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# Awesome Java [![Awesome](](
# Java通用基础框架、组件、库、软件汇总列表 [持续更新]

A curated list of awesome Java frameworks, libraries and software.

- [Awesome Java](#awesome-java)
- [Ancients](#ancients) [由来已久的]
- [Bean Mapping](#bean-mapping) [Bean映射]
- [Build](#build) [构建]
- [Bytecode Manipulation](#bytecode-manipulation) [字节码操作]
- [Caching](#caching) [缓存]
- [Cluster Management](#cluster-management) [集群管理]
- [Code Analysis](#code-analysis) [代码分析]
- [Code Coverage](#code-coverage) [代码覆盖]
- [Command-line Argument Parsers](#command-line-argument-parsers) [命令行参数解析]
- [Compiler-compiler](#compiler-compiler) [内嵌编译器]
- [Configuration](#configuration) [配置相关]
- [Constraint Satisfaction Problem Solver](#constraint-satisfaction-problem-solver) [优化解决问题]
- [Continuous Integration](#continuous-integration) [持续集成]
- [CSV](#csv) [CSV]
- [Data structures](#data-structures) [数据结构]
- [Database](#database) [数据库]
- [Date and Time](#date-and-time) [日期和时间]
- [Dependency Injection](#dependency-injection) [依赖注入]
- [Development](#development) [开发]
- [Distributed Applications](#distributed-applications) [分布式应用]
- [Distributed Databases](#distributed-databases) [分布式数据库]
- [Distribution](#distribution) [原生分布式]
- [Document Processing](#document-processing) [文档处理]
- [Formal Verification](#formal-verification) [格式校验]
- [Functional Programming](#functional-programming) [函数式编程]
- [Game Development](#game-development) [游戏开发]
- [Geospatial](#geospatial) [地理空间]
- [GUI](#gui) [图形用户界面]
- [High Performance](#high-performance) [高性能计算]
- [IDE](#ide) [开发工具]
- [Imagery](#imagery) [图形处理]
- [JSON Processing](#json-processing) [JSON处理]
- [JSON](#json) [JSON]
- [JVM and JDK](#jvm-and-jdk) [JVM和JDK]
- [Logging](#logging) [日志]
- [Machine Learning](#machine-learning) [机器学习]
- [Messaging](#messaging) [消息组件]
- [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous) [混杂的]
- [Monitoring](#monitoring) [监控 ]
- [Native](#native) [系统库交互]
- [Natural Language Processing](#natural-language-processing) [自然语言处理]
- [Networking](#networking) [网络]
- [ORM](#orm) [对象关系映射]
- [PDF](#pdf) [PDF]
- [Performance analysis](#performance-analysis) [性能分析]
- [Platform](#platform) [平台]
- [Reactive libraries](#reactive-libraries) [响应式编程库]
- [REST Frameworks](#rest-frameworks) [REST框架]
- [Science](#science) [科学计算]
- [Search](#search) [搜索]
- [Security](#security) [安全]
- [Serialization](#serialization) [序列化]
- [Server](#server) [服务器]
- [Template Engine](#template-engine) [模板引擎]
- [Testing](#testing) [测试]
- [Utility](#utility) [工具类]
- [Web Crawling](#web-crawling) [网络爬虫]
- [Web Frameworks](#web-frameworks) [网络框架]
- [Resources](#resources)
- [Communities](#communities) [委员会]
- [Frontends](#frontends) [前端]
- [Influential Books](#influential-books) [有影响力的书]
- [Podcasts](#podcasts) [播客]
- [Twitter](#twitter) [Twitter]
- [Websites](#websites) [网站]
- [Contributing](#contributing)

## Ancients

*In existence since the beginning of time and which will continue being used long after the hype has waned.*

* [Apache Ant]( - Build process management with XML.
* [Apache Hadoop]( - Storage and large-scale processing of data-sets on clusters of commodity hardware.
* [Apache OpenNLP]( - Toolkit for common tasks like tokenization.
* [Apache Velocity]( - Templates for HTML pages, emails or source code generation in general.
* [FreeMarker]( - General templating engine without any heavyweight or opinionated dependencies.
* [GlassFish]( - Application server and reference implementation for Java EE sponsored by Oracle.
* [GWT]( - Toolbox which includes a Java-to-JavaScript compiler for client-side code, XML parser, API for RPC, JUnit integration, internationalization support and widgets for the GUI.
* [HornetQ]( - Clear, concise, modular and made to be embedded.
* [Hudson]( - Continuous integration server still in active development.
* [Java Modeling Language (JML)]( - Behavioral interface specification language that can be used to specify the behavior of code modules. It combines the design by contract approach of Eiffel and the model-based specification approach of the Larch family of interface specification languages, with some elements of the refinement calculus. Used by several other verification tools.
* [JavaCC]( - More specific and slightly easier to learn. Has syntactic lookahead.
* [JavaServer Faces]( - Oracle's open-source implementation of the JSF standard, Mojarra.
* [JavaServer Pages]( - Common templating for websites with custom tag libraries.
* [JUnit]( - Common testing framework.
* [Launch4j]( - Wraps JARs in lightweight and native Windows executables.
* [Quartz]( - Open-source job scheduler library with Apache 2.0 license.
* [TestNG]( - Testing framework.
* [Trove]( - Primitive collections.

## Bean Mapping

*Frameworks that ease bean mapping.*

* [Dozer]( - Mapper that copies data from one object to another, using annotations, API or XML configuration.
* [JMapper]( - Using byte code manipulation for lightning fast mapping. Supporting annotations, API or XML configuration.
* [MapStruct]( - Code generator which simplifies mappings between different bean types, based on a convention over configuration approach.
* [ModelMapper]( - ModelMapper is an intelligent object mapping library that automatically maps objects to each other.
* [Orika]( - Orika is a Java Bean mapping framework that recursively copies (among other capabilities) data from one object to another.
* [Selma]( - Stupid Simple Statically Linked Mapper. Selma is an Annotation Processor Based bean mapper.

## Build

*Tools which handle the build cycle and dependencies of an application.*

* [Apache Maven]( - Declarative build and dependency management which favors convention over configuration. It might be preferable to Apache Ant which uses a rather procedural approach and can be difficult to maintain.
* [Bazel]( - Build tool from Google that builds code quickly and reliably.
* [Gradle]( - Incremental builds which are programmed via Groovy instead of declaring XML. Works well with Maven's dependency management.

## Bytecode Manipulation

*Libraries to manipulate bytecode programmatically.*

* [ASM]( - All purpose, low level, bytecode manipulation and analysis.
* [Byte Buddy]( - Further simplifies bytecode generation with a fluent API.
* [Byteman]( - Manipulate bytecode at runtime via DSL (rules) mainly for testing/troubleshooting.
* [cglib]( - Bytecode generation library.
* [Javassist]( - Tries to simplify the editing of bytecode.

## Caching

*Libraries which provide caching facilities.*

* [Caffeine]( - High performance, near optimal caching library.
* [Ehcache]( - Distributed general purpose cache.

## Cluster Management

*Frameworks which can dynamically manage applications inside of a cluster.*

* [Apache Aurora]( - Apache Aurora is a Mesos framework for long-running services and cron jobs.
* [Apache Mesos]( - Abstracts CPU, memory, storage, and other compute resources away from machines.
* [Singularity]( - Singularity is a Mesos framework that makes deployment and operations easy. It supports web services, background workers, scheduled jobs, and one-off tasks.

## Code Analysis

*Tools that provide metrics and quality measurements.*

* [Checkstyle]( - Static analysis of coding conventions and standards.
* [Codacy]( - Continuous static analysis, code coverage, and software metrics to automate code reviews.
* [Error Prone]( - Catches common programming mistakes as compile-time errors.
* [FindBugs]( - Static analysis of bytecode to find potential bugs.
* [jQAssistant]( - Static code analysis with Neo4J-based query language.
* [PMD]( - Source code analysis for finding bad coding practices.
* [SonarQube]( - Integrates other analysis components via plugins and provides an overview of the metrics over time.

## Code Coverage

*Frameworks and tools that enable collection of code coverage metrics for test suites.*

* [Clover]( - Proprietary code coverage tool by Atlassian that relies on source-code instrumentation, instead of bytecode instrumentation.
* [Cobertura]( - Relies on offline (or static) bytecode instrumentation and class loading to collect code coverage metrics; GPLv2 licensed.
* [JaCoCo]( - Framework that enables collection of code coverage metrics, using both offline and runtime bytecode instrumentation; prominently used by EclEmma, the Eclipse code-coverage plugin.

## Command-line Argument Parsers

*Libraries that make it easy to parse command line options, arguments, etc.*

* [args4j]( - Small library to parse command like arguments similar to javac.
* [JCommander]( - Command line arguments parsing framework with custom types and validation via implementing interfaces.
* [JOpt Simple]( - Simple parser that uses the POSIX getopt() and GNU getopt_long() syntaxes. Does not use annotations, uses a fluent API instead.

## Compiler-compiler

*Frameworks that help to create parsers, interpreters or compilers.*

* [ANTLR]( - Complex full-featured framework for top-down parsing.
* [JFlex]( - A lexical analyzer generator.

## Configuration

*Libraries that provide external configuration.*

* [config]( - Configuration library for JVM languages.
* [owner]( - Reduces boilerplate of properties.

## Constraint Satisfaction Problem Solver

*Libraries that help on implementing optimization and satisfiability problems.*

* [Choco]( - Off-the-shelf constraint satisfaction problem solver, which uses constraint programming techniques.
* [JaCoP]( - Includes an interface for the FlatZinc language, enabling it to execute MiniZinc models.
* [OptaPlanner]( - Business planning and resource scheduling optimization solver.

## Continuous Integration

*Tools which support continuously building, testing and releasing applications.*

* [Bamboo]( - Atlassian's solution with good integration of their other products. You can either apply for an open-source license or buy it.
* [fabric8]( - Integration platform for containers.
* [Go]( - ThoughtWork's open-source solution.
* [Jenkins]( - Provides server-based deployment services.
* [TeamCity]( - JetBrain's CI solution with a free version.
* [Travis]( - Hosted service often used for open-source projects.

## CSV

*Frameworks and libraries that simplify reading/writing CSV data.*

* [opencsv]( - Simple CSV parser with a commercial-friendly license.
* [Super CSV]( - Powerful CSV parser with support for Dozer, Joda-Time and Java 8.
* [uniVocity-parsers]( - One of the fastest and most feature-complete CSV. Also comes with parsers for TSV and fixed width records.

## Database

*Everything which simplifies interactions with the database.*

* [Apache Hive]( - Data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Hadoop.
* [Apache Phoenix]( - High performance relational database layer over HBase for low latency applications.
* [Chronicle Map]( - Efficient in-memory (opt. persisted to disk) off-heap key-value store.
* [eXist]( - A NoSQL document database and application platform.
* [FlexyPool]( - Brings metrics and failover strategies to the most common connection pooling solutions.
* [Flyway]( - Simple database migration tool.
* [H2]( - Small SQL Database notable for its in-memory functionality.
* [HikariCP]( - High performance JDBC connection pool.
* [JDBI]( - Convenient abstraction of JDBC.
* [Jedis]( - A small client for interaction with redis, with methods for commands.
* [jOOQ]( - Generates typesafe code based on SQL schema.
* [Liquibase]( - Database-independent library for tracking, managing and applying database schema changes.
* [MapDB]( - Embedded database engine that provides concurrent collections backed on disk or in off-heap memory.
* [Presto]( - Distributed SQL query engine for big data.
* [Querydsl]( - Typesafe unified queries.
* [Realm]( - Mobile database to run directly inside phones, tablets or wearables.
* [Redisson]( - Allows for distributed and scalable data structures on top of a Redis server.
* [Speedment]( - A database access library that utilizes the Java 8 Stream API for querying.
* [Vibur DBCP]( - JDBC connection pool library which offers advanced performance monitoring capabilities.

## Data structures

*Efficient and specific data structures.*

* [Apache Avro]( - Data interchange format featuring among others: dynamic typing, untagged data, absence of manually assigned IDs.
* [Apache Orc]( - Fast and efficient columnar storage format for hadoop based workloads.
* [Apache Parquet]( - Columnar storage format based on assembly algorithms from the Dremel paper by Google.
* [Apache Thrift]( - Data interchange format that originated at Facebook.
* [Persistent Collection]( - Persistent and immutable analogue of the Java Collections Framework.
* [Protobuf]( - Google's data interchange format.
* [SBE]( - Simple Binary Encoding, one of the fastest message formats around.
* [Wire]( - Clean, lightweight protocol buffers.

## Date and Time

*Libraries related to handling date and time.*

* [Almanac Converter]( - Simple conversion between different calendar systems.
* [Joda-Time]( - De facto standard date/time-library before Java 8.
* [ThreeTenBP]( - Port of JSR 310 (java.time package) by the author of Joda-Time.
* [Time4J]( - Advanced date and time library.

## Dependency Injection

*Libraries that help to realize the [Inversion of Control]( paradigm.*

* [Apache DeltaSpike]( - CDI extension framework.
* [Dagger2]( - Compile-time injection framework without reflection.
* [Guice]( - Lightweight but powerful framework that completes Dagger.
* [HK2]( - Light-weight and dynamic dependency injection framework.

## Development

*Augmentation of the development process at a fundamental level.*

* [ADT4J]( - JSR-269 code generator for algebraic data types.
* [AspectJ]( - Seamless aspect-oriented programming extension.
* [Auto]( - Collection of source code generators.
* [DCEVM]( - Modification of the JVM that allows unlimited redefinition of loaded classes at runtime.
* [HotswapAgent]( - Unlimited runtime class and resource redefinition.
* [Immutables]( - Scala-like case classes.
* [JHipster]( - Yeoman source code generator to create applications based on Spring Boot and AngularJS.
* [JRebel]( - Commercial software that instantly reloads code and configuration changes without redeploys.
* [Lombok]( - Code-generator which aims to reduce the verbosity.
* [Spring Loaded]( - Class reloading agent.

## Distributed Applications

*Libraries and frameworks for writing distributed and fault-tolerant applications.*

* [Akka]( - Toolkit and runtime for building concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications.
* [Apache Storm]( - Realtime computation system.
* [Apache ZooKeeper]( - Coordination service with distributed configuration, synchronization, and naming registry for large distributed systems.
* [Atomix]( - Fault-tolerant distributed coordination framework.
* [Axon Framework]( - Framework for creating CQRS applications.
* [Copycat]( - Fault-tolerant state machine replication framework.
* [Hazelcast]( - Highly scalable in-memory datagrid.
* [Hystrix]( - Provides latency and fault tolerance.
* [JGroups]( - Toolkit for reliable messaging and creating clusters.
* [Lagom]( - Framework for creating microservice-based systems.
* [Orbit]( - Virtual Actors, adding another level of abstraction to traditional actors.
* [Quasar]( - Lightweight threads and actors for the JVM.

## Distributed Databases

*Databases in a distributed system that appear to applications as a single data source.*

* [Apache Cassandra]( - Column-oriented and providing high availability with no single point of failure.
* [Apache HBase]( - Hadoop database for big data.
* [Druid]( - Real-time and historical OLAP data store that excel at aggregation and approximation queries.
* [Infinispan]( - Highly concurrent key/value datastore used for caching.
* [OpenTSDB]( - Scalable and distributed time series database written on top of Apache HBase.

## Distribution

*Tools which handle the distribution of applications in native formats.*

* [Bintray]( - Version control for binaries which handles the publishing. Can also be used with Maven or Gradle and has a free plan for open-source software or several business plans.
* [Boxfuse]( - Deployment of JVM application to AWS using the principles of Immutable Infrastructure.
* [Capsule]( - Simple and powerful packaging and deployment. A fat JAR on steroids or a "Docker for Java" that supports JVM-optimized containers.
* [Central Repository]( - Largest binary component repository available as a free service to the open-source community. Default used by Apache Maven and available in all other build tools.
* [IzPack]( - Setup authoring tool for cross-platform deployments.
* [JitPack]( - Easy to use package repository for GitHub. Builds Maven/Gradle projects on demand and publishes ready-to-use packages.
* [Nexus]( - Binary management with proxy and caching capabilities.
* [packr]( - Packs JARs, assets and the JVM for native distribution on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

## Document Processing

*Libraries that assist with processing office document formats.*

* [Apache POI]( - Supports OOXML (XLSX, DOCX, PPTX) as well as OLE2 (XLS, DOC or PPT).
* [documents4j]( - API for document format conversion using third-party converters such as MS Word.
* [docx4j]( - Creating and manipulating Microsoft Open XML files.

## Formal Verification

*Formal-methods tools: proof assistants, model checking, symbolic execution etc.*

* [CATG]( - Concolic unit testing engine. Automatically generates unit tests using formal methods.
* [Checker Framework]( - Pluggable type systems. Includes nullness types, physical units, immutability types and more.
* [Daikon]( - Daikon detects likely program invariants and can generate JML specs based on those invariats.
* [Java Path Finder (JPF)]( - JVM formal verification tool containing a model checker and more. Created by NASA.
* [JMLOK 2.0]( - Detects nonconformances between code and JML specification through the feedback-directed random tests generation, and suggests a likely cause for each nonconformance detected.
* [KeY]( - The KeY System is a formal software development tool that aims to integrate design, implementation, formal specification, and formal verification of object-oriented software as seamlessly as possible. Uses JML for specification and symbolic execution for verification.
* [OpenJML]( - Translates JML specifications into SMT-LIB format and passes the proof problems implied by the program to backend solvers.

## Functional Programming

*Libraries that facilitate functional programming.*

* [cyclops-react]( - Monad and stream utilities, comprehensions, pattern matching, functional extensions for all JDK collections, future streams, trampolines and much more.
* [derive4j]( - Java 8 annotation processor and framework for deriving algebraic data types constructors, pattern-matching, morphisms.
* [Fugue]( - Functional extensions to Guava.
* [Functional Java]( - Implements numerous basic and advanced programming abstractions that assist composition-oriented development.
* [Javaslang]( - Functional component library that provides persistent data types and functional control structures.
* [jOOλ]( - Extension to Java 8 which aims to fix gaps in lambda, providing numerous missing types and a rich set of sequential Stream API additions.

## Game Development

*Frameworks that support the development of games.*

* [jMonkeyEngine]( - Game engine for modern 3D development.
* [libGDX]( - All-round cross-platform, high-level framework.
* [LWJGL]( - Robust framework that abstracts libraries like OpenGL/CL/AL.

## Geospatial

*Libraries for working with geospatial data and algorithms.*

* [Apache SIS]( - Library for developing geospatial applications.
* [Geo]( - GeoHash utilities in Java.
* []( - Library for developing geospatial applications. Built on top of the Apache SIS project.
* [GeoTools]( - Library that provides tools for geospatial data.
* [H2GIS]( - A spatial extension of the H2 database.
* [Jgeohash]( - Library that can assist Java developers in using the GeoHash algorithm.
* [Mapsforge]( - Software for the rendering of maps based on OpenStreetMap data.
* [Spatial4j]( - General purpose spatial/geospatial ASL licensed open-source Java library.

## GUI

*Libraries to create modern graphical user interfaces.*

* [JavaFX]( - The successor of Swing.
* [Scene Builder]( - Visual layout tool for JavaFX applications.
* [SWT]( - The Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) is a graphical widget toolkit for use with the Java platform.

## High Performance

*Everything about high performance computation, from collections to specific libraries.*

* [Agrona]( - Data structures and utility methods that are common in high-performance applications.
* [Disruptor]( - Inter-thread messaging library.
* [fastutil]( - Fast and compact type-specific collections.
* [GS Collections]( - Collection framework inspired by Smalltalk.
* [HPPC]( - Primitive collections.
* [JCTools]( - Concurrency tools currently missing from the JDK.
* [Koloboke]( - Hash sets and hash maps.

## IDE

*Integrated development environments that try to simplify several aspects of development.*

* [Eclipse]( - Established, open-souce project with support for lots of plugins and languages.
* [IntelliJ IDEA]( - Supports a lot of JVM languages and provides good options for Android development. The commercial edition targets the enterprise sector.
* [NetBeans]( - Provides integration for several Java SE and EE features from database access to HTML5.

## Imagery

*Libraries that assist with the creation, evaluation or manipulation of graphical images.*

* [Imgscalr]( - Simple and efficient hardware-accelerated image-scaling library implemented in pure Java 2D.
* [Thumbnailator]( - Thumbnailator is a high-quality thumbnail generation library for Java.
* [TwelveMonkeys]( - Collection of plugins which extend the number of supported image file formats.
* [ZXing]( - Multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library.


*Libraries for serializing and deserializing JSON to and from Java objects.*

* [Genson]( - Powerful and easy to use Java to JSON conversion library.
* [Gson]( - Serializes objects to JSON and vice versa. Good performance with on-the-fly usage.
* [Jackson]( - Similar to GSON but has performance gains if you need to instantiate the library more often.
* [Jackson-datatype-money]( - Open-source Jackson module to support JSON serialization and deserialization of JavaMoney data types.
* [JSON-io]( - Convert Java to JSON. Convert JSON to Java. Pretty print JSON. Java JSON serializer.
* [LoganSquare]( - JSON parsing and serializing library based on Jackson's streaming API. Outperforms GSON & Jackson's library.

## JSON Processing

*Libraries for processing data in JSON format.*

* [fastjson]( - Very fast processor with no additional dependencies and full data binding.
* [Jolt]( - JSON to JSON transformation tool.
* [JsonPath]( - Extract data from JSON using XPATH like syntax.
* [JsonSurfer]( - Streaming JsonPath processor dedicated to processing big and complicated JSON data.

## JVM and JDK

*Current implementations of the JVM/JDK.*

* [Avian]( - JVM with both a JIT & AOT modes. Includes an iOS port.
* [JDK 9]( - Early access releases of JDK 9.
* [OpenJDK]( - Open-source implementation for Linux.
* [ParparVM]( - VM with non-blocking concurrent GC for iOS.
* [Zulu OpenJDK 9]( - Early access OpenJDK 9 builds for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
* [Zulu OpenJDK]( - OpenJDK builds for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X through Java 8.

## Logging

*Libraries that log the behavior of an application.*

* [Apache Log4j 2]( - Complete rewrite with a powerful plugin and configuration architecture.
* [Graylog]( - Open-source aggregator suited for extended role and permission management.
* [Kibana]( - Analyzes and visualizes log files. Some features require payment.
* [Logback]( - Robust logging library with interesting configuration options via Groovy.
* [Logbook]( - Extensible, open-source library for HTTP request and response logging.
* [Logstash]( - Tool for managing log files.
* [SLF4J]( - Abstraction layer which is to be used with an implementation.
* [tinylog]( - Lightweight logging framework with static logger class.

## Machine Learning

*Tools that provide specific statistical algorithms which allow learning from data.*

* [Apache Flink]( - Fast and reliable large-scale data processing engine.
* [Apache Mahout]( - Scalable algorithms focused on collaborative filtering, clustering and classification.
* [Apache Spark]( - Data analytics cluster computing framework.
* [DeepDive]( - Creates structured information from unstructured data and integrates it into an existing database.
* [Deeplearning4j]( - Distributed and multi-threaded deep learning library.
* [H2O]( - Analytics engine for statistics over big data.
* [JSAT]( - Algorithms for pre-processing, classification, regression, and clustering with support for multi-threaded execution.
* [Oryx 2]( - A framework for building real-time large scale machine learning applications, which also includes end-to-end applications for collaborative filtering, classification, regression, and clustering.
* [Smile]( - The Statistical Machine Intelligence and Learning Engine provides a set of machine learning algorithms and a visualization library.
* [Weka]( - Collection of algorithms for data mining tasks ranging from pre-processing to visualization.

## Messaging

*Tools that help to send messages between clients in order to ensure protocol independency.*

* [Aeron]( - Efficient reliable unicast and multicast message transport.
* [Apache ActiveMQ]( - Message broker that implements JMS and converts synchronous to asynchronous communication.
* [Apache Camel]( - Glues together different transport APIs via Enterprise Integration Patterns.
* [Apache Kafka]( - High-throughput distributed messaging system.
* [Hermes]( - Fast and reliable message broker built on top of Kafka.
* [Nakadi]( - Provides a RESTful API on top of Kafka.
* [JeroMQ]( - Implementation of ZeroMQ.
* [Smack]( - Cross-platform XMPP client library.
* [RocketMQ]( - A fast, reliable, and scalable distributed messaging platform.

## Miscellaneous

*Everything else.*

* [Codename One]( - Cross platform solution for writing native mobile (iOS, Android, etc.)
* [Design Patterns]( - Implementation and explanation of the most common design patterns.
* [Failsafe]( - Simple failure handling with retries and circuit breakers.
* [J2ObjC]( - Java to Objective-C translator for porting Android libraries to iOS.
* [jabba]( - Java Version Manager inspired by nvm.
* [JBake]( - Static website generator.
* [Jimfs]( - In-memory file system.
* [JPad]( - Snippet runner.
* [Lanterna]( - Easy console text GUI library similar to curses.
* [LightAdmin]( - Pluggable CRUD UI library for rapid application development.
* [Modern Java - A Guide to Java 8]( - Popular Java 8 guide.
* [OpenRefine]( - Tool for working with messy data: cleaning, transforming, extending it with web services and linking it to databases.
* [TypeTools]( - Tools for resolving generic types.

## Monitoring

*Tools that monitor applications in production.*

* [AppDynamics]( - Commercial performance monitor.
* [JavaMelody]( - Performance monitoring and profiling.
* [jmxtrans]( - Tool to connect to multiple JVMs and to query them for their attributes via JMX. Its query language is based on JSON, which allows non-Java programmers to access the JVMs attributes. Likewise, this tool supports different output writes, including Graphite, Ganglia, StatsD, among others.
* [Jolokia]( - JMX over REST.
* [Kamon]( - Tool for monitoring applications running on the JVM.
* [Metrics]( - Expose metrics via JMX or HTTP and can send them to a database.
* [New Relic]( - Commercial performance monitor.
* [Prometheus]( - Provides a multi-dimensional data model, DSL, autonomous server nodes and much more.
* [SPM]( - Commercial performance monitor with distributing transaction tracing for JVM apps.
* [Takipi]( - Commercial in-production error monitoring and debugging.
* [Stagemonitor]( - Open source performance monitoring and transaction tracing for JVM apps.
* [Glowroot]( - Open source Java APM.
* [Pinpoint]( - Open source APM tool.

## Native

*For working with platform-specific native libraries.*

* [JNA]( - Work with native libraries without writing JNI. Also provides interfaces to common system libraries.
* [JNR]( - Work with native libraries without writing JNI. Also provides interfaces to common system libraries. Same goals as JNA, but faster, and serves as the basis for the upcoming [Project Panama](

## Natural Language Processing

*Libraries that specialize on processing text.*

* [CoreNLP]( - Stanford's CoreNLP provides a set of fundamental tools for tasks like tagging, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis and many more.
* [DKPro]( - A collection of re-usable NLP tools for linguistic pre-processing, machine learning, lexical resources, etc.
* [LingPipe]( - Toolkit for a variety of tasks ranging from POS tagging to sentiment analysis.

## Networking

*Libraries for network programming.*

* [Async Http Client]( - Asynchronous HTTP and WebSocket client library.
* [Comsat]( - Integrates standard Java web-related APIs with Quasar fibers and actors.
* [Finagle]( - Extensible RPC system used to construct high-concurrency servers. It implements uniform client and server APIs for several protocols, and is protocol agnostic, which simplifies the implementation of new protocols.
* [Grizzly]( - NIO framework. Used as a network layer in Glassfish.
* [gRPC]( - RPC framework based on protobuf and HTTP/2.
* [Netty]( - Framework for building high performance network applications.
* [Nifty]( - Implementation of Thrift clients and servers on Netty.
* [OkHttp]( - HTTP+SPDY client.
* [Riptide]( - Client-side response routing for Spring's RestTemplate.
* [Undertow]( - Web server providing both blocking and non-blocking API’s based on NIO. Used as a network layer in WildFly.
* [urnlib]( - Java library for representing, parsing and encoding URNs as in RFC 2141.

## ORM

*APIs which handle the persistence of objects.*

* [Ebean]( - Provides simple and fast data access.
* [EclipseLink]( - Supports a number of persistence standards: JPA, JAXB, JCA and SDO.
* [Hibernate]( - Robust and widely used with an active community.
* [MyBatis]( - Couples objects with stored procedures or SQL statements.

## PDF

*Everything that helps with the creation of PDF files.*

* [Apache FOP]( - Creates PDF from XSL-FO.
* [Apache PDFBox]( - Toolbox for creating and manipulating PDF.
* [Dynamic Jasper]( - Abstraction layer to JasperReports.
* [DynamicReports]( - Simplifies JasperReports.
* [flyingsaucer]( - XML/XHTML and CSS 2.1 renderer.
* [iText]( - Creates PDF files programmatically but requires a license for commercial purposes.
* [JasperReports]( - Complex reporting engine.

## Performance analysis

*Tools for performance analysis, profiling and benchmarking.*

* [honest-profiler]( - An low-overhead, bias-free sampling profiler.
* [jHiccup]( - Logs and records platform JVM stalls.
* [JProfiler]( - Commercial profiler.
* [LatencyUtils]( - Utilities for latency measurement and reporting.
* [XRebel]( - A commercial profiler for Java Web applications.
* [YourKit Java Profiler]( - Commercial profiler.

## Platform

*Frameworks that are suites of multiple libraries encompassing several categories.*

* [Spring]( - Provides many packages ranging from dependency injection to aspect-oriented programming to security.

## Reactive libraries

*Libraries for developing reactive applications.*

* [Reactive Streams]( - Provide a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking backpressure.
* [Reactor]( - Library for building reactive fast-data applications.
* [RxJava]( - Library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences from the JVM.
* [vert.x]( - Polyglot event-driven application framework.

## REST Frameworks

*Frameworks specifically for creating RESTful services.*

* [Dropwizard]( - Opinionated framework for setting up modern web applications with Jetty, Jackson, Jersey and Metrics.
* [Feign]( - HTTP client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSocket.
* [Jersey]( - JAX-RS reference implementation.
* [Microserver]( — A convenient extensible Microservices plugin system for Spring & Spring Boot, with over 30 plugins and growing, that supports both micro-monolith and pure microservices styles.
* [RAML]( - Modeling language to generate REST APIs with contract first.
* [Rapidoid]( - A simple, secure and extremely fast framework consisting of embedded HTTP server, GUI components and dependency injection.
* []( - Framework for building robust, scalable RESTful architectures using type-safe bindings and asynchronous, non-blocking IO with an end-to-end developer workflow that promotes clean practices, uniform interface design and consistent data modeling.
* [RESTEasy]( - Fully certified and portable implementation of the JAX-RS specification.
* [RestExpress]( - Thin wrapper on the JBoss Netty HTTP stack to provide scaling and performance.
* [Restlet Framework]( - Pioneering framework with powerful routing and filtering capabilities, unified client and server API.
* [Retrofit]( - Type-safe REST client.
* [Spark]( - Sinatra inspired framework.
* [Swagger]( - Swagger is a specification and complete framework implementation for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services.

## Science

*Libraries for scientific computing, analysis and visualization.*

* [DataMelt]( - Environment for scientific computation, data analysis and data visualization.
* [GraphStream]( - Library for modeling and analysis of dynamic graphs.
* [JGraphT]( - Graph library that provides mathematical graph-theory objects and algorithms.
* [JGraphX]( - Library for visualisation (mainly Swing) and interaction with node-edge graphs.

## Search

*Engines which index documents for search and analysis.*

* [Apache Lucene]( - High-performance, full-featured cross-platform text search engine library.
* [Apache Solr]( - Enterprise search engine optimized for high volume traffic.
* [Elasticsearch]( - Distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with a RESTful web interface and schema-free JSON documents.

## Security

*Libraries that handle security, authentication, authorization or session management.*

* [Apache Shiro]( - Performs authentication, authorization, cryptography and session management.
* [Bouncy Castle]( - All-purpose cryptographic library. JCA provider, wide range of functions from basic helpers to PGP/SMIME operations.
* [Cryptomator]( - Multiplatform transparent client-side encryption of files in the cloud.
* [Google Keyczar]( - Easy to use, yet safe encryption framework with key versioning.
* [Keycloak]( - Integrated SSO and IDM for browser apps and RESTful web services.
* [OACC]( - Provides permission-based authorization services.
* [pac4j]( - Security engine.
* [PicketLink]( - Umbrella project for security and identity management.

## Serialization

*Libraries that handle serialization with high efficiency.*

* [FlatBuffers]( - Memory efficient serialization library that can access serialized data without unpacking and parsing it.
* [FST]( - JDK compatible high performance object graph serialization.
* [Kryo]( - Fast and efficient object graph serialization framework.
* [MessagePack]( - Efficient binary serialization format.

## Server

*Servers which are specifically used to deploy applications.*

* [Apache Tomcat]( - Robust all-round server for Servlet and JSP.
* [Apache TomEE]( - Tomcat plus Java EE.
* [Jetty]( - Lightweight, small server, often embedded in projects.
* [WebSphere Liberty]( - Lightweight, modular server developed by IBM.
* [WildFly]( - Formerly known as JBoss and developed by Red Hat with extensive Java EE support.

## Template Engine

*Tools which substitute expressions in a template.*

* []( - Logic-less and semantic Mustache templates.
* [Thymeleaf]( - Aims to be a substitute for JSP and works for XML files in general.

## Testing

*Tools that test from model to the view.*

* [Apache JMeter]( - Functional testing and performance measurements.
* [Arquillian]( - Integration and functional testing platform for Java EE containers.
* [AssertJ]( - Fluent assertions that improve readability.
* [Awaitility]( - DSL for synchronizing asynchronous operations.
* [Citrus]( - Integration testing framework with focus on client- and serverside messaging.
* [ConcurrentUnit]( - Toolkit for testing multi-threaded and asynchronous applications.
* [Cucumber]( - BDD testing framework.
* [Cukes-REST]( - A collection of Gherkin steps for REST-service testing using Cucumber.
* [Gatling]( - Load testing tool designed for ease of use, maintainability and high performance.
* [GreenMail]( - In-memory email server for integration testing. Supports SMTP, POP3 and IMAP including SSL.
* [Hamcrest]( - Matchers that can be combined to create flexible expressions of intent.
* [J8Spec]( - J8Spec is a library that allows tests written in Java to follow the BDD style introduced by RSpec and Jasmine.
* [JBehave]( - Framework for Behavioural Driven Development.
* [JGiven]( - Developer-friendly BDD testing framework compatible with JUnit and TestNG.
* [JMockit]( - Mocks static, final methods and more.
* [junit-dataprovider]( - A TestNG like dataprovider runner for JUnit.
* [JUnitParams]( - Creation of readable and maintainable parametrised tests.
* [Mockito]( - Creation of test double objects in automated unit tests for the purpose of TDD or BDD.
* [Moco]( - Concise web services for stubs and mocks, Duke's Choice Award 2013.
* [PIT]( - Fast mutation-testing framework for evaluating fault-detection abilities of existing JUnit or TestNG test-suites.
* [PowerMock]( - Enables mocking of static methods, constructors, final classes and methods, private methods and removal of static initializers.
* [REST Assured]( - Java DSL for easy testing for REST/HTTP services.
* [Selenide]( - Concise API around Selenium to write stable and readable UI tests.
* [Selenium]( - Portable software testing framework for web applications.
* [Spock]( - JUnit-compatible framework featuring an expressive Groovy-derived specification language.
* [Truth]( - Google's assertion and proposition framework.
* [WireMock]( - Stubbs and mocks web services.

## Utility

*Libraries which provide general utility functions.*

* [Apache Commons]( - Provides different general purpose functions like configuration, validation, collections, file upload or XML processing.
* [CRaSH]( - Provides a shell into a JVM that's running CRaSH. Used by Spring Boot and others.
* [Dex]( - Java/JavaFX tool capable of powerful ETL and data visualization.
* [Gephi]( - Cross-platform for visualizing and manipulating large graph networks.
* [Guava]( - Collections, caching, primitives support, concurrency libraries, common annotations, string processing, I/O, and so forth.
* [JADE]( - Framework and environment for building and to debugging multi-agent systems.
* [JavaVerbalExpressions]( - A library that helps to construct difficult regular expressions.
* [Protégé]( - Provides an ontology editor and a framework to build knowledge-based systems.

## Web Crawling

*Libraries that analyze the content of websites.*

* [Apache Nutch]( - Highly extensible, highly scalable web crawler for production environment.
* [Crawler4j]( - Simple and lightweight web crawler.
* [JSoup]( - Scrapes, parses, manipulates and cleans HTML.

## Web Frameworks

*Frameworks that handle the communication between the layers of an web application.*

* [Apache Tapestry]( - Component-oriented framework for creating dynamic, robust, highly scalable web applications.
* [Apache Wicket]( - Component-based web application framework similar to Tapestry with a stateful GUI.
* [Blade]( - Lightweight, modular framework which aims to be elegant and simple.
* [Grails]( - Groovy framework with the aim to provide a highly productive environment by favoring convention over configuration, no XML and support for mixins.
* [Jooby]( - Scalable, fast and modular micro framework which offers multiple programming models.
* [Ninja]( - Full stack web framework.
* [Pippo]( - Small, highly modularized Sinatra-like framework.
* [Play]( - Uses convention over configuration, hot code reloading and display of errors in the browser.
* [PrimeFaces]( - JSF framework which has a free and a commercial version with support. Provides several frontend components.
* [Ratpack]( - Set of libraries that facilitate fast, efficient, evolvable and well tested HTTP applications.
* [Spring Boot]( - Microframework which simplifies the development of new Spring applications.
* [Vaadin]( - Event-driven framework build on top of GWT. Uses server-side architecture with Ajax on the client-side.

# Resources

## Communities

*Active discussions.*

* [r/java]( - Subreddit for the Java community.
* [stackoverflow]( - Question/answer platform.
* [vJUG]( - Virtual Java User Group.

## Frontends

*Websites that provide a frontend for this list. Please note, there won't be an official website. We don't associate with a particular website and everybody is allowed to create one.*

* [](

## Influential Books

*Books that had a high impact and are still worth reading.*

* [Effective Java (2nd Edition)](
* [Java 8 in Action](
* [Java Concurrency in Practice](
* [Thinking in Java](

## Podcasts

*Something to listen to while programming.*

* [The Java Council](
* [The Java Posse]( - Discontinued as of 02/2015.

## Twitter

*Active accounts to follow. Descriptions from Twitter.*

* [Adam Bien]( - Freelancer: Author, JavaONE Rockstar Speaker, Consultant, Java Champion.
* [Aleksey Shipilëv]( - Performance Geek, Benchmarking Tzar, Concurrency Bug Hunter.
* [Antonio Goncalves]( - Java Champion, JUG Leader, Devoxx France, Java EE 6/7, JCP, Author.
* [Arun Gupta]( - Java Champion, JavaOne Rockstar, JUG Leader, Devoxx4Kids-er, VP of Developer Advocacy at Couchbase.
* [Brian Goetz]( - Java Language Architect at Oracle.
* [Bruno Borges]( - Product Manager/Java Jock at Oracle.
* [Ed Burns]( - Consulting Member of the Technical Staff at Oracle.
* [Eugen Paraschiv]( - Author of the Spring Security Course.
* [James Weaver]( - Java/JavaFX/IoT developer, author and speaker.
* [Java EE]( - Official Java EE Twitter account.
* [Java Magazine]( - Official Java Magazine account.
* [Java]( - Official Java Twitter account.
* [Javin Paul]( - Well-known Java blogger.
* [Lukas Eder]( - Java Champion, speaker, co-leader, Founder and CEO Data Geekery (jOOQ).
* [Mario Fusco]( - RedHatter, JUG coordinator, frequent speaker and author.
* [Mark Reinhold]( - Chief Architect, Java Platform Group, Oracle.
* [Markus Eisele]( - Java EE evangelist, Red Hat.
* [Martijn Verburg]( - London JUG co-leader, speaker, author, Java Champion and much more.
* [Martin Thompson]( - Pasty faced performance gangster.
* [OpenJDK]( - Official OpenJDK account.
* [Peter Lawrey]( - Peter Lawrey, Java performance expert.
* [Reza Rahman]( - Java EE/GlassFish/WebLogic evangelist, author, speaker, open source hacker.
* [Simon Maple]( - Java Champion, virtualJUG founder, LJC leader, RebelLabs author.
* [Stephen Colebourne]( - Java Champion, speaker.
* [Trisha Gee]( - Java Champion and speaker.

## Websites

*Sites to read.*

* [Google Java Style](
* [InfoQ](
* [Java Algorithms and Clients](
* [Java, SQL, and jOOQ](
* [](
* [Javalobby](
* [JavaWorld](
* [JAXenter](
* [RebelLabs](
* [The Takipi Blog](
* [](
* [Vanilla Java](
* [Voxxed](

# Contributing

Contributions are very welcome!

Please have a look at [CONTRIBUTING]( for guidelines.