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Awesome Egg.js Web Framework and Plugin.

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Awesome Egg.js Web Framework and Plugin.

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# Awesome Egg.js

An awesome list that curates the best Egg.js plugins, tools, tutorials, articles and more. PRs are welcome!

## Contents

- [Blogs](#blogs)
- [Articles](#articles)
- [Tutorials](#tutorials)
- [Conferences](#conferences)
- [Plugins](#plugins)
- [Applications](#applications)
- [Boilerplates](#boilerplates)
- [Frameworks](#frameworks)
- [APM Solution](#apm-solution)

Many thanks to everyone on the [contributor list]( :)

## Blogs

- [Egg.js 知乎专栏](

## Articles

- [Egg.js 1.0.0 正式发布 - 企业级 Node.js 框架](
- [如何评价阿里开源的企业级 Node.js 框架 EggJS?](
- [Egg源码解析之egg-cluster](
- [结合源码解密egg运行原理](
- [Egg.js开发七牛云备份项目总结](
- [可能是最好的 JS Assert 库 - 皇帝的新衣](
- [Node.js 中 source map 使用问题总结](

## Tutorials

- [Egg.js 爬坑日记快速入门(一)](
- [Egg.js 爬坑日记使用一个插件(二)](
- [Egg.js 爬坑日记编写一个service(三)](
- [koa和egg项目webpack内存编译和热更新实现](
- [Egg + Webpack 热更新实现](
- [深夜放毒——阿里开源的企业级Node框架Egg使用指南](

## Conferences

- [egg - 企业级 node 框架 @天猪](
- [Egg.js在阿里巴巴集团的的实践运用 @庄少](
- [Egg & Node.js 从小工坊走向企业级开发 @天猪](
- [脆弱的Node.js - Security risk in Node Web @姜天意](
- [Node.js at Alibaba [A] @Joyee Cheung](

## Plugins

- [egg-alinode]( - alinode plugin for egg
- [egg-aliyun-api-gateway]( - aliyun-api-gateway for eggjs
- [egg-apigw-tracer]( - 适配 API 网关的 HTTP 请求示踪器,用于 Egg.js 框架
- [egg-bull]( - The fastest, most reliable, Redis-based queue for Egg.js
- [egg-cockroach]( - CockroachDB 的 eggjs 插件
- [egg-datahub]( - Macaca [DataHub](// plugin for Egg.js
- [egg-dingtalk]( - dingtalk plugin for egg
- [egg-downloader]( - download file plugin for egg
- [egg-graphql]( - Graphql for Egg.js
- [egg-grpc]( - grpc plugin for egg
- [egg-leancloud]( - leancloud plugin for Egg.js
- [egg-loopback]( - Loopback plugin for egg (nosql for mysql,mongoo,redis,Oracle,PostgreSQL..)
- [egg-mongoose]( - mongoose plugin for egg
- [egg-mongo-native]( - The native MongoDB driver for Egg.js
- [egg-neo4j]( - Neo4j plugin for egg framework
- [egg-oss]( - aliyun oss plugin for egg
- [egg-rbac]( - Role Based Access Control for eggjs (now support RBAC0 level)
- [egg-redis]( - redis plugin for egg
- [egg-rest]( - Restful API plugin for egg
- [egg-router-group]( - have the ability to route group operations for egg
- [egg-router-plus]( - The missing router feature for eggjs
- [egg-sequelize]( - Sequelize for Egg.js
- [egg-session-redis]( - redis store for egg session
- []( - egg plugin for
- [egg-tracer]( - tracer plugin for egg
- [egg-userrole]( - user role plugin for egg
- [egg-valid]( - another validate plugin for egg
- [egg-validate]( - validate plugin for egg
- [egg-weapp-sdk]( - Egg的微信小程序登录会话管理SDK
- [egg-wechat-api]( - WechatApi for egg
- [egg-zookeeper]( - zookeeper plugin for egg
- [egg-hashids]( - generate a short unique ID from the integer for eg

## Applications

- [egg-cnode]( The largest Chinese Node.js forum that rewritten in egg.js
- [egg-ant-design-pro]( Egg love Ant Design Pro
- [API Mocker]( - Api Mocker is more of an api management system than a mocker
- [egg-24time]( - A Twitter-like news and social server for Egg. 微信小程序社区全栈解决方案
- [egg-restapi-module-tool]( - a example of eggjs, react, antd, dva, webpack, mysql, restful api and other stuff made it work...
- [egg-mongodb-example]( - a example of eggjs, mongodb, restful api and other stuff made it work...
- [hamkd]( - 寒门知识社区官网源码
- [mtime]( - A MVC mTime websit build with egg
- [egg-RESTfulAPI]( - 基于Egg.js 2.0 & {mongoose,jwt,upload}等RESTful API 模板,用于快速集成开发RESTful前后端分离的服务端,接口处理良好适配Ant Desigin Pro
- [egg-commerce]( - 使用egg + sequelizejs 搭建的电商平台,集成支付宝面对面支付、手机唤醒客户端支付
- [Marmot]( - Marmot 平台是 [Macaca](// 生态成员,能够管理自动化流程各环节。

## Boilerplates

- [egg-boilerplate-empty]( - Boilerplate for egg simple project, as empty as possible
- [egg-boilerplate-simple]( - Boilerplate for egg simple project
- [egg-boilerplate-plugin]( - Boilerplate for egg plugin
- [egg-boilerplate-framework]( - Boilerplate for egg framework
- [egg-react-webpack-boilerplate]( - 基于Egg + React + Webpack3/Webpack2 多页面和单页面服务器渲染同构工程骨架项目
- [egg-vue-webpack-boilerplate]( - 基于egg-view-vue, egg-view-vue-ssr, egg-webpack, egg-webpack-vue插件的多页面和单页面服务器渲染同构工程骨架项目
- [egg-react-mobx-ts-antd]( - Start node with eggjs, react, mobx-react, typescript and ant design.
- [egg-react-mobx-webpack2-boilerplate]( - a quick boilerplate
- [egg-multi-boilerplate]( - eggjs 的 boilerplate 项目 综合了webpack,browserSync的多页应用配置
- [generator-eggjs]( - Yeoman generator for egg
- [egg-mix]( - 基于 Laravel Mix 和 Egg 的后端渲染多页应用工程化脚手架
- [egg-ts-boilerplate]( - 用 TypeScript 写 Egg 应用

## Frameworks

- [beidou]( - Isomorphic framework for server-rendered React apps
- [aliyun-egg]( - node web framework for aliyun, base on eggjs
- [avet]( - A very comfortable framework for writing isomorphic applications
- [EggBorn.js]( - The Ultimate Javascript Full Stack Framework

## APM Solution

- [Skywalking Node.js]( - Apache SkyWalking(incubator) provides an APM solution for Node.js server application