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A collection of the services which participate in application construction.

List: awesome-services

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A collection of the services which participate in application construction.

Awesome Lists containing this project



# awesome-service

A collection of the services which participate in application construction.

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**Table of Contents**

* [Cloud Computing Platform](#cloud-computing-platform)
* [Analytics](#analytics)
* [API Management](#api-management)
* [App Builder](#app-builder)
* [CDN](#cdn)
* [CI and CD](#ci-and-cd)
* [CMS](#cms)
* [Compute Services](#compute-services)
* [Communication](#communication)
* [CRM](#crm)
* [Customer Support](#customer-support)
+ [Call Center](#call-center)
+ [Forum](#forum)
+ [Help Center](#help-center)
+ [Live Chat](#live-chat)
+ [Ticket System](#ticket-system)
* [Databases](#databases)
* [Design](#design)
+ [Graphic](#graphic)
+ [Icon](#icon)
+ [Prototype](#prototype)
+ [UI / UX](#ui--ux)
* [Documentation](#documentation)
* [Domain and DNS](#domain-and-dns)
* [Email](#email)
* [Fonts](#fonts)
* [Forms](#forms)
* [Location and Maps](#location-and-maps)
* [Monitoring and Alert](#monitoring-and-alert)
* [Multimedia](#multimedia)
+ [Audio](#audio)
+ [Image](#image)
+ [Video](#video)
* [Office](#office)
* [Payment](#payment)
* [Push](#push)
* [Search](#search)
* [Security](#security)
* [Source Code Management](#source-code-management)
* [Storage](#storage)
* [Test](#test)
* [Todos and Collaboration](#todos-and-collaboration)
* [Translation](#translation)
* [Misc](#misc)

## Cloud Computing Platform

**This category should be stay on top.**

* [阿里云]( - 230万用户正享用阿里云提供的云服务器、云数据库、云存储、CDN、大数据等服务,7x24小时售后支持,专业快速备案,助企业无忧上云。
* [AWS]( - Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world's most comprehensive and broadly adobted cloud platform, offering over 175 fully featured services from data centers globally.
* [Azure]( - Microsoft Azure is the trusted cloud—Azure is an expanding, comprehensive set of cloud services to help your organization meet its business challenges.
* [Google Cloud]( - Meet your business challenges head on with cloud computing services from Google, including data management, hybrid & multi-cloud, and AI & ML.
* [华为云]( - 华为云是华为公司倾力打造的云战略品牌,致力于为全球客户提供领先的公有云服务,包含弹性云服务器、云数据库、云安全等云计算服务,软件开发服务,面向企业的大数据和人工智能服务,以及场景化的解决方案。
* [金山云]( - 金山集团旗下云计算企业,中国TOP3云计算公司。自主研发云服务器、对象存储、云安全等一整套云计算产品,提供大数据、人工智能、区块链、边缘计算等服务,精准定制适用于企业级市场的解决方案。
* [七牛云]( - 七牛云创立于 2011 年,是知名的云计算及数据服务提供商,持续在海量文件存储、CDN内容分发、视频点播、互动直播及大规模异构数据的智能分析与处理等领域的核心技术进行深度投入,致力于以数据科技全面驱动数字化未来,赋能各行各业全面进入数据时代。
* [腾讯云]( - 腾讯云为数百万的企业和开发者提供安全稳定的云计算服务,涵盖云服务器、云数据库、云存储、视频与CDN、域名注册等全方位云服务和各行业解决方案。
* [UCloud]( - UCloud是中立的云计算服务平台,坚持中立,不涉足客户业务领域。UCloud全球33个数据中心,29条专线,覆盖五大洲,自主研发IaaS、PaaS、大数据流通平台、AI服务平台等一系列云计算产品,提供公有云、混合云、私有云在内的综合性行业解决方案。
* [网易云]( - 网易云是网易旗下云计算和大数据品牌,业界领先的高品质场景化云服务和大数据服务商,提供云计算基础服务、通信与视频云、云安全、大数据等产品服务。

## Analytics

* [百度统计](基于百度搜索的网站统计、移动统计平台。
* [CNZZ]( - CNZZ数据专家是全球最大的中文网站统计分析平台,为各类网站提供免费、安全、稳定的流量统计系统与网站数据服务,帮助网站创造更大价值!
* [Google Analytics]( - Google Analytics is Google's free web analytics service that allows you to analyze in-depth detail about the visitors on your website.
* [GrowingIO]( - GrowingIO (官网) 来自硅谷的新一代数据分析产品,无需埋点即可采集全量数据,实时多维用户行为分析更精准.真正帮您实现,增长黑客式快速用户增长,精细化运营。
* [Mixelpanel]( - Get valuable customer insights to make smarter decisions and act faster based on how customers use your product or website with Mixpanel.
* [Segment]( - Segment is a customer data platform (CDP) that helps you collect, clean, and control your customer data.
* [神策]( - 神策数据(官网),国内优秀的大数据分析工具,用户行为分析平台,支持私有化部署和SAAS,提供9大数据分析模型,提供在线数据分析Demo。
* [友盟]( - 友盟+,国内领先的第三方全域数据智能服务商。专注为互联网企业提供一站式数据分析运营服务近10年。截至2019年6月已累计服务180万移动应用和815万家网站。
* [诸葛]( - 诸葛io,人人可用的数据分析平台。通过有效的数据采集,支持用户行为分析、用户画像、交叉分析等精细化分析场景,实现企业数据运营与业务增长。支持SaaS与私有部署,并提供免费版。

## API Management

* [Apigee]( - Design, secure, analyze, and scale APIs anywhere with visibility and control.
* [Google Cloud OpenAPI]( - Cloud Endpoints supports APIs that are described using version 2.0 of the [OpenAPI specification](
* [Eolinker]( - 业内领先的 API 全生命周期管理解决方案。
* [Postman]( - Simplify each step of building an API and streamline collaboration so you can create better APIs—faster.
* [Postwoman]( - A free, fast and beautiful API request builder (web alternative to Postman) used by 60k+ developers.
* [RAP2]( - 阿里妈妈前端团队出品的开源接口管理工具RAP第二代。
* [Swagger]( - Simplify API development for users, teams, and enterprises with the Swagger open source and professional toolset.
* [YApi]( - YApi 是一个可本地部署的、打通前后端及QA的、可视化的接口管理平台。

## App Builder

* [Atomic]( - Atomic is a cloud platform for surfacing actionable functionality inside your apps in a much faster and more effective way.
Prototypes in Minutes.
* [凡科网]( - 产品包括凡科建站、凡科商城、凡科互动、凡科微传单、凡科轻站小程序、凡科公众号助手、凡科快图、凡科悦客、凡科易销、凡科邮箱等。
* [上线了]( - 上线了是一个免费建站平台,无需任何编程和设计经验即可进行免费网站建设,任何人都可以短时间内快速自助建站,并且适配移动设备和微信进行响应式手机免费建站。
* [webflow]( - Build better business websites, faster. Without coding.
* [微盟]( - 微盟,智慧商业服务商,为中小企业提供微商城、智慧零售、餐饮o2o、小程序等一体化解决方案,以更开放的服务生态为用户提供产品和服务,构建线上线下融合、 多渠道营销、开放互通的智能商业服务生态体系,帮助更多中小企业向智能商业转型升级。
* [有赞]( - 有赞,做移动互联网时代好用的开店工具,基于SaaS模式,整合资源、深度挖掘,向商户提供强大的微商城系统和完整的移动电商解决方案,在移动零售服务生态里联合服务商、开发者、经营专家,共建服务生态,服务百万商家。

## CDN

* [阿里云 CDN]( - 将源站内容分发至最接近用户的节点,使用户可就近取得所需内容,提高用户访问的响应速度和成功率。解决因分布、带宽、服务器性能带来的访问延迟问题,适用于站点加速、点播、直播等场景。
* [Akamai]( - Akamai is the leading content delivery network (CDN) services provider for media and software delivery, and cloud security solutions.
* [AWS Cloudfront]( - Fast, highly secure and programmable content delivery network (CDN).
* [Azure CDN]( - Secure and reliable global content delivery and acceleration.
* [白山云]( - 依托乐高式松耦合架构,为企业提供全透明与定制化的内容分发服务,适用于网页加速、下载加速、视频加速、应用加速等多种场景,协同企业需求共同发展。
* [Cloudfare]( - Here at Cloudflare, we make the Internet work the way it should. Offering CDN, DNS, DDoS protection and security, find out how we can help your site.
* [Fastly]( - Serve custom content lightning fast from the network edge.
* [Google Cloud CDN]( - Fast, reliable web and video content delivery with global scale and reach.
* [金山云 CDN]( - 金山云内容分发网络(CDN)是由分布在不同区域的边缘节点服务器集群组成的分布式网络,将用户内容分发到边缘节点,有效解决互联网网络拥塞状况,提高用户访问网站的响应速度。
* [KeyCDN]( - KeyCDN is a high performance content delivery network that has been built for the future.
* [七牛云 CDN]( - 七牛 CDN 是在传统 CDN 基础上实现的对数据网络加速进一步优化的智能管理服务。通过全方位的 CDN 质量监控,以及智能易用的节点调度等功能,提供稳定快速的网络访问服务。保障客户的音视频点播、大文件下载、应用及 Web 加速服务的稳定及连续性。
* [腾讯云 CDN]( - 快速、稳定、智能、可靠的全球内容分发加速服务,支持图片、音视频等多元内容分发。
* [网宿科技]( - 网宿科技——提供快速、安全、可靠的CDN(云分发)、云安全、SD-WAN、云计算、边缘计算等丰富的云交付产品及服务,持续提升企业的数字化体验。
* [又拍云 CDN]( - 又拍云云分发服务,基于大规模CDN分发集群,让你的网站和APP,音视频,图片等内容随时随地瞬间加载完成,提供实时的CDN性能监测与数据分析功能。

## CI and CD

* [AppVeyor]( - Build, test, deploy your apps faster, on any platform.
* [AWS CodeBuild]( - Build and test code with continuous scaling. Pay only for the build time you use.
* [Azure Pipelines]( - Continuously build, test, and deploy to any platform and cloud.
* [Bitbucket Pipelines]( - Integrated CI/CD for Bitbucket Cloud that's trivial to set up, automating your code from test to production.
* [CircleCI]( - Automate your development process with CI hosted in the cloud or on a private server.
* [CodeFresh]( - Codefresh helps you build powerful, fast, and simple CI/CD pipelines.
* [Gitlab CI]( - GitLab CI/CD is a tool built into GitLab for software development.
* [Google Cloud Build]( - Get complete control over defining custom workflows for building, testing, and deploying across multiple environments such as VMs, serverless, Kubernetes, or Firebase.
* [Travis CI]( - The simplest way to test and deploy your projects.

## CMS

* [Drupal]( - Drupal is the open-source CMS that helps you deliver ambitious, elegant, and performant digital experiences at scale.
* [GatsbyJS]( - Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps.
* [Ghost]( - Ghost makes it simple to publish content online, grow an audience with email newsletters, and make money from premium memberships.
* [Grav]( - Grav is a modern open source flat-file CMS.
* [Hugo]( - Hugo is one of the most popular open-source static site generators.
* [Joomla]( - Joomla! is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build web sites and powerful online applications.
* [KeystoneJS]( - Configure your schema in JavaScript, and KeystoneJS will generate a powerful GraphQL API and CMS.
* [OctoberCMS]( - The award-winning CMS platform trusted by thousands of digital studios and their clients. Based on Laravel.
* [Squarespace]( - Get started with any of our best-in-class website templates and customize it to fit your needs, whether it's contact forms or color palettes.
* [strapi]( - Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS. It’s 100% Javascript, fully customizable and developer-first.
* [Wix]( - Discover the platform that gives you the freedom to create, design, manage and develop your web presence exactly the way you want.
* [WordPress]( - WordPress is open source software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app.

## Communications

* [ClickSend]( - Communicate with your customers and staff like never before on SMS, Voice, Email, Rich Media and so much more.
* [Infobip]( - Drive deeper customer engagement with secure, personalized communications across SMS, RCS, Email, Voice, WhatsApp, and more.
* [MessageBird]( - Customer service software and automation to talk to your customers on channels like Live Chat, WhatsApp, Voice and more.
* [TeleSign]( - Apis delivering global verification and programmable communications.
* [Telnyx]( - The smart way to connect the people, devices and applications that power your business.
* [Vonage]( - Transform your customer experiences with programmable messaging, voice, video and more.
* [Twilio]( - Accelerate time to market with services designed for the most common communications use cases.

## Compute services

* [阿里云](万用户正享用阿里云提供的云服务器、云数据库、云存储、CDN、大数据等服务,7x24小时售后支持,专业快速备案,助企业无忧上云。
* [AWS Compute services]( - Virtual server hosting, container management, and serverless computing.
* [Azure Compute]( - Access cloud compute capacity, virtualization, and scale on demand—and only pay for the resources you use.
* [DigitalOcean]( - Standard, General Purpose, CPU-Optimized, or Memory-Optimized configurations provide flexibility to build, test, and grow your app from startup to scale.
* [Google Cloud Compute]( - Virtual machines, containers, GPUs, serverless.
* [Linode]( - Virtual machines, containers, GPUs.
* [Vultr]( - Virtual machines, High frequency compute.

## CRM

* [Agile CRM]( - Sales enablement, marketing automation, customer service.
* [Bitrix24]( - Bitrix24 is a free or low-cost CRM jam-packed with client management, customers support and marketing automation features. Available in cloud and on-premise, on desktop and mobile devices.
* [Close]( - Get the CRM that's simple to setup and easy to use, with a built-in workflow that accelerates your revenue.
* [EventBank]( - Event and membership
management software.
* [Freshworks]( - Our products help your sales, marketing, support, IT, and HR teams deliver the best customer experiences.
* [HubSpot CRM]( - HubSpot CRM has free tools for everyone on your team, and it’s 100% free — forever.
* [Keap]( - Our CRM and sales and marketing tools help you get more done with less work so you can grow your business.
* [Less Annoying CRM]( - A simple CRM built just for small businesses.
* [Microsoft Dynamics 365]( - Meet today’s challenges by bringing your customers and business together with the next generation of CRM and ERP applications.
* [Pipedrive]( - When you need to stay laser-focused on the right deals, Pipedrive is here to support you.
* [Salesflare]( - A simple yet powerful CRM for small businesses selling B2B.
* [Salesforce]( - Unite your teams and build better customer relationships, no matter where you’re working.
* [悟空CRM]( - 围绕销售与市场营销配置最佳的效率工具,高效获取、管理并维护您的客户,实现业务快速增长,为团队赋予无限力量,高效沟通共同协作,从而变革工作的方式。
* [Zendesk Sell]( - Sales CRM to enhance productivity, processes, and pipeline visibility for sales teams.
* [Zoho]( - Zoho CRM empowers a global network of over 150,000 businesses in 180 countries to convert more leads, engage with customers, and grow their revenue.

## Customer Support


### Call Center

* [容联·七陌]( - 容联七陌呼叫中心系统提供商,为企业提供专业的呼叫中心系统解决方案。
* [Sendbird Calls]( - In-app voice and video has never been easier with the Sendbird Calls Voice API and Video API.
* [Udesk]( - 智能云呼叫中心人机一体化的交互、自定义的流程设计、全面的数据展现,让企业能够高效出色的完成客户的沟通。
* [网易七鱼]( - 网易七鱼是国内领先的企业级智能云呼叫中心系统,为企业提供集云呼叫中心,智能在线客服软件,呼叫中心管理为一体的外呼,电销解决方案。
* [逸创·云客服]( - 逸创云客服帮助企业客服团队极速搭建低成本高效全功能云呼叫中心,电话客服 so easy。
* [Zendesk Talk]( - Talk it out directly with customers and provide personalized solutions to complex issues.
* [智齿科技]( - 智齿客服的云呼叫中心系统与三大运营商深度合作,一小时快速部署,线路直连。拥有海量号码,呼入呼出场景音质清晰,客户服务和电话销售双管齐下,为呼叫中心量身打造。

### Forum

* [Discourse]( - A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
* [NodeBB]( - NodeBB is next generation forum software. It's powerful, mobile-ready and easy to use.
* [Zendesk Gather]( - Zendesk Gather provides a community forum for customers to connect and collaborate.

### Help Center

* [HelpShift Self Service]( - AI takes the frustration out of customer support with fast self-service, informative help centers, and easy access to live agents.
* [逸创·云客服]( - 创建企业的在线帮助中心,提供24\*7自助服务,将客户抱怨降到最低,同时减轻70%以上的客服压力。
* [Zendesk Guide]( - A smart knowledge base for better self-service and empowered agents.

### Live Chat

* [Chatlio]( - Chat with visitors directly from Slack.
* [FreshChat]( - reshchat helps you engage and delight your customers wherever they are - web, mobile and social messengers.
* [环信]( - 环信即时通讯云,为app开发者提供 IM 云服务, IM 私有化部署,环信移动客服。
* [Hubspot Live Chat]( - Connect with your website visitors in real time to convert new leads, close more deals, and provide better support to your customers.
* [Intercom Chat]( - Give customers a conversational experience they'll remember—and come back for.
* [LiveChat]( - LiveChat is a complete customer service platform that delights your customers and fuels your sales.
* [美洽]( - 美洽客服系统,支持PC端/移动端/微信/APP/微博等全渠道对话接入。
* [容联·七陌]( - 容联七陌是国内领先的智能SaaS在线客服系统服务商,为企业提供完整客服中心解决方案,在线客服系统、呼叫中心、智能机器人,电话呼叫中心等全场景产品,提高企业工作效率,目前付费企业超过25000家,平台坐席超250000个。
* [Sendbird Chat]( - In-app chat as engaging as any messenger app.
* [UDesk]( - 一个平台集成呼叫中心、在线客服、工单系统,对接二十多个沟通渠道,无障碍连接您的全球客户。
* [网易七鱼]( - 深度融合 在线客服 、 呼叫中心 、 智能机器人 、 工单系统 、 数据大屏,智能驱动每一个服务环节。
* [逸创·云客服]( - 聚合10大客服渠道,帮助各行各种规模企业建立完整客服体系。
* [Zendesk Chat]( - Reach your customers, instantly via web, mobile, and messaging.
* [智齿科技]( - 以人工智能整合云呼叫中心、机器人客服、人工在线客服、工单系统的全客服平台,

### Ticket System

* [HubSpot Service]( - HubSpot's customer service software makes supporting customers easy. Help your customers on the channels they prefer, while driving efficiency for your team.
* [容联·七陌]( - 建立企业标准化内部服务协作流程,让你的售后服务总能快人一步。
* [Sendbird Desk]( - Provide on-demand support right within your mobile experience. Resolve issues faster. Keep customers informed and engaged at all times.
* [UDesk]( - 工单工作流,让团队高效的完成任务,让企业快速的提升效率。
* [网易七鱼]( - 网易七鱼工单系统改善客服流程、提高服务满意度利器,工单管理、分配、流转可自定义,借助工单智能分配业务流转路径,随时可查询业务处理进度。
* [逸创·云客服]( - 客服工单系统作为逸创云客服支撑企业售后服务最重要的一环,灵活自定义可伸缩,工单分配、转派、变更、提醒、业务流和SLA等随心设置,还能定时完成任务,建立服务等级标准。
* [Zendesk Support]( - Zendesk Support is a beautifully simple system for tracking, prioritizing, and solving customer support tickets.
* [智齿科技]( - 智齿客服工单系统,多重自定义字段,自由协作流转,满足企业个性化工单需求,全渠道工单发起,工单推进灵活流转,让企业内外部沟通协作更顺畅。

## Databases

* [阿里云数据库]( - 云数据库ApsaraDB是稳定可靠、可弹性伸缩的在线数据库服务产品总称。可轻运维全球90%以上主流开源及商业数据库(MySQL、SQL Server、Redis、MongoDB等),同时提供拥有6倍以上开源数据库性能、开源数据库价格的PolarDB,更拥有容灾、备份、恢复、监控、迁移等方面的全套解决方案。
* [Alibaba Cloud Databases]( - Alibaba Cloud is ranked first among database management system providers in Asia Pacific and ranked third in the world in terms of market share.
* [AWS Databases]( - The broadest selection of purpose-built databases for all your application needs.
* [Azure Databases]( - Azure offers a choice of fully managed relational and NoSQL databases, spanning proprietary and open-source engines, to fit the needs of modern app developers.
* [DigitalOcean Databases]( - Leave the complexity of database administration to us. We’ll handle setting up, backing up, and updating — so you can focus on building great apps.
* [Google Cloud Databases]( - Migrate, manage, and modernize data with secure, reliable, and highly available databases.
* [腾讯云数据库]( - 腾讯云数据库(TencentDB)是腾讯提供的高可靠、高可用、可弹性伸缩的云数据库服务产品的总称。可轻松运维主流开源及商业数据库(MySQL、Redis、MongoDB、MariaDB、SQL Server、PostgreSQL等),它更拥有容灾、备份、恢复、监控、数据传输服务、安全服务、灾备和智能 DBA 等全套服务。

## Design

### Graphic

* [Affinity Designer]( - Available for Windows, Mac and iPad, Affinity Designer is an award-winning vector graphics software setting the new industry standard in the world of design.
* [CorelDRAW]( - Design on virtually any device with professional vector illustration, layout, photo editing, and typography tools.
* [Illustrator]( - The industry-standard vector graphics software is used by millions of designers and artists to create everything from gorgeous web and mobile graphics to logos, icons, book illustrations, product packaging, and billboards.
* [Photoshop]( - The world’s best imaging and graphic design software is at the core of just about every creative project, from photo editing and compositing to digital painting, animation, and graphic design. And now you can harness the power of Photoshop across desktop and iPad to create wherever inspiration strikes.
* [Procreate]( - Procreate has everything you need to create expressive sketches, rich paintings, gorgeous illustrations and beautiful animations.

### Icon

* [Flaticon]( - The largest database of free icons available in PNG, SVG, EPS, PSD and BASE 64 formats.
* [FontAwesome]( - Get vector icons and social logos on your website with Font Awesome, the web's most popular icon set and toolkit.
* [Iconfinder]( - Iconfinder is the leading search engine and market place for vector icons in SVG, PNG, CSH and AI format.
* [Iconfont]( - 阿里妈妈MUX倾力打造的矢量图标管理、交流平台。

### Prototype

* [Axure]( - Axure RP 9 is the most powerful way to plan, prototype, and hand off to developers, all without code.
* [balsamiq]( - Quick and easy wireframing tool.
* [FluidUI]( - Create Web and Mobile
* [Framer]( - Framer is the best prototyping tool for teams.
* [JustInMind]( - All-in-one prototyping tool for web and mobile apps.
* [Invision]( - Easy Prototyping for website and mobile app designs.
* [MockFlow]( - Super-easy wireframing software to quickly draw and collaborate on UI designs.
* [Mockplus]( - The most robust all-in-one product design platform for prototyping, collaboration, and design systems.
* [墨刀]( - 一款专业、可靠、简洁、易懂的在线产品原型工具与产品设计团队协作平台。

## UI / UX

* [Adobe XD]( - Create and share designs for websites, mobile apps, voice interfaces, games, and more.
* [Figma]( - Figma helps teams create, test, and ship better designs from start to finish.
* [蓝湖]( - 蓝湖是一款产品文档和设计图的共享平台,帮助互联网团队更好地管理文档和设计图。蓝湖可以在线展示Axure,自动生成设计图标注,与团队共享设计图,展示页面之间的跳转关系。
* [Origami]( - A new tool for designing modern interfaces, built and used by designers at Facebook.
* [Sketch]( - Create, prototype, collaborate, and bring your ideas to life with the design platform used by over one million people — from freelancers, to the world’s largest teams.

## Documentation

* [Docsify]( - A magical documentation site generator.
* [Docusaurus]( - Docusaurus makes it easy to maintain Open Source documentation websites.
* [Docz]( - Docz enables you to quickly create live-reloading, seo-friendly, production-ready documentation sites with MDX and customize the look, feel and behavior when required by leveraging GatsbyJS and Gatsby theme shadowing.
* [GitBook]( - GitBook is a modern documentation platform where teams can document everything from products to internal knowledge-bases and APIs.
* [Read the Docs]( - Read the Docs simplifies software documentation by automating building, versioning, and hosting of your docs for you.
* [VuePress]( - Vue-powered static site generator with a delightful default theme for documentation.
* [Slate]( - Beautiful static documentation for your API.

## Domain and DNS

* [Alibaba Cloud DNS]( - A secure, fast, stable, and reliable authoritative Domain Name System (DNS) service.
* [AWS Route 53]( - Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable cloud Domain Name System (DNS) web service.
* [Azure DNS]( - Host your domain in Azure for outstanding performance and availability.
* [Cloudflare]( - Cloudflare Managed DNS is an enterprise-grade authoritative DNS service that offers the fastest response time, unparalleled redundancy, and advanced security with built-in DDoS mitigation and DNSSEC.
* [Godaddy]( - The most porpular domain registrar.
* [Google Cloud DNS]( - Reliable, resilient, low-latency DNS serving from Google's worldwide network.

## Email

* [阿里云邮件推送]( - 邮件推送(DirectMail)是一款简单高效的电子邮件发送服务,它构建在可靠稳定的阿里云基础之上,帮助您快速、精准地实现事务邮件、通知邮件和批量邮件的发送。
* [Mailchimp]( - Mailchimp is the All-In-One integrated marketing platform for small businesses, to grow your business on your terms.
* [Mailgun]( - Powerful APIs that enable you to send, receive and track email effortlessly.
* [SendGrid]( - Partner with the email service trusted by developers and marketers for time-savings, scalability, and delivery expertise.

## Fonts

* [Adobe Fonts]( - Unlimited fonts, no extra charges, already licensed.
* [Google Fonts]( - Our font catalog places typography front and center, inviting users to explore, sort, and test fonts for use in more than 135 languages.
* [FontSpring]( - Beautiful fonts with simple, flexible licensing.
* [有字库]( - 有字库为全球第一中文web font(在线字体)服务平台,专为网页设计师提供在线字体。

## Forms

* [Basin]( - Deploy a powerful, easy-to-configure form backend without writing a single line of server side code.
* [番茄表单]( - 简洁易用的在线表单设计、数据管理工具,提供海量模板、即时统计、移动办公、团队协作等功能。
* [Form2Chat]( - Instantly get notified of form submissions to the messenger of your choice.
* [FormBackend]( - Receive submissions, send emails via a form on your website - without writing a single line of backend code.
* [Formcarry]( - Advanced form backend that processes
your forms without hassle.
* [Formstack]( - Use Formstack's workplace productivity software to bring your data collection and signatures online, break down process barriers, and keep your business moving forward.
* [FormSubmit]( - Connect your form to our form endpoint and we’ll email you the submissions.
* [Getform]( - Form backend platform for designers
and developers.
* [Google Forms]( - Google Forms.
* [金数据]( - 人人可用的在线表单工具,快速创建问卷调查、活动报名、意见反馈、信息登记、在线订单、考试测评等表单。
* [Kwes Forms]( - Kwes Forms is the most complete developer-focused form builder on the internet.
* [Netlify Forms]( - Manage forms and submissions without any server-side code or JavaScript.
* [Wufoo Forms]( - Build custom online forms that you can use to collect data, payments and to automate your workflows.
* [Pageclip]( - Collect info from users without a server.

## Location and Maps

* [Apple Maps]( - Give your apps and website a sense of place with maps and location information.
* [百度地图]( - 百度地图API是一套为开发者提供的基于百度地图的应用程序接口,包括JavaScript、iOS、Andriod、静态地图、Web服务等多种版本。
* [高德地图]( - 高德开放平台,为开发者提供免费的地图解决方案,覆盖JavaScript、Android、iOS、Windows、Webservice等平台。
* [Google Maps]( - Build customized, agile experiences that bring the real world to your users with static and dynamic maps, Street View imagery, and 360° views.
* [腾讯地图]( - 腾讯地图开放平台为各类应用厂商和开发者提供基于腾讯地图的地理位置服务和解决方案;有针对Web应用的JavaScript API, 适合手机端Native APP的各种SDK, WebService接口和各类地图API等。

## Monitoring and Alert

* [Airbrake]( - Fix errors in minutes – Airbrake tells you in real-time what’s broken, where, and why.
* [Bugsnag]( - Bugsnag monitors application stability so you can make data-driven decisions on whether you should be building new features, or fixing bugs.
* [Datadog]( - Modern monitoring & security. See inside any stack, any app, at any scale, anywhere.
* [FunDebug]( - Fundebug提供全栈错误监控服务,支持网站、JS、微信小程序、微信小游戏、Java、Node.js等的错误监控,通过记录程序异常的堆栈、网络请求错误、资源加载错误、并且记录用户行为利用独创的可视化重现技术来帮助您改进产品。
* [Grafana]( - Query, visualize, alert on and understand your metrics no matter where they are stored.
* [Netdata]( - Monitor everything in real time – for free.
* [Prometheus]( - Power your metrics and alerting with a leading open-source monitoring solution.
* [Raygun]( - Raygun gives you visibility into how users are really experiencing your software. Detect, diagnose and resolve issues with greater speed and accuracy.
* [Rollbar]( - With Rollbar, you can feel safe knowing every error is reported in real-time.
* [Sentry]( - Sentry provides self-hosted and cloud-based error monitoring that helps all software
teams discover, triage, and prioritize errors in real-time.

## Multimedia

包括图片、音频、视频和 AR/VR 等服务。

### Audio

### Image

* [Camera360 SDK]( - 实时影像美化解决方案,服务超过全球7.5亿用户的
* [fotor懒设计SDK]( - 简单对接,即可无缝嵌入专业全能的平面设计、图片编辑及印品设计功能。
* [imgIX]( - imgix transforms, optimizes, and intelligently caches your entire image library for fast websites and apps using simple and robust URL parameters.
* [libpixel]( - Libpixel is ready to help with image processing and delivery. From our speed obsessive architecture and developer-friendly API, our solution offers a unique and powerful approach to image processing.
* [PhotoEditor SDK]( - Add comprehensive image editing tools to your HTML5, iOS and Android app - within minutes.
* [Pixel SDK]( - A fully customizable, modern, image and video editing framework written in Swift.
* [Removebg]( - Remove image background 100% automatically.
* [Thumbor]( - Open-source smart on-demand image cropping, resizing and filters.

### Video

* [阿里云媒体处理]( - 基于海量数据深度学习,对媒体的内容、文字、语音、场景多模态分析,实现智能审核、内容理解、智能编辑。
* [AWS Media Services]( - AWS Media Services make it fast and easy to produce, process, and deliver broadcast and over-the-top video. These pay-as-you-go services and appliance products offer the video infrastructure you need to deliver great viewing experiences to any screen.
* [Azure Media Services]( - Build and deploy highly-available, scalable, end-to-end media solutions.
* [Google Cloud Media and Entertainment]( - Modernize your content production and distribution operations while transforming audience experiences across the world.
* [JWPLAYER]( - Grow your business with JW Player's flexible platform of video services, powered by billions of signals from across our vast network.
* [美摄科技]( - 视频拍摄剪辑、云剪辑、H5小程序方案、智能剪辑等产品。
* [MUX]( - Mux Video is an API-first platform, powered by data and designed by video experts to make beautiful video possible for every development team.
* [SolveigMultimedia]( - Lightweight software for smart and lossless video editing, screen capturing, and video debugging.
* [腾讯云音视频]( - 提供一站式视频解决方案,包括点播直播、实时视频通话、短视频等视频服务,广泛应用于在线视频、电商、游戏直播、在线教育等场景。
* [THEO]( - Universal Video Player solution, enables online media companies and enterprises worldwide to quickly bring a consistent video playback experience across any device or platform through its feature-rich SDKs and a wide variety of video ecosystem pre-integrations.
* [Vimeo]( - Including video player, video editor, video monetization, live streaming solutions.
* [Wistia]( - Provide video create, present and grow services.

## Office

* [Atlassion Confluence]( - Confluence is your team workspace where knowledge and collaboration meet to achieve great things.
* [Google Docs]( - 谷歌文档.
* [Office 365]( - 微软 Office 套件。
* [石墨文档]( - 石墨文档是全新一代云 Office 办公软件,支持多人在线协作编辑文档和表格,独有内容级安全,全过程留痕可追溯。PC 端和移动端全覆盖,随时随地远程办公。即写即存统一管理,高效共享文档、表格,是企业云协同办公系统和远程办公解决方案的更好选择。
* [腾讯文档]( - 腾讯文档是一款可多人协作的在线文档,可同时编辑Word、Excel和PPT文档,云端实时保存。可针对QQ、微信好友设置文档访问、编辑权限,支持多种版本Word、Excel和PPT文档模板。
* [WPS]( - 金山办公旗下WPS Office、金山文档、WPS+云办公等系列产品服务,通过提供“以云服务为基础,多屏、内容为辅助,AI赋能所有产品”为代表的未来办公新方式,助力企业客户和个人高效安全地进行协同办公,实现简单创作与美好生活。

## Payment

* [Adyen]( - Experience the all-in-one payments platform that grows your business from day one.
* [BeeCloud]( - 为开发者提供一站式支付解决方案。通过提供易用友好的支付SDK,几行代码高效实现网页、APP支付功能,并提供可靠稳定可靠的分布式云后端服务,保障支付流程安全流畅。
* [Braintree]( - The only payments platform that delivers PayPal, Venmo (in the US), credit and debit cards, and popular digital wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay in a single, seamless integration.
* [PayJS]( - PAYJS微信支付个人接口旨在解决需要使用交易数据流的个人开发者、个人创业者、个体户等小微支付需求,提供的一个正规、安全、稳定、可靠、丰富的微信支付API接口。
* [Ping++]( - Ping++ 的聚合支付云 SDK 让你在 app 和网站中轻松加入支付功能。一次申请开通多个支付渠道,一次接入所有平台和支付方式,一站管理所有交易。
* [Square]( - Accept every payment quickly, easily, and securely.
* [Stripe]( - A fully integrated, global platform that can support online and in-person payments.

## Push

* [AirShip]( - Deliver meaningful messages at every stage of the customer lifecycle with the Customer Engagement Platform built for enterprise brands.
* [阿里云移动推送]( - 帮助App快速集成移动推送的功能,在实现高效、精确、实时的移动推送的同时,极大地降低了开发成本。
* [AWS SNS]( - Fully managed pub/sub messaging for microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.
* [Braze]( - Braze is a comprehensive customer engagement platform that powers relevant and memorable experiences between consumers and the brands they love.
* [Google Firebase]( - Engage active app users with contextual messages.
* [极光推送]( - 极光,移动大数据服务商,产品覆盖消息推送、即时聊天、短信、统计分析等开发者服务以及极光广告服务和极光数据服务三大产品体系,为企业节约开发成本提升运营效率。
* [OneSignal]( - OneSignal is the market leader in customer engagement, powering mobile push, web push, email, and in-app messages.
* [PushBots]( - Reach all your customers on mobile or desktop. Send and manage push notification, in-app messages, or polls. Understand user behavior, retention and engagement.
* [腾讯云移动推送]( - 移动推送 TPNS(Tencent Push Notification Service) 为您提供稳定、快速高抵达的 APP 推送服务。
* [友盟+]( - 基于友盟+全域数据建立精准的消息推送平台,为开发者提供更灵活、更智能、更有效的消息推送方案,有效提升用户粘性,提高App活跃度。

## Search

* [Algolia]( - Algolia’s search-as-a-service and full suite of APIs allow teams to easily develop tailored, fast search and discovery experiences that delight and convert.
* [阿里云开放搜索]( - 通过集成智能查询语义理解、机器学习排序算法等能力,旨在为企业提供高搜索质量的一站式内容智能搜索服务。

## Security

* [阿里云安全]( - 提供 DDoS 防护、安全审计、漏洞扫描、防护墙等安全业务。
* [Github Dependabot]( - GitHub Dependabot is a GitHub App that takes the effort out of maintaining your dependencies.
* [LGTM]( - A code analysis platform for finding zero-days and preventing critical vulnerabilities.
* [Snyk]( - Enabling more than 400,000 developers to continuously find and fix vulnerabilities in open source libraries and containers.
* [SonarQube]( - SonarQube empowers all developers to write cleaner and safer code.
* [Sonatype]( - OSS Index is a free catalogue of open source components and scanning tools to help developers identify vulnerabilities, understand risk, and keep their software safe.
* [WhiteSource]( - The simplest way to secure and manage open source components in your software.
* [知道创宇]( - 北京知道创宇信息技术有限公司,网络空间安全专家,长期致力于为政府、企业类客户提供完善的云安全解决方案。被评为亚洲20家最具价值企业、中国最酷网络安全公司。

## Source Code Management

* [Bitbucket]( - itbucket is more than just Git code management. Bitbucket gives teams one place to plan projects, collaborate on code, test, and deploy.
* []( - CODING 代码托管是为开发者打造的云端便捷研发协作工具,旨在为更多的开发者带去便捷、高效的开发体验,全面支持 Git/SVN 代码托管,包括代码评审,分支管理,超大仓库。
* [Github]( - GitHub brings together the world's largest community of developers to discover, share, and build better software.
* [Gitlab]( - From project planning and source code management to CI/CD and monitoring, GitLab is a complete DevOps platform, delivered as a single application.
* [Gitee]( - 码云(是 OSCHINA.NET 推出的代码托管平台,支持 Git 和 SVN,提供免费的私有仓库托管。目前已有超过 500 万的开发者选择码云。

## Storage

* [阿里云OSS]( - 海量、安全、低成本、高可靠的云存储服务,提供99.9999999999%的数据可靠性。使用RESTful API 可以在互联网任何位置存储和访问,容量和处理能力弹性扩展,多种存储类型供选择全面优化存储成本。
* [AWS S3]( - Object storage built to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere.
* [Azure Blob]( - Massively scalable and secure object storage for cloud-native workloads, archives, data lakes, high-performance computing, and machine learning.
* [DigitalOcean Spaces]( - S3-compatible object storage with a built-in CDN that makes scaling easy, reliable, and affordable.
* [Google Cloud Storage]( - Globally unified, scalable, and highly durable object storage for developers and enterprises.
* [Linode Storage]( - High availability S3-compatible object storage.
* [七牛云对象存储]( - 七牛云海量存储系统(KODO)是自主研发的非结构化数据存储管理平台,支持中心和边缘存储。平台经过多年大规模用户验证已跻身先进技术行列,并广泛应用于海量数据管理的各类场景。
* [腾讯云COS]( - 安全稳定、海量、便捷、低延迟、低成本的云端存储服务。
* [Vultr Storage]( - Vultr Object Storage gives you the flexibility to add scalable storage on demand and manage it through S3 API.

## Test

* [Applitools]( - Increase quality, accelerate delivery and reduce cost with the world’s most intelligent test automation platform.
* [BitBar]( - The most flexible cloud-based mobile app testing solution no
* [BrowserStack]( - Give your users a seamless experience by testing on 2000+ real devices and browsers.
* [CrossBrowserTesting]( - Easily run manual, visual, and selenium tests in the cloud on 2050+ real desktop and mobile browsers.
* [Cypress]( - Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
* [Experitest]( - Create & run Appium, Selenium, XCUITest & Espresso tests against 2,000+ real mobile devices & web browsers.
* [LambdaTest]( - Perform Live Interactive and Automated Cross Browser Testing on 2000+ Real Browsers and Operating Systems Online.
* [腾讯云测试服务]( - 快速、高效、低成本的云端测试服务,满足兼容、压力、安全等多项测试需求。
* [Testin云测]( - 云测是一家人工智能技术驱动的企业服务平台,为全球超过百万的企业及开发者提供云测试服务、AI数据标注服务、安全服务及推广服务
* [SourceLabs]( - The world's most comprehensive Continuous Testing Cloud.

## Todos and Collaboration

* [Asana]( - With Asana, remote teams can organize projects, manage shifting priorities, and get work done.
* [禅道]( - 禅道是开源免费的项目管理软件。
* [钉钉]( - 中国领先的智能移动办公平台,由阿里巴巴集团开发,免费提供给所有中国企业,用于商务沟通和工作协同。钉钉的企业组织数量突破500万家,成为中国企业社交知名品牌。
* [飞书]( - 飞书是真正的一站式企业沟通与协作平台,整合即时沟通、日历、音视频会议、云文档、工作台等功能于一体,打造高效的办公方式,加速企业成长。
* [Jira]( - The #1 software development tool used by agile teams.
* [Microsoft Planner]( - A simple, visual way to organize teamwork.
* [Monday]( - is the Work OS that powers teams to run processes, projects and everyday work their way.
* [Notion]( - Write, plan, collaborate, and get organized — all in one tool.
* [ONES]( - ONES 是整合敏捷开发与 DevOps 的研发管理工具,助力企业员工进行有序的需求及任务管理、测试用例管理、知识沉淀,促进团队良好协作,提高工程质量。
* [Teambition]( - 一切工作都可以从Teambition开始。无论是策划活动、研发软件、制造机器人、建设发电站或者发射卫星,团队成员以更高效的协作方式,为目标不断创造成果。
* [Todoist]( - Regain clarity and calmness by getting all those tasks out of your head and onto your to-do list (no matter where you are or what device you use).
* [Tower]( - Tower 帮助你更高效的安排工作任务,管理项目进度,沉淀团队知识,让每个人走得更快,让团队走得更远。
* [Trello]( - Trello’s boards, lists, and cards enable you to organize and prioritize your projects in a fun, flexible, and rewarding way.
* [Slack]( - With all of your communication and tools in one place, remote teams will stay productive no matter where you’re working from.
* [Worktile]( - Worktile 是一站式敏捷研发与DevOps平台,提升研发效能,助力企业更好更快地发布产品。
* [Zoom]( - Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars.

## Translation

* [阿里云机器翻译]( - 阿里翻译依托领先的自然语言处理技术和海量的电商数据优势,研发基于注意力机制的深层神经网络翻译系统(NMT),目前该系统已经广泛应用在电商链路的各项业务中,包括SEO、搜索、商品标题、商品详情、商品评论、实时沟通、风控等各项基础数据领域。 阿里翻译帮助解决面向国际用户网站和软件中的所有语言障碍,现在购买资源包享受梯度优惠的同时,每月还有100万字符免费调用额度。
* [百度翻译开放平台]( - 百度翻译开放平台提供通用翻译API、定制化翻译API、拍照翻译SDK及语音翻译SDK服务,全面满足开发者的翻译需求。
* [Google Cloud Translation]( - Cloud Translation can dynamically translate text between thousands of language pairs. Translation lets websites and programs programmatically integrate with the translation service.
* [Microsoft Translator]( - Translate text in real time across more than 60 languages, powered by the latest innovations in machine translation.
* [讯飞]( - 基于讯飞自主研发的机器翻译引擎,提供更优质的翻译接口。其中中英互译能力媲美大学英语六级水平,目前已逐步支持英日韩法西俄等多语种与中文的高品质互译。
* [Yandex Translate]( - The Yandex.Translate API is a universal text translation tool that uses machine translation technology developed at Yandex.
* [有道智云]( - 有道智云AI开放平台提供神经网络翻译、文字识别OCR服务以及行业解决方案,具备在线/离线翻译、在线OCR识别功能。

## Related

* [awesome-selfhosted](
* [RapidAPI](