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A curated list of amazingly awesome R libraries, resources and package collection.

List: Road2R

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A curated list of amazingly awesome R libraries, resources and package collection.

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# Road2R

A curated list of amazingly awesome R libraries, resources and package collection.

!['R logo'](Rlogonew.png)

## Contributing Information
Please see [author's details](
Collaboration and pull requests are always welcomed!

## Workflow for Data Science
!['workflow of data science'](data-science.png)

## Workflow of Text Mining
!['workflow of text mining'](tidyflow.png)

## Workflow of R Package Development
!['workflow of R package development'](package_workflow.png)

## Workflow of Typical Modeling Process
!['workflow of modeling'](modeling-process.png)

## Table of Contents
- [Road2R](#road2r)
- [Contributing Information](#contributing-information)
- [Workflow for Data Science](#workflow-for-data-science)
- [Workflow of Text Mining](#workflow-of-text-mining)
- [Workflow of R Package Development](#workflow-of-r-package-development)
- [Workflow of Typical Modeling Process](#workflow-of-typical-modeling-process)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Data manipulation](#data-manipulation)
- [Visualization](#visualization)
- [Import Data](#import-data)
- [Network graph](#network-graph)
- [Interactive Graphics](#interactive-graphics)
- [Word cloud](#word-cloud)
- [Text mining](#text-mining)
- [Machine learning](#machine-learning)
- [Time series](#time-series)
- [Markdown](#markdown)
- [Development in R](#development-in-r)
- [Online blogs](#online-blogs)
- [Learning materials](#learning-materials)
- [Cheatsheet](#cheatsheet)
- [Shiny](#shiny)
- [Bioinformatics](#bioinformatics)
- [Single-cell](#single-cell)

### Data manipulation
*Packages that enable you to manipulate data*

* [dplyr]( - a grammar of data manipulation.
* [tibble]( - efficient display structure for tabular data.
* [dbplyr]( - A 'dplyr' Back End for Databases.
* [plyr]( - the split-apply-combine paradigm for R.
* [tidyr]( - Easily Tidy Data with 'spread()' and 'gather()' Functions.
* [jsonlite]( - A Robust, High Performance JSON Parser and Generator for R.
* [stringr]( - Simple, Consistent Wrappers for Common String Operations.
* [stringi]( - Character String Processing Facilities.
* [data.table]( - Extension of "data.frame".
* [magrittr]( - A Forward-Pipe Operator for R.
* [reshape2]( - Flexibly Reshape Data: A Reboot of the Reshape Package.
* [forcats]( - Tools for Working with Categorical Variables (Factors).
* [broom]( - Convert Statistical Analysis Objects into Tidy Data Frames.
* [Matrix]( - Sparse and Dense Matrix Classes and Methods.
* [lubridate]( - Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier.
* [xts]( - tools for time series based data.
* [hashmap]( - The Faster Hash Map.
* [rlist]( - A Toolbox for Non-Tabular Data Manipulation.
* [yaml]( - Methods to Convert R Data to YAML and Back.
* [xml2]( - Parse XML.
* [lobstr]( - lobstr provides tools in the same vein as str(), which allow you to dig into the detail of an object.
* [reticulate]( - Interface to 'Python'.
* [moderndive]( - An R package of datasets and wrapper functions for tidyverse-friendly introductory linear regression.

### Visualization
*Packages that enable you to plot*

* [ggplot2]( - Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics.
* [gganinate]( - A Grammar of Animated Graphics.
* [ggedit]( - Interactive 'ggplot2' Layer and Theme Aesthetic Editor.
* [ggfittext]( - Fit Text Inside a Box in 'ggplot2'.
* [ggforce]( - Accelerating 'ggplot2'.
* [gggenes]( - Draw Arrow Maps in 'ggplot2'.
* [ggnetwork]( - Geometrics to Plot Networks with ''ggplot2''.
* [ggmap]( - Spatial Visualization with ''ggplot2''.
* [ggpubr](http:/ - ''ggplot2'' Based Publication Ready Plots.
* [ggrepel]( - Automatically Position Non-Overlapping Text Labels with 'ggplot2'.
* [ggridge]( - Ridgeline Plots in 'ggplot2'.
* [ggsci]( - Scientific Journal and Sci-Fi Themed Color palettes for 'ggplot2'.
* [ggsignif]( - Significance Brackets for 'ggplot2'.
* [ggthemes]( - Extra Themes, Scales and Geoms for 'ggplot2'.
* [ggvis]( - Interactive Grammar of Graphics.
* [cowplot]( - Streamlined Plot Theme and Plot Annotations for 'ggplot2'.
* [treemapify]( - Draw Treemaps in 'ggplot2'.
* [ggalluvial]( - Alluvial Diagrams in 'ggplot2'.
* [GGally]( - Extension to 'ggplot2'.
* [alluvial]( - Alluvial Diagrams.
* [corrplot]( - Visualization of a Correlation Matrix.
* [arulesViz]( - Visualizing Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets.
* [gplots]( - Various R Programming Tools for Plotting Data.
* [rpart.plot]( - Plot 'rpart' Models: An Enhanced Version of 'plot.rpart'.
* [survival]( - Survival Analysis.
* [pheatmap]( - Pretty Heatmap.
* [ROCR]( - Visualization the Performance of Scoring Classifiers.
* [pROC]( - Display and Analyze ROC Curves.
* [ggstance]( - Horizontal versions of common plots.
* [ggExtra]( - Marginal histograms for a plot.
* [patchwork]( - Simple to combine separate ggplots into the same graphic.

### Import Data
*Packages that enable you to import, load and save data*

* [readr]( - Read Rectangular Text Data.
* [openxlsx]( - Read, Write and Edit XLSX Files
* [readxl]( - Read Excel Files.
* [clipr]( - Read and Write from the System Clipboard.
* [data.table]( - Extension of "data.frame".
* [feather]( - R Bindings to the Feather 'API'.
* [haven]( - Import and Export 'SPSS', 'Stata' and 'SAS' Files.
* [httr]( - Tools for Working with URLs and HTTP.
* [rvest]( - Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages.
* [DBI]( - R Database Interface
* [RMySQL]( - MySQL driver for DBI
* [RPostgres]( - Postgres driver for DBI
* [RSQLite]( - SQlite driver for DBI
* [git2r]( - Provides Access to Git Repositories.
* [RCurl]( - General Network (HTTP/FTP/...) Client Interface for R.

### Network graph
*packages that enable you to visualize network*

* [igraph]( - Network Analysis and Visualization.
* [ggnetwork]( - Geometrics to Plot Networks with ''ggplot2''.
* [network3D]( - D3 JavaScript Network Graphs from R.
* [network]( - Classes for Relational Data.
* [sna]( - Tools for Social Network Analysis.
* [snow]( - Simple Network of Workstations.
* [visNetwork]( - Network Visualization using 'vis.js' Library.

### Interactive Graphics
*packages that enable you to make interactive graphics*

* [htmlwidgets]( - framework for creating JavaScript widgets with R.
* [networkD3]( - Interative d3 network graphs.
* [d3heatmap]( - Interactive d3 heatmaps.
* [DT]( - Interactive tables.
* REmap - Create html maps by Echarts.
* [echarts4r]( - EChart htmlwidget.
* [leaflet]( - Interactive maps.
* [plotly]( - Interactive plots.
* [Highcharter]( - Interactive Highcharts plots.
* [visNetwork]( - Interactive network graphs.

### Word cloud
*packages that enable you to draw word cloud*

* [wordcloud]( - Word Clouds.
* [wordcloud2]( - Create Word Cloud by 'htmlwidget'.

### Text mining
*packages that enable you to do text mining*

* [tidytext]( - Text Mining using 'dplyr', 'ggplot2', and Other Tidy Tools.
* [widyr]( - Widen, Process, then Re-Tidy Data.
* [tm]( - Text Mining Package.
* [NLP]( - Natural Language Processing Infrastructure.
* [janeaustenr]( - Jane Austen's Complete Novels.

### Machine learning
*packages that enable you to deploy machine learning algorithms*

* [caret]( - Classification and Regression Training.
* [xgboost]( - Extreme Gradient Boosting.
* [glmnet]( - Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models.
* [e1071]( - Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics, ProbabilityTheory Group (Formerly: E1071), TU Wien.
* [arules]( - Mining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets.
* [car]( - Companion to Applied Regression.
* [igraph]( - PageRank algotirhm.
* [kernlab]( - Kernel-Based Machine Learning Lab.
* [modelr]( - Modelling Functions that Work with the Pipe.
* [gbm]( - gradient boosted regression models.
* [nlme]( - Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models.
* [randomForest]( - Breiman and Cutler's Random Forests for Classification and Regression.
* [rpart]( - Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees.
* [boot]( - Bootstrap Functions (Originally by Angelo Canty for S).
* [gbm]( - gradient boosted regression models.
* [nnet]( - Feed-Forward Neural Networks and Multinomial Log-Linear Models.
* [neuralnet]( - Training of Neural Networks.
* [h2o]( - parallel distributed machine learning algorithms.
* [mlr]( - Machine Learning in R.
* [ggpomological]( - Pomological Colors.
* [visdat]( - Preliminary Exploratory Visualisation of Data.
* [lares]( - R Package for Analytics and Machine Learning.
* [mlr3]( - A clean, object-oriented rewrite of mlr.
* [mlrCPO]( - Composable Preprocessing Operators for MLR.

### Time series
*packages that enable you to play with time*

* [xts]( - eXtensible Time Series.
* [forecast]( - Forecasting Functions for Time Series and Linear Models.
* [zoo]( - S3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular Time Series (Z's Ordered Observations).
* [tsfeatures]( - The R package tsfeatures provides methods for extracting various features from time series data.

### Markdown
*packages that enable you to write markdwon in R*

* [rmarkdown]( - Dynamic Documents for R.
* [rsconnect]( - Deployment Interface for R Markdown Documents and Shiny Applications.
* [knit]( - A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R.
* [tinytex]( - tinytex: Helper Functions to Install and Maintain TeX Live, and Compile LaTeX Documents.

### Development in R
*packages that enable you to develop your own project*

* [devtools]( - Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier.
* [Rcpp]( - Seamless R and C++ Integration.
* [testthat]( - Unit Testing for R.
* [roxygen2]( - In-Line Documentation for R.
* [bindrcpp]( - An 'Rcpp' Interface to Active Bindings.
* [RStudio Desktop IDE]( - IDE.
* [RStudio Server Open Source]( - server IDE.
* [Anaconda]( - The World's Most Popular Python/R Data Science Platform.
* [Visual Studio Code]( - Open source code editor.
* [goodpractice]( - Advice on R Package Building.
* [usethis]( - Automate Package and Project Setup.

### Online blogs
*Online blogs.*

* [RPubs]( - Easy web publishing from R.
* [Shinyapps]( - Share your Shiny Applications Online.
* [R-bloggers]( - R news and tutorials contributed by (750) R bloggers.
* [RWeekly]( - Weekly Updates from the Entire R Community.
* [RDocumentation]( - Search all 16,944 CRAN, Bioconductor and GitHub packages.
* [Rstudio Community]( - The Rstudio Community.
* [生信爱好者周刊]( - 生信爱好者周刊,Weekly of bioinformatics lovers.

### Learning materials
*Online learning materials*

* [Writing R extension]( - The online pdf of telling you how to write your own packages.
* [R packages]( - This is the book site for “R packages”. It was published with O’Reilly in April 2015.
* [R for Data Science]( - This is the website for “R for Data Science”.
* [Text Mining with R - A Tidy Approach]( - This is the website for Text Mining with R.
* [R Start Here]( - A guide to some of the most useful R Packages that we know about.
* [ggplot2 Doc]( - Reference of ggplot2.
* [Plotly for R]( - plotly for R.
* [Efficient R programming]( - Efficient R programming by Colin Gillespie and Robin Lovelace.
* [Advanced R]( - Advanced R.
* [Advanced R Solutions]( - Advanced R Solutions.
* [bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical ]( - Documents with R Markdown.
* [Geocomputation with R]( - Geocomputation with R.
* [knitr]( - knitr: elegant, flexible, and fast dynamic report generation with R.
* [Machine Learning with TensorFlow(R version)]( - This repository is for practicing R tensorflow modeling exercises.
* [R的极客理想-高级开发篇]( - R的极客理想-高级开发篇.
* [swirl]( - swirl is a platform for learning (and teaching) statistics and R simultaneously and interactively.
* [stats337]( - Stats 337: Readings in Applied Data Science.
* [Data Science in Education Book]( - Book on data science (or data analysis) in education using R.
* [datascience-box]( - Data Science Course in a Box.
* [R語言翻轉教室]( - 全中文R語言互動式教材.
* [Statistical Rethinking with brms ggplot2 and the tidyverse]( - Statistical Rethinking with brms, ggplot2, and the tidyverse.
* [DataScienceR]( - a curated list of R tutorials for Data Science, NLP and Machine Learning.
* [MLwR]( - Machine Learning with R.
* [ml-course-r]( - R code for the assignments of Ng's Coursera machine learning course.
* [Book on data science (or data analysis) in education using R]( - Book on data science (or data analysis) in education using R.
* [R Workshops for Beginners]( - No programming experience required!
* [Shiny Tutorial in Chinese]( - Shiny中文教程.
* [R语言教程]( - R Tutorial From Peking University (Mandarin Chinese).
* [Tidy evaluation]( - This guide is now superseded by more recent efforts at documenting tidy evaluation in a user-friendly way.
* [DIYtranscriptomics]( - A full course on the analysis of RNA-seq data using R programming environment and the Bioconductor suite of software packages – a versatile and robust collection of tools for bioinformatics, statistics, and plotting.

### Cheatsheet
*Cheatsheets of Rstudio packages*

* [RStudio IDE Cheat Sheet]( - RStudio IDE Cheat Sheet.
* [R Markdown Cheat Sheet]( - R Markdown Cheat Sheet.
* [Shiny]( - Shiny Cheat Sheet.
* [Package Development Cheat Sheet]( - Package Development Cheat Sheet.
* [Data Import Cheat Sheet]( - Data Import Cheat Sheet.
* [Data Transformation Cheat Sheet]( - Data Transformation Cheat Sheet(dplyr).
* [Data Visualization Cheat Sheet]( - Data Visualization Cheat Sheet with ggplot2.
* [Apply Functions Cheat Sheet with purrr]( - Apply Functions Cheat Sheet.
* [Deep Learning with Keras Cheat Sheet]( - Deep Learning with Keras Cheat Sheet.
* [Sparklyr Cheat Sheet]( - Sparklyr Cheat Sheet.
* [Work with Strings]( - Work with Strings Cheat Sheet.
* [Dates and times with lubridate]( - Dates and Times Cheat Sheet.
* [Advanced R]( - Environments, data Structures, Functions, Subsetting and more by Arianne Colton and Sean Chen.
* [Caret]( - Modeling and Machine Learning in R with the caret package by Max Kuhn.
* [data.table]( - Data manipulation with data.table, cheatsheet by Erik Petrovski.
* [Base R]( - Base R.
* [cartography]( - Thematic maps with spatial objects by Timothée Giraud.
* [estimatr]( - Fast, robust estimators for common models.
* [eurostat]( - R tools to access the eurostat database, by rOpenGov.
* [h2o]( - The R interface to h20’s algorithms for big data and parallel computing.
* [How big is your graph?]( - Graph sizing with base R.
* [LaTeX]( - A reference to the LaTeX typesetting language, useful in combination with knitr and R Markdown.
* [leaflet]( - Interactive maps in R with leaflet, by Kejia Shi.
* [Machine Learning Modelling]( - A tabular guide to machine learning algorithms in R, by Arnaud Amsellem.
* [mlr]( - The mlr package offers a unified interface to R’s machine learning capabilities.
* [Mosaic]( - The mosaic package is for teaching mathematics, statistics, computation and modeling.
* [nardl]( - The nardl package estimates the nonlinear cointegrating autoregressive distributed lag model.
* [xplain]( - Explain statistical functions with XML files and xplain.
* [Parallel Computation]( - Parallel computing in R with the parallel, foreach, and future packages. By Ardalan Mirshani.
* [quanteda]( - Quantitative Analysis of Textual Data in R with the quanteda package by Stefan Müller and Kenneth Benoit.
* [randomizr]( - Automate random assignment and sampling with randomizr. By Alex Coppock.
* [Regular Expressions]( - Basics of regular expressions and pattern matching in R by Ian Kopacka.
* [Simple Features (sf)]( - Tools for working with spatial vector data: points, lines, polygons, etc. Cheatsheet by Ryan Garnett.
* [sjmisc]( - dplyr friendly Data and Variable Transformation, by Daniel Lüdecke.
* [survminer]( - Elegant survival plots, by Przemyslaw Biecek.
* [Syntax Comparison]( - Three code styles compared: $, formula, and tidyverse. By Amelia McNamara.
* [Teach R]( - Concise advice on how to teach R or anything else. By Adi Sarid.

### Shiny
*Shiny Applications Development Materials*

* [Shiny]( - Web Application Framework for R.
* [Shiny Tutorials]( - Shiny Tutorials.
* [shinyAce]( - Ace editor bindings to enable a rich text editing environment within Shiny.
* [shinyBS]( - Twitter Bootstrap Components for Shiny.
* [shinydashboard]( - Create Dashboards with 'Shiny'.
* [shinyjs]( - Easily Improve the User Experience of Your Shiny Apps in Seconds.
* [Shiny Developer Conference]( - Shiny Developer Conference.
* [ShinyTrials]( - Shiny applications with shiny & shinydashboard.
* []( - Share your Shiny Applications Online.
* [Shiny Applications Examples]( - Examples of interactive web apps using shiny.
* [shiny server]( - Host Shiny applications over the web.
* [Mastering Shiny]( - Mastering Shiny: a book.
* [Awesome Shiny Extensions]( - Awesome Shiny Extensions.

### Bioinformatics
*Bioinformatics Tools Implemented in R*

* [CMSclassifier]( - An R package and an example data set are provided to run the CMSclassifier.
* [CMScaller]( - an R package for consensus molecular subtyping of colorectal cancer pre-clinical models.
* [genefu]( - R package providing various functions relevant for gene expression analysis with emphasis on breast and ovarian cancers.
* [CancerSubtypes]( - Cancer subtypes identification, validation and visualization based on multiple genomic data sets.
* [consensusOV]( - Gene expression-based subtype classification for high-grade serous ovarian cancer.
* [ConsensusClusterPlus]( - ConsensusClusterPlus: a class discovery tool with confidence assessments and item tracking.
* [WGCNA]( - WGCNA: an R package for weighted correlation network analysis.
* [ImmuLncRNA]( - The R package 'ImmulancRNA' contains 3 method which can caculate the tumor purity, partial correlation coefficient and identify the lncRNA-pathway pairs.
* [randomForestSRC]( - R-package for random forest analysis of regression, classification, survival and more.
* [plsRcox]( - Partial Least Squares Regression for Cox Models and Related Techniques.
* [superpc]( - Supervised Principal Components.
* [CoxBoost]( - Cox models by likelihood based boosting for a single survival endpoint or competing risks.
* [survivalsvm]( - Survival Support Vector Analysis.
* [GSVA]( - Gene Set Variation Analysis for microarray and RNA-seq data.
* [isomiRseeker]( - Detect miRNA isoforms from small RNA-seq data.
* [TCGAbiolinks]( - TCGAbiolinks - An R/Bioconductor package for integrative analysis with TCGA data.
* [clusterProfiler]( - clusterProfiler: an R package for comparing biological themes among gene clusters.
* [glmnet]( - glmnet: Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models.
* [OmicCircos]( - an R application and package for generating high-quality circular plots for omics data.
* [maftools]( - maftools - An R package to summarize, analyze and visualize MAF files.
* [RTN]( - RTN: Reconstruction of Transcriptional regulatory Networks and analysis of regulons.
* [RedeR]( - Interactive visualization and manipulation of nested networks.
* [GCclassifier]( - GCclassifier: an R package for the prediction of molecular subtypes of gastric cancer.
* [immunedeconv]( - an R package for unified access to computational methods for estimating immune cell fractions from bulk RNA sequencing data.
* [NbClust]( - NbClust: An R Package for Determining the Relevant Number of Clusters in a Data Set.
* [BLCAsubtyping]( - Transcriptomic tools to classify bladder tumours according to six published molecular classifications.
* [consensusMIBC]( - This package implements a nearest-centroid transcriptomic classifier, that assigns class labels according to the consensus molecular classification of Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer (Manuscript submitted). The consensus classification identifies 6 molecular classes : Luminal Papillary (LumP), Luminal Non Specified (LumNS), Luminal Unstable (LumU), Stroma-rich, Basal/Squamous (Ba/Sq), Neuroendocrine-like (NE-like).
* [classifyNMIBC]( - This package implements a Pearson nearest-centroid classifier that assigns class labels to single samples according to the four transcriptomic UROMOL2021 classes of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC): class 1, class 2a, class 2b and class 3.
* [oncoPredict]( - Predict Response from Expression Data and Identify Cell line/Clinical Targets and Trends.
* [Mime]( - Mime: A flexible machine-learning framework to construct and visualize models for clinical characteristics prediction and feature selection.

### Single-cell
*Singl-cell RNA-seq & ATAC in R*
* [Signac]( - Signac is a comprehensive R package for the analysis of single-cell chromatin data. Signac includes functions for quality control, normalization, dimension reduction, clustering, differential activity, and more.
* [Seurat]( - Seurat is an R toolkit for single cell genomics, developed and maintained by the Satija Lab at NYGC.
* [ccRemover]( - Removes the Cell-Cycle Effect from Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data.
* [cellTree]( - Cell population analysis and visualization from single cell RNA-seq data using a Latent Dirichlet Allocation model.
* [SingleR]( - Reference-Based Single-Cell RNA-Seq Annotation.
* [CellChat]( - CellChat is an R package designed for inference, analysis, and visualization of cell-cell communication from single-cell data. CellChat aims to enable users to identify and interpret cell-cell communication within an easily interpretable framework, with the emphasis of clear, attractive, and interpretable visualizations.
* [Harmony]( - Fast, sensitive and accurate integration of single-cell data with Harmony.