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A cookbook for InfluxDB, a time-series database (

chef-cookbook cookbooks database influxdb infrastructure-management monitoring

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A cookbook for InfluxDB, a time-series database (




# InfluxDB

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Chef cookbook to install and configure InfluxDB.

## Support

|*Cookbook Version*|*InfluxDB Version*|
| v5.x.x | >= v1.0.0 |
| v4.4.1 | < v1.0.0 |

## Usage
To install InfluxDB and place its configuration file, include the
`influxdb::default` recipe in your node's `run_list`. The `default` recipe
installs the necessary dependencies to use the custom resources defined in this

For rendering the config set the parameter under

`default['influxdb']['config']['MyParameter'] = 'val'`

## Resources
The following gems are used by the custom resources and are installed by the
`default` recipe:

- [InfluxDB gem](
- [toml](

This cookbook ships with five custom resources for managing the configuration
file, users, databases, cluster admins, and retention policies:

### influxdb\_config
This resource writes a configuration file for InfluxDB based on the passed
configuration hash:

influxdb_config node['influxdb']['config_file_path'] do
config node['influxdb']['config']
action :create

This resource is used by the `default` recipe to place the configuration
defined in `node['influxdb']['config']`.

### influxdb\_database
Configures an InfluxDB database.

influxdb_database 'my_db' do
action :create

### influxdb\_install
This resource sets up or removes the appropriate repositories and
installs/removes the appropriate packages

influxdb_install 'influxdb' do
arch_type 'amd64' # if undefined will auto detect
include_repository true # default
influxdb_key '' # default
action :install # default

influxdb_install 'influxdb' do
action :remove

> Note : InfluxDB Enterprise uses different version naming schema and is
> distributed in two packages: `influxdb-data` and `influxdb-meta`.
> Install it this way:

node.default['influxdb']['version'] = "1.3.5-c1.3.5"
node.default['influxdb']['download_urls'] = {
'debian' => '',
'rhel' => ''

influxdb_install 'influxdb-meta' do
install_version node['influxdb']['version']
install_type 'file'
checksum '87d99ba4a90487ee1a9'
action [:install]

influxdb_install 'influxdb-data' do
install_version node['influxdb']['version']
install_type 'file'
checksum '4c17e7d3bac8f565c140'
action [:install]

### influxdb\_user
This resources configures a user to interact with InfluxDB databases.

influxdb_user 'user' do
password 'changeme'
databases ['my_db']
action :create

### influxdb\_admin
This resources configures a cluster admin to interact with InfluxDB.

influxdb_admin 'admin' do
password 'changeme'
action :create

### influxdb\_retention\_policy
This resources configures a retention policy on a given database. The name
attribute is not used, the database and policy name provide the unique names
used by InfluxDB.

> Note: in v1.0.0+ there is an auto-generated default profile called autogen.
> To make your policy the default, you will want to set `default` parameter
> `true`.

influxdb_retention_policy "foodb default retention policy" do
policy_name 'default'
database 'foodb'
duration '1w'
replication 1
action :create

### influxdb\_continuous\_query
This resources configures a continuous query on a given database.

> If you need rewrite continuous query if it already exist set `rewrite` parametr to `true`.

influxdb_continuous_query "test_continuous_query" do
database 'foodb'
rewrite false
query 'SELECT min(mouse) INTO min_mouse FROM zoo GROUP BY time(30m)'
action :create

## Client Libraries
Right now, this cookbook only supports the Ruby and CLI client libraries so as
not to add too many dependencies. That might change in the near future. By
default both flavors are disabled. Enable e.g. Ruby via:

`node.default['influxdb']['client']['ruby']['enable'] = true`

Finally include the `influxdb::client` in your node's `run_list` to install the

## Tests

To run tests, install all dependencies with [bundler](

bundle install

Then to run tests:

rake # Quick tests only (rubocop + minitest)
rake test:complete # All tests (rubocop + minitest + kitchen)

## Release Steps

rake publish

## License
This project is licensed under the MIT license

## Maintainers
Ben Dang

E Camden Fisher