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Curated list of resources for ESP32 development in the Rust programming language

  • `` Matrix room
  • EN - The goal of this book is to provide a comprehensive guide on using the Rust programming language with Espressif SoCs and modules.
  • EN - Training for Rust using `std` approach development on ESP32-C3 by [Ferrous Systems](
  • EN - Training for Rust using `no_std` approach development on ESP32-C3.
  • EN - Quarterly updates about Rust on Espressif chips.
  • EN - Overview of the `no_std` ecosystem on ESP32 chips.
  • Making a Dino Light with the ESP32 and WS2812
  • Making a Dino Light with the ESP32 and WS2812 Pt. 2
  • EN - Blog series about learning Rust at the HAL level with the ESP32-C3.
  • EN
  • (1) モデル化
  • (2) 直立制御
  • (3) 遠隔操縦
  • その 1 環境構築
  • その 2 L チカ
  • EN
  • VI
  • EN
  • EN
  • EN
  • EN
  • EN
  • EN
  • EN
  • espup - Tool for installing and maintaining the required toolchains for developing applications in Rust for Espressif SoC's.
  • espflash - Serial flasher utility for Espressif SoCs and modules based on [esptool](
  • esp-web-flash-server - WebSocket server for flashing from Visual Studio Code Remote Containers using a web browser.
  • wokwi-server - WebSocket server for running simulations in [Wokwi]( from Visual Studio Code Remote Containers using a web browser.
  • Wokwi Simulator - Web browser simulator that supports Rust language on ESP32 chips.
  • esp-idf-template - A [cargo-generate]( template for projects using the Rust `std` library (via [ESP-IDF](
  • esp-template - A [cargo-generate]( template for bare metal projects (ie. `no_std`).
  • esp-rust-board - A development board based on the ESP32-C3 and designed in [KiCad EDA]( which is compatible with the [Adafruit Feather]( specification.
  • anemometer - Rust based anemometer incl. OTA and GPS based calibration process.
  • bluedroid - Safe wrapper for the Bluedroid Bluetooth stack.
  • Dark Sky Meter - Open Hardware low-cost night sky sensor that measures light levels as well as several ambient parameters.
  • dephy-esp32c3-rust-boilerplate - A `std` ESP32-C3 application boilerplate on production with `tokio` for `async` support and examples for IO, Wi-Fi provisioning, eFuse, GPIO, I2C, HTTP, BLE advertising, etc.
  • esp-clock - Clock with environment stats. [Wokwi project](
  • esp32-idf-nmea-example - Example of integration ESP-IDF application with Rust code as component.
  • esp32-s3-rust-axum-example - Example of running Tokio + Axum web server on the ESP32-S3.
  • esp32c3-rust-std-temperature-logger - MQTT temperature logger running on ESP32-C3.
  • esp32cam-rs - Examples of Rust on ESP32-CAM, including a fully-featured Telegram bot capable of taking pictures.
  • gateway-rs - A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet(like [frp]( but running on ESP32).
  • mch2022-rust-app - Example that shows a nice rust screensaver in MCH2022 badge.
  • M5Stack-Cardputer - Rust support for the Cardputer, including an interactive 3d graphics demo
  • OFMon - Offline-first smart energy monitor using littlefs, Rust, ESP32, and Thingsboard. [See details](
  • OxidESPark - Rust library for the Rust ESP Board that uses the ESP-IDF framework and provides tools to easily build applications that interact with the physical world.
  • rust-esp32-std-demo - A demo `std` binary crate for the ESP32[XX] and [ESP-IDF](, which connects to WiFi, Ethernet, drives a small HTTP server and draws on a LED screen.
  • rust4mch - Example to run Rust code on the MCH2022 badge.
  • rustzx-esp32 - ZX Spectrum emulator based on RustZX project.
  • self-balancing robot - Self-balancing robot using Atom Matrix and Atom Motion. [See details](
  • twatch-idf-rs - Experimental firmware for the Lilygo T-Watch
  • wrover-experimental - Display line directions and departure times of public transport vehicles in Brno, CZ.
  • esp-clock-rs - A weather clock project designed based on the Slint UI framework. This is a attempt for the low-coupling cross-platform project based on the message communication mechanism, which supports running on ESP32-C3, WebBrowser(WASM), Desktop, and Android.
  • esp32-rust-nostd-temperature-logger - MQTT temperature logger running on ESP32.
  • esp32-conways-game-of-life-rs - Conway's Game of Life in Bare metal Rust for ESP32-BOX using GDMA.
  • esp32-spooky-maze-game - Bare metal Rust implementation of simple game for ESP32.
  • ps2keyboard-esp32c3 - PS/2 keyboard implementation for ESP32-C3.
  • esp32c3-ota-experiment - ESP32-C3 Bare Metal OTA Experiment.
  • SlimeVR-Rust/firmware - Async & no_std rust firmware for SlimeVR Full Body Tracking.
  • esp32s3-box-examples - Various graphic examples for ESP32-S3 Box.
  • nostd-wifi-lamp - A Wi-Fi Lamp built with an ESP32 and Neopixel Lights controllable via Wi-Fi
  • plantineers-edge - Firmware for edge devices for an Open Source Plant Monitoring solution using esp-now
  • esp32c3-no-std-async-mqtt-demo - ESP32-C3 application that measures temperature (using BMP180) and sends the results with MQTT via WiFi - everything is done asynchronously. Also available for [ESP32]( and [ESP32-S3](
  • esp32-rust-lilygo-t5-epaper - ESP32 LilyGo T5 ePaper with WiFi
  • esp32-buddy-rs - Bare metal Rust examples for ESP-Buddy board
  • bradipograph - A sloth-like drawing robot.
  • esp-examples - Some examples of esp-hal.