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A curated list of awesome R packages, frameworks and software.

Last synced: 4 days ago
JSON representation

  • 2019

    • vroom - Fast reading of delimited files ![vroom](
  • 2018

    • r2d3 - R Interface to D3 Visualizations ![r2d3](
    • rstats-ed - List of courses teaching R
    • Readings in Applied Data Science - These readings reflect Hadley's personal thoughts about applied data science.
    • promises - Abstractions for Promise-Based Asynchronous Programming ![promises](
  • 2017

    • prophet - Tool for producing high quality forecasts for time series data that has multiple seasonality with linear or non-linear growth. ![prophet](
    • tidyverse - Easily install and load packages from the tidyverse ![tidyverse](
    • purrr - A functional programming toolkit for R ![purrr](
    • hrbrthemes - 🔏 Opinionated, typographic-centric ggplot2 themes and theme components ![hrbrthemes](
    • xaringan - Create HTML5 slides with R Markdown and the JavaScript library ![xaringan](
    • blogdown - Create Blogs and Websites with R Markdown ![blogdown](
    • glue - Glue strings to data in R. Small, fast, dependency free interpreted string literals. ![glue](
    • covr - Test coverage reports for R ![covr](
    • lintr - Static Code Analysis for R ![lintr](
    • reprex - Render bits of R code for sharing, e.g., on GitHub or StackOverflow. ![reprex](
    • reticulate - R Interface to Python ![reticulate](
    • tensorflow - TensorFlow for R ![tensorflow](
    • utf8 - Manipulating and printing UTF-8 text that fixes multiple bugs in R's UTF-8 handling. ![utf8](
    • Patchwork - Combine separate ggplots into the same graphic.
  • Data Manipulation

    • ff - Data structures designed to store large datasets.
  • Language API

    • rJava - Low-level R to Java interface.
    • rJython - R interface to Python via Jython.
    • rPython - Package allowing R to call Python.
    • R.matlab - Read and write of MAT files together with R-to-MATLAB connectivity.
    • RSPerl - A bidirectional interface for calling R from Perl and Perl from R.
    • htmlwidgets - Bring the best of JavaScript data visualization to R.
    • RinRuby - a Ruby library that integrates the R interpreter in Ruby.
    • rpy2 - Python interface for R.
  • Parallel Computing

  • Graphic Displays

    • rgl - 3D visualization device system for R.
    • Cairo - R graphics device using cairo graphics library for creating high-quality display output.
    • misc3d - Powerful functions to deal with 3d plots, isosurfaces, etc.
    • xkcd - Use xkcd style in graphs.
    • plot3D - Plotting Multi-Dimensional Data
    • plot3Drgl - Plotting Multi-Dimensional Data - Using 'rgl'
  • Database Management

    • RODBC - ODBC database access for R.
    • RMySQL - R interface to the MySQL database.
    • ROracle - OCI based Oracle database interface for R.
    • RSQLite - SQLite interface for R
    • RJDBC - Provides access to databases through the JDBC interface.
    • rredis - Redis client for R.
    • RCassandra - Direct interface (not Java) to the most basic functionality of Apache Cassandra.
  • Reproducible Research

    • xtable - Export tables to LaTeX or HTML.
    • rapport - An R templating system.
    • Sweave - A package designed to write LaTeX reports using R.
    • texreg - Formatting statistical models in LaTex and HTML.
    • brew - Pre-compute data to enhance your report templates. Can be combined with knitr.
    • officer - An R package to generate Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint and HTML reports.
    • flextable - An R package to embed complex tables (merged cells, multi-level headers and footers, conditional formatting) in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint and HTML reports. It cooperates with the [officer] package and integrates with [rmarkdown] reports.
  • Web Technologies and Services

  • Integrated Development Environments

  • R Development

  • Books

  • Logging

    • logging - A logging package emulating the python logging package.
  • Other Tools

    • Conda - Most R packages are available through the Conda polyglot cross-platform dependency manager.
  • Other Interpreters

    • CXXR - Refactorising R into C++.
    • fastR - FastR is an implementation of the R Language in Java atop Truffle and Graal.
    • pqR - a "pretty quick" implementation of R
    • TERR - TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R.
  • Websites

  • Machine Learning

  • Podcasts

    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • Not So Standard Deviations - The Data Science Podcast.
    • @Roger Peng
    • R World News - R World News helps you keep up with happenings within the R community.
    • @Bob Rudis
    • The R-Podcast - Giving practical advice on how to use R.
    • @Eric Nantz
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • @Oliver Keyes
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
    • R Talk - News and discussions of statistical software and language R.
  • Natural Language Processing

    • tm - A comprehensive text mining framework for R.
    • openNLP - Apache OpenNLP Tools Interface.
    • koRpus - An R Package for Text Analysis.
    • zipfR - Statistical models for word frequency distributions.
    • NLP - Basic functions for Natural Language Processing.
    • topicmodels - Topic modeling interface to the C code developed by by David M. Blei for Topic Modeling (Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), and Correlated Topics Models (CTM)).
    • syuzhet - Extracts sentiment from text using three different sentiment dictionaries.
    • SnowballC - Snowball stemmers based on the C libstemmer UTF-8 library.
  • Bayesian

    • coda - Output analysis and diagnostics for MCMC.
    • mcmc - Markov Chain Monte Carlo.
    • MCMCpack - Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Package.
    • R2WinBUGS - Running WinBUGS and OpenBUGS from R / S-PLUS.
    • BRugs - R interface to the OpenBUGS MCMC software.
    • rjags - R interface to the JAGS MCMC library.
  • Optimization

    • lpSolve - Interface to `Lp_solve` to Solve Linear/Integer Programs.
    • minqa - Derivative-free optimization algorithms by quadratic approximation.
    • nloptr - NLopt is a free/open-source library for nonlinear optimization.
    • ompr - Model mixed integer linear programs in an algebraic way directly in R.
    • Rglpk - R/GNU Linear Programming Kit Interface
    • ROI - The R Optimization Infrastructure ('ROI') is a sophisticated framework for handling optimization problems in R.
  • Finance

  • Bioinformatics and Biostatistics

    • genetics - Classes and methods for handling genetic data.
    • gap - An integrated package for genetic data analysis of both population and family data.
    • ape - Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution.
    • pheatmap - Pretty heatmaps made easy.
    • nlme - Mixed-effects models, handling user-specified matrix of residual covariance, relevant for the anaysis of repeated observations in longitudinal trials.
    • glmmTMB - Generalized mixed-effects models, handling user-specified matrix of residual covariance, relevant for the anaysis of repeated observations in longitudinal trials.
  • Network Analysis

    • network - Basic tools to manipulate relational data in R.
    • sna - Basic network measures and visualization tools.
    • networkDynamic - Support for dynamic, (inter)temporal networks.
    • ndtv - Tools to construct animated visualizations of dynamic network data in various formats.
    • ergm - Exponential random graph models in R.
    • latentnet - Latent position and cluster models for network objects.
    • tnet - Network measures for weighted, two-mode and longitudinal networks.
    • rgexf - Export network objects from R to [GEXF](, for manipulation with network software like [Gephi]( or [Sigma](
    • statnet - The project behind many R network analysis packages.
  • Spatial

    • CRAN Task View: Analysis of Spatial Data - Spatial Analysis related resources.
    • sf - Improved Classes and Methods for Spatial Data.
    • rgeos - Interface to Geometry Engine - Open Source
    • rgdal - Bindings for the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
    • maptools - Tools for Reading and Handling Spatial Objects
    • RColorBrewer - Provides color schemes for maps
    • spdep - Spatial Dependence: Weighting Schemes, Statistics and Models
    • GWmodel - Geographically-Weighted Models
  • Reference Cards

  • MOOCs

  • Lists

  • R Ecosystems