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A key-value storage cache tool on iOS Platform. Like UserDefaults.

cache ios key-value swift

Last synced: 10 days ago
JSON representation

A key-value storage cache tool on iOS Platform. Like UserDefaults.




# UserCaches
[![Build Status][TravisBadge]][TravisLink] [![Swift4 compatible][Swift4Badge]][Swift4Link]

A key-value storage cache tool like `UserDefaults` on iOS Platform.

# Usage

### Normal Usage

Like UserDefaults:

// Save cache.
let intVal = 123
try UserCaches.standard.set(intVal, forKey: key)
// Get cache. Specify the type('Int') to decide generic type.
let cache: Int = try UserCaches.standard.value(forKey: key)

`UserCaches.standard` is a global instance of UserCaches.

Could also create new instance:

let cacheHelper = try UserCaches(cachePath: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/tmp/usercache.db"))

### Advance Usage

**However**, I suggest using following usage. (Example of setting of Baidu App)

import UserCaches

struct User: Codable {
let id: Int64
let name: String

enum ComBaiduMobileUserSetting: String, UserCachesSettable {
/// 隐私设置 - 允许通过手机号搜索到我
case privacy_findMeByPhoneNumber
/// 隐私设置 - 可通过感兴趣的人找到我
case privacy_findMeByInteresting
/// 隐私设置 - 开启通讯录关联
case privacy_relateAddressList
/// 隐私设置 - 黑名单
case privacy_blacklist
/// 字体大小
case font_size
var identifierMode: CacheKeyMode { return .identifier }
// Save caches = true = false = false = [CacheCodability(User(id: 100120054,
name: "abc"))] = 20

// Get caches
let isFindMeByPhoneNumber: Bool? = ComBaiduMobileUserSetting.privacy_findMeByPhoneNumber.value()
let isFindMeByInteresting: Bool? = ComBaiduMobileUserSetting.privacy_findMeByInteresting.value()
let isRelateAddressList: Bool? = ComBaiduMobileUserSetting.privacy_relateAddressList.value()
let blacklist: [CacheCodability] = ComBaiduMobileUserSetting.privacy_blacklist.value()
let fontSize: Int = ComBaiduMobileUserSetting.font_size.value() ?? 16

If you set `identifierMode` to `CacheKeyMode.identifier`, `UserCachesSettable` will translate upper-case letter to lower-case letter and insert "." to translated left side on enum-name and replace "_" with "." on enum-case.

As above:

"ComBaiduMobileUserSetting" => ""

"privacy_findMeByPhoneNumber" => "privacy.findMeByPhoneNumber"

The `case privacy_findMeByPhoneNumber` is translated to ``, as a key, associated with `true` for this example.

### Default Support Type

UseCaches support by default:

| Default Support Type |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| Bool |
| Int, Int64, UInt, Uint64 |
| Float, Double |
| String, Data |
| Date (Implement with TimeInterval) |
| Array\ |
| Dictionary\ |
| CacheCodability\ |

Especially, if a struct (or class) defer to `Codable`, use CacheCodability wrap the struct (or class), UserCaches also accept it. See above `CacheCodability`

# Installation

> Note: UserCaches requires Swift 4.1 and Xcode 9.3+

### CocoaPods

[CocoaPods]( is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. To install UserCaches with CocoaPods:

1. Make sure CocoaPods is [installed]( (UserCaches requires version 1.0.0 or greater.)

# Using the default Ruby install will require you to use sudo when
# installing and updating gems.
[sudo] gem install cocoapods

2. Update your Podfile to include the following:


target 'YourAppTargetName' do
pod 'UserCaches', '~> 0.0.5'

3. Run `pod install --repo-update`.

### Swift Package Manager

The [Swift Package Manager]( is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code.

1. Add the following to your `Package.swift` file:

dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "0.0.3")

2. Build your project:

$ swift build

# How to Test

1. `clone` this repo.
2. `cd` the repo directory.
3. Execute order`swift test`.

# Author


# License

UserCaches is available under the MIT license. 
