
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.


A curated list of awesome projects, libraries, tools, etc. related to InfluxDB

  • Official documentation
  • Part 1: Introduction - in-iot-world-aws-part-2/) | [Part 3: Plotting graphs using Grafana](
  • C# - A .NET library for efficiently sending points to InfluxDB
  • Go - Go client for InfluxDB 1.x
  • Java - Java client for InfluxDB
  • PHP - PHP client for InfluxDB
  • Python - Python client for InfluxDB
  • Rails - Ruby on Rails bindings to automatically write metrics into InfluxDB
  • Ruby - Ruby client for InfluxDB
  • capacitor - A Clojure client for InfluxDB
  • cl-influxdb - Common Lisp interface to the Time Series Database InfluxDB
  • erflux - InfluxDB client for Erlang
  • fluxter - An InfluxDB writer for Elixir
  • influent - InfluxDB Javascript driver
  • - InfluxDB Rust driver
  • InfluxDB-Client-for-Arduino - Arduino client for InfluxDB
  • InfluxDB-Client-LabVIEW - LabVIEW client for InfluxDB
  • influxdb-cpp-rest - A C++ InfluxDB client with a batching async interface
  • influxdb-haskell - Haskell client library for InfluxDB
  • InfluxDB.NET - .NET client for InfluxDB
  • InfluxDB PHP SDK - UDP/IP or HTTP adapters for read and write data
  • influxdbr - R library for InfluxDB
  • instream - InfluxDB driver for Elixir
  • node-influx - InfluxDB Node.js Client
  • node-influx-udp - Write to InfluxDB using its UDP interface
  • scala-influxdb-client - Asynchronous InfluxDB client for Scala
  • accelerometer2influx - Android application that takes the x-y-z axis metrics from your phone accelerometer and sends the data to InfluxDB.
  • agento - Client/server collecting near realtime metrics from Linux hosts
  • aggregateD - A [dogstatsD]( inspired metrics and event aggregation daemon for InfluxDB
  • aprs2influxdb - Interfaces ham radio APRS-IS servers and saves packet data into an influxdb database
  • Charmander - Charmander is a lab environment for measuring and analyzing resource-scheduling algorithms
  • gopherwx - a service that pulls live weather data from a Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 station and stores it in InfluxDB
  • grade - Track Go benchmark performance over time by storing results in InfluxDB
  • Influx-Capacitor - Influx-Capacitor collects metrics from windows machines using Performance Counters. Data is sent to influxDB to be viewable by grafana
  • Influxdb-Powershell - Powershell script to send Windows Performance counters to an InfluxDB Server
  • influxdb-logger - SmartApp to log [SmartThings]( device attributes to an InfluxDB database
  • influxdb-sqlserver - Collect Microsoft SQL Server metrics for reporting to InfluxDB and visualize them with Grafana
  • k6 - A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript
  • marathon-event-metrics - a tool for reporting [Marathon]( events to InfluxDB
  • mesos-influxdb-collector - Lightweight [mesos]( stats collector for InfluxDB
  • mqforward - [MQTT]( to influxdb forwarder
  • node-opcua-logger - Collect industrial data from OPC UA Servers
  • ntp_checker - compares internal NTP sources and warns if the offset between servers exceeds a definable (fraction of) seconds
  • proc_to_influxdb - Console app to observe Windows process starts and stops via InfluxDB
  • pysysinfo_influxdb - Periodically send system information into influxdb (uses python3 + psutil, so it also works under Windows)
  • sysinfo_influxdb - Collect and send system (linux) info to InfluxDB
  • snmpcollector - A full featured Generic SNMP data collector with Web Administration Interface for InfluxDB
  • Telegraf - (Official) plugin-driven server agent for reporting metrics into InfluxDB
  • tesla-streamer - Streams data from Tesla Model S to InfluxDB ([rake task](
  • traffic_stats - Acquires and stores statistics about CDNs controlled by [Apache Traffic Control](
  • vsphere-influxdb-go - Collect VMware vSphere, vCenter and ESXi performance metrics and send them to InfluxDB
  • cAdvisor - Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers
  • Centreon - A network, system, applicative supervision and monitoring tool
  • cernan - A telemetry and logging aggregation server
  • cloudwatch-sender - Send metrics to InfluxDB/Graphite from [Amazon Cloudwatch](
  • crankshaftd - Simple Go agent to ingest streaming data from [Turbine]( via SSE and push it into StatsD as a gauge or to InfluxDB
  • Domoticz - Open source Home Automation System
  • gatling - Async Scala-Akka-Netty based Stress Tool
  • Glances - Glances an Eye on your system
  • Graphios - A program to send nagios perf data to graphite (carbon) / statsd / librato / influxDB
  • heapster - Monitor container resource usage of a [Kubernetes]( cluster
  • heka - General purpose data collection and processing tool
  • internet_data_usage - Python based application to pull data plan usage for different carriers such as Telus and Koodo
  • ioBroker - Homeautomation / IoT Platform uses Influxdb to store [history data](
  • jmxtrans - Effectively the missing connector between speaking to a JVM via JMX on one end and whatever logging / monitoring / graphing package that you can dream up on the other end.
  • Apache JMeter - Popular load testing tool, you can get real-time results sent to a backend through the InfluxDBBackendListenerClient which allows you to send metrics (active threads, response time ...) to an InfluxDB Backend using UDP or HTTP protocols
  • logary - High performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net
  • - Collect and forward metrics using portable shell scripts
  • OpenHAB - A universal integration platform for all things around home automation
  • Riemann - A network event stream processing system, in Clojure
  • statsd-jvm-profiler - Simple JVM Profiler Using StatsD
  • statsite - C implementation of statsd
  • Sematext Agent - [Open source monitoring agent]( to collect metrics from Solr, Elasticsearch, Cassandra, JVM, JMX, ClickHouse, MySQL, Hadoop, and more via pluggable integrations. Output via Influx Line Protocol to InfluxDB or [Sematext Cloud](
  • logagent - is a modern, open-source, light-weight log shipper. Logagent includes [influxdb input plugin]( and [influxdb output plugin]( and many other [integrations](
  • crow-metrics - small metrics collector for node servers
  • django-influxdb-metrics - A reusable Django app that sends metrics about your project to InfluxDB
  • go-runtime-metrics - Collect golang runtime Metrics, outputting to InfluxDB or through Telegraf
  • lua-resty-influx - [OpenResty]( client for InfluxDB
  • metrics - (PHP) Simple library that abstracts different metrics collectors. "I find this necessary to have a consistent and simple metrics (functional) API that doesn't cause vendor lock-in"
  • pyVsphereInflux - A library and supporting script for pulling data from [vSphere]( and inserting it into InfluxDB
  • telemetry - metric reporting for Go applications
  • go-metrics-influxdb - A reporter for the [go-metrics library]( which will post the metrics to InfluxDB
  • logrus_influxdb - InfluxDB Hook for [Logrus](
  • embulk-output-influxdb - InfluxDB output plugin for [Embulk](
  • exometer_influxdb - [Exometer]( reporter for InfluxDB
  • fluent-plugin-influxdb - A buffered output plugin for [fluentd]( and InfluxDB
  • influx-nagios-plugin - [Nagios]( plugin for querying monitoring stats from InfluxDB
  • jenkinsci/influxdb-plugin - [Jenkins]( plugin to send build metrics into InfluxDB
  • kafka-influxdb - A [Kafka]( consumer for InfluxDB written in Python
  • logstash-output-influxdb - Community-maintained [Logstash]( plugin to output metrics to InfluxDB
  • metrics-influxdb - A reporter for [dropwizard]( metrics which announces measurements to an InfluxDB server
  • mod-influxdb - [Shinken]( module for exporting data to InfluxDB
  • sensu-plugins-influxdb - [Sensu]( InfluxDB Plugins
  • sidekiq-influxdb - A [Sidekiq]( middleware to send job execution metrics to InfluxDB
  • snap-plugin-publisher-influxdb - Publishes [snap]( metrics to InfluxDB
  • statsd-influxdb-backend - A naive InfluxDB backend for StatsD
  • logagent influx input plugin - Logagent plugin to receive data via Influx Line Protocol
  • logagent InfluxDB output plugin - Plugin to send data via Influx Line Protocol
  • JMeter2InfluxDB - Read JMeter results in a csv file and put results in InfluxDB after the load test
  • LoadRunner Raw Results Exporter - To export scenario results (load test results) to InfluxDB
  • nmon2influxdb - Import [nmon]( file into InfluxDB
  • Chronograf - Official InfluxDB data visualization tool
  • DBeaver - DBeaver Universal Database Tool, DBeaver Enterprise has special extensions for InfluxDB
  • facette - Time series data visualization and graphing software
  • FluxDash - Terminal based InfluxDB dashboard
  • grafana - Gorgeous metric viz, dashboards & editors for Graphite, InfluxDB & OpenTSDB
  • InfluxDB Studio - InfluxDB Studio is a UI management tool, its inspiration comes from other similar SQL database management tools (use InfluxData.Net run on MS Windows)
  • InfluxGraph - Graphite InfluxDB storage finder for Graphite-API
  • ostent - collects and displays system metrics and optionally relays to Graphite and/or InfluxDB
  • hubot-influxdb-alerts - Create and manage alerts in your chatroom using [hubot]( and influxdb
  • influx-alert - A tool to query InfluxDB and send alerts based on a YAML config
  • influxdb_google_sheets - Google Sheets script for fetching and formatting InfluxDB data
  • Morgoth - Metric anomaly detection
  • chef-influxdb - Chef cookbook for InfluxDB
  • golja-influxdb - Puppet module for InfluxDB
  • influxdb-formula - Installs and configures the InfluxDB timeseries database
  • influxdb-release - Experimental BOSH release for InfluxDB
  • puppet-telegraf - Puppet module for Telegraf
  • rossmcdonald/influxdb - Ansible role for installing, configuring, and maintaining InfluxDB
  • tutum-docker-influxdb - Docker image to run an out-of-the-box InfluxDB server
  • dbal-influxdb - Doctrine DBAL for InfluxDB
  • Influxdb::Arel - Influxdb::Arel is a SQL AST manager for InfluxDB dialect. It simplifies the generation of complex SQL queries
  • influxer - InfluxDB ActiveRecord-style
  • Time Series Admin - Administration panel and querying interface for InfluxDB databases
  • InfluxCloud - From the creators of InfluxDB
  • Aiven - Provides a choice of host (AWS, Google, DigitalOcean, etc.), geographic location, and server specs
  • Scalingo - Provides a choice of server specs
  • HostedMetrics - Geared towards custom application monitoring by hosting the combination of InfluxDB, Grafana, and StatsD
  • influx-protector - proxy to prevent dangerous queries getting to influxdb
  • influxdb-schema-updater - A small DevOps tool to manage the schema of an InfluxDB instance with a set of configuration files
  • influx-prompt - An interactive command-line InfluxDB cli with auto completion
  • cleanflux - proxy around /query endpoint with auto retention policy selection and on the wire bug corrections
  • awesome-bigdata
  • awesome-dashboard
  • awesome-data-engineering
  • awesome-db
  • awesome-go
  • awesome-home-assistant
  • awesome-microservices
  • awesome-sysadmin
  • awesome
  • lists
  • ![CC0