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⚡️ Andys Delightful Node.js packages and resources

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⚡️ Andys Delightful Node.js packages and resources

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# Awesome Andy Node.js [![Awesome](](


> Andys curated list of delightful Node.js [packages](#packages) and [resources](#resources). ✨

**Table of Contents**

- [Mad Science](#mad-science)
- [Express](#express)
- [Mongoose](#mongoose)
- [FeathersJS](#feathersjs)
- [VueJS](#vuejs)
- [Command Line](#command-line-utilities)

## Packages

### Mad Science!

- [Mosca]( - Node.js MQTT Broker
- [MQTT.js]( - Client for MQTT - Pub-sub based messaging protocol for use on top of TCP/IP.
- [Shaman]( - Node.js API DNS
- [Etcd]( - Highly-available key-value store for shared configuration and service discovery.
- [crtauth]( - A public key backed client/server authentication system
- [vault]( Secures, stores, and tightly controls access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other secrets in modern computing.
- [dat]( - Real-time replication and versioning for data sets.
- [winston]( - Multi-transport async logging library.
- [zen-observable]( - Implementation of Observables.
- [upash]( - Unified API for all password hashing algorithms.
- [ssh2]( - SSH2 client and server module.
- [ajv]( - The fastest JSON Schema validator. Supports v5 proposals.
- [joi]( - Object schema description language and validator for JavaScript objects.
- [i18n-node]( - Simple translation module with dynamic JSON storage.
- [argon2]( - Argon2 state of the art password hashing

### Express

- [compression]( - Gzip Compression for Express Middleware
- [helmet]( - Security Best Practices Middleware (adds/removes headers)
- [express-limiter]( - Rate limiting for express routes
- [express-crypto]( - Request/Response Encryption/Decryption for express
- [http2-node]( - HTTP/2 for Node
- [greenlock-express]( - On demand SSL certificates for Express using LetsEncrypt

### Mongoose

- [mongoose-encryption]( - Encryption and Authentication for mongoose fields
- [cachegoose]( - Caching for Mongoose which works the way you expect.
- [mongoose-type-email]( - Email type for mongoose
- [mongoose-type-url]( - URL type for mongoose
- [mongoose-type-uuid2]( - UUID2 type for mongoose
- [mongoose-type-bignumber]( - Bignumber type for mongoose
- [mongoose-type-imei]( - IMEI type for mongoose
- [mongoose-type-iban]( - IBAN type, for international banking account number mainly used in Europe
- [mongoose-type-html]( - HTML type can also sanitize
- [mongoose-events-event-logger]( - Mongoose event logger
- [mongoose-i18n-neutral]( - Storing text in different languages
- [mongoose-virtual-populate]( - Mongoose Virtual Populate
- [mongoose-plugin-autoinc]( - Mongoose auto incrementing fields
- [mongoose-aggregate-paginate]( - Mongoose Aggregation Pagination
- [mongoose-elasticsearch-xp]( - Using ElasticSearch & Mongo together!
- [mongoose-transactions]( - Transaction support for Mongoose (clustering operations)
- [mongoose-patch-histor]( - Add Mongoose Patch capability
- [mongoose-intl-phone-number]( - Mongoose International Phone Number Parsing
- [mongoose-subscriptions]( - mongoose subscriptions (user & subscription billing). Syncs with Braintree for the payments side.
- [mongoose-id]( - Replaces _id with id in mongoose models

### FeathersJS

- [feathers-stripe]( A stripe payment adapter for feathersjs
- [feathers-authentication-management](
- [feathers-authentication-publickey](
- [feathers-sync](
- [feathers-hooks-rediscache](
- [feathers-blob]( - Blob storage with a customizable backend (e.g. Amazon S3)
- [feathers-swagger]( - Swagger Documentation for your API
- [feathers-authentication-hooks]( - Some authentication hooks to take inspiration from
- [feathers-hooks-validate-joi]( - Validation in Feathers Hooks using Joi
- [feathers-postmark]( - Feathers Postmark Service
- [feathers-authentication-ldap]( - Feathers Authentication Stratergy using LDAPA
- [feathers-distribute]( - A way to run distributed feathers servers with all calls syncronised
- [feathers-mocha-utils]( - Feathers Server testing using Mocha
- [feathers-plus-graphql]( - GraphQL for feathers
- [feathers-authentication-popups]( - Functions for handling OAUTH pop windows (e.g. Google Login)
- [feathers-logger]( - Nice wrapper so you can do app.log
- [feathers-errors]( - Feathers error classes
- [feathers-vuex]( - Feathers VUEX Integration

### Command-line utilities

- [chalk]( - Terminal string styling done right.
- [meow]( - CLI app helper.
- [minimist]( - Parse command-line flags.
- [get-stdin]( - Easier stdin.
- [ora]( - Elegant terminal spinner.
- [log-update]( - Log by overwriting the previous output in the terminal. Useful for rendering progress bars, animations, etc.
- [Inquirer.js]( - Interactive command-line prompt.
- [listr]( - Terminal task list.
- [conf]( - Simple config handling for your app or module.
- [update-notifier]( - Update notifications for your CLI app.
- [ansi-escapes]( - ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal.
- [log-symbols]( - Colored symbols for various log levels.
- [figures]( - Unicode symbols with Windows CMD fallbacks.
- [boxen]( - Create boxes in the terminal.
- [string-width]( - Get the visual width of a string - the number of columns required to display it.
- [cli-truncate]( - Truncate a string to a specific width in the terminal.
- [first-run]( - Check if it's the first time the process is run.
- [vorpal]( - Interactive CLI apps.
- [blessed]( - Curses-like library.
- [yn]( - Parse yes/no like values.
- [cli-table]( - Pretty unicode tables.
- [drawille]( - Draw on the terminal with unicode braille characters.
- [sudo-block]( - Block users from running your app with root permissions.
- [googleauth]( - Create and load persistent Google authentication tokens for command-line apps.
- [ascii-charts]( - ASCII bar chart in the terminal.
- [progress]( - Flexible ascii progress bar.
- [insight]( - Helps you understand how your tool is being used by anonymously reporting usage metrics to Google Analytics.
- [cli-cursor]( - Toggle the CLI cursor.
- [columnify]( - Create text-based columns suitable for console output. Supports cell wrapping.
- [cli-columns]( - Columnated unicode and ansi-safe text lists.
- [cfonts]( - Sexy ASCII fonts for the console.
- [multispinner]( - Multiple, simultaneous, individually controllable CLI spinners.
- [omelette]( - Shell autocompletion helper.
- [cross-env]( - Set environment variables cross-platform.
- [shelljs]( - Portable Unix shell commands.
- [loud-rejection]( - Make unhandled promise rejections fail loudly instead of the default silent fail.
- [sparkly]( - Generate sparklines ▁▂▃▅▂▇
- [term-img]( - Display images in your terminal.
- [yargs]( - Command-line parser that automatically generates an elegant user-interface.
- [DraftLog]( - Create multiple updatable log lines. Works just like `console.log`.
- [Bit]( - Create, maintain, find and use small modules and components across repositories.
- [gradient-string]( - Beautiful color gradients in terminal output.

### VueJS

- [iview]( - iView
- [vee-validate]( - Validation in Vue.js
- [better-scroll]( - Better Scroll
- [vue-resource]( - HTTP Client for Vue
- [vue-element-admin]( - Vue Element Admin
- [Vue.Draggable]( - Vue Draggable
- [text-mask]( - Text Mask
- [vuex-localstorage]( - Vuex LocalStorage
- [vuex-toast]( - Easy toasts with vuex

### Other Stuff

- [best-resume-ever]( - Best Resume Ever
- [docsify]( - Docsify
- [eslint-config-airbnb-base]( - AirBnB ESLint Config