fusion and Runtime Compilation Based on NNVM](

## Benchmark

* [baidu-research/DeepBench: Benchmarking Deep Learning operations on different hardware](
- [hollance/BNNS-vs-MPSCNN: Compares the speed of Apple's two deep learning frameworks: BNNS and Metal Performance Shaders](
- [DeepMark/deepmark: THE Deep Learning Benchmarks](

## Convertor

Model convertor. More convertors please refer [deep-learning-model-convertor](

* [NervanaSystems/caffe2neon: Tools to convert Caffe models to neon's serialization format](

## Mobile Video Process Library/Player

- [MTG/essentia: C++ library for audio and music analysis, description and synthesis, including Python bindings](
- [Pili-完美直播体验(Pili Streaming Cloud)](  
- [pili-engineering/PLDroidMediaStreaming: PLDroidMediaStreaming 是 Pili 直播 SDK 的 Android 推流端,支持 RTMP 推流,h.264 和 AAC 编码,硬编、软编支持。具有丰富的数据和状态回调,方便用户根据自己的业务定制化开发。具有直播场景下的重要功能,如:美颜、背景音乐、水印等功能。PLDroidMediaStreaming 是现在目前重点维护的版本,自带采集模块也支持用户自己做采集端。](
- [pili-engineering/PLDroidShortVideo: PLDroidShortVideo 是七牛推出的一款适用于 Android 平台的短视频 SDK,提供了包括美颜、滤镜、水印、断点录制、分段回删、视频编辑、混音特效、本地/云端存储在内的多种功能,支持高度定制以及二次开发。](
- [pili-engineering/PLDroidPlayer: PLDroidPlayer 是 Pili 直播 SDK 的安卓播放器。支持所有直播常用的格式,如:RTMP、HLS、FLV。拥有优秀的功能和特性,如:首屏秒开、追帧优化、丰富的数据和状态回调、硬解软解支持。而且可以根据自己的业务进行高度定制化开发。](
- [pili-engineering/PLMediaStreamingKit: PLMediaStreamingKit 是 Pili 直播 SDK 的 iOS 推流端,支持 RTMP 推流,h.264 和 AAC 编码,硬编、软编支持。具有丰富的数据和状态回调,方便用户根据自己的业务定制化开发。具有直播场景下的重要功能,如:美颜、背景音乐、水印等功能。](
- [pili-engineering/PLShortVideoKit: PLShortVideoKit 是七牛推出的一款适用于 iOS 平台的短视频 SDK,提供了包括美颜、滤镜、水印、断点录制、分段回删、视频编辑、混音特效、本地/云端存储在内的多种功能,支持高度定制以及二次开发。](
- [pili-engineering/PLPlayerKit: PLPlayerKit 是 Pili 直播 SDK 的 iOS 播放器。支持所有直播常用的格式,如:RTMP、HLS、FLV。拥有优秀的功能和特性,如:首屏秒开、追帧优化、丰富的数据和状态回调、硬解软解支持。而且可以根据自己的业务进行高度定制化开发。](
- [pili-engineering/PLPlayerKit: PLPlayerKit 是 Pili 直播 SDK 的 iOS 播放器。支持所有直播常用的格式,如:RTMP、HLS、FLV。拥有优秀的功能和特性,如:首屏秒开、追帧优化、丰富的数据和状态回调、硬解软解支持。而且可以根据自己的业务进行高度定制化开发。](

## Other Toolkit

- [facebook/fb-caffe-exts: Some handy utility libraries and tools for the Caffe deep learning framework.](
- [Samsung/iotjs: Platform for Internet of Things with JavaScript]( [code](
- [hollance/Forge: A neural network toolkit for Metal](
- [christopher5106/FastAnnotationTool: A tool using OpenCV to annotate images for image classification, optical character reading, etc.](  
- [raphui/rnk: rnk is a RTOS targeting ARM architecture.](

# Data Set

- [HandNet - A dataset of depth images of hands](

# Course

This part contains related course, guides and tutorials.

* [Deep learning **systems**: UW course schedule(focused on systems design, not learning)](
* [Squeezing Deep Learning Into Mobile Phones](
* [Deep Learning – Tutorial and Recent Trends](
* [Efficient Convolutional Neural Network Inference on Mobile GPUs](
* ARM® Mali™ GPU OpenCL Developer Guide [html](
* [Optimal Compute on ARM MaliTM GPUs](
* [GPU Compute for Mobile Devices](
* [Compute for Mobile Devices Performance focused](
* [Hands On OpenCL](
* [Adreno OpenCL Programming Guide](
* [Better OpenCL Performance on Qualcomm Adreno GPU](

- [Tutorial on Hardware Architectures for Deep Neural Networks | MIT MICRO-50](
- [基于mtcnn和facenet的实时人脸检测与识别系统开发 | 知乎专栏](
- [Creating insanely fast image classifiers with MobileNet in TensorFlow | HACKERNOON](
- [How to squeeze the most from your training data | KDNUGGETS](
- [Ubuntu16.04腾讯NCNN框架入门到应用 | CSDN](
- [Building Cross-Platform CUDA Applications with CMake | NVIDIA](
- [Caffe2 Bay Area Meetup (5/31/2017) | YouTube](

## Hardware

### GPU

* [Bifrost GPU architecture and ARM Mali-G71 GPU](
* [Midgard GPU Architecture](
* [ARM Mali-T880 GPU](
* [Mobile GPU market share](

# Company

- [Lift: A novel approach to achieving performance portability on parallel accelerators. | Where High-Level Programming Meets Performance Portability](
- [ – deep learning models on mobile](

# News


- [OpenCV 3.3版本发布](
- [鱼和熊掌兼得,DNN加入 OpenCV 全家桶 | 知乎专栏](
- [Qualcomm Snapdragon Neural Processing Engine (NPE) | Qualcomm Developer Network](
- [AI让芯片业洗牌: 苹果、微软和谷歌挤入赛道,英特尔、英伟达、高通、AMD几家欢乐几家愁 | 新智元](
- [解密图森:英伟达为何投资这家无人车公司;估值18亿背后有位长者 | 量子位](  
- [被英伟达相中,给Tier1供货,天瞳威视仅靠AI就搞定ADAS | 车东西](*X8wwn95LDDoauBV*GJIlk*DWEgLhmdZ5gddTV90tMZybHzU4iyJy7n3SZfs99YI4GewOq3LFpwPkrcGBIE20iavJ6jnDaM=)
- [ARM的最新NB-IoT报告 | 5G](*-D4=)
- [ARM发飙!几个月后手机处理器将因它们而变天! | 智趣狗](
- [人工智能和云计算让芯片业洗牌,英特尔成了最大输家 | 量子位](
- [The Rise of AI Is Forcing Google and Microsoft to Become Chipmakers | WIRED](
- [如何评价腾讯刚出的ncnn库? | 知乎](
- [沈向洋宣布微软开发 AI 芯片HPU,剑指英伟达等芯片巨头软肋 | 新智元](  
- [超越GPU,FPGA、ASIC和更智能的手机 | 新智元](  
- ["TensorFire - runs neural networks in the browser using WebGL"]( [[Demo: style-transfer]](
- [Getting Started with Neural Compute Stick and Rasbperry Pi 3 | YouTube](


* [We ported CAFFE to HIP - and here’s what happened… - GPUOpen](
* [Clarifai launches SDK for training AI on your iPhone | VentureBeat | AI | by Khari Johnson](