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Materials from europython2015

List: awesome-europython2015

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Materials from europython2015

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# [europython20015](


## community

- [keynote its dangerous to go alone](
Django Girls

- [How-To: Build a local Python community](
Хороший доклад по организации локального python сообщества.

- [EuroPython 2016: Help us build the next edition!](

## python

- [keynote python now and in the future](
Гвидо агитировал за python 3.5, но в dropbox используют сильно модифицированный python 2.7

- [type hints for python3.5](

- [the python compiler](
компиляция python в с++ вместе с libpython. Прирост скорости до 250%

- [How you can benefit from type hints](

- [Tuning Python applications can dramatically increase performance](

- [Writing Domain Specific Languages with Python](

- [PyPy and the future of the Python ecosystem](

- [Static type-checking is dead, long live static type-checking in Python!](

- [Import Deep Dive](

красивый и функциональный интерфейс к стандартному интерпретатору Python для *nix.

MasterKey is a pure python module to open your python classes, and allow you to redefine and fix the built-in python types.
WARNING: Of course this is a Joke, don't use this module in real code!

## microservices & highload

- [nameko for microservices](
A microservices framework for Python that lets service developers concentrate on application logic and encourages testability.

- [stop trying to glue your services together import lymph](
lymph is an opinionated framework for Python services. Its features are

- Discovery: pluggable service discovery (e.g. backed by ZooKeeper)
- RPC: request-reply messaging (via ZeroMQ + MessagePack)
- Events: pluggable and reliable pub-sub messaging (e.g. backed by RabbitMQ)
- Process Management

- [use python to process 12mil events per minute and still keep it simple](
Компания занимается видое хостингом и стримингом.
Доклад об python сервисе, который парсит access.log nginx и сохраняет события в mongodb.

- [building async microservices](

- [using service discovery a distributed application](
Core developer gentoo рассказывал про дизайн микросервисов с docker & consul - Beanstalk is a simple, fast work queue

- [distributed locks with python and redis](

- [python microservices on paas done right](

- [Arrested Development - surviving the awkward adolescence of a microservices-based application](
Yelp деляться опытом по мигрированию на микросервисы. The World's Most Popular Framework for APIs. Bravado is a python client library for Swagger 2.0 services

- [Preparing Apps for Dynamic Scaling](
Skyatlas рекламировал свое решение по динамическому увеличению cpu & ram в облаке как средсво для вертикального маштабирования.

- [Python for Cloud Services and Infrastructure Management](

- [Python in the world of retail and mail order](

## conteiners & clouds

- [keynote so i have all these docker containers now what](
Google использует docker для запуска 10000 одинаковых воркеров на свободных ресурсах датацентра

- [the lightweight cloud server war begins](

- [to the clouds why you should deploy to the cloud even if you dont want to](
Canonical рекламировал juju
Провизор: упарвляет vm, железом, ресурсами, приложениями, etc...
Работает поверх разных технологий, в том числе Fabric & Ansible

- [architecture of a cloud hosting service using python technologies django ansible and celery](

## good code & coding & cli

- [it works on my machine writing python code for any environment](
Разработка приложений для python 2 + 3 на примере консольной утилиты aws tools
* renaming: six, move wrappers to other file
* strings: check input type
* limitation: use backports
* file handling: IoThread
* file path: normalaze path with os midule
* functionality: platform.system
* running: virtualenv

- [metrics driven development](

- [beyond grep practical logging and metrics](

- [argus the omniscient ci](

- [using git hooks to help your engineering teams work autonomously](
Рассказ о том, как уйти от svn в git и облегчить жизнь автономной команде инженеров.
С готовыми примерами на github.

- [python idioms to help you write good code](

- [a deep look at logging](

- [code quality in python tools and reasons](

- [building nice command line interfaces a look beyond the stdlib](

- [come to the dark side we have a whole bunch of cookiecutters](

- [terminal whispering](

- [Through the lens of Haskell: exploring new ideas for library design](

- [DumbDev -- eight rules for dumb development](

- [Practical usage of advanced Python constructs](

- [Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should](

Hunter is a flexible code tracing toolkit, not for measuring coverage, but for debugging, logging, inspection and other nefarious purposes. It has a simple Python API and a convenient terminal API (see Environment variable activation).

Container class boilerplate killer

## data mining & data storing

- [big data beautiful visualization on the browser with bokeh](

- [new trends in storing large data silos with python](

- [pyspark and warcraft data](

- [scale your data not your process welcome to the blaze ecosystem](

- [lusterhq](
Container Data Management for your Dockerized Applications
Господа делают решение по синхронизации данных по площадкам для контейнеров.
Используют модуль ядра zfs и пишут асинхронный код на twisted.
Пообщаться с инженерами было интересно.

- [python and postgresql a wonderful wedding](

- [data-analysis-and-map-reduce-with-mongodb-and-pymongo](

- [from basic distance search to a complex multi criteria search](

- [pyspark data processing in python on top of apache spark](

- [Beyond the basics with Elasticsearch](

- [Big Data with Python & Hadoop](

- [Bringing PostgreSQL towards zero downtime migration with Python](

- [Speeding up search with locality sensitive hashing](
Неплохой доклад про data mining:
* поиск соседей или похожих товаров
* поиск похожих изображений
* рекомендации
Используют hash table, balancing tree, random vector spliting, binary forest

- [efficient memorydisk data containers with python](

bcolz: columnar and compressed data containers (эфективен на современных cpu)

## scraping

- [frontera open source large scale web crawling framework](
Расширенный паук для извлечения информации из веба + онлайн saas платформа.

- [advanced web scraping](
Хороший доклад об извлечении данных из веба с помощью scrapy, portia, frontera

- [dive into scrapy](

## testing

- [sustainable way of testing your code](

- [lessons learned about testing and tdd](

- [tdd is not about tests](

- [mashing up pytest and to take tdd to a new level](

- [tdd for apis](

- [12 years of pylint or how i stopped worrying and love the bugs](
Разработчик pylint о, собвственно, pylint

- [tdd the why the how and the when not](

- [testing with two failure seeking missiles fuzzing and property based testing](
Об тестировании рандомными данными в python

- [whats the fuzz all about randomized data generation for robust unit testing](

- [faking it the art of testing using verified fakes](

- [Testing web apps with Selenium](

pytest + selenium

Ish is a stupid library that allows you to test if a variable is true-ish or false-ish.

## CI & CD & deploy

- [the butler and the snake continuous integration for python](

- [a pythonic approach to continuous delivery](

- [extending and embedding ansible with python]( Free. Open Source. Powerful. Taiga is a project management platform for startups and agile developers & designers who want a simple, beautiful tool that makes work truly enjoyable.
Сама презентация о:
* как вызвать ansible код из своего скрипта
* как писать новое расширение для ansible

- [easy fullstack deployments](
We will cover from, the project creation (using Pyramid web framework), to maintaining a consistent deployment infrastructure using buildout and docker containers.

- [Continuous Deployment for webapps based on Django](

## web & api

- [building mobile apis with services at yelp](

- [max realtime messaging and activity stream engine](
Multi-source user and application generated activity registry engine with asyncronous messaging and conversations facility.
Самописный фреймворк поверх pyramid & gevent с собственным протоколом (json based) сообщений поверх mq.

- [reahl the python only web framework](
Reahl is a full-featured web framework with a twist: with Reahl you write a web application purely in Python. HTML, JavaScript, CSS and all those cumbersome web technologies (and a few other lower level concerns) are hidden away from you

- [Solving the web most popular code shortening competition in Python](

- [Learnt lessons in a big Django Project](

## parallel and asynchronous programming

- [mastering asyncio applications](

- [understanding non blocking io](

- [better asynchronous code with tornado and python3](

- [distributed workflows with flowy](
Однопоточное асинхронное приложение для запуска графа задач вроде celery.

- [Parallelism Shootout: threads vs asyncio vs multiple processes](

## security

- [python security cryptography]( - остальные презентации спикера
* pycrypto
* cryptography
* django-secure
* owasp
* stepic
* stegano
* cryptopng

- [taking the pain out of passwords and authentication](
- Introduce the new standards Universal Authentication Framework (UAF) & Universal Second Factor (U2F)
- Show how to integrate UAF/U2F in Django and other Python frameworks
- Introduce Sonipass - a project to replace passwords, even on existing websites

## documentation

- [MkDocs: Documenting projects with Markdow](
Документация из markdown. WG Deployment использует в связке с readthedocs (
В последней версии много нового, нужно обновиться.

- [FOSS DOCS 101 (keep it simple, present!)](
Mikey Ariel - технический писатель в redhut про документацию.

Правильные вопросы:
- who are my readers?
- what they want to know?
- when they need this content?
- where they consume this content?
- why they even need this content?

Поиск по документам важен.

Devops for docs:
- unified toolchain
- use the same toolchain that used for code
- continuous integration
- iterative autoring
- content curation
- automation

Docs or it didn't happen:
- contribution guidelines
- templates
- collaboration and training

"open help" project

## interesting frameworks and libraries

- [keynote towards a more effective decentralized web](

- [python in the sky](
single-threaded - Wi-Fi с рекламой и шопингом в самалетах.
Синхронизация в ангаре с использовпнием ansible pull.

- [introduction to baserock](
Система сборки, работает на unix, умеет:
* metadata
* overrides
* cache
* сборка с нуля в chroot
* образы для docker, openstack, блочный img
* browser board
* etc...

- [odoo the underdog python killer app a python framework for web based business apps](
Платформа и фрэймворк для создания бизнес приложений.
Конструктор, файлы конфигураций в формате xml, очень большой и кастомизируемый.

- [python gamedev mlg](
Presentation of Kobra, a modern open source Python game development framework with ECS (Entity Component System) architecture and C++ bindings.
Beta обещают в декабре.

- [numpy vectorize your brain](
Базовое описание numpy

- [gitfs building a filesystem in python](
Монтирование репозитория git как набор каталогов:
* rw директория с head
* ro структура каталогов по комитам
* кэширование на 3 уровнях
* лимиты на бинарные файлы
Использует pygit2 + fusepy

- ["It's about time to take your medication!" or how to write a friendly reminder bot ;-)](

Event driven concurrent framework for python. With pulsar you can write asynchronous servers performing one or several activities in different threads and/or processes

a python client for Exceptional, a service which tracks errors in your web apps

A game to help children learn Python

Debugging manhole for python applications

Works with Linux namespaces througth glibc with pure python

Borg is a deduplicating backup program. Optionally, it also supports compression and authenticated encryption.

Cross-platform, Python-agnostic binary package manager

A full-featured, hackable tiling window manager written and configured in Python