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⚡️ A curated list of awesome things related to Vite.js. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴

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Awesome Vite.js

A curated list of awesome things related to  68399⭐   6167🍴 Vite.js


## Table of Contents

Use the "Table of Contents" menu on the top-right corner to explore the list.

## Resources

### Official Resources

- 🌎 [Documentation](
-  68399⭐   6167🍴 [GitHub Repo](
-  68399⭐   6167🍴 [Release Notes](
- 🌎 [Vue 3 Docs](
-  72162⭐   9465🍴 [Awesome Vue](
- 🌎 [Migration from v4](

## Get Started

-  68399⭐   6167🍴 [create-vite]( - Scaffolding Your First Vite Project.
-    158⭐     28🍴 [create-vitawind]( - Scaffolding for TailwindCSS project.
-    173⭐     21🍴 [create-electron-vite]( - Scaffolding Your Electron + Vite Project.
-    222⭐     32🍴 [create-vite-app]( - Scaffolding Your Out Of The Box Vite Project.
-  23578⭐   2358🍴 [create-nx-workspace]( - Scaffolding a Nx + React + Vite + Vitest.
-    260⭐     14🍴 [bati]( - Scaffolding a Vike project.
-     69⭐      3🍴 [create-awesome-node-app]( - Scaffolding your project choosing between different templates.

### Templates

#### Vanilla

-    291⭐     33🍴 [vite-vanilla-ts-lib-starter]( - Starter for library (CJS, ESM, IIFE) with TypeScript, ESLint, Stylelint, Prettier, Jest, Husky + lint-staged.
-     55⭐      5🍴 [vite-tailwind-nojs-starter]( - NoJS Tailwind CSS starter template.
-     11⭐      2🍴 [vite-tailwind-stimulus-starter]( - Starter template for Tailwind CSS and Stimulus controllers.
-     18⭐      1🍴 [vite-phaser-ts]( - Starter template with Phaser and Typescript.
-      5⭐      1🍴 [vite-tinybase]( - Starter template for TinyBase.
-      8⭐      1🍴 [vite-tinybase-ts]( - Starter template for TinyBase and TypeScript.
-     40⭐      3🍴 [vite-vanilla-js-template]( - Starter template ESlint, Prettier, PostCSS, Nesting, Autoprefixer, CSS Nano, CSS Reset.
-     41⭐      2🍴 [vite-starter-markup-template]( - Starter template for Markup.
-     32⭐      0🍴 [create-domco]( - Starter template for domco SSG.
-     26⭐      3🍴 [vite-vanilla-library-template]( - Starter template TypeScript, ESLint, Vitest, Husky, Conventional Commits, GitHub actions.
-      3⭐      0🍴 [vite-alpine-template]( - Starter template for Alpine.
-     10⭐      0🍴 [vite-ts-lib-starter]( - Starter template for libraries with TypeScript, Bun, Vitest, Prettier, Renovate and np.
-      2⭐      1🍴 [vite-swagger-ui]( - Swagger UI with built-in support for multiple APIs.

#### Vue 3

-   8865⭐    933🍴 [Vitesse]( - Opinionated starter template.
-    429⭐     76🍴 [vite-ts-tailwind-starter]( - TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, e2e tests + CI.
-  25140⭐   6851🍴 [vue-vben-admin]( - Background management template based on Vue3, Ant-Design-Vue, TypeScript.
-  16215⭐   3075🍴 [vue-pure-admin]( - Background management template based on Vue3, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, element-plus.
-    918⭐     93🍴 [fast-crud]( - Options-oriented crud framework, developing crud as fast as lightning.
-   1111⭐    216🍴 [vitesse-lite]( - Lightweight version of Vitesse.
-   2896⭐    224🍴 [vitesse-webext]( - WebExtension Vite Starter Template.
-     59⭐     10🍴 [naive-ui-dashboard-template]( - UI friendly, Vue 3 + TSX + TailwindCSS 2 JIT + PostCSS + Naive UI.
- 🌎 [Vitawind Creator]( - Create TailwindCSS project rapidly.
-      ?⭐      ?🍴 [vue3-tailwind3-website-starter]( - Vue3 / Vite / TailwindCSS website starter template, with guides on each page.
-    255⭐     46🍴 [boot-vue]( - Starter template with TypeScript + UnoCSS + DaisyUI + Vue Router + Pinia.
-   3254⭐    477🍴 [Vue Naive]( - Admin template, base on Vue 3 + Pinia + Naive UI.
-   1726⭐    278🍴 [vue-admin-box]( - Admin template, based on Vue 3 + Element-plus.
-     16⭐      3🍴 [vite-vue-proste]( - Pinia + Typescript + Vue-Router4 + Vitest + Vue-Test-Utils + Vue-Query + Sass + ESLint + Stylelint + Prettier + `project presets`.
-     27⭐      4🍴 [vue-vite-ssr]( - Typescript, Eslint, Stylelint, Husky, Lint-staged and Commitlint.
-   1176⭐    241🍴 [vue3-vant-mobile]( - Vite5 + Vue3 + Vant4 + Pinia + Vue-Router4 + TypeScript Mobile Template.
-     13⭐      2🍴 [vue-vite-tw-ts]( - Vue 3 + Vite + Vitest + Cypress E2E + Naive UI + Pinia + Vue Router.
-    152⭐     42🍴 [vite-vue-js-starter-template]( - Vite + Vue3 + JavaScript + Vue Router + Pinia + TDesign + ESLint + Stylelint + Prettier Simple Template.
-    110⭐     21🍴 [vue-xs-admin]( - Based on Vue3, Vite3 ElementPlus, TypeScript, Pinia, VueRouter.
-     19⭐      1🍴 [vulcan]( - The template for mobile application. Vite, Vue 3, TypeScript, Sass, i18n, Vitest&Cypress, Pinia, APIs&Mock, ESLint, Prettier, auto-importing.
-    690⭐    121🍴 [antdv-pro]( - AntdvPro is a complete set of enterprise-level mid-backend front-end/design solutions based on Vue3, Vite4, ant-design-vue4, Pinia, UnoCSS and Typescript.
-     22⭐      6🍴 [vue3-quick-start]( - Building an engineered Vue 3 project, integrated with `Vite` + `Vue3` + `TypeScript` + `ESLint` + `Prettier` + `Commitizen` + `Husky` + `LintStaged` + `CommitLint` + `AutoImport` + `ReleaseIt`.
-     23⭐      2🍴 [antd-vue3-admin]( - A starter template based on Vue3, Vite4, TS5 and Ant-Design-Vue4.
-     32⭐      6🍴 [vue-file-upload]( - A file management system built with `Vue3` and `TypeScript` that allows for single and multiple file uploading with a preview feature.
-    122⭐     14🍴 [arco-admin]( - `Vite` + `ArcoDesign` + `TypeScript` follows `ESM` standards, offering an out-of-the-box,standardized, feature-rich template for middle and back-office management systems.
-     52⭐     14🍴 [materio-free-vuetify-nuxtjs-admin-template]( - Vuejs 3, Vite 5, Vuetify 3 & NuxtJS 3.
-      7⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-vue-style-bundler]( - Auto bundle Vue/sfc styles into JavaScript.
-    403⭐     60🍴 [celeris-web]( - Template based on `Vite` + `Vue3` + `TypeScript` + `Vue-Router` + `Pinia` + `Unocss` + `Naive UI` + `pnpm Monorepo`.
-    125⭐     14🍴 [vite-ts-starter]( - Vue `I18n` Dynamic Router Localization Template, Internationalized Applications with `UnoCSS` + `Unplugin` + `Element-Plus` + `Vitest` + `TypeScript` + `Vue-Router` + `Vuex` + `Scss` + `ESLint` + `Stylelint` + `Husky` + `lint-staged`.

#### Vue 2

-    195⭐     37🍴 [vite-vue2-windicss-starter]( - Vue 2, Vue Router, Composition API, VueUse, Windi CSS and TypeScript.
-     34⭐      5🍴 [vite-vue2-ts-starter]( - Vue2 TypeScript starter template using vue-property-decorator, vue-router, Vuex.
-     84⭐     30🍴 [vite-vue2-ts-vuetify-starter]( - It is the above vite-vue2-ts-starter with Vuetify and its optimized settings. Includes basic templates.
-    148⭐     14🍴 [vitify-admin]( - Vuetify admin starter template with full TypeScript support and intellisense of Vuetify components.

#### React

-    548⭐     50🍴 [Vitamin]( - React TypeScript, TailwindCSS, SPA + PWA, Cypress and CI.
-     90⭐     55🍴 [vite-template-react]( - A Create React App-like template.
-    127⭐     14🍴 [vitejs-template-react-rescript]( - React + ReScript.
-    165⭐     27🍴 [template-vite-react]( - A minimal React Vite starter template.
-    571⭐    107🍴 [reactjs-vite-tailwindcss-boilerplate]( - React 18, TypeScript, Vitest, Testing Library, TailwindCSS 3, Eslint and Prettier.
-    280⭐     57🍴 [vite-react-ts-tailwind-firebase-starter]( - Starter using Vite + React + TypeScript + Tailwind CSS (daisyUI) + Firebase (v9) + Prettier + ESLint.
-    128⭐     30🍴 [create-react-app-vite]( - React, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, MSW, Vitest, React Testing Library, ESLint, Prettier, GitHub Actions.
-   2394⭐    350🍴 [chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite]( - React + TypeScript + SASS + Prettier + ESLint + GitHub Actions + HMR(Hot Module Reload) + Turborepo + Chrome Extension Manifest v3.
-    133⭐     14🍴 [vite-rtk-query]( - React, TypeScript, Redux Toolkit, RTK Query, TailwindCSS, MSW, Jest, React Testing Library, ESLint, Prettier.
-     19⭐      4🍴 [vite-react-proste]( - React + TypeScript + `react-router-dom` + Recoil + SASS + Testing Library + `react-query` + ESLint + Stylelint + Prettier.
-    580⭐    132🍴 [React-PWA]( - React v18, TypeScript, Vite, React Router v6, MUI v5, Recoil, PWA, Eslint, Prettier, Husky, lint-staged, https localhost and more.
-     27⭐      4🍴 [react-vite-ssr]( - Mobx, Typescript, Eslint, Stylelint, Husky, Lint-staged and Commitlint.
-      ?⭐      ?🍴 [Viterts]( - React + TypeScript + Redux + React Router + Jest + ESLint + Airbnb + Prettier + SASS.
-     58⭐     12🍴 [ViteRC]( - React 18 + TypeScript + ESLint (Airbnb) + Prettier + Husky + Jest + Absolute imports + Commit linting.
-  22734⭐   4154🍴 [React Starter Kit]( - Jamstack, React, React Router, Material UI, Firebase Auth, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, Jest, GitHub Actions.
-     78⭐     14🍴 [vite-mern-template]( - React 18 + TypeScript + Vite + Redux Toolkit + ESLint + React Router DOM + Axios + React Icons + React Toastify + Express + Mongoose.
-     29⭐      9🍴 [Varsarr]( - React, Typescript, Styled-Components, Recoil, React-Query, Axios, Absolute imports.
-     44⭐      8🍴 [viterjs-template]( - React + JavaScript + Redux + Material UI + Axios + ESLint + Prettier.
-    102⭐      8🍴 [react-vite-ts-boilerplate]( - React 18, TypeScript, SCSS, ESLint, Prettier, Vitest.
-     54⭐     17🍴 [vite-react-universal-template]( - React18 + TypeScript + `react-router-dom` + Zustand + ESlint + Prettier + Stylelint + Husky + Docker, and APIs auto importing.
-     29⭐      4🍴 [react-vite-template]( - A react project template.
-     37⭐     14🍴 [react-xs-admin]( - The background management system template developed based on React18 + ReactRouteV6 + Vite + And Design + ReactIntl + ReactRedux + Emulation.
-     50⭐     13🍴 [vite-mui-ts]( - React + TypeScript + Redux + Material UI + RRD + ESLint + Prettier.
-     54⭐     12🍴 [template-vite-react-ts-tailwind]( - React + TypeScript + Tailwind CSS + Eslint + Prettier.
-     84⭐     10🍴 [vite-react-ts-template]( - React 18, TypeScript, ESlint, Prettier, Dev Container, Vitest, Storybook, Playwright, MSW, React Router 6, React Query, Chakra UI, Zustand.
-     13⭐      7🍴 [react-vite-tailwindcss-template]( - React, JavaScript, TailwindCSS, ESlint, Prettier, Pre-commit.
-      5⭐      1🍴 [vite-tinybase-react]( - Starter template for TinyBase and React.
-      9⭐      0🍴 [vite-tinybase-ts-react]( - Starter template for TinyBase, TypeScript, and React.
-     27⭐      5🍴 [vite-react-ssr-boost-template]( - Template for creating `React 18` SSR/SPA apps with `TypeScript`, `Mobx`, `React Router`, `Head Manager`, Suspense, Streaming. Also included CI/CD, `ESLint`, `Prettier`, `Stylelint`, `Husky`, `Semantic Release`.
-     69⭐     15🍴 [vite-react-ts-shadcn-starter]( - Template for creating `React 18` SPA apps with `TypeScript`, `React Router`, `Tailwind CSS`, `Shadcn UI`, `React Query`, `ESLint`, `Prettier`, `Stylelint`, `Husky`, `React-i18next`, `Transmart`.
-     11⭐      0🍴 [template-tauri-vite-react-ts-tailwind]( - Template for Tauri + React + Typescript + TailwindCSS + Prettier + ESLint build-in.
-    101⭐     21🍴 [vite-react-chakra-starter]( - Starter template for creating React App with TypeScript and Chakra UI. Configured with ESLint, Prettier, and Husky.
-     38⭐      2🍴 [vite-react-tailwind-starter]( - Starter template for creating React App with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS with Shadcn UI. Configured with ESLint, Prettier, and Husky.
-     67⭐      2🍴 [monorepo-template-react]( - React + Typescript template for SSR, SPG, SPA and API provision.
-      9⭐      5🍴 [vite-react-dapp-template]( - Starter template for decentralized app frontend development with preconfigured Wallet Authentication, i18n and UI features.
-     40⭐      8🍴 [vite-express-ssr-ts]( - React + Typescript + ExpressJS + Vite SSR template with inbuild api feature.
-     44⭐     20🍴 [vite-react-flow-template]( - React Flow starter template.
-     10⭐      1🍴 [react-vite-template]( - React, TypeScript, Vite, Mantine, Million, Husky, Prettier, Import Sorter, Lint-staged.
-      2⭐      0🍴 [gravity-ui-vite-template]( - Template with Gravity UI ecosystem (React, TypeScript, Gravity UI, Vite, Husky, ESLint, Prettier, Lint-staged).
-     42⭐      4🍴 [vite-react-component-library-starter]( - A starter template for creating React component libraries with `TypeScript`, `Tailwind CSS`, `Storybook`, `Vitest`, `ESLint`, `Prettier`, `Husky`, and `GitHub Action`.
-      1⭐      1🍴 [vite-template-awesome-soho]( - `DevContainer` Template for creating `React 18`, `Javascript + JSDoc`, `React Router`, `Ant Design`, `ESLint`, `EditorConfig`, `.env`, `SonarLint`, `Vitest`.
-      3⭐      1🍴 [react-component-library-vite]( - A library template for with `React`, `Javascript`,`Styled-Components`, `Vitest`, `React Testing Library`, `Storybook`.
-     10⭐      1🍴 [ReTail]( - Starter template for building Full Stack WEB applications with `Remix` using `TypeScript`, `Tailwind CSS`, `Prettier` and `ESLint`.
-      4⭐      1🍴 [vite-react-redux-saga-typescript]( - Starter template with `React`, `TypeScript`, `Redux (Redux Toolkit)`, `Saga`, `React Testing Library`, `ESLint`, `Prettier` and `Husky`.
-      7⭐      2🍴 [vite-complete-react-app]( - Starter template for building web applications using `React`, `TypeScript`, `Redux Toolkit`, `React Router`, `Axios`, `Sass`, `Moment`, `ESLint`, `Prettier` and `React Testing Library`.
-      6⭐      0🍴 [vite-react-framer-starter]( - Starter template with `React`, `TypeScript`, `Framer Motion`, `Tailwind CSS`, `ESLint`, and `Prettier`.
-      4⭐      1🍴 [vite-jsx-remove-attributes]( - Remove the `data-testid` (configurable) from production builds.
-      3⭐      4🍴 [React Tanning]( - Starter template with `React + Vite + TypeScript + TanStack + Tailwind`.
-      4⭐      1🍴 [Reactive]( - `React` starter template with `Remix` file-based routing convention for `react-router`, `UnoCSS`, `LinguiJs`, `zustand`, and ton of features.
-      2⭐      0🍴 [RVTGB]( - `React` + `TypeScript` starter template, with file-based routing with `Generouted` and `Biome`.
-      3⭐      0🍴 [vite-biome-tailwind-template]( - React, Typescript, Biome, Tailwind CSS.
-      8⭐      0🍴 [React Dapp Starter]( - Enterprise-ready Web3 DApp starter with `TypeScript`, `TailwindCSS`, `Web3Modal`, `Wagmi`, `Shadcn UI`, `Zustand`, and `TanStack Query` for scalable decentralized applications.
-      1⭐      2🍴 [vite-template-react-ts-jest]( - `React` + `TypeScript` + `Jest`.
-      5⭐      2🍴 [vite-amplify]( - Template with SSR + Express APIs + AWS Amplify Hosting.
-      1⭐      0🍴 [react-component-library-template]( - A library template for with `React`, `TypeScript`, `Vitest`, `React Testing Library`, `Storybook`, `Biome`, `Stylelint`.

#### Svelte

-  18699⭐   1938🍴 [SvelteKit]( - The fastest way to build Svelte apps.
-     57⭐      4🍴 [svelte-vite-ssr]( - Svelte with SSR support.
-     10⭐      0🍴 [template-vite-svelte-ts-tailwind]( - Svelte + TypeScript + Tailwind CSS + Prettier.
-      9⭐      3🍴 [vite-svelte-flow-template]( - Svelte Flow starter template.
-      0⭐      0🍴 [vite-svelte-docker-template]( - `Docker` + `Svelte` + `Vitest`.

#### Solid

-     64⭐      1🍴 [vitesse-solid]( - Opinionated Vite + SolidJS Starter Template. Includes TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, UnoCSS, HopeUI and more.
-      7⭐      0🍴 [vitesse-lite-solid]( - Lightweight Vite Starter Template for SolidJS.

#### Electron

-   4272⭐    563🍴 [electron-vite-vue]( - Electron + Vite + Vue template.
-   1900⭐    227🍴 [electron-vite-react]( - Electron + Vite + React template.
-    206⭐     27🍴 [electron-vite-boilerplate]( - Support SerialPort, SQLite3 and node C/C++ addons.
-    411⭐    110🍴 [electron-vite-template]( - Electron 13, Vue 3 and TypeScript. Make your desktop development easier.
-    187⭐     19🍴 [fast-vite-electron]( - Vue3 + Vite + Electron with esbuild.
-    305⭐     33🍴 [fast-vite-nestjs-electron]( - Vue3 + Vite + Electron + Nestjs with esbuild.
-    181⭐     23🍴 [vite-plugin-electron-quick-start]( - Template for Electron projects.
-      ?⭐      ?🍴 [vite-electron-builder]( - Electron apps using Vite for both back and front-end, with automatic releases.
-    309⭐     93🍴 [vite-reactts-electron-starter]( - React, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript and Electron.
-    591⭐    110🍴 [electron-vue-template]( - Electron template with TypeScript, including Electron Builder.
-     17⭐      1🍴 [Vitron]( - Build beautiful (win, linux, mac) desktop apps for modern web projects with vite and electron.
-    253⭐     21🍴 [Vutron]( - Electron + Vite + Vue 3 + Pinia (TypeScript) template.
-     54⭐      7🍴 [vite-electron-plugin]( - High-performance, esbuild-based Vite Electron plugin.
-    129⭐     12🍴 [vite-plugin-doubleshot]( - For building Node.js backend or Electron main process.

#### Neutralino

-      2⭐      0🍴 [vite-react-neutralino-template]( - Neutralino + Vite + React template.

#### Elm

-    130⭐     14🍴 [vite-elm-template]( - A default template for building Elm applications.
-     39⭐      2🍴 [elm_vite_tailwind_template]( - Opinionated template for building Elm web apps using Tailwind CSS and Daisy UI.

#### Petite-Vue

#### VanJS

#### GitHub

-     12⭐      0🍴 [github-action-template]( - Starter template for GitHub Actions, Typescript, ESLint, Vitest, Husky, Conventional Commits.

#### Others

-      ?⭐      ?🍴 [vit-singlefile-gzip]( - Starter template for embedded.
-      ?⭐      ?🍴 [11st-Starter-Kit]( - 11ty, powered by Vite with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js.
-     80⭐      5🍴 [chrome-ext-template-preact-windi-vite]( - Preact, Windi CSS, TypeScript, Prettier, ESLint, GitHub Actions and Chrome Extension Manifest v3.
-    486⭐     64🍴 [vite-vue3-chrome-extension-v3]( - Web extension starter template for Chrome, Firefox and Edge.

## Plugins

### Framework-agnostic Plugins

#### Integrations

-  68399⭐   6167🍴 [@vitejs/plugin-legacy]( - Legacy browser support.
-   3199⭐    208🍴 [vite-plugin-pwa]( - Zero-config PWA.
-    853⭐     65🍴 [vite-plugin-windicss]( - Windi CSS integration.
-    999⭐     48🍴 [vite-plugin-node]( - Integration with Node.js backend servers.
-    232⭐     37🍴 [vite-plugin-cesium]( - Integration with Cesium library.
- 🌎 [vite-plugin-linter]( - Extensible linter framework that shows the linting output in the Vite output and the browser console, includes ESLint & TypeScript ootb.
-    992⭐     86🍴 [vite-plugin-checker]( - Fast run checkers (TypeScript/VLS/vue-tsc, etc.) in worker threads with overlay and terminal hint.
-    159⭐      4🍴 [vite-plugin-tauri]( - Integrate Tauri in a Vite project to build cross-platform apps.
-   2367⭐    240🍴 [vite-plugin-federation]( - Support Module Federation, Inspired by Webpack Module Federation feature.
-    232⭐     36🍴 [vite-plugin-wasm-pack]( - Integration with rust   6302⭐    409🍴 [wasm-pack](, the simple way.
-    173⭐     18🍴 [vite-plugin-comlink]( - Use WebWorkers with the power of  11369⭐    390🍴 [Comlink]( to make them enjoyable.
-    120⭐     18🍴 [vite-plugin-sass-dts]( - This is a plugin that automatically creates a type file when using the CSS module type-safely.
-     31⭐     10🍴 [vite-plugin-ali-oss]( - Upload the production files bundled in the project to Ali OSS, except for HTML.
-    304⭐     11🍴 [vite-plugin-webfont-dl]( - Downloads and injects webfonts (Google Fonts) to improve website's performance.
-     53⭐     14🍴 [vite-plugin-babel]( - Babel integration for both build and server to support f.ex. decorators or class fields in pure JS/JSX files.
-    687⭐     56🍴 [vite-plugin-electron]( - Integrate Vite and Electron.
-     36⭐      2🍴 [vite-plugin-optimizer]( - Manually Pre-Bundling.
-     24⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-babel-compiler]( - The plugin works with Babel compiler.
-    108⭐     17🍴 [vite-plugin-commonjs]( - A pure JavaScript implementation for CommonJs.
-     82⭐      7🍴 [vite-plugin-mpa-plus]( - More flexible MPA (multi-page application) supports html templates, path rewriting.
-     25⭐      2🍴 [vite-plugin-multi-pages]( - Multi Pages Support,can build src/pages anyPage,can set prefixName.
-     22⭐      2🍴 [vite-plugin-html-template-mpa]( - Multi Pages Common template support.
-      5⭐      1🍴 [vite-plugin-vconsole-mpa]( - Multi Pages Vconsole supports,simple config.
-     66⭐      3🍴 [vite-plugin-browser-sync]( - BrowserSync.
-     60⭐      9🍴 [vite-plugin-jspm]( - Resolves dependencies independently from CDN providers using import maps and es-module-shims.
-      9⭐      1🍴 [vite-plugin-env-switch]( - Switch project env and restart vite server without command line operation.
-    118⭐     15🍴 [vite-plugin-virtual-mpa]( - Out-of-box MPA plugin, with html template engine and virtual files support, which generate multiple files using only one template.
-     23⭐      1🍴 [vite-plugin-stylelint]( - Runs Stylelint synchronously/asynchronously.
-      6⭐      0🍴 [Vite-plugin-graphiql]( - Integration for GraphiQL IDE.
-      9⭐      1🍴 [vite-plugin-graphql-server]( - Bootstrap a local GraphQL server for testing and documentaion.
-    342⭐     24🍴 [unplugin-fonts]( - Load font from Typekit, Google Fonts, Fontsource or your own custom one.
-     24⭐      2🍴 [unplugin-config]( - Configuration file generator for web apps, allowing external customization of global variables without repackaging.
-     42⭐      2🍴 [vite-plugin-svg-spritemap]( - Generates a SVG spritemap from multiple .svg files.
-      3⭐      7🍴 [vite-plugin-dc]( - Integration with @dvgis/dc-sdk library.
-     53⭐      4🍴 [@spiriit/vite-plugin-svg-spritemap]( - Pack your SVG files in one spritemap file and use them with ``/`` and directly in your CSS.
-      8⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-auto-mpa-html]( - A file directory-based automated multi-page build plugin that supports HTML templates using EJS.
-     55⭐      7🍴 [vite-plugin-cloudflare-functions]( - Cloudflare pages function integration.
-  84576⭐   9300🍴 [@storybook/builder-vite]( - Storybook builder.
-  13061⭐    434🍴 []( - Relocate resource intensive third-party scripts off of the main thread and into a web worker.
-      7⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-dynamic-proxy]( - Automatically configure reverse proxies based on URL parameters.
-     28⭐      0🍴 [unplugin-auto-export]( - Automates the maintenance of export statements in the index.ts file.
-    722⭐     35🍴 [remix-development-tools]( - Plugin for development tools.
-     55⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-legacy-swc]( - Legacy browser support with SWC.
-     45⭐      5🍴 [vite-plugin-biome]( - Biome linter.
-     23⭐      3🍴 [vite-plugin-oxlint]( - Oxlint linter.
-      5⭐      0🍴 [@tomjs/vite-plugin-electron]( - Easily develop `Electron` applications.
-     36⭐      6🍴 [@tomjs/vite-plugin-vscode]( - Easily use web frameworks to develop `VSCode Extension`'s `Webview`, and support `HMR` and `Debug`.
-      7⭐      1🍴 [vite-plugin-px-rem-vw]( - Integrate PostCSS plugin pxTorem and pxTovw.
-      1⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-mpg]( - Simple configuration of multi page applications.
-     15⭐      1🍴 [vite-plugin-pagefind]( - Integrate `pagefind` search.
-     11⭐      1🍴 [@mistjs/vite-plugin-px2viewport]( - A plugin that automatically converts inline styles and style files from px units to vw units.
-     18⭐      9🍴 [vite-multiple-assets]( - Add support for multiple public asset directories.

#### Loaders

-   4082⭐    145🍴 [unplugin-icons]( - Access thousands of icons as components.
-    933⭐     59🍴 [vite-imagetools]( - Load and transform images using url query parameters.
-    131⭐     13🍴 [vite-plugin-radar]( - All in one analytics loader (with 7+ providers supported).
-    319⭐     21🍴 [vite-plugin-glsl]( - Import shader file chunks.
-     29⭐      1🍴 [vite-plugin-svgo]( - Load SVGs as plain string and transform with SVGO library.
-      ?⭐      ?🍴 [vite-plugin-remark-rehype]( - Loads and transform markdown files using the unified ecosystem.
-     34⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-php]( - Load and process PHP-entry files instead of default index.html.
-     48⭐      2🍴 [vite-plugin-lqip]( - Generate low quality image placeholders (LQIP).
-      2⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-ms-clarity]( - Inject the Microsoft Clarity script to `index.html`.
-     11⭐      0🍴 [@cyco130/vite-plugin-mdx]( - Import MDX.
-     11⭐      0🍴 [vite-awesome-svg-loader]( - Imports SVGs as source code, base64 and data URI. Preserves stroke width, replaces colors with currentColor. Optimizes SVGs with SVGO. Creates SVG sprites.
-     15⭐      1🍴 [vite-plugin-dir2json]( - Convert the directory structure into json data containing supported file paths.

#### Bundling

-     97⭐     11🍴 [rollup-plugin-critical]( - Generate critical CSS.
-   1300⭐     90🍴 [vite-plugin-dts]( - Generate declaration files from `.ts` or `.vue` source files for lib.
-    170⭐     10🍴 [vite-compression-plugin]( - Use Node.js stream compress file to gzip or more.
-    348⭐     22🍴 [vite-plugin-chunk-split]( - Automatically code splitting, support unbundle in production.
-    287⭐     31🍴 [vite-plugin-static-copy]( - Copy files and folders.
-     17⭐      2🍴 [vite-plugin-zip-file]( - Compress files or folders into zip.
-     34⭐      7🍴 [vite-plugin-zip-pack]( - Pack distribution/build folder into a zip file.
-     69⭐      6🍴 [vite-plugin-cp]( - Copy files after building bundles.
-    198⭐     18🍴 [unplugin-imagemin]( - High performance compressed Picture based on squoosh and sharp.
-    330⭐     15🍴 [vite-plugin-image-optimizer]( - Optimize (compress) your image assets using Sharp.js and SVGO at build time.
-     60⭐      1🍴 [vite-plugin-no-bundle]( - Generate unbundled code for use with native ESM or other bundlers.
-    416⭐     26🍴 [vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js]( - Takes the CSS and adds it to the page through the JS.
-      6⭐      1🍴 [unplugin-zip-pack]( - Zip your dist with filter function support.
-    857⭐     58🍴 [vite-plugin-singlefile]( - Inline all JavaScript and CSS resources directly into the final `dist/index.html` file.
-    306⭐     22🍴 [vite-plugin-node-polyfills]( - Polyfill Node's Core Modules for browser environments.
-     74⭐      6🍴 [vite-plugin-cdn2]( - Replace module with CDN.
-     18⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-bundle-prefetch]( - Inject prefetch assets into `index.html`.
-     21⭐      2🍴 [vite-plugin-imagemin]( - Optimize and compress your image assets and optionally create WebP/AVIF.
-      6⭐      1🍴 [vite-plugin-lib-types]( - Generate DTS file while building library.
-     37⭐      4🍴 [vite-plugin-minipic]( - Efficient image compression tool.
-      8⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-robots]( - Generating `robots.txt`.
-     46⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-bundle-obfuscator]( - JavaScript obfuscator.
-      1⭐      0🍴 [@yuanjianming/unplugin-image-convert]( - Image multi format conversion plugin based on sharp.js.
-      2⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-dynamic-chunk]( - Split dependencies between entry and dynamic entry, and merge small chunks.

#### Transformers

-    591⭐     96🍴 [vite-plugin-html]( - Plugin to minimize and use ejs template syntax in `index.html`.
-     21⭐      3🍴 [vite-plugin-ts-nameof]( - Ability to resolve    493⭐     23🍴 [nameof]( in TypeScript.
-    184⭐     22🍴 [vite-plugin-handlebars]( - Process HTML files with Handlebars.
-     73⭐      9🍴 [vite-plugin-virtual-html]( - Make Vite MPA consistent with `@vue/cli`.
-    129⭐     18🍴 [vite-plugin-content]( - Convert `yaml`, `xml`, `ini`, `toml`, `csv`, `plist` and `properties` files to ES6 modules.
-     72⭐      6🍴 [vite-plugin-require]( - A Vite plugin that supports `require` by code transforming.
-    129⭐     18🍴 [vite-plugin-global-style]( - Deal with global styles for CSS, SASS, LESS and Stylus.
-     30⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-shared-modules]( - Share node_modules in monorepos.
-     38⭐      3🍴 [vite-plugin-pug-transformer]( - Pug template engine support.
-    239⭐     14🍴 [@import-meta-env/unplugin]( - Inject environment variables into the `import.meta.env` object after building the application instead of statically replacing it during production.
-     75⭐     15🍴 [@modyfi/vite-plugin-yaml]( - Transform YAML files to ESM with schema validation and error reporting.
-     58⭐      3🍴 [vite-plugin-html-inject]( - Split the `index.html` into smaller reusable pieces.
-     27⭐      4🍴 [unplugin-inject-preload]( - Inject `` to your `index.html` based on your build assets.
-      6⭐      2🍴 [@vituum/vite-plugin-handlebars]( - Handlebars template engine support, transforms `.hbs` templates to `.html`.
-      6⭐      0🍴 [@vituum/vite-plugin-pug]( - Pug template engine support, transforms `.pug` templates to `.html`.
-     11⭐      3🍴 [@vituum/vite-plugin-nunjucks]( - Nunjucks template engine support, transforms `.njk` templates to `.html`.
-     10⭐      1🍴 [@vituum/vite-plugin-liquid]( - Liquid template engine support, transforms `.liquid` templates to `.html`.
-     18⭐      1🍴 [@vituum/vite-plugin-twig]( - Twig template engine support, transforms `.twig` templates to `.html`.
-      1⭐      0🍴 [@vituum/vite-plugin-latte]( - Latte template engine support, transforms `.latte` templates to `.html`.
-      9⭐      0🍴 [@vituum/vite-plugin-posthtml]( - PostHTML support, transforms syntax to `.html`.
-      5⭐      1🍴 [@vituum/vite-plugin-juice]( - Juice support, transforms `.css` to inline styles in `.html`.
-     57⭐      7🍴 [vite-plugin-version-mark]( - Automatically use `package version` / `git commit` / `custom` to be inserted into your project as a unique identifier for the project version.
-     27⭐      1🍴 [vite-plugin-css-export]( - Export variables from CSS to JavaScript, and support nested rules.
-     30⭐      3🍴 [vite-plugin-optimize-css-modules]( - Generate the smallest possible CSS-Classes when CSS-Modules are used.
-      8⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-generate-html]( - Define separate output files for JavaScript and CSS bundles.
-    521⭐     12🍴 [vite-plugin-turbo-console]( - Enhance the readability of `console.log()`.
-     19⭐      1🍴 [vite-plugin-html-injection]( - Inject HTML, JavaScript and CSS code snippets into the `index.html`.
-     16⭐      2🍴 [vite-plugin-typescript-transform]( - Applies the TypeScript compiler during Vite's transform build phase.
-     12⭐      3🍴 [vite-plugin-public-typescript]( - Inject Typescript into `index.html`.
-     20⭐      1🍴 [unplugin-generate-component-name]( - Automatically generate component's name.
-     94⭐      9🍴 [@laynezh/vite-plugin-lib-assets]( - Extracts resource files referenced in `library mode` instead of embedded them as base64.
-     36⭐      2🍴 [css-media-splitter/vite-plugin]( - Extracts all `@media` At-rules into a dedicated `.css` files and download it only when matches the media query.
-      4⭐      0🍴 [@tomjs/vite-plugin-html]( - Support compression, loading, CDN and others for `index.html`.
-      3⭐      0🍴 [@tomjs/vite-plugin-iconify]( - Inject the global variable `IconifyProviders` into `index.html` for `iconify`, and support local area network and custom url.
-     98⭐      6🍴 [vite-plugin-icons-spritesheet]( - Generate a spritesheet and TypeScript types from SVG icons by listening to the icons folder changes.
-      1⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-abbrlink]( - Add the abbrlink attribute to the `markdown` file in the specified directory.
-     14⭐      1🍴 [vite-plugin-native]( - Supports Node/Electron C/C++ native addons.
-      1⭐      1🍴 [@yoichiro/vite-plugin-handlebars]( - Import of Handlebars templates `.hbs` as ES Modules.
-     11⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-magic-preloader]( - Generate `` or `` tags through magic comments and inject them into `index.html`.

#### Helpers

-   1332⭐     48🍴 [vite-tsconfig-paths]( - Support for TypeScript's path mapping.
-    213⭐     13🍴 [vite-aliases]( - Alias auto-generation based on project structure.
-    592⭐     39🍴 [vite-plugin-mkcert]( - Provide certificates https dev server.
-     75⭐      8🍴 [vite-plugin-vconsole]( - Help developers use vconsole to facilitate mobile development and debugging.
-     58⭐     13🍴 [vite-plugin-mock-server]( - Mock server plugin, support using TS and JS to write Mock API and HMR.
-    158⭐     28🍴 [vitawind]( - Install and Setting Tailwind CSS automatically.
-    168⭐     12🍴 [vite-plugin-restart]( - Restart the Vite server on file changes.
-    145⭐      8🍴 [vite-plugin-full-reload]( - Reload the browser on file changes.
-     61⭐      1🍴 [vite-plugin-tips]( - Provide better development server status tips on the page.
-     69⭐      6🍴 [vite-plugin-external]( - Provides a way of excluding dependencies from the runtime code and output bundles.
-   3274⭐    199🍴 [unplugin-auto-import]( - On-demand API auto-importing.
-   1280⭐     75🍴 [vite-plugin-inspect]( - Inspect the intermediate state of Vite plugins.
-    161⭐     11🍴 [vite-plugin-remove-console]( - A vite plugin that deletes console.log in the production environment.
-     19⭐      8🍴 [vite-plugin-dev-manifest]( - Generates `` during dev server, for backend integration with any language/framework.
-    406⭐     37🍴 [vite-plugin-watch-and-run]( - Watch some files (glob) and trigger a command. To enable any tool to have a watch mode.
-     71⭐     11🍴 [vite-plugin-dynamic-base]( - Resolve all resource files dynamic publicPath.
-     86⭐      3🍴 [vite-plugin-live-reload]( - Live reloading.
-      7⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-simple-vconsole]( - A debug console view inside your app to make mobile debugging easier, for both SPA and MPA.
-    150⭐      3🍴 [vite-plugin-qrcode]( - Show QR code on server start.
-     28⭐      5🍴 [vite-plugin-cem]( - Generates `custom-elements.json` manifest for describing custom elements.
-    482⭐     40🍴 [vite-plugin-web-update-notification]( - Detect webpage updates and notify user to reload. support vite and umijs.
-     14⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-browserslist-useragent]( - Compile browserslist query to a RegExp to test browser useragent.
-    168⭐      6🍴 [vite-plugin-validate-env]( - Validate your environment variables at build time. Never forget an environment variable again.
-     69⭐      6🍴 [vite-plugin-mock-data]( - Provides a simple way to mock data.
-     69⭐      6🍴 [vite-plugin-reverse-proxy]( - Sometimes we have to redirect scripts on production environment to debug and solve problems, the plugin will transform the script to be served with the `text/javascript` MIME type to `module` MIME type.
-     64⭐      7🍴 [vite-plugin-conditional-compile]( - Conditional compilation syntax based on environment variables.
-    168⭐     14🍴 [vite-plugin-mock-dev-server]( - Mock server for development, support CJS/ESM/JSON, auto-importing file and HMR.
-     29⭐      4🍴 [vite-plugin-api]( - Generate route mapping for API Routes services from the directory tree.
-     10⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-shortcuts]( - Add additional customized shortcut key population.
-    124⭐      8🍴 [vite-plugin-entry-shaking]( - Mimic tree-shaking behaviour when importing code from an entry file in development mode.
-      9⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-auto-alias]( - Automatically generate alias based on path.
-     10⭐      1🍴 [vite-plugin-image-placeholder]( - Generate placeholder images by path matches.
-      7⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-find-image-duplicates]( - Find if there are duplicate images in your project when building it.
-     32⭐      1🍴 [@froxz/vite-plugin-s3]( - Allows you to upload files to S3.
-    101⭐     12🍴 [vite-plugin-vitepress-auto-sidebar]( - Automatically generates sidebar data by scanning directories, based on vitepress.
-      9⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-global-const]( - Define constants for reuse of your code.
-      3⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-cli-copy]( - Start the project and automatically copy the terminal's network URL.
-      3⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-module-list]( - Automatically import the modules found in a specified folder.
-     80⭐      6🍴 [unplugin-info]( - Export build information as a virutal module.
-      3⭐      2🍴 [vite-plugin-auto-origin]( - Detect origin configuration automatically based on incoming requests to dev server.
-     28⭐      3🍴 [vite-plugin-deadfile]( - Find unused source files in the project.
-    158⭐      8🍴 [vite-bundle-analyzer]( - Utility that represents bundles as an interactive treemap.
-      5⭐      0🍴 [vite-font-extractor-plugin]( - Utility that minification bundle fonts by glyphs.
-     10⭐      2🍴 [vite-plugin-i18n-detector]( - Lazyload i18n locale resources.
-     21⭐      4🍴 [vite-plugin-ngrok]( - Integration with Ngrok, allowing you to easily share your local development server.
-      5⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-docker]( - Docker utility based on Dockerode.
-     29⭐      4🍴 [vite-plugin-api-routes]( - Generate route mapping for API Routes services from the directory tree.
-     76⭐      2🍴 [unplugin-detect-duplicated-deps]( - Detect duplicate packaged dependencies.
-     20⭐      1🍴 [vite-plugin-vitepress-auto-nav]( - Automatically generates `sidebar` and `nav` configurations by scanning directories, based on VitePress.
-     18⭐      2🍴 [vite-plugin-pretty-module-classnames]( - Adds the filename without the `-module` suffix to the class names of CSS modules.
-      6⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-serve-static]( - Allows serving arbitrary static files not in the `public/` directory.
-      4⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-valibot-env]( - Validate environment variables against a Valibot schema.
-      1⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-vitest-cache]( - Optimize `Vitest` execution time through caching.
-     14⭐      1🍴 [vite-preload]( - Preloads lazy loaded modules and stylesheets that were rendered by the server using 103 Early Hints, Link headers or link tags.
-      1⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-envtype-patch]( - Generate `type` info for `import.meta.env`.

#### Testing

-  13031⭐   1167🍴 [vitest]( - A Vite-native test framework.
-    166⭐      7🍴 [vitest-mock-extended]( - Type safe mocking extensions for Vitest.
-     88⭐     11🍴 [cypress-vite]( - Run Cypress specs using Vite.
-     60⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-doctest]( - Documentation testing for Vitest.
-     30⭐      1🍴 [@poyro/vitest]( - Test LLM integrations using Vitest.

#### Security

-      9⭐      0🍴 [vite-plugin-csp-guard]( - Lets you configure a Content Security Policy to your project, supports all directives and hashing.

### Vue


In this section, we use badges to indicate the targeted Vue version for each plugin.

![v2] for Vue 2 only, ![v3] for Vue 3 only, and ![v23] for plugins that compatible with both versions.

> 💡 SSR frameworks are listed at [SSR - Frameworks](#ssr).

#### Integrations

- ![v3]    491⭐    154🍴 [@vitejs/plugin-vue]( - Official Vue 3 support.
- ![v3]    491⭐    154🍴 [@vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx]( - Official Vue 3 JSX support.
- ![v2]    550⭐     46🍴 [@vitejs/plugin-vue2]( - Official Vue 2 support.
- ![v2]     57⭐      6🍴 [@vitejs/plugin-vue2-jsx]( - Official Vue 2 JSX support.
- ![v2]    621⭐     84🍴 [vite-plugin-vue2]( - Vue 2 integration.
- ![v2]    601⭐     39🍴 [unplugin-vue2-script-setup]( - Enabling `` syntax for Vue 2.

#### Routing

- ![v23] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;1870⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;127🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-pages]( - File system based route generator.
- ![v3] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;12⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0🍴</code></b> [v-route-generate]( - A tool to generate routes.
- ![v3] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;1667⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;81🍴</code></b> [unplugin-vue-router]( - Official experimental file based routing.
- ![v3] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-vue-routes]( - File-based routing, similar to SvelteKit and Next.js App Router.

#### Loaders

- ![v23] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;606⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;89🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-md]( - Markdown as Vue components / Vue components in Markdown.
- ![v3] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;61🍴</code></b> [vite-svg-loader]( - Load SVG files as Vue components.
- ![v2] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;19⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;9🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-vue2-svg]( - Load SVG files as Vue components.
- ![v3] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;58⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5🍴</code></b> [unplugin-svg-component]( - Load SVG files as a Vue component, supporting svg file HMR and Typescript intelligence prompt.
- ![v23] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-markdown-mermaid]( - Load Markdown files, with Mermaid rendering support.
- ![v3] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-style-vw-loader]( - Converting the inline style px to vw.

#### SSG

- ![v3] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;1341⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;137🍴</code></b> [vite-ssg]( - Server-side generation.

#### Ecosystem

- ![v3] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;242⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;36🍴</code></b> [unplugin-vue-i18n]( - Integration for Vue I18n.
- ![v3] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;31⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-i18n-resources]( - Load i18n translation message files.
- ![v3] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-i18n-autoimport]( - Auto import i18n config file for components.

#### Transformers

- ![v3] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;173⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;41🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-md-preview]( - Markdown code preview.
- ![v3] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;35⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-vue-preview]( - Code preview for Vue SFC in Markdown, supports online editing.
- ![v3] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;17⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-vue-css-modules]( - Implicit usage of CSS Modules for template and script SFC tags with static replacement.

#### Helpers

- ![v23] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3818⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;352🍴</code></b> [unplugin-vue-components]( - On-demand components auto-importing.
- ![v3] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;212⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-vue-gql]( - GraphQL Tags for your Vue SFC.
- ![v2] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;9⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-vue2-suffix]( - Compatible without '.vue' suffix.
- ![v23] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;691⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;71🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-vue-inspector]( - Jump to local IDE source code while click the element of browser.
- ![v23] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-vue-static-sfc]( - Serve ".vue" files as static assets.
- ![v3] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;1625⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;71🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-vue-devtools]( - Designed to enhance the Vue developer experience.
- ![v3] <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;97⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-vue-nested-sfc]( - Nest SFCs inside your SFC.

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### React

#### Official

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;605⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;113🍴</code></b> [@vitejs/plugin-react]( - Official React support that uses Babel.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;851⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;57🍴</code></b> [@vitejs/plugin-react-swc]( - Official React support that uses SWC.

#### Presets

#### Routing

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;1064⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;51🍴</code></b> [generouted]( - Client-side type-safe file-based routing and global modals — supports layouts, loaders, code-splitting and more.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;10⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1🍴</code></b> [unplugin-remix-router]( - Generates a React Router file, that depends on Remix v2 file-based router convention.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-remix-flat-routes]( - Remix-flat-routes convention-based routing, compatible with react-router data-api routing.

#### Loaders

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;562⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;54🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-svgr]( - Transform SVGs into React components.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;7⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-react-rich-svg]( - Seamless SVG loader with versatile import options; such as DataURI, SVGR Component and Raw HTML Code.

#### Transformers

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;181⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5🍴</code></b> [@stylin/vite-plugin]( - Transform CSS and SCSS modules into React components.

#### Framework

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;459⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;70🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-react-pages]( - A Vite framework for building React app.

#### Helpers

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;43⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-react-click-to-component]( - Uses Vite's launch middleware to enable alt+click to go to component.

#### SSG

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;114⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6🍴</code></b> [vite-react-ssg]( - Static-site generation for React.

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> 💡 SSR frameworks are listed at [SSR - Frameworks](#ssr).


### Preact

#### Presets

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;260⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;26🍴</code></b> [@preact/preset-vite]( - Preact preset. HMR, automatic Preact inject, removal of DevTools in prod.


### Svelte

#### Integrations

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;862⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;105🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-svelte]( - Adds Svelte support. Official plugin of Svelte team.

#### Helpers

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;406⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;37🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-kit-routes]( - Generates a file with all the routes, params, actions of your SvelteKit App.


### Solid

#### Integrations

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;440⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;51🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-solid]( - Provides JSX transformation for Solid.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;75⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;10🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-solid-svg]( - Import SVG files as Solid.js Components.

#### Routing

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;1064⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;51🍴</code></b> [generouted]( - Client-side type-safe file-based routing and global modals — supports layouts, loaders, code-splitting and more.


### Elm

#### Integrations

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;201⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;31🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-elm]( - A plugin that enables you to compile an Elm module.


### Angular

#### Integrations


### Fastify

#### Integrations

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;10⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-fastify]( - Fastify plugin for Vite with Hot-module Replacement.

#### Routing

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-fastify-routes]( - File-based routing, similar to SvelteKit and Next.js App Router.


### Electron

#### Integrations

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3475⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;150🍴</code></b> [electron-vite]( - An Electron CLI integrated with Vite.

#### Presets


### Rollup Plugins

- 🌎 [Vite Rollup Plugins]( - Compatibility list for official rollup plugins.

#### Included in Vite

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-alias]( - Define and resolve aliases for bundle dependencies.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-commonjs]( - Convert CommonJS modules to ES6.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-dynamic-import-vars]( - Resolving dynamic imports that contain variables.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-json]( - Convert `.json` files to ES6 modules.

#### Covered by default in Vite

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-babel]( - Compile your files with Babel.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-buble]( - Compile ES2015 with buble.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-data-uri]( - Import modules from Data URIs.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-html]( - Create HTML files to serve Rollup bundles.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-node-resolve]( - Locate and bundle third-party dependencies in node_modules.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-sucrase]( - Compile TypeScript, Flow, JSX, etc with Sucrase.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-typescript]( - Integration between Rollup and TypeScript.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-wasm]( - Import WebAssembly code with Rollup.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-url]( - Import files as data-URIs or ES Modules.

#### Compatible with Vite

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-beep]( - System beeps on errors and warnings.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-dsv]( - Convert `.csv` and `.tsv` files into JavaScript modules with d3-dsv.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-eslint]( - Verify entry point and all imported files with ESLint.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-graphql]( - Convert .gql/.graphql files to ES6 modules.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-image]( - Import JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG, and WebP files (needs `enforce: 'pre'`).
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-inject]( - Scan modules for global variables and injects import statements where necessary.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-legacy]( - Add export declarations to legacy non-module scripts.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-replace]( - Replace strings in files while bundling.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-strip]( - Remove debugger statements and functions from your code.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-virtual]( - A Rollup plugin that loads virtual modules from memory.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;3642⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;590🍴</code></b> [@rollup/plugin-yaml]( - Convert YAML files to ES6 modules.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;78⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5🍴</code></b> [rollup-plugin-graphql-codegen]( - Generating type definitions for GraphQL tag template strings in worker_threads.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;78⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5🍴</code></b> [rollup-plugin-i18next-dts-gen]( - Generating type definitions from i18n JSON files are used for code hinting and validation.

#### Community

- Check the <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;2563⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;139🍴</code></b> [Awesome Rollup list]( for community-maintained rollup plugins, and refer to the Vite docs section about 🌎 [rollup plugin compatibility](

## SSR


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### Libraries

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;4327⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;348🍴</code></b> [Vike]( - Like Nuxt/Next.js but as a do-one-thing-do-it-well plugin. ![react] ![vue3] ![vue2] ![svelte]
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;2607⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;284🍴</code></b> [ssr]( - A Server Side Rendering framework combined with Webpack/Vite. ![react] ![vue3] ![vue2]
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;473⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;12🍴</code></b> [vavite]( - A tool for developing and building server-side applications with live reloading capabilities.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;12⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0🍴</code></b> [vue-ssr]( - Minimalistic wrapper to develop and run SSR powered Vue apps. ![vue3]
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;88⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3🍴</code></b> [vite-ssr-boost]( - Server side rendering library for create awesome app based on `react-router`. ![react]
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;113⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6🍴</code></b> [SSRx]( - A thin layer on top of Vite to build modern SSR apps with a delightful DX.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;2108⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;80🍴</code></b> [Vinxi]( - The Full Stack JavaScript SDK. Allows adding SSR to a Vite app.

### Frameworks

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;1064⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;29🍴</code></b> [Rakkas]( - React framework inspired by Next.js and SvelteKit. ![react]
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;15⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1🍴</code></b> [Vise]( - SSR framework with server hooks. ![react] ![vue3]
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;901⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;42🍴</code></b> [@fastify/fastify-dx]( - Allowing you to serve static or live (SSR).
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;98⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;14🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-vercel]( - Vercel adapter.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0🍴</code></b> [vite-vlugin-vercel-skew-protection]( - Helps configure Vercel Skew Protection.

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## Integrations with Backends

### Adobe Experience Manager

### Craft CMS

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;52⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;16🍴</code></b> [Craft Vite]( - Plugin for integration with Craft CMS.

### Django

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;570⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;72🍴</code></b> [django-vite]( - Integration for Django applications.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;108⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;13🍴</code></b> [django-vite-plugin]( - Integration for Django applications including vite plugin.

### Flask

- 🌎 [Flask-Vite]( - Integration with Flask.

### Ruby on Rails

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;1326⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;122🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-ruby]( - Configuration for Ruby backends.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;1326⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;122🍴</code></b> [Vite Ruby]( - Integration for Rails, Hanami, Padrino, and Rack apps.

### Laravel

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;601⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;70🍴</code></b> [Laravel Vite]( - Integration for the Laravel framework.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;804⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;152🍴</code></b> [Laravel Vite Plugin]( - Laravel official plugin for Vite.

### CakePHP

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;20⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6🍴</code></b> [cakephp-vite]( - Integration for CakePHP.

### WordPress

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;132⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;12🍴</code></b> [wordpress-vite-assets]( - Integration for WordPress themes.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;19⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0🍴</code></b> [Kima]( - Starter theme with Twig.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;2115⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;156🍴</code></b> [WordPlate]( - Starter app with Composer.


- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-typo3]( - Frontend integration for TYPO3 CMS.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;41⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;12🍴</code></b> [vite-asset-collector for TYPO3]( - Backend integration for TYPO3 CMS.

### Go

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;29⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5🍴</code></b> [vite]( - Integration with Go.

### Rust

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;1537⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;63🍴</code></b> [create-rust-app]( - Integration for Rust web apps.

### OctoberCMS

### Symfony

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;231⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;24🍴</code></b> [Vite Bundle]( - Integration for Symfony.

### Shopify

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;287⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;45🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-shopify]( - Integration for Shopify themes.

### CodeIgniter

### DDEV

### Node.js

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;655⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;38🍴</code></b> [vite-express]( - Integration for Express web apps.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;12⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1🍴</code></b> [vite-manifest-parser]( - Parses manifest.json to generate HTML script and link tags.

### ASP.NET Core

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;254⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;34🍴</code></b> [Vite.AspNetCore]( - Integration with ASP.NET Core projects.

### Drupal

- 🌎 [Vite module]( - Backend integration for Drupal.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;17⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;7🍴</code></b> [vite-plugin-twig-drupal]( - Support for Twig with includes/embeds and Drupal specific twig features.

### PHP

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;30⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2🍴</code></b> [PHP-Vite]( - Integration for PHP, Composer package, no framework dependencies.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;19⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1🍴</code></b> [PHP-Vite Starter Repo]( - Starter repository, with TypeScript/JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, SASS/SCSS, EJS, SVG and image support.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0🍴</code></b> [php-vitelinker]( - A CLI tool that generates includable PHP files after building bundles.

## Migrations

### Vue CLI

### React

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;132⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3🍴</code></b> [Viject]( - One-shot migration tool from Create React App.

## Projects Using Vite.js

### Open Source

- <b><code>&nbsp;13047⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;2105🍴</code></b> [VitePress]( - Static Site Generator powered by Vite and Vue.
- <b><code>&nbsp;33259⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;1350🍴</code></b> [Slidev]( - Presentation Slides for Developers.
- <b><code>&nbsp;46608⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;2474🍴</code></b> [Astro]( - Modern Static Site Builder.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;554⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;35🍴</code></b> [Hathora]( - Multiplayer game framework.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;7915⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;462🍴</code></b> [Nhost]( - Nhost is an Open Source Firebase Alternative with GraphQL.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;2616⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;91🍴</code></b> [Ladle]( - Tool for developing and testing component stories powered by Vite and React.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;458⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;67🍴</code></b> [IslandJS]( - Static site generator base on islands architecture.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;329⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;10🍴</code></b> [Vituum]( - Wrapper around Vite with predefined config, integrations and template engines.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;189⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;12🍴</code></b> [Compiiile]( - Preview or host folders containing Markdown files with full-text search and presentation slides.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;27⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1🍴</code></b> [Gracile]( - A meta-framework powered by Lit SSR.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;117⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5🍴</code></b> [@lazarv/react-server]( - A React meta-framework.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;4463⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;185🍴</code></b> [WXT]( - Framework for building web extensions, with the same DX as Nuxt.

### Apps/Websites

- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;5487⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;259🍴</code></b> [Icônes]( - Icon explorer with instant search.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;98⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;11🍴</code></b> [Awesome CN Café]( - Web application for Awesome CN Café.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;42⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;16🍴</code></b> [Todo Example]( - Todo app with routing and state management.
- 🌎 []( - A task-based time tracker for everyday use.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;?⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;?🍴</code></b> [macOS in Svelte]( - macOS Desktop experience for Web in Svelte.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;952⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;343🍴</code></b> [vue3-realworld-example-app]( - Realworld app implementation using Vue 3 + TypeScript + Composition API.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;78⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;12🍴</code></b> [react-device-frameset]( - This is yet another device frameset component for React.
- 🌎 [Preview.js]( - An IDE extension to instantly preview React, Vue 2 and Vue 3 components.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;22⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2🍴</code></b> [pointer-lock-movement]( - A pointer lock movement manager for customizing your own creative UI.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;64⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1🍴</code></b> [vite-run]( - Multiple configuration execution support for vite, freely combining configurations like stacked blocks.
- <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;20⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1🍴</code></b> [Dataviz Explorer]( - A tool for large CSV, database, and real-time visualization with interactive plots using `Highcharts`, `Chart.js`, `React`, `JavaScript`, `Material UI` and `GitHub Actions with Coverage Report`.

## Source
<b><code>&nbsp;14352⭐</code></b> <b><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;1138🍴</code></b> [vitejs/awesome-vite](