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- Created: 2022-04-26T04:35:27.000Z (almost 3 years ago)
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# Awesome Hyperparameter Optimization
We would like to maintain a list of resources about Hyperparameter Optimization.We mark work contributed by [Thinklab]( with ✨.
*Maintained by members in SJTU-Thinklab: Wei Liu, Shuwan Feng and Junchi Yan.*
We are looking for post-docs interested in machine learning especially for learning combinatorial solvers, dynamic graphs, and reinforcement learning. Please send your up-to-date resume via yanjunchi AT
## [Content](#content)
2 Classical Optimization Technique
3.1 Multi-fidelity Optimization
4 Dynamic Algorithm Configuration
4.2 Population-based Algorithm
4.3 Reinforcement Learning Method
## [Survey](#content)
1. **Algorithms for hyper-parameter optimization** NeurIPS, 2011. [paper](
*Bergstra, James and Bardenet, R{\\'e}mi and Bengio, Yoshua and K{\\'e}gl, Bal{\\'a}zs*
2. **Taking the human out of the loop: A review of Bayesian optimization** Proceedings of the IEEE, 2015. [paper](
*Shahriari, Bobak and Swersky, Kevin and Wang, Ziyu and Adams, Ryan P and De Freitas, Nando*
3. **A review of automatic selection methods for machine learning algorithms and hyper-parameter values** Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, 2016. [paper](
*Luo, Gang*
4. **Hyperparameter optimization in learning systems** Journal of Membrane Computing, 2019. [paper](
*Andonie, R{\\u{a}}zvan*
5. **Hyper-parameter optimization: A review of algorithms and applications** Arxiv, 2020. [paper](
*Yu, Tong and Zhu, Hong*
6. **On hyperparameter optimization of machine learning algorithms: Theory and practice** Neurocomputing, 2020. [paper](
*Yang, Li and Shami, Abdallah*
7. **Methods for Hyperparameters Optimization in Learning Approaches: An Overview** ICML, 2020. [paper](
*Del Buono, Nicoletta and Esposito, Flavia and Selicato, Laura*
8. **Automated machine learning: Review of the state-of-the-art and opportunities for healthcare** Artificial intelligence in medicine, 2020. [paper](
*Waring, Jonathan and Lindvall, Charlotta and Umeton, Renato*
9. **A survey on hyperparameters optimization algorithms of forecasting models in smart grid** Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020. [paper](
*Khalid, Rabiya and Javaid, Nadeem*
10. **AutoML: A survey of the state-of-the-art** Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021. [paper](
*He, Xin and Zhao, Kaiyong and Chu, Xiaowen*
11. **Hyperparameter optimization: Foundations, algorithms, best practices and open challenges** Arxiv, 2021. [paper](
*Bischl, Bernd and Binder, Martin and Lang, Michel and Pielok, Tobias and Richter, Jakob and Coors, Stefan and Thomas, Janek and Ullmann, Theresa and Becker, Marc and Boulesteix, Anne-Laure and others*
12. **Survey on Hyperparameter Optimization Using Nature-Inspired Algorithm of Deep Convolution Neural Network** Intelligent and Cloud Computing, 2021. [paper](
*Mohakud, Rasmiranjan and Dash, Rajashree*
13. **Hyperparameter Optimization Techniques for Designing Software Sensors Based on Artificial Neural Networks** Sensors, 2021. [paper](
*Blume, Sebastian and Benedens, Tim and Schramm, Dieter*
14. **Multi-Objective Hyperparameter Optimization--An Overview** Arxiv, 2022. [paper](
*Karl, Florian and Pielok, Tobias and Moosbauer, Julia and Pfisterer, Florian and Coors, Stefan and Binder, Martin and Schneider, Lennart and Thomas, Janek and Richter, Jakob and Lang, Michel and others*
## [Classical Optimization Technique](#content)
### [Classical Optimization Technique/Simple Search Scheme](#content)
### [Classical Optimization Technique/Simple Search Scheme/Gradient-based Search](#content)
1. **Gradient-based optimization of hyperparameters** Neural computation, 2000. [paper](
*Bengio, Yoshua*
### [Classical Optimization Technique/Simple Search Scheme/Grid Search](#content)
1. **A practical guide to support vector classification** , 2003. [paper](
*Hsu, Chih-Wei and Chang, Chih-Chung and Lin, Chih-Jen and others*
### [Classical Optimization Technique/Simple Search Scheme/Random Search](#content)
1. **Random search for hyper-parameter optimization** Journal of machine learning research, 2012. [paper](
*Bergstra, James and Bengio, Yoshua*
### [Classical Optimization Technique/Bayesian Optimization](#content)
1. **Algorithms for hyper-parameter optimization** NeurIPS, 2011. [paper](
*Bergstra, James and Bardenet, R{\\'e}mi and Bengio, Yoshua and K{\\'e}gl, Bal{\\'a}zs*
2. **Freeze-thaw Bayesian optimization** Arxiv, 2014. [paper](
*Swersky, Kevin and Snoek, Jasper and Adams, Ryan Prescott*
3. **Taking the human out of the loop: A review of Bayesian optimization** Proceedings of the IEEE, 2015. [paper](
*Shahriari, Bobak and Swersky, Kevin and Wang, Ziyu and Adams, Ryan P and De Freitas, Nando*
### [Classical Optimization Technique/Heuristic Search](#content)
1. **Survey on Hyperparameter Optimization Using Nature-Inspired Algorithm of Deep Convolution Neural Network** Intelligent and Cloud Computing, 2021. [paper](
*Mohakud, Rasmiranjan and Dash, Rajashree*
## [Acceleration Method](#content)
### [Acceleration Method/Multi-fidelity Optimization](#content)
1. **Gaussian process bandit optimisation with multi-fidelity evaluations** NeurIPS, 2016. [paper](
*Kandasamy, Kirthevasan and Dasarathy, Gautam and Oliva, Junier B and Schneider, Jeff and P{\\'o}czos, Barnab{\\'a}s*
### [Acceleration Method/Bandit-based Algorithm](#content)
1. **Hyperband: A novel bandit-based approach to hyperparameter optimization** JMLR, 2017. [paper](
*Li, Lisha and Jamieson, Kevin and DeSalvo, Giulia and Rostamizadeh, Afshin and Talwalkar, Ameet*
### [Acceleration Method/Early Stop](#content)
1. **Freeze-thaw Bayesian optimization** Arxiv, 2014. [paper](
*Swersky, Kevin and Snoek, Jasper and Adams, Ryan Prescott*
## [Dynamic Algorithm Configuration](#content)
### [Dynamic Algorithm Configuration/Gradient-based Optimizer](#content)
1. **Online learning rate adaptation with hypergradient descent** ICLR, 2018. [paper](
*Baydin, Atilim Gunes and Cornish, Robert and Rubio, David Martinez and Schmidt, Mark and Wood, Frank*
### [Dynamic Algorithm Configuration/Population-based Algorithm](#content)
1. **Population based training of neural networks** Arxiv, 2017. [paper](
*Jaderberg, Max and Dalibard, Valentin and Osindero, Simon and Czarnecki, Wojciech M and Donahue, Jeff and Razavi, Ali and Vinyals, Oriol and Green, Tim and Dunning, Iain and Simonyan, Karen and others*
### [Dynamic Algorithm Configuration/Reinforcement Learning Method](#content)
1. **Fast efficient hyperparameter tuning for policy gradient methods** NeurIPS, 2019. [paper](
*Paul, Supratik and Kurin, Vitaly and Whiteson, Shimon*
## [Application](#content)
1. **A survey on hyperparameters optimization algorithms of forecasting models in smart grid** Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020. [paper](
*Khalid, Rabiya and Javaid, Nadeem*
2. **Evaluation of hyperparameter optimization in machine and deep learning methods for decoding imagined speech EEG** Sensors, 2020. [paper](
*Cooney, Ciaran and Korik, Attila and Folli, Raffaella and Coyle, Damien*
3. **Hyperparameter Optimization Techniques for Designing Software Sensors Based on Artificial Neural Networks** Sensors, 2021. [paper](
*Blume, Sebastian and Benedens, Tim and Schramm, Dieter*