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A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things.

List: awesome-cpp

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A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things.

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# Awesome C++ [![Awesome](](
A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.

- [Awesome C++](#awesome-cpp)
- [Standard Libraries](#standard-libraries)
- [Frameworks](#frameworks)
- [Artificial Intelligence](#artificial-intelligence)
- [Asynchronous Event Loop](#asynchronous-event-loop)
- [Audio](#audio)
- [Biology](#biology)
- [BitTorrent](#bittorrent)
- [CLI](#cli)
- [Compression](#compression)
- [Concurrency](#concurrency)
- [Containers](#containers)
- [Cryptography](#cryptography)
- [Database](#database)
- [Debug](#debug)
- [Game Engine](#game-engine)
- [GUI](#gui)
- [Graphics](#graphics)
- [Image Processing](#image-processing)
- [Internationalization](#internationalization)
- [Inter-process communication](#inter-process-communication)
- [JSON](#json)
- [Logging](#logging)
- [Machine Learning](#machine-learning)
- [Math](#math)
- [Memory Allocation](#memory-allocation)
- [Multimedia](#multimedia)
- [Networking](#networking)
- [PDF](#pdf)
- [Physics](#physics)
- [Regular Expression](#regular-expression)
- [Robotics](#robotics)
- [Scientific Computing](#scientific-computing)
- [Scripting](#scripting)
- [Serialization](#serialization)
- [Sorting](#sorting)
- [Video](#video)
- [Virtual Machines](#virtual-machines)
- [Web Application Framework](#web-application-framework)
- [XML](#xml)
- [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous)
- [Software](#software)
- [Compiler](#compiler)
- [Online Compiler](#online-compiler)
- [Debugger](#debugger)
- [Integrated Development Environment](#integrated-development-environment)
- [Build Systems](#build-systems)
- [Static Code Analysis](#static-code-analysis)
- [Coding Style Tools](#coding-style-tools)
- [Resources](#resources)
- [API Design](#api-design)
- [Articles](#articles)
- [Books](#books)
- [Coding Style](#coding-style)
- [Podcasts](#podcasts)
- [Talks](#talks)
- [Videos](#videos)
- [Websites](#websites)
- [Other Awesome Lists](#other-awesome-lists)
- [Contributing](#contributing)

## Standard Libraries
*C++ Standard Library - including STL Containers, STL Aglorithm, STL Functional, etc.*

* [C++ Standard Library]( - A collection of classes and functions, which are written in the core language and part of the C++ ISO Standard itself.
* [Standard Template Library]( - The Standard Template Library (STL).
* [C POSIX library]( - A specification of a C standard library for POSIX systems.
* [ISO C++ Standards Committee]( - ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 - The C++ Standards Committee. [website](
* [The GNU C Library]( - The purpose of this manual is to tell you how to use the facilities of the GNU C Library.

## Frameworks
*C++ generic frameworks and libraries.*

* [abseil-cpp]( - Abseil C++ Common Libraries. [Apache2]
* [Apache C++ Standard Library]( - STDCXX, A collection of algorithms, containers, iterators, and other fundamental components. [retired] [Apache2]
* [APR]( - Apache Portable Runtime. Another library of cross-platform utility functions. [Apache2]
* [ASL]( - Adobe Source Libraries provides peer-reviewed and portable C++ source libraries. [MIT]
* [Boost]( :zap: - A large collection of generic C++ libraries. [Boost] [website](
* [BDE]( - The BDE Development Environment from Bloomberg Labs. [Apache2]
* [Cinder]( - A community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding. [BSD]
* [Cxxomfort]( - A small, header-only library that backports to C++03 some of the nifty C++11 goodies. [MIT]
* [Dlib]( :zap: - A general purpose cross-platform C++ library designed using contract programming and modern C++ techniques. [Boost] [website](
* [EASTL]( - Electronic Arts Standard Template Library. [BSD]
* [ETL]( - Embedded Template Library. [MIT]
* [ffead-cpp]( - Framework for Enterprise Application Development. [Apache2]
* [Folly]( - An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook. [Apache2]
* [FunctionalPlus]( - Functional Programming Library for C++. Write concise and readable C++ code. [MIT]
* [GLib]( - GLib provides the core application building blocks for libraries and applications written in C. [LGPL]
* [JUCE]( - An all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software. [Core-Module: ISC, Rest: GPL2/GPL3/Commercial] [website](
* [libPhenom]( - libPhenom is an eventing framework for building high performance and high scalability systems in C. [Apache2]
* [LibSourcey]( - C++11 evented IO for real-time video streaming and high performance networking applications. [LGPL]
* [LibU]( - A multiplatform utility library written in C. [BSD]
* [Loki]( - A C++ library of designs, containing flexible implementations of common design patterns and idioms. [MIT]
* [MiLi]( - Minimal headers-only C++ Library. [Boost]
* [OpenFrameworks]( - A cross platform open source toolkit for creative coding in C++. [MIT] [website](
* [Qt]( :zap: - A cross-platform application and UI framework. [GPL/LGPL/Commercial]
* [Reason]( - A cross platform framework designed to bring the ease of use of Java, .Net, or Python to developers who require the performance and strength of C++. [GPL2]
* [ROOT]( - A set of OO frameworks with all the functionality needed to handle and analyze large amounts of data in a very efficient way. Used at CERN. [LGPL]
* [STLport]( - An exemplary version of STL. [Free]
* [STXXL]( - Standard Template Library for Extra Large Data Sets. [Boost]
* [tbox]( - A glib-like multi-platform c library. [Apache2] [website](
* [Ultimate++]( - A C++ cross-platform rapid application development framework. [BSD]
* [uSTL]( - The small STL library. [MIT]
* [Windows Template Library]( - A C++ library for developing Windows applications and UI components. [Public]
* [Yomm2]( - Fast, Orthogonal, Open multi-methods. Supersedes [Yomm11]( [Boost]

## Artificial Intelligence

* [ANNetGPGPU]( - A GPU (CUDA) based Artificial Neural Network library. [LGPL]
* [btsk]( - Game Behavior Tree Starter Kit. [zlib]
* [Evolving Objects]( - A template-based, ANSI-C++ evolutionary computation library which helps you to write your own stochastic optimization algorithms insanely fast. [LGPL]
* [frugally-deep]( - Header-only library for using Keras models in C++. [MIT]
* [Genann]( - Simple neural network library in C. [zlib]
* [Recast/Detour]( - (3D) Navigation mesh generator and pathfinder, mostly for games. [zlib]
* [TensorFlow]( - An open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs [Apache]
* [CNTK]( - Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), an open source deep-learning toolkit. [Boost]
* [tiny-dnn]( - A header only, dependency-free deep learning framework in C++11. [BSD]
* [Veles]( - Distributed platform for rapid Deep learning application development. [Apache]
* [Kaldi]( - Toolkit for speech recognition. [Apache]

## Asynchronous Event Loop

* [Asio]( - A cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming that provides developers with a consistent asynchronous model using a modern C++ approach. [Boost] [website](
* [Boost.Asio]( - A cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming. [Boost]
* [C++ Actor Framework]( - An Open Source Implementation of the Actor Model in C++. [BSD-3-Clause] [website](
* [libev]( - A full-featured and high-performance event loop that is loosely modelled after libevent, but without its limitations and bugs. [BSD and GPL]
* [libevent]( - An event notification library. [BSD]
* [libuv]( - Cross-platform asychronous I/O. [BSD]
* [uvw]( - C++ wrapper for libuv. [MIT]

## Audio
*Audio, Sound, Music, Digitized Voice Libraries*

* [FMOD]( - An easy to use crossplatform audio engine and audio content creation tool for games. [Free for non-commercial/Commercial]
* [KFR]( - Fast, modern C++ DSP framework, FFT, FIR/IIR filters, Sample Rate Conversion. [GPL/Commercial]
* [Maximilian]( - C++ Audio and Music DSP Library. [MIT]
* [mini_al]( - Single file audio playback and capture library. [Unlicense]
* [OpenAL]( - Open Audio Library - A crossplatform audio API. [BSD/LGPL/Commercial]
* [Opus]( - A totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec. [BSD]
* [SELA]( - SimplE Lossless Audio. [MIT]
* [SoLoud]( - Easy, portable audio engine for games. [zlib]
* [Speex]( - A free codec for free speech. Obsoleted by Opus. [BSD]
* [Tonic]( - Easy and efficient audio synthesis in C++. [Unlicense]
* [Vorbis]( - Ogg Vorbis is a fully open, non-proprietary, patent-and-royalty-free, general-purpose compressed audio format. [BSD]
* [minimp3]( - Public domain, header-only MP3 decoder with clean-room implementation. [CC0]

## Biology
*Bioinformatics, Genomics, Biotech*

* [BioC++]( - C++ Computational Libraries for Bioinformatics. [BSD]
* [Chaste]( - An open source C++ library for the computational simulation of mathematical models developed for physiology and biology. [BSD]
* [libsequence]( - A C++ library for representing and analyzing population genetics data. [GPL]
* [SeqAn]( - Algorithms and data structures for the analysis of sequences with the focus on biological data. [BSD/3-clause]
* [Vcflib]( - A C++ library for parsing and manipulating VCF files. [MIT]
* [Wham]( - Structural variants (SVs) in Genomes by directly applying association tests to BAM files. [MIT]

## BitTorrent

* [jech/dht]( - BitTorrent DHT library in C. [MIT]
* [libtorrent]( (a.k.a. libtorrent-rasterbar) - An efficient feature complete C++ bittorrent implementation. [BSD]
* [LibTorrent]( (a.k.a. libtorrent-rakshasa) - BitTorrent library. [GPL]
* [libutp]( - uTorrent Transport Protocol library. [MIT]

## CLI
*Console/Terminal User Interface, Command Line Interface*

* [Argh!]( - A minimalist, frustration-free, header-only argument handler. [BSD]
* [Taywee/args]( - A simple header-only C++ argument parser library. [MIT]
* [Boost.Program_options]( - A library to obtain program options via conventional methods such as command line and config file. [Boost]
* [CLI11]( - Header only single or multi-file C++11 library for simple and advanced CLI parsing. [BSD]
* [jarro2783/cxxopts]( - Lightweight C++ command line option parser. [MIT]
* [docopt.cpp]( - A library to generate option parser from docstring. [MIT/Boost]
* [gflags]( - Commandline flags module for C++. [BSD]
* [linenoise]( - A small self-contained alternative to readline and libedit. [BSD-2-Clause]
* [linenoise-ng]( - A small, portable GNU readline replacement for Linux, Windows and MacOS which is capable of handling UTF-8 characters. [BSD]
* [Ncurses]( - A terminal user interfaces. [MIT]
* [PDCurses]( - Public domain curses library with both source code and pre-compiled library available. [PublicDomain]
* [replxx]( - A readline and libedit replacement that supports UTF-8, syntax highlighting, hints, works on Unix and Windows. [BSD]
* [TCLAP]( - A mature, stable and feature-rich library for defining and accessing command line arguments in ANSI C++. [MIT]
* [termbox]( - A C library for writing text-based user interfaces. [MIT]

## Compression
*Compression and Archiving Libraries*

* [Brotli]( - Brotli compression format. Developed by Google. [MIT]
* [bzip2]( - A freely available, patent free, high-quality data compressor. [BSD]
* [FiniteStateEntropy]( - New generation entropy codecs : Finite State Entropy and Huff0.
* [PhysicsFS]( - A library to provide abstract access to various archives. It is intended for use in video games, and the design was somewhat inspired by Quake 3's file subsystem. [zlib]
* [KArchive]( - A library for creating, reading, writing and manipulating file archives like zip and tar. It also provides transparent compression and decompression of data, using formats like gzip, via a subclass of QIODevice. [LGPL]
* [libarchive]( - Multi-format archive and compression library. [New BSD] [website](
* [LZ4]( - Extremely Fast Compression algorithm. [BSD]
* [LZFSE]( - LZFSE compression library and command line tool. Developed by Apple.
* [LZHAM]( - Lossless data compression library with a compression ratio similar to LZMA but with much faster decompression. [BSD]
* [LZMA]( :zap: - The default and general compression method of 7z format. [PublicDomain]
* [LZMAT]( - An extremely fast real-time lossless data compression library. [GPL]
* [miniz]( - Single C source file Deflate/Inflate compression library with zlib-compatible API, ZIP archive reading/writing, PNG writing. [Unlicense]
* [Minizip]( - Zlib with latest bug fixes that supports PKWARE disk spanning, AES encryption, and IO buffering. [zlib]
* [smaz]( - Small strings compression library. [BSD]
* [Snappy]( - A fast compressor/decompressor. [BSD]
* [ZLib]( - A very compact compression library for data streams. [zlib]
* [zlib-ng]( - zlib for the "next generation" systems. Drop-In replacement with some serious optimizations. [zlib]
* [zstd]( - Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm. Developed by Facebook. [BSD]
* [ZZIPlib]( - Provides read access on ZIP-archives. [MPL/LGPL]

## Concurrency
*Concurrency and Multithreading*

* [alpaka]( - Abstraction library for parallel kernel acceleration. [LGPLv3+]
* [ArrayFire]( - A general purpose GPU library. [BSD]
* [Async++]( - A lightweight concurrency framework for C++11, inspired by the Microsoft PPL library and the N3428 C++ standard proposal. [MIT]
* [Boost.Compute]( - A C++ GPU Computing Library for OpenCL. [Boost]
* [Bolt]( - A C++ template library optimized for GPUs. [Apache2]
* [ck]( - Concurrency primitives, safe memory reclamation mechanisms and non-blocking data structures. [BSD]
* [concurrentqueue]( - A fast multi-producer, multi-consumer lock-free concurrent queue for C++11. [BSD,Boost]
* [Cpp-Taskflow]( - Fast C++ Parallel Programming with Task Dependencies. [MIT]
* [CUB]( - CUB provides state-of-the-art, reusable software components for every layer of the CUDA programming mode. [New BSD]
* [cupla]( - C++ API to run CUDA/C++ on OpenMP, Threads, TBB, ... through Alpaka. [LGPLv3+]
* [C++React]( - A reactive programming library for C++11. [Boost]
* [Intel Parallel STL]( - Intel® implementation of C++17 STL for C++11 and above. [Apache2]
* [Intel TBB]( - Intel® Threading Building Blocks. [Apache2]
* [junction]( - A library of concurrent data structures in C++. [BSD]
* [libcds]( - A C++ library of Concurrent Data Structures. [BSD]
* [Libclsph]( - An OpenCL based GPU accelerated SPH fluid simulation library. [MIT]
* [libdill]( - Introduces structured concurrency in C. [MIT]
* [libdispatch]( - Grand Central Dispatch (GCD), developed by Apple Inc., is a task parallelism technology based on the thread pool pattern. libdispatch is a library that provides the implementation of GCD's services. [Apache-2.0] [website](
* [libmill]( - Introduces Go-style concurrency in C. [MIT]
* [moderngpu]( - moderngpu is a productivity library for general-purpose computing on GPUs. It is a header-only C++ library written for CUDA. The unique value of the library is in its accelerated primitives for solving irregularly parallel problems. [FreeBSD & Copyright, Sean Baxter]
* [NCCL]( - Optimized primitives for collective multi-GPU communication. [BSD]
* [OpenCL]( - The open standard for parallel programming of heterogeneous systems.
* [OpenMP]( - The OpenMP API.
* [RaftLib]( - The RaftLib C++ library, streaming/dataflow concurrency via C++ iostream-like operators [Apache2]
* [readerwriterqueue]( - A fast single-producer, single-consumer lock-free queue for C++. [BSD]
* [Thrust]( - A parallel algorithms library which resembles the C++ Standard Template Library (STL). [Apache2]
* [transwarp]( - A header-only C++ library for task concurrency. [MIT]
* [HPX]( - A general purpose C++ runtime system for parallel and distributed applications of any scale. [Boost]
* [VexCL]( - A C++ vector expression template library for OpenCL/CUDA. [MIT]

## Containers

* [C++ B-tree]( - A template library that implements ordered in-memory containers based on a B-tree data structure. [Apache2]
* [Colony]( - An unordered "bag"-type container which outperforms std containers in high-modification scenarios while maintaining permanent pointers to non-erased elements regardless of insertion/erasure. [zLib] [website](
* [Hashmaps]( - Implementation of open addressing hash table algorithms in C++. [MIT]
* [Hopscotch map]( - A fast header-only hash map which uses hopscotch hashing for collisions resolution. [MIT]
* [LSHBOX]( - A c++ toolbox of locality-sensitive hashing (LSH), provides several popular LSH algorithms, also support Python and MATLAB. [GPL]
* [plf::list]( - A std::list implementation which removes range splicing in order to enable cache-friendlier structure, yielding significant performance gains. [zLib] [website](
* [plf::stack]( - A replacement container for the std::stack container adaptor, with better performance than any std container in a stack context. [zLib] [website](
* [ring_span lite]( - A simplified implementation of Arthur O'Dwyer's ring_span implementation ie. a circular buffer view. [MIT]
* [sparsepp]( - A fast, memory efficient hash map for C++. [BSD 3-clause]

## Cryptography
*Cryptography and Encryption Libraries*

* [Bcrypt]( - A cross platform file encryption utility. Encrypted files are portable across all supported operating systems and processors. [BSD]
* [BeeCrypt]( - A portable and fast cryptography library. [LGPLv2.1+]
* [Botan]( - A crypto library for C++. [BSD-2]
* [Crypto++]( - A free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes. [Boost] [website](
* [digestpp]( - C++11 header-only message digest (hash) library. [PublicDomain]
* [GnuPG]( - A complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard. [GPL]
* [GnuTLS]( - A secure communications library implementing the SSL, TLS and DTLS protocols. [LGPL2.1]
* [Libgcrypt]( - A general purpose cryptographic library originally based on code from GnuPG. [LGPLv2.1+]
* [libhydrogen]( - A lightweight, secure, easy-to-use crypto library for constrained environments. [ISC]
* [LibreSSL]( - A free version of the SSL/TLS protocol forked from OpenSSL in 2014. [?]
* [libsodium]( - P(ortable|ackageable) NaCl-based crypto library, opinionated and easy to use. [ISC]
* [libhydrogen]( - A lightweight, secure, easy-to-use crypto library suitable for constrained environments. [ISC]
* [LibTomCrypt]( - A fairly comprehensive, modular and portable cryptographic toolkit. [WTFPL]
* [mbedTLS]( - An open source, portable, easy to use, readable and flexible SSL library, previously known as PolarSSL. [Apache2] [website](
* [Nettle]( - A low-level cryptographic library. [LGPL]
* [OpenSSL]( - A robust, commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source cryptography library. [Apache] [website](
* [retter]( - A collection of hash functions, ciphers, tools, libraries, and materials related to cryptography.
* [s2n]( - An implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols. [Apache]
* [sha1collisiondetection]( - Library and command line tool to detect SHA-1 collision in a file. [MIT]
* [Tink]( - A multi-language, cross-platform library that provides cryptographic APIs that are secure, easy to use correctly, and hard(er) to misuse. [Apache-2.0]
* [Tiny AES in C]( - Small portable AES128/192/256 in C. [PublicDomain]
* [Themis]( - crypto library for painless data security, providing symmetric and asymmetric encryption, secure sockets with forward secrecy, for mobile and server platforms. [Apache2]

## Database
*Database Libraries, SQL Servers, ODBC Drivers, and Tools*

* [hiberlite]( - C++ Object-relational mapping for sqlite3. [BSD]
* [Hiredis]( - A minimalistic C client library for the Redis database. [BSD]
* [LevelDB]( - A fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values. [BSD]
* [LMDB]( - Very fast embedded key/value store with full ACID semantics. [OpenLDAP]
* [LMDB++]( - C++11 wrapper for the LMDB embedded database library. [PublicDomain]
* [MongoDB C Driver]( - MongoDB client library for C. [Apache2]
* [MongoDB C++ Driver]( - C++ driver for MongoDB. [Apache2]
* [MongoDB Libbson]( - A BSON utility library. [Apache2]
* [MySQL++]( - A C++ wrapper for MySQL's C API. [LGPL]
* [nanodbc]( - A small C++ wrapper for the native C ODBC API. [MIT]
* [ODB]( - An open-source, cross-platform, and cross-database object-relational mapping (ORM) system for C++. [GPLv2]
* [redis3m]( - Wrapper of hiredis with clean C++ interface, supporting sentinel and ready to use patterns. [Apache2]
* [RocksDB]( - Embedded key-value store for fast storage from facebook. [BSD]
* [SimDB]( - High performance, shared memory, lock free, cross platform, single file, minimal dependencies, C++11 key-value store [Apache2]
* [SQLite]( - A completely embedded, full-featured relational database in a few 100k that you can include right into your project. [PublicDomain]
* [SQLiteC++]( - SQLiteC++ (SQLiteCpp) is a smart and easy to use C++ SQLite3 wrapper. [MIT]
* [sqlite_modern_cpp]( - Header only C++14 wrapper around sqlite library. [MIT]
* [sqlite_orm]( - SQLite ORM light header only library for modern C++. [BSD-3-Clause]
* [sqlpp11]( - A type safe embedded domain specific language for SQL queries and results in C++. [BSD-2-Clause]
* [TileDB]( - Fast Dense and Sparse Multidimensional Array DBMS. [MIT] [website](
* [upscaledb]( - An embedded "typed" key/value store with a built-in query interface. [GPLv3]

## Debug
*Debugging Libraries, Memory Leak and Resource Leak Detection, Unit Testing*

* [backward-cpp]( - A beautiful stack trace pretty printer for C++. [MIT]
* [benchmark]( - Google provided small microbenchmark support library. [Apache2]
* [Boost.Test]( - Boost Test Library. [Boost]
* [doctest]( - The lightest feature rich C++ single header testing framework. [MIT]
* [Catch]( - A modern, C++-native, header-only, framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD. [Boost]
* [Catch2]( - A modern, C++-native, header-only, test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD. [BSL-1.0]
* [Celero]( - C++ Benchmarking Framework. [Apache2]
* [CppUTest]( - Unit testing and mocking framework for C/C++. [BSD-3-clause]
* [CUTE]( - C++ Unit Testing Easier. [LGPL3]
* [CMocka]( - unit testing framework for C with support for mock objects. [Apache2]
* [CppUnit]( - C++ port of JUnit. [LGPL2]
* [CTest]( - The CMake test driver program. [BSD]
* [Deleaker]( - A tool for resource leak detection, including memory, GDI and handle leaks.
* [fff]( - A micro-framework for creating fake C functions. [MIT]
* [Google Mock]( - A library for writing and using C++ mock classes. [BSD]
* [Google Test]( - Google C++ Testing Framework. [BSD]
* [ig-debugheap]( - Multiplatform debug heap useful for tracking down memory errors. [BSD]
* [libtap]( - Write tests in C. [GPL2]
* [MemTrack]( - Tracking memory allocations in C++.
* [microprofile]( - Profiler with web-view for multiple platforms. [PublicDomain]
* [MinUnit]( - A minimal unit testing framework for C self-contained in a single header file. [MIT]
* [Mockator]( - Eclipse CDT plug-in for C++ Seams and Mock Objects.
* [Nanotimer]( - A simple low-overhead cross-platform timer class for benchmarking. [zLib] [website](
* [Remotery]( - Single C File Profiler with Web Viewer. [Apache2]
* [UnitTest++]( - A lightweight unit testing framework for C++. [MIT/X Consortium license]
* [utest.h]( - Single header unit testing framework for C and C++. [Unlicense]
* [VLD]( - Visual Leak Detector. A free, robust, open-source memory leak detection system for Visual C++.

## Game Engine

* [Acid]( - A high speed C++17 Vulkan game engine. [MIT]
* [Allegro]( - A cross-platform library mainly aimed for video games and multimedia programming. [zlib]
* [Atomic Game Engine]( - A multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C++, C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript. [Commercial]
* [Banshee 3D]( - Modern C++14 game engine with Vulkan support, fully featured editor and C# scripting. [LGPL3/Commercial]
* [Cocos2d-x]( - A multi-platform framework for building 2d games, interactive books, demos and other graphical applications. [MIT]
* [delta3d]( - A robust simulation platform. [LGPL2]
* [EnTT]( - Gaming meets modern C++. [MIT]
* [GamePlay]( - A cross-platform native C++ game framework for creating 2D/3D mobile and desktop games. [Apache2]
* [Godot]( - A fully featured, open source, MIT licensed, game engine. [MIT]
* [Grit]( - Community project to build a free game engine for implementing open world 3D games. [MIT]
* [KlayGE]( - a cross-platform open source game engine with plugin-based architecture. [GPLv2] [website](
* [OpenXRay]( - a community-modified X-Ray engine used in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series. [Modified BSD/non-commercial only]
* [Oxygine]( - A cross-platform 2D C++ game engine. [MIT]
* [Panda3D]( - A game engine, a framework for 3D rendering and game development for Python and C++ programs. [Modified BSD] [website](
* [PixelGameEngine]( - The official distribution of olcPixelGameEngine, a tool used in javidx9's YouTube videos and projects. [OLC3]
* [Polycode]( - A cross-platform framework for creative code in C++ (with Lua bindings). [MIT] [website](
* [Torque2D]( - An open-source and cross-platform C++ engine built for 2D game development. [MIT] [website](
* [Torque3D]( - An open-source C++ engine built for 3D game development. [MIT] [website](
* [toy engine]( - toy is a thin and modular c++ game engine and offers simple expressive c++ idioms to design full featured 2D or 3D games in fast iterations.
* [Urho3D]( - A free lightweight, cross-platform 2D and 3D game engine implemented in C++. Greatly inspired by OGRE and Horde3D. [MIT]

## GUI
*Graphic User Interface*

* [CEGUI]( - Flexible, cross-platform GUI library.
* [FLTK]( - Fast, light, cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit. [GPL2]
* [GacUI]( - GPU Accelerated C++ User Interface, with WYSIWYG developing tools, XML supports, built-in data binding and MVVM features. [Ms-PL]
* [GTK+]( - A multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces. [LGPL]
* [gtkmm]( - The official C++ interface for the popular GUI library GTK+. [LGPL]
* [imgui]( - Immediate Mode Graphical User Interface with minimal dependencies. [MIT]
* [libRocket]( - libRocket is a C++ HTML/CSS game interface middleware. [MIT]
* [libui]( - Simple and portable (but not inflexible) GUI library in C that uses the native GUI technologies of each platform it supports. [MIT]
* [MyGUI]( - Fast, flexible and simple GUI. [MIT]
* [nana]( - Nana is a cross-platform library for GUI programming in modern C++ style. [Boost]
* [NanoGui]( - A minimalistic cross-platform widget library for OpenGL 3.x or higher. [BSD]
* [nuklear]( - A single-header ANSI C gui library. [PublicDomain]
* [QCustomPlot]( - Qt plotting widget without further dependencies. [GPLv3]
* [Qwt]( - Qt Widgets for Technical Applications. [Own based on LGPL]
* [QwtPlot3D]( - A feature-rich Qt/OpenGL-based C++ programming library, providing essentially a bunch of 3D-widgets. [zlib]
* [Sciter]( - Sciter is an embeddable HTML/CSS/scripting engine aimed to be used as an UI layer of modern desktop applications. [Free/Commercial]
* [wxWidgets]( - A C++ library that lets developers create applications for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other platforms with a single code base. [Own LGPL]
* [Yue]( - A library for creating native cross-platform GUI apps. [LGPLv2]

## Graphics

* [assimp]( - Open Asset Import Library (assimp) is a cross-platform 3D model import library which aims to provide a common API for different 3D asset file formats. [BSD-3-Clause] [website](
* [bgfx]( - A cross-platform rendering library. [BSD]
* [bs::framework]( - Modern C++14 library for the development of real-time graphical applications. [MIT]
* [Cairo]( - A 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. [LGPL2 or Mozilla MPL]
* [Diligent Engine]( - A modern cross-platform low-level 3D graphics library. [Apache2]
* [DirectXTK]( - A collection of helper classes for writing DirectX 11.x code in C++. [MIT]
* [GLFW]( - A simple, cross-platform OpenGL wrangling library. [zlib/libpng]
* [herebedragons]( - A basic 3D scene implemented with various engines, frameworks or APIs. [MIT] [website](
* [Horde3D]( - A small 3D rendering and animation engine. [EPL]
* [Ion]( - A small and efficient set of libraries for building cross-platform client or server applications that use 3D graphics. [Apache2] [website](
* [Irrlicht]( - A high performance realtime 3D engine written in C++. [zlib]
* [libigl]( - Simple C++ geometry processing library. [MPL2]
* [magnum]( - Lightweight and modular C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization. [MIT] [website](
* [NanoVG]( - Antialiased 2D vector drawing library on top of OpenGL for UI and visualizations. [Zlib]
* [Ogre 3D]( :zap: - A scene-oriented, real-time, flexible 3D rendering engine (as opposed to a game engine) written in C++. [MIT]
* [OpenSceneGraph]( - An open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit. [OSGPL]
* [OpenSubdiv]( - Pixar's library for evaluating and rendering subdivision surfaces on CPU and GPU. [Modified Apache2]
* [OpenVDB]( - Library and tools for storing, editing, and rendering volumetric datasets. [MPL2]
* [Panda3D]( - A framework for 3D rendering and game development for Python and C++. [BSD]
* [Partio]( - Library for wrangling particle data, with support for most common file formats. [Modified BSD]
* [Skia]( - A complete 2D graphic library for drawing Text, Geometries, and Images. [BSD] [webpage](
* [TinySpline]( - A small, yet powerful ANSI C library for interpolating, transforming, and querying arbitrary NURBS, B-Splines, and Bézier curves. [MIT]
* [urho3d]( - Cross-platform rendering and game engine. [Many different, mostly MIT]
* [Yocto/GL]( - Tiny C++ Libraries for Data-Driven Physically-based Graphics. [MIT]

## Image Processing

* [Boost.GIL]( - Generic Image Library.
* [CImg]( - A small, open source, C++ toolkit for image processing. [Own LGPL or GPL]
* [CxImage]( - An image processing and conversion library to load, save, display, transform BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, MNG, ICO, PCX, TGA, WMF, WBMP, JBG, J2K images. [zlib]
* [FreeImage]( - An open source library that supports popular graphics image formats and others as needed by today's multimedia applications. [GPL2 or GPL3]
* [GD]( - GD Graphics Library, famously used in PHP for image loading/manipulation & thumbnail generation. [custom permissive license, requires mention in user docs] [website](
* [DCMTK]( - DICOM Toolkit.
* [GDCM]( - Grassroots DICOM library.
* [ITK]( - An open-source, cross-platform system for image analysis. [Apache2 from ITK 4.0]
* [libvips]( - A fast image processing library with low memory needs. [LGPL] [website](
* [Magick++]( - ImageMagick program interfaces for C++. [Apache2]
* [MagickWnd]( - ImageMagick program interfaces for C. [Apache2]
* [OpenCV]( :zap: - Open source computer vision. [BSD]
* [OpenEXR]( - Cross-platform library for high dynamic range imaging. [Modified BSDF]
* [OpenImageIO]( - Powerful image and texture wrangling library with support for a wide number of common lossy and RAW formats. [Modified BSD]
* [Simd]( - C++ image processing library with using of SIMD: SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, AVX-512, VMX(Altivec) and VSX(Power7), NEON for ARM. [MIT]
* [stb-image]( - STB single-header image loading library. [Public Domain]
* [tesseract-ocr]( - An OCR engine. [Apache2]
* [TinyEXIF]( - Tiny ISO-compliant C++ EXIF and XMP parsing library for JPEG. [MIT]
* [Video++]( - A C++14 high performance video and image processing library. [MIT]
* [VIGRA]( - A generic C++ computer vision library for image analysis. [MIT X11]
* [VTK]( - Open-source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing and visualization. [BSD]

## Internationalization

* [gettext]( - GNU 'gettext'. [GPL2]
* [IBM ICU]( - A set of C/C++ and Java libraries providing Unicode and Globalization support. [ICU]
* [libiconv]( - An encoding conversion library between different character encodings. [GPL]
* [utf8.h]( - Single header utf8 string functions for C and C++. [Unlicense]

## Inter-process communication

* [Apache Thrift]( - Efficient cross-language IPC/RPC, works between C++, Java, Python, PHP, C#, and many more other languages. Originally developed by Facebook. [Apache2]
* [Cap'n Proto]( - Fast data interchange format and capability-based RPC system. [MIT]
* [gRPC]( - A high performance, open source, general-purpose RPC framework. [BSD] [website](
* [Ice]( - Comprehensive RPC framework with support for C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python and more. [GPLv2]
* [libjson-rpc-cpp]( - JSON-RPC framework for C++ servers and clients. [MIT]
* [nanomsg]( - A simple high-performance implementation of several "scalability protocols". [MIT] [website](
* [nng]( - nanomsg-next-generation, a light-weight brokerless messaging library. [MIT] [website](
* [rpclib]( - A modern C++ msgpack-RPC server and client library. [MIT]
* [simple-rpc-cpp]( - A simple RPC wrapper generator to C/C++ functions. [BSD]
* [WAMP]( - Provides RPC and pub/sub messaging patterns. (various implementations, various languages)
* [xmlrpc-c]( - A lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP. [BSD]
* [ZeroMQ]( - High-speed, modular asynchronous communication library. [LGPL]


* [Boost.PropertyTree]( - A property tree parser/generator that can be used to parse XML/JSON/INI/Info files. [Boost]
* [frozen]( - JSON parser and generator for C/C++. [GPL & GPL2]
* [Jansson]( - C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data. [MIT]
* [jbson]( - jbson is a library for building & iterating BSON data, and JSON documents in C++14. [Boost]
* [JeayeSON]( - A very sane (header only) C++ JSON library. [BSD]
* [Jsmn]( - A minimalistic JSON parser in C. [MIT]
* [json]( :zap: - JSON for Modern C++. [MIT]
* [JSON++]( - A JSON parser in C++. [MIT]
* [json.h]( - A simple one header/one source solution to parsing JSON in C and C++. [Unlicense]
* [json-c]( - A JSON implementation in C. [MIT]
* [JsonCpp]( - A C++ library for interacting with JSON. [MIT]
* [json-parser]( - Very low footprint JSON parser written in portable ANSI C. [BSD]
* [json11]( - A tiny JSON library for C++11. [MIT]
* [json-voorhees]( - JSON library for C++. Support for C++11. No dependencies, fast and dev-friendly. [Apache2]
* [jute]( - Very simple C++ JSON Parser. [PublicDomain]
* [libjson]( - A JSON parser and printer library in C. easy to integrate with any model. [LGPL]
* [libjson]( - Lightweight JSON library. [?]
* [LIBUCL]( :zap: - Universal configuration library parser [BSD-2-Clause]
* [PicoJSON]( - A header-file-only, JSON parser serializer in C++. [BSD]
* [qt-json]( - A simple class for parsing JSON data into a QVariant hierarchy and vice versa. [GPLv3]
* [QJson]( - A qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects. [LGPL2]
* [RapidJSON]( :zap: - A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API. [MIT]
* [sajson]( - Lightweight, extremely high-performance JSON parser for C++11. [MIT]
* [ujson]( - µjson is a a small, C++11, UTF-8, JSON library. [MIT]
* [YAJL]( - A fast streaming JSON parsing library in C. [ISC]

## Logging

* [Blackhole]( - Attribute-based logging framework, which is designed to be fast, modular and highly customizable. [MIT]
* [Boost.Log]( - Designed to be very modular and extensible. [Boost]
* [Easylogging++]( - Single header only, extremely light-weight high performance logging library for C++11 (or higher) applications. [MIT] [website](
* [G3log]( - Asynchronous logger with Dynamic Sinks. [PublicDomain]
* [glog]( - C++ implementation of the Google logging module.
* [Log4cpp]( - A library of C++ classes for flexible logging to files, syslog, IDSA and other destinations. [LGPL]
* [log4cplus]( - A simple to use C++ logging API providing thread-safe, flexible, and arbitrarily granular control over log management and configuration. [BSD & Apache2]
* [loguru]( - A lightweight C++ logging library. [PublicDomain]
* [plog]( - Portable and simple log for C++ in less than 1000 lines of code. [MPL2]
* [reckless]( - Low-latency, high-throughput, asynchronous logging library for C++. [MIT]
* [spdlog]( - Super fast, header only, C++ logging library.
* [templog]( - A very small and lightweight C++ library which you can use to add logging to your C++ applications. [Boost]
* [P7Baical]( - An open source and cross-platform library for high-speed sending telemetry & trace data with minimal usage of CPU and memory. [LGPL]

## Machine Learning

* [Caffe]( - A fast framework for neural networks. [BSD]
* [Caffe2]( - A lightweight, modular, and scalable deep learning framework. [Apache2] [website](
* [CCV]( - C-based/Cached/Core Computer Vision Library, A Modern Computer Vision Library. [BSD]
* [Fido]( - A highly-modular C++ machine learning library for embedded electronics and robotics. [MIT] [website](
* [MeTA]( - A modern C++ data sciences toolkit. [MIT] [website](
* [Minerva]( - A fast and flexible system for deep learning. [Apache2]
* [mlpack]( - A scalable c++ machine learning library. [LGPLv3] [website](
* [OpenCV]( :zap: - Open Source Computer Vision Library. [BSD] [website](
* [Recommender]( - C library for product recommendations/suggestions using collaborative filtering (CF). [BSD]
* [RNNLIB]( - RNNLIB is a recurrent neural network library for sequence learning problems. [GPLv3]
* [SHOGUN]( - The Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox. [GPLv3]
* [sofia-ml]( - The suite of fast incremental algorithms for machine learning. [Apache2]
* [VLFeat]( - The VLFeat open source library implements popular computer vision algorithms specialising in image understanding and local featurexs extraction and matching. [BSD-2-Clause] [website](
* [xgboost]( - Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Flink and DataFlow. [Apache2]

## Math

* [Apophenia]( - A C library for statistical and scientific computing [GPL2]
* [Armadillo]( - A high quality linear algebra library (matrix maths) for the C++ language, aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use. The syntax (API) is deliberately similar to Matlab. [MPL2] [website](
* [blaze]( - high-performance C++ math library for dense and sparse arithmetic. [BSD]
* [Boost.Multiprecision]( - provides higher-range/precision integer, rational and floating-point types in C++, header-only or with GMP/MPFR/LibTomMath backends. [Boost]
* [ceres-solver]( - C++ library for modeling and solving large complicated nonlinear least squares problems from google. [BSD]
* [CGAL]( - Collection of efficient and reliable geometric algorithms. [LGPL&GPL] [website](
* [cml]( - free C++ math library for games and graphics. [Boost]
* [Eigen]( - A high-level C++ library of template headers for linear algebra, matrix and vector operations, numerical solvers and related algorithms. [MPL2]
* [ExprTK]( - The C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library (ExprTk) is a simple to use, easy to integrate and extremely efficient run-time mathematical expression parser and evaluation engine. [MIT]
* [Geometric Tools]( - C++ library for computing in the fields of mathematics, graphics, image analysis and physics. [Boost] [website](
* [GLM]( - Header-only C++ math library that matches and inter-operates with OpenGL's GLSL math. [MIT]
* [GMTL]( - Graphics Math Template Library is a collection of tools implementing Graphics primitives in generalized ways. [GPL2]
* [GMP]( - A C library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating-point numbers. [LGPL3 & GPL2]
* [MIRACL]( - A Multiprecision Integer and Rational Arithmetic Cryptographic Library. [AGPL]
* [muparser]( - muParser is an extensible high performance math expression parser library written in C++. [MIT]
* [NT2]( - A SIMD-optimized numerical template library that provides an interface with MATLAB-like syntax. [Boost]
* [LibTomMath]( - A free open source portable number theoretic multiple-precision integer library written entirely in C. [PublicDomain & WTFPL] [website](
* [linmath.h]( - A lean linear math library, aimed at graphics programming. [WTFPL]
* [OpenBLAS]( - An optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD version. [BSD 3-clause] [website](
* [QuantLib]( - A free/open-source library for quantitative finance. [Modified BSD] [website](
* [StatsLib]( - A C++ header-only library of statistical distribution functions. [Apache2] [website](
* [TinyExpr]( - A C library for parsing and evaluating math expressions from strings. [zlib]
* [Vc]( - SIMD Vector Classes for C++. [BSD]
* [Versor]( - A (fast) Generic C++ library for Geometric Algebras, including Euclidean, Projective, Conformal, Spacetime (etc).
* [Wykobi]( - A C++ library of efficient, robust and simple to use C++ 2D/3D oriented computational geometry routines. [MIT]
* [xtensor]( - A C++14 library for numerical analysis with multi-dimensional
array expressions, inspired by NumPy syntax. [BSD 3-clause] [website](

## Memory Allocation

* [Hoard]( - Fast, Scalable, and Memory-efficient Malloc for Linux, Windows, and Mac. [GPL, commercial] [website](
* [jemalloc]( - General purpose malloc(3) implementation that emphasizes fragmentation avoidance and scalable concurrency support. [BSD] [website](

## Multimedia

* [GStreamer]( - A library for constructing graphs of media-handling components. [LGPL]
* [libav]( - A collection of libraries and tools to process multimedia content such as audio, video, subtitles and related metadata. [LGPL v2.1+ and others] [website](
* [LIVE555 Streaming Media]( - Multimedia streaming library using open standard protocols (RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SIP). [LGPL]
* [libVLC]( - libVLC (VLC SDK) media framework. [GPL]
* [MediaInfoLib]( - Convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files. [BSD]
* [QtAv]( - A multimedia playback framework based on Qt and FFmpeg to write a player easily. [LGPL] [website](
* [SDL]( :zap: - Simple DirectMedia Layer. [zlib]
* [SFML]( :zap: - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library. [zlib] [website](
* [TagLib]( - A library for reading and editing the metadata of several popular audio formats. [LGPL/MPL] [website](

## Networking

* [ACE]( - An OO Network Programming Toolkit in C++. [?MIT?]
* [Boost.Asio]( :zap: - A cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming. [Boost]
* [Breep]( - Event based, high-level C++14 peer-to-peer library. [EUPL-1.1 (OSI approved)]
* [C++ REST SDK]( - C++ REST SDK (previously named Casablanca). [Apache2]
* [Restbed]( - C++11 Asynchronous RESTful framework. [AGPL]
* [c-ares]( - A C library for asynchronous DNS requests. [MIT]
* [cpp-netlib]( - A collection of open-source libraries for high level network programming. [Boost]
* [cpr]( - A modern C++ HTTP requests library with a simple but powerful interface. Modeled after the Python Requests module. [MIT] [website](
* [curlcpp]( - An object oriented C++ wrapper for CURL(libcurl). [MIT]
* [Dyad.c]( - Asynchronous networking for C. [MIT]
* [ENet]( - Reliable UDP networking library. [MIT] [website](
* [evpp]( - C++ high performance networking with TCP/UDP/HTTP protocols. [BSD]
* [H2O]( - An optimized HTTP server with support for HTTP/1.x and HTTP/2. It can also be used as a library. [MIT]
* [HTTP Parser]( :zap: - A http request/response parser for C. [MIT]
* [libcurl]( - Multiprotocol file transfer library. [MIT/X derivate license]
* [libjingle]( - Google talk voice and P2P interoperability library. [BSD]
* [Libmicrohttpd]( - GNU libmicrohttpd is a small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application. [LGPL v2.1+]
* [libpcap]( - A portable C/C++ library for network traffic capture. [BSD] [website](
* [libquic]( - A QUIC protocol library extracted from Chromium's QUIC Implementation. [BSD]
* [libwebsockets]( - A lightweight pure C WebSocket implementation that provides both client and server libraries. [LGPL2.1 + static link exception] [website](
* [Mongoose]( - Extremely lightweight webserver. [GPL2]
* [Muduo]( - A C++ non-blocking network library for multi-threaded server in Linux. [BSD]
* [nghttp2]( - HTTP/2 C Library. [MIT] [website](
* [nope.c]( - A C language-based ultra-light software platform for scalable server-side and networking applications. Think node.js for C programmers. [GPL2]
* [Onion]( - HTTP server library in C designed to be lightweight and easy to use. [Apache2/GPL2]
* [PicoHTTPParser]( - A tiny, primitive, fast HTTP request/response parser. [MIT]
* [POCO]( :zap: - C++ class libraries and frameworks for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile and embedded systems. [Boost] [website](
* [Proxygen]( - Facebook's collection of C++ HTTP libraries including an easy to use HTTP server. [BSD]
* [RakNet]( - A cross platform, open source, C++ networking engine for game programmers. [BSD]
* [Seasocks]( - Simple, small, C++ embeddable webserver with WebSockets support. [BSD]
* [Silicon]( - A high performance, middleware oriented C++14 http web framework. [MIT]
* [Tufão]( - An asynchronous web framework for C++ built on top of Qt. [LGPL2]
* [uWebSockets]( - µWS is one of the most lightweight, efficient & scalable WebSocket & HTTP server implementations available. [Zlib]
* [Wangle]( - A client/server application framework to build asynchronous, event-driven modern C++ services. [Apache-2.0]
* [wdt]( - An embeddedable library (and command line tool) aiming to transfer data between 2 systems as fast as possible over multiple TCP paths. [BSD-3-Clause]
* [WebSocket++]( - C++/Boost Asio based websocket client/server library. [BSD]

## PDF
*Libraries for parsing and manipulating PDF documents.*

* [libharu]( - A free, cross platform, open-sourced software library for generating PDF. [zlib]
* [MuPDF]( - A lightweight PDF, XPS, and E-book viewer. [AGPL/Commercial]
* [PoDoFo]( - A library to work with the PDF file format. [LGPL]
* [Poppler]( - Open-source multi-backend PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base. [GPLv2/GPLv3]
* [Xpdf]( - Xpdf is a free PDF viewer and toolkit, including a text extractor, image converter, HTML converter, and more. [GPL v2/GPL v3]
* [DynaPDF]( - An easy-to-use PDF generation library. [Commercial]

## Physics
*Dynamics simulation engines*

* [Box2D]( - A 2D physics engine for games. [BSD-like]
* [Bullet]( - A 3D physics engine for games. [zlib] [website](
* [Chipmunk]( - A fast and lightweight 2D game physics library. [MIT] [website](
* [LiquidFun]( - A 2D physics engine for games. [BSD-like]
* [Newton Dynamics]( - An integrated solution for real time simulation of physics environments. [zlib]
* [ODE]( - Open Dynamics Engine - An open source, high performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics. [BSD&LGPL]
* [ofxBox2d]( - openFrameworks wrapper for Box2D. [BSD-like]
* [PhysX]( - An open-source realtime physics engine middleware SDK developed by Nvidia as a part of Nvidia GameWorks software suite. [BSD-3-Clause]
* [Project Chrono]( - An open source multi-physics simulation engine. [BSD-3-Clause] [website](
* [Simbody]( - High-performance C++ multibody dynamics/physics library for simulating articulated biomechanical and mechanical systems like vehicles, robots, and the human skeleton. [Apache2]

## Regular Expression

* [CppVerbalExpressions]( - C++ regular expressions made easy. [MIT]
* [CTRE]( - A Compile time PCRE (almost) compatible regular expression matcher. [MIT]
* [PCRE]( - A regular expression C library inspired by the regular expression capabilities in Perl. [BSD]
* [RE2]( - A software library for regular expressions via a finite-state machine using automata theory. [BSD-3-Clause]
* [SLRE]( - Super Light Regexp engine for C/C++. [GPLv2/Commercial]
* [sregex]( - A non-backtracking NFA/DFA-based Perl-compatible regex engine library for matching on large data streams. [BSD]

## Robotics

* [MOOS-IvP]( - A set of open source C++ modules for providing autonomy on robotic platforms, in particular autonomous marine vehicles.
* [MRPT]( - Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit. [BSD]
* [PCL]( - Point Cloud Library is a standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing [BSD] [website](
* [Robotics Library (RL)]( - A self-contained C++ library for robot kinematics, motion planning and control. [BSD]
* [RobWork]( - A collection of C++ libraries for simulation and control of robot systems. [Apache2]
* [ROS]( - Robot Operating System provides libraries and tools to help software developers create robot applications. [BSD]

## Scientific Computing

* [AMGCL]( - a header-only C++ library for solving large sparse linear systems with algebraic multigrid. [MIT]
* [FFTW]( - A C library for computing the DFT in one or more dimensions. [GPL]
* [GSL]( - GNU scientific library. [GPL]
* [TileDB]( - Fast Dense and Sparse Multidimensional Array DBMS. [MIT] [website](
* [Trilinos]( - High performance PDE solvers. [BSD]
* [Torch]( - A scientific computing framework with wide support for machine learning algorithms that puts GPUs first. [BSD-3-Clause] [website](

## Scripting

* [Boost.Python]( - A C++ library which enables seamless interoperability between C++ and the Python programming language. [Boost]
* [cppimport]( - Import C++ files directly from Python! [MIT]
* [CppSharp]( - Tools and libraries to glue C/C++ APIs to high-level languages. [MIT]
* [ChaiScript]( - An easy to use embedded scripting language for C++. [BSD] [website](
* []( - A foreign function interface for bash. [MIT]
* [Cython]( - Cython is an optimising static compiler for both the Python programming language and the extended Cython programming language (based on Pyrex). It makes writing C extensions for Python as easy as Python itself. [Apache] [website](
* [djinni]( - A tool for generating cross-language type declarations and interface bindings. [Apache2]
* [Duktape]( - An embeddable Javascript engine with compact footprint. [MIT] [website](
* [JavaCpp]( - The missing bridge between Java and native C++. [Apache2]
* [libffi]( - A portable foreign-function interface library. [MIT] [website](
* [Lua]( - A minimal and fast scripting engine for configuration files and basic application scripting. [MIT]
* [LuaBridge]( - A lightweight, dependency-free library for binding Lua to C++. [MIT]
* [luacxx]( - C++11 API for creating Lua bindings. [MIT]
* [nbind]( - Magical headers that make your C++ library accessible from JavaScript. [MIT]
* [pybind11]( - Seamless operability between C++11 and Python. [BSD]
* [SIP]( - C or C++ Bindings Generator for Python v2 and v3. [GPL]
* [sol2]( - A C++ <-> Lua API wrapper with advanced features and top notch performance. [MIT]
* [SWIG]( - A wrapper/interface Generator that let you link your c++ code to Javascript, Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl and Ruby. [GPL/Output not licensed] [website](
* [V7]( - An embedded JavaScript engine. [GPL2]
* [V8]( - A fast JavaScript engine by Google that can be embedded into any C++ application. [BSD]
* [ChakraCore]( -A JavaScript engine by Microsoft that can be embedded into nodejs. [MIT]

## Serialization

* [Bond]( - An open source, cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. [MIT]
* [cereal]( - A C++11 library for serialization. [BSD]
* [cppcodec]( - Header-only C++11 library to encode/decode base64, base32 and hex with consistent, flexible API. [MIT]
* [FlatBuffers]( - A Memory efficient serialization library. [Apache2]
* [MessagePack]( - Efficient binary serialization format "like JSON" for C and C++. [Apache2] [website](
* [protobuf]( - Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format. [BSD]
* [protobuf-c]( - Protocol Buffers implementation in C. [BSD]
* [SimpleBinaryEncoding]( - encoding and decoding application messages in binary format for low-latency applications. [Apache2]
* [upb]( - A small protobuf implementation in C. [BSD]
* [YAS]( - Very fast **Y**et **A**nother **S**erialization library supports the binary/text/json formats. [Boost]

## Sorting

* [pdqsort]( - Pattern-defeating quicksort. [zlib]
* [Timsort]( - A templated stable sorting function which outperforms quicksort-based algorithms including std::sort, for reversed or semi-sorted data. [MIT]

## Video

* [libvpx]( - VP8/VP9 Codec SDK. [BSD]
* [FFmpeg]( - A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. [LGPL2/GPL2]
* [libde265]( - Open h.265 video codec implementation. [LGPL] [website](
* [x265]( - Open h.265 video codec implementation. [GPL2] [website](
* [OpenH264]( - Open Source H.264 Codec. [BSD] [website](
* [Theora]( - A free and open video compression format. [BSD]
* [Vireo]( - A lightweight and versatile video processing library by Twitter. [MIT]

## Virtual Machines

* [CarpVM]( - "interesting" VM in C. Let's see how this goes. [GPLv3]
* [MicroPython]( - Aims to put an implementation of Python 3.x on a microcontroller. [MIT]
* [TinyVM]( - A small, fast, lightweight virtual machine written in pure ANSI C. [MIT]

## Web Application Framework

* [Civetweb]( - Provides easy to use, powerful, C/C++ embeddable web server with optional CGI, SSL and Lua support. [MIT]
* [CppCMS]( - A Free High Performance Web Development Framework (not a CMS). [LGPLv3]
* [Crow]( - Crow is C++ micro web framework (inspired by Python Flask). [BSD]
* [Cutelyst]( - A C++ Web Framework built on top of Qt, using the simple approach of Catalyst (Perl) framework. [LGPLv2.1+] [website](
* []( - Evented, high performance C web framework supporting HTTP, WebSockets, SSE and more. [MIT] [website](
* [Kore]( - ultra fast and flexible web server / framework for web applications developed in C. [ISC]
* [libOnion]( - lightweight library to help you create webservers in C programming language. [LGPLv3]
* [lwan]( - Experimental, scalable, high performance HTTP server. [GPL2]
* [oat++]( - Light, zero-dependency framework to create high-performance web-services. [Apache-2.0] [website](
* [Pistache]( - Pistache is a C++ REST framework written in pure C++11 with no external dependency. [Apache2]
* [QDjango]( - A web framework written in C++ and built on top of the Qt library. Where possible it tries to follow django's API, hence its name. [LGPL]
* [TreeFrog Framework]( - High-speed and full-stack web application framework based on C++ and Qt, which supports HTTP and WebSocket protocol (with O/R mapping). [BSD] [website](
* [Wt]( - A C++ library for developing web applications. [GPL/Commercial]

## XML
*XML is crap. Really. There are no excuses. XML is nasty to parse for humans, and it's a disaster to parse even for computers. There's just no reason for that horrible crap to exist. - Linus Torvalds*

* [Boost.PropertyTree]( - A property tree parser/generator that can be used to parse XML/JSON/INI/Info files. [Boost]
* [Expat]( - An XML parser library written in C. [MIT]
* [Libxml2]( - The XML C parser and toolkit of Gnome. [MIT]
* [libxml++]( - An XML Parser for C++. [LGPL2]
* [Mini-XML]( - A small XML parsing library written in ANSI C. [LGPL2 with exceptions]
* [PugiXML]( - A light-weight, simple and fast XML parser for C++ with XPath support. [MIT]
* [RapidXml]( - An attempt to create the fastest XML parser possible, while retaining useability, portability and reasonable W3C compatibility. [Boost]
* [TinyXML]( - A simple, small, minimal, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrating into other programs. [zlib]
* [TinyXML2]( - A simple, small, efficient, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrating into other programs. [zlib]
* [TinyXML++]( - A completely new interface to TinyXML that uses MANY of the C++ strengths. Templates, exceptions, and much better error handling. [MIT]
* [Xerces-C++]( - A validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++. [Apache2]

## Miscellaneous
*Useful libraries or tools that don't fit in the categories above or maybe just not categorised yet*

* [access_profiler]( - A tool to count accesses to member variables in c++ programs. [GPL3]
* [American fuzzy lop]( a.k.a. afl-fuzz - Crazy fuzzing tool that automatically discovers bugs given time and minimal example input. [Apache2]
* [Better Enums]( - Reflective enums (to string, iteration). Single header. [BSD] [website](
* [Better String]( - An alternative to the string library for C which is more functional and does not have buffer overflow overrun problems. Also includes a C++ wrapper. [BSD, GPL2]
* [Boost.Signals]( - An implementation of a managed signals and slots system. [Boost]
* [DynaMix]( - A library which allows you to compose and modify objects at run time. [MIT]
* [{fmt}]( :zap: - Small, safe and fast formatting library for C++. [Simplified BSD]
* [FastFormat]( - Fast, Safe C++ Formatting inspired by log4j and Pantheios [Simplified BSD]
* [casacore]( - A set of c++ core libraries derived from aips++. [LGPL]
* [QtVerbalExpressions]( - This Qt lib is based off of the C++ VerbalExpressions library. [MIT]
* [c-smart-pointers]( - Smart pointers for the (GNU) C programming language. [MIT]
* [cxx-prettyprint]( - A pretty printing library for C++ containers. [Boost]
* [gcc-poison]( - A simple header file for developers to ban unsafe C/C++ functions from applications.
* [Kangaru]( - A dependency injection container for C++11 and C++14. [MIT]
* [Klib]( - Small and lightweight implementations of common algorithms and data structures. [MIT]
* [libsigc++]( - A typesafe callback system for standard C++. [LGPL]
* [libcpuid]( - A small C library for x86 CPU detection and feature extraction. [BSD]
* [libevil]( - The Evil License Manager. [GPLv3]
* [libnih]( - A lightweight library of C functions and structures. [GPL2.1]
* [libusb]( - A universal USB library which allows for portable access to USB devices. [LGPL2]
* [Mach7]( - A Pattern-matching library for C++. [BSD]
* [meta]( - Header-only, non-intrusive and macro-free runtime reflection system in C++. [MIT]
* [PEGTL]( - The Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library, a C++11 parser library. [MIT]
* [PHP-CPP]( - A library to build PHP extensions with C++. [Apache2] [website](
* [Remote Call Framework]( - Inter-process communication framework for C++. [GPL2/Commercial]
* [Scintilla]( - A free source code editing component. [MIT]
* [SDS]( - Simple Dynamic Strings library for C. [BSD]
* [semver.c]( - A semver parser and render in ANSI C. [MIT]
* [Serial Communication Library]( - Cross-platform, Serial Port library written in C++. [MIT]
* [sigslot]( - C++ Signal/Slot Library. [PublicDomain]
* [SimpleSignal]( - High performance C++11 signals. [PublicDomain]
* [Stage]( - Mobile robot simulator. [GPL2]
* [stdman]( Formatted C++11/14 stdlib man pages (from cppreference). [MIT]
* [stb]( :zap: - A range of single-file libraries for C/C++. [PublicDomain]
* [StrTk]( - A C++ library consisting of high performance string processing routines. [MIT]
* [Tulip Indicators]( - A C library of over 100 financial technical analysis indicators. [LGPL]
* [ub-canaries]( - A collection of C/C++ programs that try to get compilers to exploit undefined behavior.
* [value-category-cheatsheet]( A PDF cheatsheet for lvalues, rvalues, and the like. [Jank copyleft]
* [VarTypes]( - A feature-rich, object-oriented framework for managing variables in C++ / Qt4. [LGPL]
* [ZBar]( - A barcode scanner library, which allows to scan photos/images/video streams for barcodes and return their value. [LGPL2]
* [ZXing]( - An open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java, with ports to other languages. [Apache]

# Software
*Software for creating a development environment.*

## Compiler
*List of C or C++ compilers*

* [8cc]( - A Small C Compiler.
* [c]( - Compile and execute C "scripts" in one go! [MIT]
* [Clang]( - A C compiler for LLVM. Supports C++11/14/1z C11. Developed by LLVM Team. [NCSA]
* [GCC]( - GNU Compiler Collection. Supports C++11/14/1z C11 and OpenMP. [GNU GPL3]
* [PCC]( - A very old C compiler. Supports C99.
* [Intel C++ Compiler]( - Developed by Intel.
* [LLVM]( - Collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies.
* [Microsoft Visual C++]( - MSVC, developed by Microsoft.
* [Open WatCom]( - Watcom C, C++, and Fortran cross compilers and tools. [Sybase Open Watcom Public License]
* [Oracle Solaris Studio]( - C, C++ and Fortran compiler for SPARC and x86. Supports C++11. Available on Linux and Solaris. [OTN Developer License]
* [TCC]( - Tiny C Compiler. [LGPL]

## Online Compiler
*List of online C or C++ compilers*

* [codepad]( - An online compiler/interpreter, and a simple collaboration tool.
* [coliru]( - Online compiler/shell with support for various C++ compilers.
* [Compiler Explorer]( - An interactive compiler with assembly output available.
* [CompileOnline]( - Compile and Execute C++ online on Linux.
* [Ideone]( - An online compiler and debugging tool which allows you to compile source code and execute it online in more than 60 programming languages.
* []( - A powerful yet simple tools and platforms for educators, learners, and developers.
* [Rextester]( - Online compiler which provides several compilers(Clang, GCC, MSVC) and several editors.
* [Rise4Fun]( - Online Visual C++ compiler.
* [Try It Online]( - TIO is a family of online interpreters for an evergrowing list of practical and recreational programming languages.
* [Wandbox]( - An online Clang/GCC compiler with Boost available.

## Debugger
*List of C or C++ debuggers*

* [Comparison of debuggers]( - A list of Debuggers from Wikipedia.
* [GDB]( - GNU Debugger.
* [LLDB]( - The LLDB Debugger.
* [Metashell]( - An interactive template metaprogramming shell which includes the MDB metadebugger.
* [Valgrind]( - A tool for memory debugging, memory leak detection, and profiling.
* [x64dbg]( - An open-source x64/x32 debugger for windows.

## Integrated Development Environment
*List of C or C++ nominal IDEs.*

* [Anjuta DevStudio]( - The GNOME IDE. [GPL3]
* [AppCode]( - an IDE for Objective-C, C, C++, and JavaScript development built on JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA platform.
* [Cevelop]( - Cross-platform C and C++ IDE based on Eclipse CDT with additional plug-ins.
* [CLion]( - Cross-platform C and C++ IDE from JetBrains.
* [Code::Blocks]( - A free C, C++ and Fortran IDE.
* [CodeLite]( - Another cross-plaform, free C and C++ IDE. [GPL2 with an exception for plugins]
* [color_coded]( - A vim plugin for libclang-based highlighting. [MIT]
* [Dev-C++]( - A portable C/C++/C++11 IDE.
* [Eclipse CDT]( - A fully functional C and C++ IDE based on the Eclipse platform.
* [Geany]( - Small, fast, cross-platform IDE. [GPL]
* [IBM VisualAge]( - A family of computer integrated development environments from IBM.
* [Irony-mode]( - A C/C++ minor mode for Emacs powered by libclang.
* [juCi++]( - Cross-platform, lightweight C++ IDE with libclang integration. [MIT]
* [KDevelop]( - A free, open source IDE.
* [Microsoft Visual Studio]( - An IDE from Microsoft.
* [NetBeans]( - An IDE for developing primarily with Java, but also with other languages, in particular PHP, C/C++, and HTML5.
* [Qt Creator]( :zap: - A cross-platform C++, JavaScript and QML IDE which is part of the SDK for Qt.
* [rtags]( - A c/c++ client/server indexer with for integration with emacs based on clang.
* [Xcode]( - Developed by Apple.
* [YouCompleteMe]( - YouCompleteMe is a fast, as-you-type, fuzzy-search code completion engine for Vim.
* [cquery]( - A C++ code completion engine for vscode, emacs, vim, etc.

## Build Systems

* [Bazel]( - A multi-language, fast and scalable build system from Google. [Apache]
* [Bear]( - A tool to generate compilation database for clang tooling. [GPLv3]
* [clib]( - Package manager for the C programming language. [MIT]
* [CMake]( - Cross-platform free and open-source software for managing the build process of software using a compiler-independent method. [BSD]
* [C++ Archive Network]( - Cross-platform C++ Dependency Manager with a lot of packages available.
* [Cget]( - Cmake package retrieval. [Boost] [website](
* [Conan]( - C/C++ Package Manager, open sourced. [MIT]
* [CPM]( - A C++ Package Manager based on CMake and Git.
* [FASTBuild]( - High performance, open-source build system supporting highly scalable compilation, caching and network distribution.
* [Hunter]( - CMake driven cross-platform package manager for C++. [BSD-2]
* [MesonBuild]( - An open source build system meant to be both extremely fast, and, even more importantly, as user friendly as possible.
* [Ninja]( - A small build system with a focus on speed.
* [Scons]( - A software construction tool configured with a Python script.
* [Sconsolidator]( - Scons build system integration for Eclipse CDT.
* [Spack]( - A flexible package manager that supports multiple versions, configurations, platforms, and compilers. [Apache-2.0/MIT]
* [tundra]( - High-performance code build system designed to give the best possible incremental build times even for very large software projects.
* [tup]( - File-based build system that monitors in the background for changed files.
* [Premake]( - A tool configured with a Lua script to generate project files for Visual Studio, GNU Make, Xcode, Code::Blocks, and more across Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
* [Vcpkg]( - VC++ Packaging Tool for Windows.
* [waf]( - Python-based framework for configuring, compiling and installing applications. [BSD] [website](
* [XMake]( - A C/C++ cross-platform build utility based on Lua. [Apache]

## Static Code Analysis
*List of tools for improving quality and reducing defects by code analysis*

* [Cppcheck]( - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis. - [source](
* [CppDepend]( - Simplifies managing a complex C/C++ code base by analyzing and visualizing code dependencies, by defining design rules, by doing impact analysis, and comparing different versions of the code.
* [cpplint]( - A C++ style checker following Google's C++ style guide.
* [PVS-Studio]( - A tool for bug detection in the source code of programs, written in C, C++ and C#.
* [cpp-dependencies]( - Tool to check C++ #include dependencies (dependency graphs created in .dot format). [Apache]
* [include-what-you-use]( - A tool for use with clang to analyze includes in C and C++ source files. [website](
* [Infer]( - A static analyzer for Java, C and Objective-C. [BSD]
* [OCLint]( - A static source code analysis tool to improve quality and reduce defects for C, C++ and Objective-C. - [source](
* [Clang Static Analyzer]( - A source code analysis tool that finds bugs in C, C++, and Objective-C programs.
* [Linticator]( - Eclipse CDT integration of Pc-/FlexeLint.
* [List of tools for static code analysis]( - A list of tools for static code analysis from Wikipedia.

## Coding Style Tools

* [Artistic Style]( - A tool to format C/C++/C#/Obj-C/Java code. Also known as astyle.
* [ClangFormat]( - A tool to format C/C++/Obj-C code.
* [Clang-Tidy]( - Clang-based C++ linter tool.
* [Uncrustify]( - Code beautifier.

# Resources
*Various resources, such as books, websites, and articles for improving your C++ development skills and knowledge.*

## API Design

* [Beautiful Native Libraries](
* [Designing Qt-Style C++ APIs](

## Articles
*Fantastic C++ related articles.*

* [CppCon 2018 Presentation Materials]( - CppCon 2018 Presentation Materials.
* [CppCon 2017 Presentation Materials]( - CppCon 2017 Presentation Materials.
* [CppCon 2016 Presentation Materials]( - CppCon 2016 Presentation Materials.
* [CppCon 2015 Presentation Materials]( - CppCon 2015 Presentation Materials.
* [CppCon 2014 Presentation Materials]( - CppCon 2014 Presentation Materials.
* [C++Now 2018 Presentations]( - Presentation materials presented at C++Now 2018.
* [C++Now 2017 Presentations]( - Presentation materials presented at C++Now 2017.
* [C++Now 2016 Presentations]( - Presentation materials presented at C++Now 2016.
* [C++Now 2015 Presentations]( - Presentation materials presented at C++Now 2015.
* [C++Now 2014 Presentations]( - Presentation materials presented at C++Now 2014.
* [C++Now 2013 Presentations]( - Presentation materials presented at C++Now 2013.
* [C++Now 2012 Presentations]( - Presentation materials presented at C++Now 2012.

## Books
*Fantastic C or C++ related books.*

* [List of Free C or C++ Books](
* [Free C Books]( - vhf/free-programming-books/C.
* [Free C++ Books]( - vhf/free-programming-books/C++.
* [cppbestpractices]( - Collaborative Collection of C++ Best Practices.

## Coding Style

* [C++ Core Guidelines]( - "Official" set of C++ guidelines, reviewed by the author of C++.
* [C++ Dos and Don'ts]( - The Chromium Projects > For Developers > Coding Style > C++ Dos and Don'ts.
* [google-styleguide]( - Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects.
* [Google C++ Style Guide](
* [GNU Coding Standard](
* [Linux kernel coding style](
* [LLVM Coding Standards](

## Podcasts

* [CppCast]( - The first podcast by C++ developers for C++ developers.

## Talks

* [CppCon Talks]( :zap: - The C++ conference.
* [Quick game development with C++11/C++14]( - CppCon 2014 talk by Vittorio Romeo.
* [Presentation on Hana for C++Now 2015](

## Videos
*Fantastic C or C++ related videos.*

* [List of C or C++ YouTube Videos](
* [Awesome C Programming Tutorials in Hi Def [HD]]( - A collection of detailed C Programming Language Tutorials for Beginners and New Programmers.
* [C++]( - by VoidRealms.
* [C++ Qt Programming]( - by VoidRealms.
* [C++ Programming Tutorials Playlist]( - TheNewBoston Official Buckys C++ Programming Tutorials Playlist.
* [C++ Programming Tutorials from thenewboston]( - These are all of thenewboston's C++ programming tutorials.
* [C++ GUI with Qt Playlist]( - Official Playlist for thenewboston C++ GUI with Qt tutorials.
* [C Programming Tutorials]( - All of TheNewBoston's C programming tutorials are right here.
* [Bo Qian's playlist]( - Boost Library, C++ Standard Library, Modern C++, Advanced C++, Advanced STL, ...

## Websites
*Useful C or C++ related websites.*

* [Standard C++]( :zap: - News, Status & Discussion about Standard C++.
* [CppCon]( - The C++ Conference.
* [C++ reference]( - C++98, C++03, C++11, C++14 reference.
* []( - The C++ Resources Network.
* [C FAQ]( - C frequently asked questions.
* [C++ FAQ]( - C++ frequently asked questions.
* [C++ FQA Lite]( - C++ frequently questioned answers.
* [Guru of the Week]( - A regular series of C++ programming problems created and written by Herb Sutter.
* [Meeting C++](
* [C++ Quiz]( - C++ quiz in which you propose to find errors in code fragments of open source projects.
* [Udemy C++ Courses and Tutorials](
* [C++ Hints]( - Every business day hints about most often C++ mistakes and ways to solve them from PVS-Studio Team.
* [C++ tutorial]( - A user ranked online tutorial bank site displaying multiple courses to learn C++ from.

## Weblogs
*Useful C or C++ related weblogs.*

* [Coding For Speed]( - Coding For Speed DOT COM, Less Execution Time.
* [Eric Niebler](
* [Sticky Bits](
* [Paul Fultz II's Blog](
* [ridiculousfish]( - Will It Optimize?
* [Embedded in Academia](

## Other Awesome Projects
*Collection of useful codes, snippets, ...*

* [algorithms]( - Algorithms & Data Structures in C++.
* [c-algorithms]( - C algorithms library.
* [C++ Awesome Pack]( - Contains some awesome c++ codes, packed in one.

# Other Awesome Lists
*Other amazingly awesome lists*

* [lists]( - List of (awesome) lists curated on GitHub.
* [awesome-awesomeness]( - A curated list of awesome awesomeness.
* [awesome]( :zap: - A curated list of awesome lists.
* [C++ links]( - A categorized list of C++ resources.
* [Awesome C++]( - getAwesomeness()'s mirror.
* [Awesome C++]( - LibHunt's mirror.
* [Awesome C]( 1
* [Awesome C]( 2
* [AwesomePerfCpp]( - A curated list of awesome C/C++ performance optimization resources.
* [free-programming-books]( - List of Freely Available Programming Books.
* [Inqlude]( - The Qt library archive.
* [papers-we-love]( - Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss.
* [awesome-algorithms]( - A curated list of awesome places to learn and/or practice algorithms.
* [awesome-talks]( - A lot of screencasts, recordings of user group gatherings and conference talks.
* [Projects]( - A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language.
* [Awesome interview questions]( - A list of lists of interview questions for the most popular technologies, including C and C++.
* [nothings/single_file_libs]( :zap: - List of single-file C/C++ libraries.

# Contributing
Please see [CONTRIBUTING]( for details.