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A curated list of awesome projects made or inspired with Sinatra.

List: awesome-sinatra

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A curated list of awesome projects made or inspired with Sinatra.

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> A curated list of awesome projects made or inspired with Sinatra.

# Contents

- [General](#general)
- [Generators](#generators)
- [Authroization](#authroization)
- [Authentication](#authentication)
- [Blogging](#blogging)
- [Boilerplate and Template](#boilerplate-and-template)
- [Community platform](#community-platform)
- [Continous Integration](#continous Integration)
- [CMS](#cms)
- [Debugging and Profiling](#debugging-and-profiling)
- [Email](#email)
- [File Uploading](#file-uploading)
- [Internet Application Clones](#internet-application-clones)
- [Micro Frameworks inspired by Sinatra](#micro-frameworks-inspired-by-sinatra)
- [Micro Frameworks inspired by Sinatra (Other Languages)](#micro-frameworks-inspired-by-sinatra-other-languages)
- [NoSQL](#nosql)
- [ORM](#orm)
- [Routers](#routers)
- [Service Integration](#service-integration)
- [Stylesheets](#stylesheets)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Wiki Engine](#wiki-engine)
- [Writing APIs](#writing-apis)

## General

* [Sinatra]( - Sinatra Official website.
* [Sinatra on Github](
* [Sinatra Receipes]( - Community contributed recipes and techniques.
* [Sinatra - The Book]( - A cookbook full of excellent tutorials
and recipes for developing Sinatra web applications. It's git repo is [here](
* [ repo]( - This repo contains the
Sinatra website and documentation sources published at
* [Sinatra in the wild]( - Various
applications, extensions and websites built with Sinatra.
* [Sinatra mailing list](

## Generators

* [Corneal]( - A Sinatra app generator with Rails-like simplicity.
* [Hazel]( - A simple Sinatra app generator, heavily based on snfn.
* [Snfn]( - A Sinatra application generator.

## Authroization

* [Sinatra Authorization]( - HTTP Authorization helpers for Sinatra.
* [Sinatra-authorize]( - Smooth authentication-agnostic rule-based
authorization extension for Sinatra.

## Authentication

* [hancock]( - An OpenID based Single Sign On server with a simple API, written in Sinatra
* [hancock-client]( - A sinatra app and rack middleware piece for the hancock SSO server
* [sinatra-oauth-provider]( - A Sinatra OAuth Provider.

## Blogging

* [Blorgit]( - A simple org-mode based, git amenable, blogging engine running on sinatra.
* [Haze]( - A minimalistic blogging engine, the successor of Honk (~200 LOC).
* [Honk]( - A minimalistic, YAML, text-based blogging engine.
* [Marley]( - Minimalist blogging engine without textareas based on
Markdown, Ruby, Sinatra and Git push hooks.
* [Postview]( - A simple blog-engine that render text files written in Markdown.
* [Scanty]( - A really small blogging software.
* [Scanty with CouchDB]( - Scanty using CouchDB.
* [scanty-redis]( - Scanty using redis.
* [sin]( - A mini blog engine in Sinatra with hAtom and MetaWeblog API and S3 upload support (~160 LOC).
* [Sinandra]( - A blog engine using Sinatra and Cassandra.
* [Wind]( - HTML5 blog engine focused in a easy, extensible and fast admin.
* [Yet-another-Sinatra-Blog-Engine]( - A simple blog engine written in Ruby using Sinatra.

## Boilerplate and Template

* [Frank-Sinatra]( - A boilerplate for modular MVC style Sinatra (1.4.2^) applications.
* [puresong]( - A small Sinatra application that demonstrates use of Pure CSS with SQLite.
* [ratpack]( - Sinatra boilerplate using activerecord, sqlite, and twitter bootstrap.
* [sinatra-boilerplate]( - Starter Kit for Sinatra Apps. It uses
[Twitter Bootstrap 3](, [jQuery]( and [Modernizr](
* [sinatra-boilerplate]( - Another boilerplate combined with
[HTML 5 Boilerplate](, [Compass](, [CoffeeScript](
and [Sprockets](
* [sinatra-boilerplate]( - Sinatra, Zurb
Foundation, Guard, Slim, Compass, RSpec, Capybarra... All the bling ready to go.
* [sinatra-boilerplate]( - Sinatra + Haml + Sass + Compass + Bourbon + CoffeeScript.
* [sinatra-foundation-skeleton]( - A skeleton
Sinatra application which utilizes Zurb's Foundation 3 framework.
* [sinatra-template]( - A base Sinatra application template with DataMapper, and RSpec.
* [sinatra-twitter-bootstrap]( - Twitter Bootstrap Sinatra extension with HAML helpers.

## Community Platform

* [sinforum]( - Simple forum build with Sinatra, DataMapper, Haml, SASS and CoffeeScript.

## Continuous Integration

* [Integrity]( - A continuous integration server.
* [Travis CI]( - Free continuous integration platform for GitHub projects.
Some sub-projects of Travis CI uses Sinatra, including [travis-api](,
[travis-listener](, [travis-logs](
, [travis-build]( and [travis-web](

## CMS

* [Nesta]( - A lightweight CMS, implemented in Sinatra. Content can be written
in Markdown or Textile and stored in text file
* [Spontaneous]( - An CMS with intuitive, attractive and responsive HTML5 interface

## Debugging and Profiling

> For more, check the "Middlewares for Debugging or Profiling" section in [awesome-rack](

* [Better Errors]( - Better Errors replaces the standard
Rails error page with a much better and more useful error page. It is also usable outside of Rails
in any Rack app as Rack middleware.
* [rack-mini-profiler]( - Middleware that displays speed
badge for every html page. A simple but effective mini-profiler for .NET, Ruby, Go and Node.js.
Introduced in [Railscasts #368 MiniProfiler](
* [racksh]( - Console for Rack based ruby web apps. It's like
script/console in Rails (~ 100 LOC) or merb -i in Merb, but for any app built on Rack. Thanks to Rack::Test::Methods (from rack-test) and Ruby REPLs (pry and irb).
* [tux]( - A sinatra shell to interacte with helpers, view rendering and to
view your app's routes and settings.

## Email

* [sinatra-email-services-server]( - An email services server using Sinatra.
* [sinatra-mailer]( - Send emails from Sinatra in a very simple way.

## File Uploading

* [CarrierWave]( - A classier solution for file uploads for Rails,
Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks.

## Internet Application Clones

* [chirp]( - Simple Sinatra-based micro-blog/Twitter clone.
* [shorty]( - URL shortener written in Sinatra & MongoDB.

## Micro Frameworks inspired by Sinatra

* [Angelo]( - Sinatra-like DSL for Reel that supports WebSockets and SSE
in their own thread, called "cells" (or actors).
* [Dolly]( - Minimal Ruby microframework inspired by Sinatra.
* [Gin]( - A small Ruby web framework, built on Rack, which borrows from Sinatra expressiveness,
and targets larger applications.
* [Hobbit]( - A minimalistic microframework built on top of Rack (thanks to `Rack::Builder`).
Hobbit is a DSL inspired by Sinatra. (~ 150 LOC).
* [Nancy]( - Minimal Ruby microframework for web development inspired in `Sinatra` and `Cuba` (~150 LOC).
* [padrino]( - Padrino is a full-stack ruby framework built upon Sinatra.
* [Rack::App]( - Bare bone minimalistic (masochistic) pico framework for building rack apps.
Inspired by sinatra, grape and the pure use form of Rack.
* [Sin]( - A multi-app web-app DSL derived from Sinatra, riding on rack.
Sin is a rebuild of sinatra, splitting up the classes into files and going for a reusable application class.
* [Scorched]( - Light-weight, DRY as a desert, web framework for Ruby. Simliar to Sinatra.
Scorched is a true evolutionary enhancement of Sinatra, with more power, focus, and less clutter.

## Micro Frameworks inspired by Sinatra (Other Languages)

* Bash: [Astley](, [sh.inatra](
* C: [Bogart](
* C++: [Garland](
* Clojure: [Compojure](
* CoffeeScript: [Zappa](
* Crystal: [frank](, [kemal](
* Dart: [Start](
* Elixir: [Plug](, [Spirit](
* Erlang: [Fresh](, [Spooky](
* Haskell: [Bird](, [Miku](,
* Go: [Martini](, [Spooky](
* Groovy: [Graffiti](
* Java: [Spark](
* JavaScript: [Express](, [Sammy](
* Julia: [Moresel.jl](
* Lua: [Mercury](, [Orbit](
* .NET: [Martini](, [Nancy](, [Nina](
* Perl: [Dancer](, [Mojolicious](
* PHP: [FatFree](, [Fitzgerald](, [Klein](,
* Python: [itty](, [Flask](
* Scala: [Finatra](, [Scalatra](
* Vala: [Valatra](

## NoSQL

> Column

* [Sinandra]( - A blog engine using Sinatra and Cassandra.

> Document

* [sinatra-mongo]( - A light extension to sinatra for using mongo.
* [sinatra-mongoid]( - A Mongoid (ODM, Object-Document-Mapper for MongoDB) extension for Sinatra.

> Key-value

* [redis-sinatra]( - Redis stores for Sinatra.
* [riak-browser]( - A simple ruby/Sinatra Riak browser and editor.

## ORM

* [bowtie]( - Simple admin interface generator for MongoMapper (mongo) & DataMapper (dm) models.
* [sinatra-activerecord]( - Extends Sinatra with ActiveRecord helper methods and Rake tasks.
* [sinatra-datamapper]( - A Sinatra extension for DataMapper ORM support.
* [sinatra-sequel]( - Sinatra extension that adds Sequel ORM features, database config, and database migrations.

## Routers

* [http_router_sinatra]( - Kick ass router for Sinatra based on http_router.
* [SimpleRouter]( - Small and simple standalone router, meant for
use with Rack applications. Familiar Sinatra-like DSL for defining actions. Modular architecture.
* [sinatra-advanced-routes]( - Make Sinatra routes first class objects (extracted from BigBand).
* [sinatra-router]( - A tiny vendorable router that makes it
easy to try routes from a number of different modular Sinatra applications

## Service Integration

> Slack

* [beach]( - Small Sinatra app to host web hooks for Slack.
* [dogetip-slack]( - Sinatra app to enable Dogecoin tipping via slack
* [doorbell-server]( - Simple Sinatra app which acts a bridge between Slack and the LMN doorbell.
* [snarkov]( - Sinatra-based Markov bot for Slack.


* [frankie]( - a Sinatra plugin allows you to easily create a
Facebook application.
* [shopify-sinatra-app]( - Lightweight extension for
building Shopify apps using Sinatra

## Stylesheets

* [sinatra-compass]( - Integrates the Compass stylesheet framework with Sinatra.
* [haml-more]( - Adds more functionality to Haml and Sass.

## Testing

* [cucumber-sinatra]( - Help you to initialize a cucumber
environment for a sinatra application. It will generate the required files from templates.
* [mumuki-ruby-server]( - Sinatra server for running Rspec
tests within [Mumuki]( Mumukit is a Test Server Development Kit.
* [mock_server]( - A lightweight Sinatra application backed by
sqlite that can mock ReST responses. Has interface to easily create, search & maintain mocks.
* [rspec-sinatra]( - Help you to initialize a RSpec
environment for a sinatra application. It will generate the required files from templates.

## Wiki Engine

* [bliki]( - A small blog + wiki engine built on Sinatra + Stone.
* [git-wiki]( - A quick & dirty git-powered Sinatra wiki (~200 LOC).
* [lilwiki]( - A small wiki backed by sqlite.
* [rikiki]( - Tiny wiki engine using in browser markdown and Sinatra.
* [Weaky]( - A basic CouchDB/Sinatra wiki.

## Writing APIs

* [API-mock-server]( - A Full-Featured API Mock Server built with Sinatra and MongoDB.
* [Pliny]( - Pliny helps Ruby developers write and maintain excellent APIs.
* [pliny-template]( - Base Sinatra app for writing excellent APIs in Ruby
* [sinatra-hat]( - Easy REST-ful apps with Sinatra. Mount models as web services.
* [sinatra-reset]( - Generates RESTful routes for the models of a
Sinatra application (ActiveRecord, DataMapper, Stone)

## License


To the extent possible under law, [coopermaa]( has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.