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A list of swift packages, samples, tutorials etc.

  • SwiftyJSON - SwiftyJSON makes it easy to deal with JSON data in Swift.
  • Freddy - A reusable framework for parsing JSON in Swift.
  • Himotoki - A type-safe JSON decoding library purely written in Swift
  • Wrap - The easy to use Swift JSON encoder
  • swift-json - Even Swiftier JSON Handler
  • Unbox - The easy to use Swift JSON decoder
  • Gloss - A shiny JSON parsing library in Swift
  • YamlSwift -
  • Jay - Pure-Swift JSON parser & formatter. Fully streamable input and output. Linux & OS X ready. Replacement for NSJSONSerialization.
  • Alamofire - Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift.
  • Moya - Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
  • Swift-nio - Event-driven network application framework for high performance protocol servers & clients, non-blocking.
  • RxAlamofire - RxSwift wrapper around the elegant HTTP networking in Swift Alamofire.
  • Pitaya - A Swift HTTP / HTTPS networking library just incidentally execute on machines
  • Tron - Lightweight network abstraction layer, written on top of Alamofire
  • Restofire - Restofire is a protocol oriented networking client for Alamofire
  • Lightning - A Swift Multiplatform Single-threaded Non-blocking Web and Networking Framework
  • HTTP - πŸš€ Non-blocking, event-driven HTTP built on Swift NIO.
  • NetClient-iOS - Versatile HTTP Networking in Swift
  • Frisbee - Another network wrapper for URLSession. Built to be simple, small and easy to create tests at the network layer of your application.
  • Kitura-net - Kitura networking
  • Prorsum - A Go like concurrent system + networking/http library for Swift that works on Linux and Mac
  • Avenue - Simple wrapper around URLSession boilerplate for any network / API client you need to write in Swift, based on Operation / OperationQueue
  • SwiftyRequest - SwiftyRequest is an HTTP networking library built for Swift.
  • Vapor - πŸ’§ A server-side Swift web framework.
  • Perfect - Server-side Swift. The Perfect core toolset and framework for Swift Developers. (For mobile back-end development, website and API development, and more…
  • Kitura - A Swift web framework and HTTP server.
  • Swift-Nio - Event-driven network application framework for high performance protocol servers & clients, non-blocking.
  • Swifter - Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language..
  • Zewo - Lightweight library for web server applications in Swift on macOS and Linux powered by coroutines. .
  • Curassow - Swift HTTP server using the pre-fork worker model
  • Embassy - Super lightweight async HTTP server library in pure Swift runs in iOS / MacOS / Linux.
  • SwiftyBeaver - Convenient logging during development & release in Swift 2, 3 & 4 .
  • XCGLogger - A debug log framework for use in Swift projects.
  • CleanroomLogger - CleanroomLogger provides an extensible Swift-based logging API that is simple, lightweight and performant.
  • Willow - Willow is a powerful, yet lightweight logging library written in Swift..
  • Splash - A fast, lightweight and flexible Swift syntax highlighter for blogs, tools and fun.
  • QorumLogs - πŸ“• Swift Logging Utility for Xcode & Google Docs.
  • Loggerithm - A lightweight Swift logger, uses `print` in development and `NSLog` in production. Support colourful and formatted output..
  • StarConsoleLink - StarConsoleLink inject the link to your Xcode console, which allows you to click on the link area rapid positioning to the log line..
  • Atlantis - A powerful input-agnostic swift logging framework made to speed up development with maximum readability.
  • HeliumLogger - A lightweight logging framework for Swift.
  • SpeedLog - Fast Swift debug logs.
  • SwiftyBeaver-Vapor - SwiftyBeaver Logging Provider for Vapor, the server-side Swift web framework
  • Evergreen - Most natural Swift logging.
  • SwiftLog - Simple and easy logging in Swift.
  • Bulk - πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Bulk is pipeline based powerful & flexible logging framework.
  • Lighty - Easy to use and lightweight logger for iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and Linux in Swift.
  • Imperial - Federated Authentication with OAuth providers.
  • google-auth-library-swift - Auth client library for Swift command-line tools and cloud services. Supports OAuth1, OAuth2, and Google Application Default Credentials.
  • Turnstile - An authentication framework for Swift.
  • auth - Authentication and Authorization framework for Fluent.
  • vapor-oauth - OAuth2 Provider Library for Vapor.
  • Turnstile-Perfect - Authentication for the Perfect Web Framework using Turnstile.
  • S3SignerAWS - Pure Swift AWS S3 Signer, generates V4 Auth Headers and V4 presignedURLs.
  • JWTMiddleware - Middleware to Authenticate and Authorize Requests in Vapor.
  • OhhAuth - Pure Swift implementation of the OAuth 1.0 protocol as an easy to use extension for the URLRequest type. (RFC-5849).
  • Kitura-CredentialsHTTP - A plugin for the Kitura-Credentials framework that authenticates using HTTP Basic and Digest authentication.
  • Perfect-Authentication - OAuth2 Implementations with Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Slack, SalesForce and GitHub providers.
  • Kitura-CredentialsFacebook - A plugin for the Kitura-Credentials framework that authenticates using the Facebook web login.
  • JWTAuthExample - An example on how to authorize JWT in a micro-service.
  • Kitura-CredentialsGoogle - A plugin for the Kitura-Credentials framework that authenticates using the Google web login.
  • AuthyStore - Two factor authentication with authy.
  • Threadly - Type-safe thread-local storage in Swift
  • Storage - Eases the use of multiple storage and CDN services πŸ—„.
  • StorageManager - Safe and easy way to use FileManager as Database.
  • SwiftSQL - Library of helpers to convert between SQL style syntax/storage strings and Swift Types.
  • TStorage - Micro-framework to manage and store your data with Sqlite.
  • Local-storage - Storage driver using Local filesystem for Vapor 3.
  • Storage - Eases the use of multiple storage and CDN services πŸ—„.
  • storage-kit - Core services for creating storage providers integrations.
  • UserCaches - A key-value storage cache tool on iOS Platform. Like UserDefaults.
  • S3Storage - A skelpo/Storage implementation for Amazon S3.
  • swift-OctopusBox - Client for Octopus/box in-memory key/value storage.
  • GoogleCloudStorage - A skelpo/Storage implementation for Google Cloud Storage.
  • media-manager - A Vapor micro-service for resource storage.
  • vscode-storage-cleaner - VS Code Storage Manager.
  • Json-Data-Storage - A simple Swift data storage which uses JSON for serialization.
  • Kitura Tutorial - Kitura Tutorial: Getting Started With Server-Side Swift.
  • TCP Server with SwiftNIO Networking - TCP Server With the SwiftNIO Networking Framework.
  • Vapor 3 tutorial for beginners - Vapor 3 tutorial for beginners
  • Building Your First Web App in Swift Using Vapor - Building Your First Web App in Swift Using Vapor
  • server side swift with perfect - server side swift with perfect
  • Introduction to Server-Side Swift - Introduction to Server-Side Swift.
  • Mastering Server Side Swift Using Vapor 3 - Mastering Server Side Swift Using Vapor 3 by Mohammad Azam.
  • Mastering Server Side Swift Using Kitura - Mastering Server Side Swift Using Kitura by Mohammad Azam.
  • Mastering Server Side Swift Using Vapor 2 - Mastering Server Side Swift Using Vapor 2 by Mohammad Azam.
  • Server API Development in Swift, Kitura, & Bluemix - Server API Development in Swift, Kitura, & Bluemix by Mark Price.
  • Server-Side Swift - Server-Side Swift, Production-Ready Swift in the Cloud.
  • Server Side Swift 3 with Perfect - Server Side Swift 3 with Perfect: Getting Started -
  • Hello World! - Server Side with Vapor 3 using Swift 4 - Hello World! - Server Side with Vapor 3 using Swift 4 and Xcode 9 -
  • Perfect-WebSocketsServer - Perfect Example Module: WebSockets Server .
  • Perfect-Turnstile-CouchDB-Demo - This project demonstrates the integration Stormpath's Turnstile authentication system with Perfect and a CouchDB ORM..
  • Perfect-Turnstile-MySQL-Demo - This project demonstrates the integration Stormpath's Turnstile authentication system with Perfect and a MySQL ORM..
  • Perfect-Turnstile-PostgreSQL-Demo - This project demonstrates the integration Stormpath's Turnstile authentication system with Perfect and a PostgreSQL ORM..
  • ImageLibraryDemo - This example demonsrates the use of a simple API backend to deliver an image gallery listing to a ReactJS web front end, as well as an iOS application.
  • Perfect-Weather - Demonstrate using URL Routes & variables, Fetching of remote data from API's as JSON, reading and transforming to data more appropriately consumable by an API client.
  • Perfect-Blog-Mustache - An Example Blog & Mustache Template System for Perfect.
  • Perfect-Authentication-Demo - OAuth2 Demo.
  • Perfect-CURL-Example - Examples using CURL to request data using Perfect.
  • Vapor Example - Starting point for using the Vapor framework..
  • vapor todo-example - An example implementation for
  • Kitura-Sample - A sample application that shows how to use various features of Kitura.
  • Kitura-Sample-iOS - Kitura-Sample-iOS.
  • Vapor - πŸ’§ A server-side Swift web framework.
  • Perfect - Server-side Swift. The Perfect core toolset and framework for Swift Developers. (For mobile back-end development, website and API development, and more…
  • Kitura - A Swift web framework and HTTP server.