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Awesome List of Digital and Computational Pathology Resources

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Awesome List of Digital and Computational Pathology Resources

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# Awesome Digital and Computational Pathology [![Awesome](](

This curated list of useful resources is supported by:

Paige AI

## Contents

- [Software](#software)
- [Assistant](#assistant)
- [Image Analysis](#image-analysis)
- [Image IO](#image-io)
- [Machine Learning](#machine-learning)
- [Model](#model)
- [Foundation Model](#foundation-model)
- [Platform](#platform)
- [Viewer](#viewer)
- [Viewer (Free)](#viewer-free)
- [Data](#data)
- [Challenges](#challenges)
- [Datasets](#datasets)
- [References](#references)
- [Publications](#publications)
- [Papers](#papers)

## Software

### Assistant

- [Digital Pathology Assistant]( - Specify your requirements in plain english and I'll provide PathML and Python code for your use-case.

### Image Analysis

- [HistomicsTK]( - Toolkit for the analysis of digital pathology images.
- [HistoQC]( - Quality control tools for digital pathology.
- [PathProfiler]( - Quality assessment of histopathology WSI cohorts.
- [PyHIST]( - Histological image segmentation tool.
- [pyslide]( - Digital pathology WSI analysis toolbox.
- [TIA Toolbox]( - Computational pathology toolbox that provides an end-to-end API for pathology image analysis.

### Image IO

- [Bio-Formats]( - Java software tool for reading and writing microscopy image using standardized, open formats.
- [compay-syntax]( - Tissue mask and tiling pipeline.
- [cuCIM]( - NVIDIA's accelerated computer vision and image processing software library for multidimensional images.
- [libvips]( - A fast image processing library with low memory needs.
- [OpenSlide]( - Provides a simple C interface with Python bindings to read WSIs in multiple formats.
- [svg2svs]( - Generate checkerboard and build multi-layer pyramidal SVS files from SVG images.
- [tifffile]( - Read and write TIFF-like files using in bioimaging.
- [WholeSlideData]( - Batch iterator that enables fast, efficient and easy patch sampling.

### Machine Learning

- [DLUP]( - Deep learning utilities for pathology.
- [eva]( - Evaluation framework for oncology foundation models.
- [histocartography]( - Library designed to facilitate the development of graph-based computational pathology pipelines.
- []( - Human-in-the-loop active learning framework for pathology image analysis.
- [PathML]( - Tools for computational pathology.
- [Slideflow]( - Python package that provides a unified API for building and testing deep learning models for histopathology.

### Model

- [ACMIL]( - WSI classification.
- [BEPH]( - BEiT-based model pre-training on WSIs.
- [Cell-DETR]( - Attention-based transformers for instance segmentation of cells in microstructures.
- [CellViT]( - Vision transformers for precise cell segmentation and classification.
- [Cerberus]( - Multi-task learning enables simultaneous histology image segmentation and classification.
- [CLAM]( - Data-efficient and weakly supervised computational pathology on WSI.
- [DeepLIIF]( - Deep-learning inferred multiplex immunofluorescence for immunohistochemical image quantification.
- [DiffInfinite]( - Large mask-image synthesis via parallel random patch diffusion in histopathology.
- [DMMN]( - Deep Multi-Magnification Network for multi-class tissue segmentation of WSI.
- [DT-MIL]( - Deformable transformer for multi-instance learning on histopathological image.
- [FrOoDo]( - Framework for out of distribution detection.
- [fseg]( - Unsupervised semantic segmentation for pathology by factorizing foundation model features.
- [HistoGPT]( - Generating highly accurate histopathology reports from whole slide images.
- [HistoSegNet]( - Semantic segmentation of histological tissue type in WSIs.
- [HoVer-Net]( - Simultaneous segmentation and classification of nuclei in multi-tissue histology images.
- [LongViT]( - Vision Transformer that can process gigapixel images in an end-to-end manner.
- [MCAT]( - Multimodal co-attention transformer for survival prediction in gigapixel WSIs.
- [MMP]( - Multimodal prototyping for cancer survival prediction.
- [MSINet]( - Deep learning model for the prediction of microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer.
- [PANTHER]( - Morphological prototyping for unsupervised slide representation learning in computational pathology.
- [Patch-GCN]( - WSI are 2D point clouds: Context-aware survival prediction using patch-based graph convolutional networks.
- [RSP]( - Self-supervised driven consistency training for annotation efficient histopathology image analysis.
- [Snuffy]( - Efficient WSI classifier.
- [SparseConvMIL]( - Sparse convolutional context-aware multiple instance learning for WSI classification.
- [StainGAN]( - Stain style transfer for digital histological images.
- [stainlib]( - Augmentation & normalization of H&E images.
- [StainTools]( - Tools for tissue image stain normalisation and augmentation.
- [StarDist]( - Object detection with star-convex shapes.
- [TANGLE]( - Transcriptomics-guided slide representation learning in computational pathology.
- [TCGA segmentation]( - Weakly supervised multiple instance learning histopathological tumor segmentation.
- [torchstain]( - Stain normalization transformations.
- [TransMIL]( - Transformer based correlated multiple instance learning for WSI classification.

### Foundation Model

- [CONCH]( - Vision-language foundation model for computational pathology.
- [Hibou]( - A family of foundational vision transformers for pathology.
- [HIPT]( - Scaling vision transformers to gigapixel images via hierarchical self-supervised learning.
- [H-optimus]( - Foundation model for histology.
- [PathDino]( - Rotation-agnostic image representation learning for digital pathology.
- [Path Foundation]( - Embedding model for efficiently building AI for histopathology applications.
- [PathoDuet]( - Foundation models for pathological slide analysis of H&E and IHC stains.
- [Phikon]( - Scaling self-supervised learning for histopathology with masked image modeling.
- [Prov-GigaPath]( - A whole-slide foundation model for digital pathology from real-world data.
- [ROAM]( - A transformer-based weakly supervised computational pathology method for clinical-grade diagnosis and molecular state revelation of gliomas.
- [TransPath]( - Transformer-based unsupervised contrastive learning for histopathological image classification.
- [UNI]( - General-purpose foundation model for computational pathology.
- [VIM4Path]( - Self-supervised vision mamba for WSIs.
- [Virchow]( - Self-supervised vision transformer pretrained using 1.5M WSIs.

### Platform

- [Digital Slide Archive]( - Provides the ability to store, manage, visualize and annotate large imaging datasets.

### Viewer

- [ASAP]( - Desktop application for visualizing, annotating and automatically analyzing WSIs.
- [Cytomine]( - Collaborative analysis of WSIs.
- [DigiPathAI]( - Tool to visualize gigantic pathology images and use AI to segment cancer cells and present as an overlay.
- [HistomicsUI]( - Web interface to visualize WSI and manage annotations.
- [slim]( - Interoperable web-based slide microscopy viewer and annotation tool.
- [QuickAnnotator]( - Model assisted tool for rapid annotation of WSIs.
- [QuPath]( - Java application that enables researchers and pathologists to visualize, analyze and annotate WSIs.

### Viewer (Free)

- [Aperio ImageScope]( - Freely downloadable software for viewing WSIs. Windows only.
- [PathPresenter]( - A complete enterprise workflow platform built by pathologists.

## Data

### Challenges

- [ACDC]( - Automatic Cancer Detection and Classification of lung histopathology.
- [ACROBAT]( - AutomatiC Registration Of Breast cAncer Tissue.
- [ANHIR]( - Automatic Non-rigid Histological Image Registration.
- [BACH]( - BreAst Cancer Histology images.
- [BCI]( - Breast Cancer Immunohistochemical image generation.
- [BreastPathQ]( - Quantitative biomarkers for the determination of cancer cellularity.
- [CAMELYON16]( - Cancer metastasis detection in lymph node.
- [CAMELYON17]( - Building on CAMELYON16 by moving from slide level analysis to patient level analysis.
- [CellSeg]( - Cell segmentation in multi-modality high-resolution microscopy images.
- [CoNIC]( - Colon Nuclei Identification and Counting.
- [DigestPath 2019]( - Digestive-system pathological detection and segmentation.
- [ENDO-AID]( - Endometrial carcinoma detection in pipelle biopsies.
- [Gleason 2019]( - Automatic Gleason grading of prostate cancer in digital histopathology.
- [HER2 Scoring Contest]( - Automated HER2 scoring algorithms in WSI of breast cancer tissues.
- [HEROHE]( - Predicting HER2 status in breast cancer from H&E.
- [KPIs]( - Kidney Pathology Image segmentation.
- [LEOPARD]( - LEarning biOchemical Prostate cAncer Recurrence from histopathology sliDes.
- [LYSTO]( - LYmphocytes aSsessment hackathOn in immunohistochemically stained tissue sections.
- [LYON19]( - LYmphocyte detectiON in IHC stained specimens.
- [MIDOG 2021]( - MItosis DOmain Generalization on tissue preparation and image acquisition.
- [MIDOG 2022]( - MItosis DOmain Generalization on tissue types.
- [MITOS-ATYPIA-14]( - Detection of mitosis and evaluation of nuclear atypia score.
- [MONKEY]( - Machine-learning for Optimal detection of iNflammatory cells in the KidnEY.
- [MoNuSAC]( - Multi-Organ NUclei Segmentation And Classification.
- [MoNuSeg]( - Multi-Organ NUclei Segmentation.
- [PAIP2019]( - Liver cancer segmentation.
- [PAIP2020]( - Classification and segmentation of microsatellite instability (MSI) in colorectal cancer.
- [PAIP2021]( - Perineural invasion in multiple organ cancer.
- [PAIP2023]( - Tumor cellularity prediction in pancreatic cancer and colon cancer.
- [PANDA]( - Prostate cANcer graDe Assessment.
- [SegPC]( - Segmentation of multiple myeloma in Plasma Cells.
- [TIGER]( - Fully automated assessment of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in H&E breast cancer slides.
- [TUPAC16]( - TUmor Proliferation Assessment.
- [WSSS4LUAD]( - Weakly-supervised tissue semantic segmentation for lung adenocarcinoma.

### Datasets

- [ARCH]( - Multiple instance captioning.
- [BCNB]( - Early Breast Cancer Core-Needle Biopsy WSI dataset.
- [BCSS]( - Breast Cancer Semantic Segmentation.
- [BRACS]( - BReAst Carcinoma Subtyping.
- [CRC]( - 100,000 histological images of human colorectal cancer and healthy tissue.
- [CryoNuSeg]( - Nuclei segmentation of cryosectioned H&E-stained histological images.
- [H2T]( - Handcrafted Histological Transformer for unsupervised representation of WSIs.
- [HEST]( - Bringing spatial transcriptomics and histopathology together.
- [LC25000]( - Lung and colon cancer histopathological image dataset.
- [LyNSeC]( - Lymphoma nuclear segmentation and classification dataset.
- [MHIST]( - Minimalist histopathology image analysis dataset.
- [NuInsSeg]( - A fully annotated dataset for nuclei instance segmentation in H&E-stained histological images.
- [NuCLS]( - A scalable crowdsourcing approach & dataset for nucleus classification, localization and segmentation in breast cancer.
- [OCELOT]( - Overlapped cell on tissue dataset for histopathology.
- [PanNuke]( - Dataset for nuclei instance segmentation and classification.
- [PCAM]( - PatchCamelyon provides a new benchmark for machine learning models akin to CIFAR-10 and MNIST.
- [TCGA]( - The Cancer Genome Atlas is a landmark cancer genomics program that molecularly characterized over 20,000 primary cancer and matched normal samples spanning 33 cancer types.
- [UNITOPATHO]( - A labeled histopathological dataset for colorectal polyps classification and adenoma dysplasia grading.
- [UNMaSk]( - Unmasking the immune microecology of ductal carcinoma in situ.

### References

- [ADP]( - Atlas of digital pathology for deep learning.
- [Cytomine Collection]( - Open access to high quality WSI in several formats.
- [DICOM WSI Standard]( - DICOM WSI document.
- [Jerad Gardner, MD]( - Popular YouTube channel for educational videos by a pathologist.
- [WebPathology]( - Visual survey of surgical pathology.

## Publications

### Papers

- [chen2022self]( - Self-Supervised Vision Transformers Learn Visual Concepts in Histopathology.
- [kang2022benchmarking]( - Benchmarking Self-Supervised Learning on Diverse Pathology Datasets.
- [wolflein2023good]( - A Good Feature Extractor Is All You Need for Weakly Supervised Pathology Slide Classification.
- [vaidya2024demographic]( - Demographic bias in misdiagnosis by computational pathology models.