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Learning resources for Ruby, Rails, and related skills.

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Learning resources for Ruby, Rails, and related skills.

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# Learn Ruby: a resource list

Hi! This road map has helped me as a second-career developer who didn't do a bootcamp. I hope it helps you too.

Notice a broken link? Or want to suggest an addition? [Open an issue!](

## Table of contents

The "not done" sections (currently "Foundational tools" and below) are somewhat chaotic because I haven't yet seen what's worth keeping there.

- [Preliminaries](#preliminaries)
- [Basics](#basics)
- [Front-end basics](#front-end-basics)
- [Ruby basics](#ruby-basics)
- [Rails basics](#rails-basics)
- [Getting hired](#getting-hired)
- [Foundational tools](#foundational-tools)
- [SQL](#sql)
- [Git](#git)
- [How the Internet works](#how-the-internet-works)
- [Advanced Ruby and Rails](#advanced-ruby-and-rails)
- [Advanced Ruby](#advanced-ruby)
- [Advanced Rails](#advanced-rails)
- [Front end](#front-end)
- [HTML and CSS](#html-and-css)
- [JavaScript](#javascript)
- [UI and usability](#ui-and-usability)
- [Accessibility](#accessibility)
- [Expanding my horizons](#expanding-my-horizons)
- [Games in Ruby](#games-in-ruby)
- [Programming games](#programming-games)
- [Ruby media](#ruby-media)
- [Chat / social media](#chat--social-media)
- [Newsletters](#newsletters)
- [Blogs](#blogs)
- ["Let's build" screencasts](#lets-build-screencasts)
- [Topical screencasts](#topical-screencasts)
- [Streams](#streams)
- [Podcasts](#podcasts)
- [Rails codebases to study](#rails-codebases-to-study)

## Preliminaries

- **If you want to keep it simple** and use just *one* resource that can take you from zero to hireable, I suggest the free [Odin Project]( If you want more variety and more depth on certain topics, keep reading!
- **Why did I chose Ruby?** At first I went for full-stack JS, but the JS ecosystem was confusing to me as a solo learner. Ruby was a lot more straightforward to me, and generally more enjoyable too.
- **Make sure your day job is conducive to part-time studying** if you're a working adult looking to switch careers. I used to be a teacher and spent many of my evenings and weekends grading assignments, which would have made it difficult to learn programming. So I switched to a remote customer support job to free up my schedule.
- **Take care of yourself!** Exercise and get plenty of sleep, and you'll better retain what you learn. If you develop wrist pain from heavy computer use, get an ergonomic keyboard, [do daily wrist stretches](, and try a break app such as [Stretchly](

Resources marked with a dollar sign (πŸ’²) cost money. You may be able to find books for free (from your local library, interlibrary loan, or more dubious sources) but buy them if/when you can, to support the authors.

## Basics

### Front-end basics

- [x] Learn some HTML, CSS, and JS: [The Odin Project - Foundations path]( or resources under ["Front end"](#front-end) below.
- [x] Build a blog from scratch. [GitHub Pages]( is an accessible way to do this. (Choose the option "Project site", then "Start from scratch".)

### Ruby basics

- **Basics:**
- [x] [The Odin Project - Ruby](
- [x] [GoRails - Ruby for Beginners]( if you prefer videos.
- [x] [Try Ruby]( and [BigBinary Academy](, if you like an interactive approach.
- **Guided practice:**
- [x] [Exercism - Ruby](
- [ ] [Advent of Code]( with other people's Ruby solutions to compare yours to. One way to do this is [my Ruby AoC CLI]( (command-line interface).
- **OOP (object-oriented programming):**
- [x] πŸ’²[Sandi Metz - Practical Object-Oriented Design](
- [x] πŸ’²[Sandi Metz & Katrina Owen - 99 Bottles of OOP](
- **Build stuff with Ruby.** Here are some ideas:
- A CLI (command-line interface) app. I made [one that gives statistics on a reading log](
- A game. A text-based game is the simplest approach; for graphical games, see the [Games in Ruby](#games-in-ruby) section.
- A static site. [Bridgetown]( is great for (among other things) building static sites, which are simpler than SSR (server-side rendered) sites Γ  la Rails. Maybe [rebuild your blog]( Be sure to [join the Bridgetown Discord server](β€”the maintainers are very welcoming and helpful to newbies.
- More ideas: [Coding Challenges](, [Build your own X](, [Projectbook](, [Project-based learning](
- **Reference:**
- [x] [Ruby API]( Mentioning it up here because it's the best Ruby docs site but very little-known. Since its search uses a query param, you can add a search keyword to your browser to let you quickly search from the address bar, for example `rb partition` would take you to [](

### Rails basics

Only books and courses are listed below, but be sure to *build things* as you learn. I myself [started building a large-ish Rails app]( at first, but then I found it more helpful to build a series of small throwaway apps ([1](, [2](, [3](, [4](

- **Basics:**
- [x] [GoRails - Build a Blog with Rails 7]( and if you want more along the same lines, [Rails 6 for Beginners](
- [x] [The Odin Project - Rails](
- **Testing:**
- [x] πŸ’²[Jason Swett - The Complete Guide to Rails Testing](
- [x] [thoughtbot - Testing Rails]( or [the summary blog post](
- [x] πŸ’²[Effective Testing with RSpec 3](
- [ ] πŸ’²[Test Driving Rails]( if you need/want Minitest for Rails testing.
- **Misc.:**
- [x] [Explore Ruby communities (below)](#chat--social-media)
- [x] [Style guides]( for Ruby, Rails, and RSpec

### Getting hired

- **Get real-world experience to put on your resume:**
- Contribute to open-source projects. I've written [a short guide on how to get started](
- [Ruby Central - Scholars and Guides Program](
- **Mentorship:**
- [First Ruby Friend]( where aspiring and first-year developers are connected with a mentor.
- [r/rails]( is worth trying too. Examples: [1](, [2](
- **The job search:**
- [Notes on my 2021-2022 job search](
- [Notes on my 2023-2024 job search](

## Foundational tools

### SQL

- **Basics:**
- [x] [SQL Teaching](
- [x] [SQLBolt](
- [x] [Select Star SQL](

- **Advanced:**
- [ ] [Next-Level Database Techniques for Developers](
- [ ] πŸ’²[SQL Antipatterns, Volume 1](
- [ ] [Markus Winand - Use the Index, Luke!](
- [ ] πŸ’²[Markus Winand - SQL Performance Explained](
- [ ] [Advanced Topics in SQL]( course from Stanford
- **PostgreSQL:**
- [ ] [Postgres Playground](
- [ ] [Yeah, Postgres can do that](
- [ ] πŸ’²[High Performance PostgreSQL for Rails](
- [ ] Blog posts on Rails + Postgres: [lots on PaweΕ‚ Urbanek's blog](, [this one at Honeybadger](, [this one at thoughtbot](
- [ ] πŸ’²[The Art of PostgreSQL](
- [ ] πŸ’²[PostgreSQL Query Optimization: The Ultimate Guide to Building Efficient Queries](
- **SQLite:**
- [ ] πŸ’²[SQLite on Rails](

### Git

- **Basics:**
- [x] [Oh My Git!](
- [x] [Oh Shit, Git!?!](
- [x] [Git Katas](
- [x] [The Git Parable](
- [x] [Git Flight Rules](
- **Advanced:**
- [ ] [thoughtbot - Rebuilding Git in Ruby](
- [ ] [Pro Git](
- [ ] πŸ’²[Building Git](

### How the Internet works

- [x] πŸ’²[Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach](
- [ ] [HTTP From Scratch](
- [ ] πŸ’²[Web Security for Developers: Real Threats, Practical Defense]( and the accompanying site [Hacksplaining](
- [ ] [PortSwigger - web security exercises](
- [ ] [Jesse Storimer - Working with TCP Sockets](
- [ ] Build a web server from scratch. Here are Ruby resources: [Ruby HTTP server from the ground up](, [How to Build a Web App with and without Rails Libraries](, and [a Reddit discussion with helpful comments](

## Advanced Ruby and Rails

### Advanced Ruby

- **Reference:**
- [ ] [Victor Shepelev (zverok) - The Ruby Reference]( plus [Ruby Changes]( (covering Ruby 3+). [Ruby Evolution]( is also great.
- [ ] [RuboCop performance rules](
- [ ] [RuboCop security rules](
- **Concurrency:**
- [ ] [Jesse Storimer - Working with Ruby Threads](
- [ ] [Jesse Storimer - Working with Unix Processes](
- [ ] [Async Ruby](
- **Front end:**
- [ ] [Phlex]( view templates; also a base for some other gems such as [Superform](
- [ ] [Glimmer DSL for Web]( a Ruby front-end framework.
- [ ] [Heartml]( SSR web components with Ruby.

### Advanced Rails

- **Reference:**
- [x] πŸ’²[Rebuilding Rails](
- [ ] [πŸ’²The Rails Companion](
- [ ] πŸ’²[The Rails 7 Way](
- [ ] [Rails Guides](
- [ ] [Rails API docs](
- **Architecture:**
- [ ] [Rails Way App](
- [x] πŸ’²[Layered Design for Ruby on Rails Applications](
- [ ] [Develop Single-Machine Rails Applications with LiteStack](
- [ ] πŸ’²[Maintainable Rails](
- [ ] πŸ’²[Gradual Modularization for Ruby and Rails](
- **Performance:**
- [ ] πŸ’²[Nate Berkopec - The Complete Guide to Rails Performance](
- [ ] πŸ’²[Nate Berkopec - The Ruby on Rails Performance Apocrypha](
- [ ] [Mature Optimization Handbook]( (not Rails-specific)
- **Background jobs:**
- [ ] [Sidekiq wiki](
- [ ] [How does Sidekiq work?](
- [ ] πŸ’²[Ruby on Rails Background Jobs with Sidekiq](
- [ ] πŸ’²[Nate Berkopec - Sidekiq in Practice](
- [ ] [AcidicJob](
- **Deployment:**
- [ ] πŸ’²[Josef Strzibny - Deployment from Scratch](
- [ ] πŸ’²[Josef Strzibny - Kamal Handbook](
- [ ] [Ruby on Whales: Dockerizing Ruby and Rails development](
- [ ] πŸ’²[The Docker Book](
- **Misc.:**
- [ ] πŸ’²[Frictionless Generators](

## Front end

### HTML and CSS

- **Community:**
- [The Spicy Web (Discord)](
- **HTML:**
- [ ] [MDN - Getting started with the web](
- [ ] [MDN - HTML](
- [ ] [](
- **CSS:**
- [ ] πŸ’²[The Spicy Web - CSS Nouveau](
- [ ] [MDN - CSS](
- [ ] [](
- [ ] [CSS Selectors: A Visual Guide & Reference](
- [ ] [The Odin Project - Intermediate HTML and CSS](
- [ ] [The Odin Project - Advanced HTML and CSS](
- [ ] [CUBE CSS](
- [ ] [Every Layout](
- [ ] [Magic of CSS](
- [ ] [Under-Engineered Patterns](
- [ ] [Stephanie Eckles - Modern CSS Solutions](
- [ ] [Stephanie Eckles - SmolCSS](
- [ ] [CSS Naked Day](
- [ ] πŸ’²[Julia Evans - Hell Yes! CSS!](
- [ ] [Modern Font Stacks](
- [ ] [Type Is Design: Fix Your UI with Better Typography and CSS](
- [ ] [CSS games](#programming-games)

### JavaScript

- **Basics:**
- [x] [Exploring JavaScript](
- [x] [Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs](
- [x] [What the heck is the event loop anyway?](
- [x] [MDN - JavaScript](
- **Practice:** See also [programming games](#programming-games) below.
- [ ] [Exercism - JavaScript](
- [ ] [Advent of Code]( with CLI runner ([1](, [2]( and solutions ([1](, [2](, [3](, [4](, [5](, [6 (TS)](, [7 (TS)](
- [ ] Build something in JS. Or for a more structured approach: [JavaScript30]( and [solutions](, [Advent of JavaScript]( and [solutions](, [Frontend Mentor](, [Frontend Practice](
- **DOM, forms, and other Web APIs:**
- [x] [The Modern JavaScript Tutorial - Browser: Document, Events, Interfaces](
- [ ] [MDN - Web forms](
- [ ] [ - Learn Forms](
- [ ] [MDN - Web APIs](
- **Going deeper:**
- [x] [You Don't Know JS Yet]( Be sure to read the last three parts after they're finished. #TODO
- [ ] [Deep JS](
- [ ] [What the f*ck JavaScript?](

- **HTML-first JS libraries:** There are lots of these, e.g. see [Hotwire](, many others at [UnsuckJS]( But these are the ones I'm most interested in.
- [i-html]( for HTML over the wire. Also, read [Hypermedia Systems]( and/or watch [Return To Hypermedia: Solving Javascript Fatigue Using Fundamental Web Architecture](, by the creator of [htmx]( (a similar library that is larger and better-known).
- [Alpine.js]( Add [Alpine AJAX]( for functionality like i-html/htmx.

### UI and usability

- **Learning:**
- [x] πŸ’²[Don't Make Me Think](
- [x] πŸ’²[The Design of Everyday Things](
- [ ] [Growth.Design](
- [ ] [Roast My Landing Page blog](
- [x] [Victor Ponamariov - 50 Tips to Improve User Interface](
- [ ] [Victor Ponamariov - How to design almost any UI element](
- [ ] πŸ’²[Victor Ponamariov - 100 UI/UX Tips & Tricks]( (or on [the landing page](
- [ ] πŸ’²[Victor Ponamariov - Re:Form](
- [ ] πŸ’²[Master UI Design](
- [ ] πŸ’²[Refactoring UI](
- [ ] πŸ’²[User Interface Design: A Software Engineering Perspective](
- **Libraries:**
- [Pico CSS](
- [Shoelace](, soon to be superseded by [Web Awesome](

### Accessibility

- [ ] [MDN - Accessibility](
- [ ] [Responsible Web Applications](
- [ ] [ - Learn Accessibility]( (among [their other courses](
- [ ] In Rails: [Accessibility is a Requirement](, [Accessible by Default](

## Expanding my horizons

- **Be a mentor:**
- [x] [Exercism](
- [ ] [First Ruby Friend](
- **Career advancement:**
- [x] [Engineering progression for humans](
- [ ] πŸ’²[The Missing README: A Guide for the New Software Engineer](
- [ ] [Path to Senior Engineer handbook](
- [ ] [Staff engineer archetypes](
- [ ] πŸ’²[The Software Engineer's Guidebook](
- [ ] πŸ’²[The Staff Engineer's Path](
- [ ] πŸ’²[The Tech Resume Inside Out](
- **Design patterns:**
- [x] πŸ’²[Head First Design Patterns](
- [x] [Refactoring.Guru](
- [ ] [thoughtbot - Ruby Science]( (or [EPUB/PDF](
- [ ] πŸ’²[Exercises in Programming Style](
- **Architecture (not Rails-specific):**
- [ ] [The Architecture of Open Source Applications](
- [ ] [Software Design by Example](
- [ ] πŸ’²[Learning Domain-Driven Design](
- **My other lists:**
- [Learn Computer Science and Low-Level Programming](
- [Learn functional programming](

## Games in Ruby

- **Ruby game libraries:**
- πŸ’²[DragonRuby Game Toolkit]( is my recommendation because it has the liveliest community, and all the resources below are for DragonRuby. You may qualify for a free license (see "Free Unrestricted License" on the homepage), and the creators regularly give it away for free during game jams and other special occasions.
- [Gamefic]( is for building text-based adventure games and interactive fiction. See [Getting Started]( and [examples](

- [Gosu](
- [MiniGL](
- [Ruby 2D](
- [Taylor](
- **DragonRuby tutorials:**
- [Building Games with DragonRuby](
- [Let's make Tetris with DragonRuby Game Toolkit, Part 1]( and [Part 2](
- [Notes on DragonRuby Game Toolkit](
- **DragonRuby community, reference, tools:**
- [Discord server](
- [Docs](
- [Zif](
- [Dragon Riders Community](
- [DragonRuby Treasure](, a collection of games made with DragonRuby.

## Programming games

- **API games (any language):**
- [Space Traders](
- [Artifacts](
- [Battlesnake](
- **Ruby games:**
- [SC2AI](
- [Ruby Warrior]( or [the online version](
- **JavaScript/TypeScript games:**
- [Screeps](
- [BitBurner](
- [Elevator Saga](
- **CSS games:**
- [Flexbox Zombies](
- [Grid Critters](
- [CSS Diner](
- [Flexbox Froggy](
- [Flexbox Defense](
- [CSS Grid Garden](
- [CSSBattle](
- [Coding Fantasy](
- **Other programming games:**
- [Swarm](

## Ruby media

### Chat / social media

- [Ruby (Discord)](
- [ (Mastodon)](
- [Ruby on Rails Link (Slack)](
- [Lobsters]( is not Ruby-specific, but it's a way to widen your horizons and the discussions are often great. It's like Hacker News but smaller and more focused on programming.

### Newsletters

- [Short Ruby](
- [Ruby Weekly](
- [Ruby Radar](

### Blogs

There are lots more out there; these are just my favorites.

- [Code with Jason](
- [ - The Ruby Dispatch](
- [Fullstack Ruby](
- [Noel Rappin's Blog](
- [One Ruby Question](
- [Write Software, Well](
- [zverok on lucid code and open data](

### "Let's build" screencasts

These are series using at least Rails 7.

- [CJ Avilla -](
- [Conner Jensen - learning management system](
- [Conner Jensen - ecommerce app](
- [TypeFast - Tinysale (Gumroad clone)](
- [TypeFast - Airbnb clone](
- [TypeFast - Trello clone](
- [TypeFast - Twitter clone](
- [TypeFast - Instagram clone](
- [Webcrunch - supplement sharing app](

### Topical screencasts

- [Code with Jason Meetup](
- [Deanin](
- πŸ’²[Drifting Ruby](
- πŸ’²[GoRails](
- [Ruby & Beyond](
- [SupeRails](
- [Webcrunch](

### Streams

- [AmirRajan](
- [ChaelCodes](
- [CodingWithCaleb](
- [fractaledmind](
- [FullStackLive](
- [jhawthorn](
- [purplelf](
- [TenderlovesCoolStuff](
- [thoughtbot on YouTube](
- [thoughtbot on Twitch](
- [YakAndShears](
- [yesthatelise](

### Podcasts

- [Bike Shed](
- [Code and the Coding Coders who Code it](
- [Code with Jason](
- [Friendly Show](
- [Fullstack Ruby](
- [IndieRails](
- [Maintainable](
- [Rails Changelog](
- [Remote Ruby](
- [Rooftop Ruby](
- [Rubber Duck Dev Show](
- [Ruby for All](
- [Ruby on Rails Podcast](, especially starting at [episode 372]( went they went independent, brought on co-hosts, and hired an editor.
- [Ruby Rogues](
- [Tightly Coupled Book Club](
- [YAGNI](

## Rails codebases to study

I've chosen the codebases below based on a these criteria:

* Is active, with recent commits.
* Does not use a JS framework on the front end, though I made exceptions.
* Is well-known *or* solves a problem that's interesting to me.

If you want to explore more widely, here are other places to find open-source Ruby projects:

* [OpenSourceRails](
* [Ruby projects on CodeTriage](, though not all of them are Rails apps
* [Real World Rails]( (and [how to search through it](
* [Awesome Ruby and Rails Open Source Apps](

Without further ado…

- **Small codebases:** Less than 50k lines of Ruby code.
- []( <2k lines. *An app to share daily positivity.*
- []( <2k lines. *Extracts from the Basecamp and Hey codebases.*
- []( <2k lines. *Send personal data deletion request emails to hundreds of data brokers at once.*
- []( 2k lines. *App for managing job prospecting.*
- []( 3k lines. *App for publishing books to the web.*
- []( 4k lines. *Helps you find and meet up with your friends at conferences.*
- []( 5k lines. *CMS (Content Management System).*
- []( 6k lines. *Open source DocuSign alternative.*
- []( 6k lines. *Issue tracker for open-source projects.*
- []( 8k lines. *Personal finance app.*
- []( 9k lines. *Community calendar platform.*
- []( 12k lines. *The reverse job board for Ruby on Rails developers.*
- []( 12k lines. *Example app showing DDD (Domain-Driven Design), CQRS, and Event Sourcing.*
- []( 12k lines. *Self-hosted ChatGPT alternative.*
- []( 12k lines. *Main website for The Odin Project web development learning platform.*
- []( 13k lines. *Hacker News clone.*
- []( 14k lines. *Learning platform for developers.*
- []( 15k lines. *Digital logic circuit simulator. Has a Vue.js front end.*
- []( 14k lines. *Automated code review for GitHub PRs.*
- []( 17k lines. *A lending library management system.*
- []( 19k lines. *Connects adopters/fosters with pets.*
- []( 21k lines. *Mental health communication web app to share experiences with loved ones.*
- []( 25k lines. *Event management tool tailored to Free and Open Source Software conferences.*
- []( 25k lines. *RSS reader.*
- []( 26k lines. *Where Ruby gems are hosted.*
- []( 36k lines. *Web task automation.*
- []( 36k lines. *CMS (Content Management System).*
- []( 37k lines. *Volunteer management system for the nonprofit CASA.*
- []( 39k lines. *An inventory management system for essentials supply banks.*
- []( 39k lines. *Digital campaigning platform. A Rails app generator.*
- **Larger codebases:** More than 50k lines of Ruby code.
- []( 50k lines. *Wikipedia course dashboard system. Has a React front end.*
- []( 56k lines. *Customer engagement suite. Has a Vue.js front end.*
- []( 72k lines. *E-commerce platform.*
- []( 75k lines. *Like Twitter but self-hosted and federated.*
- []( 102k lines. *An online marketplace for local food.*
- []( 103k lines. *Powers the blogging site []( Uses Preact on the front end.*
- []( 117k lines. *Project management app.*
- []( 117k lines. *Publishes government content on [](*
- []( 250k lines. *Helpdesk/customer support system.*
- []( 288k lines. *The participatory democracy framework.*
- []( 322k lines. *Discussion forum platform. Has an Ember.js front end.*
- []( 368k lines. *Project management software.*
- []( 745k lines. *A popular LMS (learning management system).*
- []( 1.8 million lines. *Like GitHub but with CI/CD and DevOps features built in. Uses Vue.js on the front end. Has great [docs on architecture](*