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βš‘οΈπŸ› πŸ§° A curated list for Embedded and Low-Level development in the Swift programming language.

  • Swift for Embedded - Swift for Embedded Systems ✨
  • buildSwiftOnARM - πŸ› All you need to build Swift on a RaspberryPi or other ARM boards, updated to Swift 5.1.1
  • Swift on Balena - <a href=""><img src="" width=22 align="top"></a> Docker images for Swift on Raspberry Pi and other ARM devices from balena's base images.
  • SwiftyGPIO - ⚑️A Swift library for hardware projects on Linux/ARM boards with support for GPIOs/SPI/I2C/PWM/UART/1Wire.
  • SingleBoard - GPIO Library for Single Board Computers (Raspberry Pi / Rock 64)
  • SwiftyXBee - ⚑️ A Swift library for communicating with XBee radios in API mode
  • SwiftLinuxBLE - SwiftLinuxBLE is a lightweight convenience wrapper for the PureSwift BluetoothLinux library.
  • SwiftyOLED - A Swift library for OLED displays based on SSD1306 and SSD1305 drivers.
  • SwiftyTM1637 - A Swift class to drive the TM1637 chipset (i.e. 7-segment LK-Digi Display)
  • 5110LCD_PCD8544.swift - A Swift library for the Nokia3310/5110 PCD8544 Monochrome LCD display
  • HD44780CharacterLCD.swift - A Swift library for 16x2/20x4 Character LCDs with the HD44780(or clones) controller
  • LCD20x4_i2c - LCD20x4 Driver in swift for raspberry pi wiring in i2c
  • swift-raspberry-pi-adafruit-led - Swift implementation for accessing adafruit LEDs on a raspberry pi
  • WS281x.swift - A Swift library for WS281x (WS2811,WS2812*,WS2813*) RGB led strips, rings, sticks, matrices and more.
  • SwiftySHT20 - ⚑️ A Swift library for the I2C SHT20 Humidity and Temperature Sensor.
  • LSM303 - LSM303 Accelerometer access through Swift on Raspberry Pi
  • PCA9685 - PCA9685 I2C Driver for Swift
  • HCSR04.swift - A Swift library for the HC-SR04 (US-015 and similar) ultrasonic ranging sensors.
  • DS18B20.swift - A Swift library for the DS18B20 digital temperature sensor
  • RCWL-0516-Radar.swift - A Swift library for the RCWL-0516 Microwave Radar
  • Nunchuck.swift - A Swift Library for the I2C Wii Nunchuck controller.
  • DS1307.swift - A Swift library for the DS1307 (DS1302, DS3231) I2C Real-Time Clock
  • MPU-6050.swift - A Swift library for the MPU-6050 (and MPU-6000 family) Accelerometer and Gyroscope
  • UBloxGPS.swift - A Swift library for boards with the u-Blox 6/7/8 family of A-GPS receivers
  • DHT-SwiftyGPIO - SwiftyGPIO with RaspberryPi + DHT11 Module
  • MCP3008.swift - A Swift library for the MCP3008 (and MCP3002,MCP3004) 10 bits SPI ADC
  • MCP4725 - Swift library for interacting with the MCP4725 I2C 12-bit DAC.
  • SG90Servo.swift - Swift library for the SG90 Servo Motor, adaptable for other servos (9g ES08A, SM-S4303R, S3003, etc...).
  • SwiftyGFX - A Swift graphics library useful when working with dot matrix displays.
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