An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.
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- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Python logging Architecture
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- project-awesome
- API Traffic Management 101: From Monitoring to Managing and Beyond
- Avoid Memory Issues with Django’s bulk_create
- Python logging Architecture
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Awesome Open Source - all awesome lists
- awesome-postgres#resources
- Official Django Performance and optimization
- Django project optimization guide
- How to Optimize Your Django REST Viewsets
- Normalize Your Django REST Serializers
- 10 things you need to know to effectively use Django Rest Framework
- DRF view - Cheat-Sheet
- DjangoCon 2019 - Django REST Framework: Taking your API to the next level by Carlos Martinez
- A few remarks on the DRF
- drf-cheat-sheet
- Multiple User Types | Django
- Multiple User Types With Custom Data Fields | Django
- Referencing the User Model
- The complete django-allauth guide
- Official Django Database access optimization
- Django queries optimization
- Django ORM Optimization Tips
- 9 Django Tips for Working with Databases
- The Dramatic Benefits of Django Subqueries and Annotations
- Designing Better Models
- Django Best Practices: Models
- Model inheritance
- Django Patterns: Model Inheritance
- Describing Relationships: Django's ManyToMany Through
- Weird and Wonderful things to do with the ORM
- Django null & blank
- DjangoCon US 2018 - Normalize until it hurts; denormalize until it works
- Understanding Django transactions
- RealPython Django explained
- How to Create initial django migrations for existing DB schema.
- Django Migrations: A Primer
- Opinionated guide to Django Migrations
- How to Reset Migrations
- How to Squash and Merge Django Migrations
- Django Database Migrations: A Comprehensive Overview
- Official squashmigration docs
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- Scaling Redis
- Obey the testing goat
- Effective Python Testing With Pytest
- Testing Your Django App With Pytest
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- Simplied Django Tests With Pytest and Pytest FactoryBoy
- Workshop: Test-Driven Web Development with Django
- A Pytest pattern: using "parametrize" to customise nested fixtures.
- Concisecoder - Tips for Testing Django Views
- Apps list
- pytest fixtures: explicit, modular, scalable
- Test Driven Development of a Django RESTful API
- Testing Django Rest Framework correctly
- Testing Django Rest Framework, the right way
- Testing ViewSets with Fixtures using Django’s Test Suite
- Caching and benchmarking in Django With Redis
- DjangoCon 2019 - Prepping Your Project for Production by Peter Baumgartner
- Caching and benchmarking in Django
- Django caching best practices
- Load Testing a Django Application using LocustIO
- Google - Analyze and optimize your website with PageSpeed tools
- Caching and Scaling Django - Part -1
- Caching and Scaling for Django Part II
- Increasing Application Performance with HTTP Cache Headers
- Load testing with Locust
- Understanding the request-response lifecycle of a Django web application
- Understanding The Request-Response Lifecycle In Django
- django request lifecycle
- WSGI Servers
- DjangoCon 2019 - Search From the Ground Up by William S. Vincent
- Upgrading django apps from older versions to latest Django version
- Configure Django to log exceptions in production
- Python logging Architecture
- Django logging
- How to log exceptions to stderr in Django
- Everything about date & time in Django with basic concepts of timezone.
- MailHog Tutorial
- Safe Email Testing for Staging & Development
- Finally, Real-Time Django Is Here: Get Started with Django Channels
- Taking Django Async
- Just Add Await: Retrofitting Async Into Django
- realpython
- hakibenita
- Agiliq Blog
- overiq
- simpleisbetterthancomplex
- fullstackpython
- djangotricks
- concisecoder
- djangostars
- Learn Django - William Vincent
- wsvincent
- Best Django Blog - micropyramid
- Django Introduction & Tutorials — Long List
- Celery Architecture
- List of celery tutorial
- DjangoCon US 2018 - Building Workflows With Celery
- PyCon Advanced Celery Tricks
- Understanding Celery & CeleryBeat
- celery beat docker
- Python: Distributed task queue for different specific workers
- Distributing Work in Python Without Celery - Building TaskMaster
- Bangla blog list
- Why are task queues necessary?
- Developing an Asynchronous Task Queue in Python
- Event sourcing
- Overview Of Redis Architecture
- Task Queues
- Building a Scalable and Language Agnostic Data Processing Pipeline
- Turning PostgreSQL into a queue serving 10,000 jobs per second
- How to terminate running Python threads using signals
- Django coding style
- Top 3 Django Gotchas to Catch during Code Review
- Development and Deployment of Cookiecutter-Django via Docker
- Compress images in django
- Django Slug Tutorial - switch from ids to slugs in URLs
- Reef Technologies trainging - Must know things for Python/Django Backend developer
- Estimating the Effort of Development of a Django Application
- Configuring Django Settings: Best Practices
- Tracking creator of Django objects
- Django Packages - 3rd party apps finder and comparison
- Django - CKEditor Tutorial
- Integrating CKeditor in Django
- Github - includes sources with demo
- Prepping Your Project for Production
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- Daniel Feldroy Youtube Channel
- DjangoCon US
- DjangoCon Europe
- EuroPython Conference
- Best Django Books (2020)
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- RealPython - Documenting Python Code: A Complete Guide
- Memoization in Python: How to Cache Function Results
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- Database Management System Youtube Course
- Best - Database Management System Youtube Course
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- Hasin haider
- Best Git tutorial Series
- A Visual Git Reference
- Git tutorial series
- Git tutorial in one video
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- বাংলায় গিট
- git-flow
- git-flow
- git
- git guru
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- Best git youtube playlist
- Best Practices
- Jenkins Youtube tutorial series
- Django Bitbucket Pipelines
- Django CD Ansible Bitbucket Pipelines
- Django Ansible
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- How Credit Card Processing Works - Transaction Cycle & 2 Pricing Models
- How Stripe works
- Stripe in Python, subscription explained part-1
- Stripe in Python, subscription explained part-2
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- Valaxy Technologies
- How code compilation works
- Implementing Auth0 authentication in DRF APIs
- OAuth2.0&OpenID Connect
- OAuth 2 Simplified - Best simplified article
- Django OAuth Toolkit
- Official Site
- OAuth 2.0 Simplified
- OAuth terminologies and flows explained - 1
- OAuth terminologies and flows explained - 2
- What is JWT authorization really about
- The Simplest Guide To OAuth 2.0
- OAuth 2.0 framework- Facebook App
- Authentication on the Web (Sessions, Cookies, JWT, localStorage, and more)
- bootstrap course
- Road to learn react - book
- List of courses
- Complete React Tutorial (& Redux ) - youtube course
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- React Redux Tutorial for Beginners: The Complete Guide (2020)
- Using Redux with React: Complete Tutorial with Real-World Examples
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- Tech Dummies - Complete, vast, dedicated System Design youtube channel
- Gaurav Sen - System Design
- Think Software - Distributed system design
- AfterAcademy - System Design
- Tech Primers
- System Design Interview
- Success in Tech
- Microservices Architecture Patterns - youtube
- SSL, Https, Digital Certificate
- Introduction to HTTP Caching - Why caching is like cooking dinner
- Domain Name Server(DNS) & its types - 1
- Domain Name Server(DNS) & its types - 2
- How a DNS Server (Domain Name System) works.
- DNS (Domain Name System) - Explained , Types of Domain Name Servers | How DNS works
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- HTTP Request vs HTTP Long-Polling vs WebSockets vs Server-Sent Events
- HTTP Guide by Mozilla
- Polling vs WebSockets vs Socket.IO (Simple Explanation)
- What are WebSockets | How is it different from HTTP?
- Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know
- HackerNoon
- Fahim ul Haq
- Vaibhav Aparimit
- The Complete NGINX Cookbook
- API Traffic Management 101: From Monitoring to Managing and Beyond
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Python logging Architecture
- Python logging Architecture
- Cherami: Uber Engineering’s Durable and Scalable Task Queue in Go
- ডাটাবেজ নরমালাইজেশন
- Book “OAuth 2.0 Identity and Access Management Patterns” is available
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- সার্ভার নিয়ে খুঁটিনাটি (পর্ব ১)
- পাইথন দিয়ে ওয়েব সার্ভার ডেভলপমেন্ট — পার্ট ১
- Python logging Architecture
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Awesome Django
- Awesome Django REST Framework
- drf-cheat-sheet
- DjangoCon 2019 - Django REST Framework: Taking your API to the next level by Carlos Martinez
- Python logging Architecture
- DjangoCon 2019 - Building effective Django queries with expressions
- Python logging Architecture
- Python logging Architecture
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Python logging Architecture
- Python logging Architecture
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Git কি এবং Git কিভাবে কাজ করে?
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Python logging Architecture
- Python logging Architecture
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Python logging Architecture
- Python logging Architecture
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Python logging Architecture
- Python logging Architecture
- How redis queue can be implemented
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Python logging Architecture
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Python logging Architecture
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Python logging Architecture
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Python logging Architecture
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Python logging Architecture
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Python logging Architecture
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Advanced Django querying: sorting events by date
- Vinta - Django/DRF Testing
- Python logging Architecture
- Vinta Django Blog
- Celery: an overview of the architecture and how it works
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Python logging Architecture
- Understand the Flow of a HTTP Request
- Python logging Architecture
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