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Cool projects using ENS + resources for buidling with ENS

List: awesome-ens

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Cool projects using ENS + resources for buidling with ENS

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# awesome-ens [![Awesome](]( [![PRs Welcome](](

A curated list of awesome [ENS]( projects and resources by Ghilia Weldesselasie ([@ghiliweld]( on Twitter).

Interested in learning more about or perhaps building on top of ENS? Come by the [ENS workshop & hackathon]( in London from August 10-12!

Please check the [contribution guidelines]( for info on formatting and writing pull requests **or** you can just leave a suggestion in the [Issues]( page.

### Contents
- [Projects](#projects)
- [Resources](#resources)
- [People](#people)
- [License](#license)

## Projects
- [Mimo]( - Decentralized Online Profiles
- [ENS Now]( - Get ENS Subdomains
- [ENS Listing]( - Search, buy and rent ENS domains + get ENS subdomains
- [ENS Manager]( - Manage your ENS domains forward and reverse resolvers
- [MyCrypto ENS]( - Auction and Manage ENS domains
- [ENS Nifty]( - Trade your ENS domain as an NFT

## Resources
- [Introduction to the Ethereum Name Service]( - An introductory blog post to the ENS by Chris Remus, Project Manager at ENS.
- [How to Regsiter an ENS Name]( - A beginner's guide to buying an ENS name by Nick Johnson, Lead Dev at ENS.
- [ENS Concepts]( - A developer's guide to ENS concepts by Nick Johnson.
- [ENS Docs]( - The complete ENS documentation.

## People
Here are some people you should follow who are either part of the ENS team or are building on top of ENS.
- [Nick Johnson| @nicksdjohnson]( - Core developer on go-ethereum, lead developer of ENS
- [Makoto Inoue| @makoto\_inoue]( - JS & Solidity developer, presently working on DNSSEC integration
- [Dean Eigenmann| @DeanEigenmann]( - Solidity developer and researcher, working on dispute resolution
- [Jeff Lau| @\_jefflau]( - Javascript & frontend developer, working on a new UI for ENS
- [Beltran Berrocal| @lyricalpolymath]( - UX designer, presently working on an improved user-experience for ENS
- [Chris Remus| @gcjremus]( - Project Manager at ENS
- [Rebecca Liebert]( - Graphic designer, working on a new UI for ENS
- [Virgil Griffith| @gvirgilgr]( - Executive Director for True Names
- [Ghilia Weldesselasie| @ghiliweld]( - Founder of Mimo and genius extraordinaire
- [Jim McDonald]( - Active contributor of ENS gitter channel.
- [Daniel Ellison]( - Createor of [lll version]( of ENS smart contractor
- [Alex Van de Sande]( - One of the original contributors of ENS project.
- [J. Maurelian]( - One of the original [ENS specification]( authors
- [Brett Sun]( - One of contributors of [A package manager built on top of ENS](

## Talks (Videos and Podcasts)

- [Hashing It Out #1: Nick Johnson]( = April 2018, by Nick Johnson, a podcast by Hashing it Out
- [#19: Nick Johnson, Ethereum Foundation’s ENS: Governance Tradeoffs, Squatting, and Metropolis-Enabled DNS Porting]( = Nov 2018, a podcast by Creating a Humanist Blockchain Future
- [ENS talk at DevCon3 the unofficial summary]( = Nov 2017, by Nick Jhonson, with links to the talk video and the presentation slide.
- [AMA with Nick Johnson, core Ethereum developer]( = Oct 2017 , hosted by Daniel Ellison
- [Nick Johnson - Ethereum ENS - The Ethereum Name Service]( = Oct 2017, by Nick Jhonson at Ethereum London meetup
- [ENS workshop 2017]( = Aug 2017, videos of the full three day live streaming
- [How to make an Ethereum Website | Ethereum Name Service |ETH|BLOCKCHAIN]( = July 2017, by HODLround, a video tutorial of how to participate ENS naming auction
- [How to Setup an Ethereum ENS Name with My Ether Wallet]( = June 2017, by
AltcoinXP, a video tutorial of how to interact with ENS contracts via MyEtherWallet
- [Alex Van de Sande & Nick Johnson: ENS – A Global Naming System for Ethereum (Episode 183)]( = May 2017, by Alex Van de Sande & Nick Johnson
- [ENS Ethereum Domain Name System]( = Sep 2016, by Nick Johnson at DevCon2
- [Swarm and the Ethereum Name Service]( = May 2016, by Nick Johnson and Viktor Trón at [Ethereum London May meetup]( Possibly the first public appearance of ENS


## License

To the extent possible under law, [Ghilia Weldesselasie]( has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.