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A curated list of fonts that are, in my opinion, the best in their class.

List: awesome-font-collection

awesome-list design fonts graphic-design typography

Last synced: 13 days ago
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A curated list of fonts that are, in my opinion, the best in their class.

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# Awesome Font Collection

A list with loosely categorized fonts that I like. My favorites are in **bold**.

All fonts below are free to use everywhere.

## Sans serif

### Geometric Sans

- [Alata](
- [Be Vietnam Pro](
- [Comfortaa](
- [Didact Gothic](
- [Josefin Sans](
- **[Jost\*](**
- [Lexend Deca](
- **[Montserrat](**
- [Poppins](
- [Spartan](
- [Sen](

### Grotesk

- [Arimo](
- [Barlow](
- [Barlow Semi Condensed](
- [Cabin](
- [Cantarell](
- [Chivo](
- [Darker Grotesque](
- [Duru Sans](
- [Encode Sans](
- [Encode Sans Semi Expanded](
- [Exo 2](
- **[Fira Sans](**
- [Gothic A1](
- [Hind](
- [Istok Web](
- **[Inter](**
- [Merriweather Sans](
- [M+ 1p](
- [Mukta](
- [Mulish](
- [Noto Sans](
- [Nunito Sans](
- [Open Sans](
- [Oxygen](
- [Sarala](
- **[Source Sans Pro](**
- [Ubuntu](
- [Varela](
- [Varela Round](
- [Work Sans](
- [Yantramanav](

### Humanist sans

- [Alegreya Sans](
- [Amiko](
- [Arsenal](
- [Arya](
- [Average Sans](
- [Basic](
- [Cambay](
- [Gotu](
- **[IBM Plex Sans](**
- [Inder](
- [Inria Sans](
- **[Lato](**
- [Marcellus](
- [Miriam Libre](
- [Monda](
- [Nunito](
- [Palanquin](
- [Tenor Sans](
- [Thasadith](
- [Voces](

## Serif

### Fatface

- **[Abril Fatface](**
- [Chonburi](
- **[Playfair Display](**

### Didone serif

- [Abhaya Libre](
- [Bentham](
- **[Bodoni\*](**
- [Cantata One](
- [Domine](
- [Frank Ruhl Libre](
- [Inria Serif](
- **[Latin Modern](**
- [Lora](
- [Old Standard TT](
- [Oranienbaum](
- **[Playfair Display](**
- [Trirong](
- [Unna](
- [Yeseva One](

### Slab serif

- [Aleo](
- [Alfa Slab One](
- [Arbutus Slab](
- **[Besley\*](**
- [BioRhyme](
- [Bree Serif](
- [Coustard](
- [Eczar](
- [Enriqueta](
- **[IBM Plex Serif](**
- [Josefin Slab](
- [Kadwa](
- **[Roboto Slab](**
- [Sanchez](
- [Scope One](
- [Slabo 13px](
- [Slabo 27px](
- [Trocchi](
- **[Zilla Slab](**
- [Zilla Slab Highlight](

### Transitional serif

- [Buenard](
- [Caladea](
- **[Crimson Pro](**
- [David Libre](
- [Donegal One](
- [Faustina](
- [Gelasio](
- [Gentium Basic](
- [Gentium Book Basic](
- [Karma](
- **[Libre Baskerville](**
- [Manuale](
- [Merriweather](
- **[Noto Serif](**
- **[Source Serif Pro](**
- [Taviraj](
- **[TeX Gyre Schola](**
- [Tinos](
- [Vollkorn](
- [Yrsa](

### Oldstyle serif

- [Amiri](
- [Andada Pro](
- [Asar](
- [Cardo](
- [Cormorant](
- **[Cormorant Garamond](**
- **[EB Garamond](**
- [Fanwood Text](
- [Headland One](
- [Inknut Antiqua](
- [Sahitya](
- [Sorts Mill Goudy](
- [Trykker](
- [Vesper Libre](

## Other

### Monospace

- [Anonymous Pro](
- [Courier Prime](
- **[Drafting\* Mono](**
- [IBM Plex Mono](
- **[Source Code Pro](**
- [Ubuntu Mono](

### Display & Script

- [Cowboy Fonts](
- [Major Mono Display](
- [Megrim](
- [Oleo Script](
- **[Oleo Script Swash Caps](**
- [Pattaya](
- [Petit Formal Script](
- [Pinyon Script](