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A collection of awesome system architecture

Last synced: 4 days ago
JSON representation

  • Database

  • Mapping

    • FastMapper - Powerful convention-based, customizable and fastest tool for object-object mapping
  • IoC

    • Autofac - Autofac is an addictive Inversion of Control container for .NET
    • StructureMap - The original IoC/DI Container for .Net
    • Ninject - The ninja of .NET dependency injectors
  • PDF

  • ORM

    • NHibernate - NHibernate Object Relational Mapper
    • LINQ to DB (linq2db) - The fastest LINQ database access library offering a simple, lightweight, fast, and type-safe layer between your POCO objects and your database for more than 10 database engines with full SQL support.
    • NEventStore - Persistence library used to abstract different storage implementations when using event sourcing as storage mechanism. This library is developed with a specific focus on DDD/CQRS applications.
  • Database Tools and Utilities

    • NReco.PivotData - In-memory data cube with OLAP operations and PivotTable data model.
  • UI

    • Semantic UI - User Interface is the language of the web
  • Client Side

    • rxdb - Client Side Database for Browsers, NodeJS, electron, cordova, react-native and every other javascript-runtime
    • PouchDB - The Database that Syncs!

  • Collections

    • Iesi.Collections - LinkedHashSet (preserves insertion order), the ReadOnlySet and the SynchronizedSet
  • HTML parser

    • HtmlAgilityPack - Html Parser
    • AngleSharp - AngleSharp follows the W3C specifications and gives you the same results as state of the art browsers
  • LOG

    • Serilog - simple .NET logging with fully-structured events
    • NLog - NLog is a logging platform for .NET with rich log routing and management capabilities
    • JSNlog - Log JavaScript client side events in your server side logs
  • Client

    • Robomongo - native MongoDB management tool (Admin UI)
  • IDE

    • rider - Cross-platform C# IDE based on the IntelliJ platform and ReSharper.
    • Omnisharp - Family of Open Source projects, each with one goal: To enable a great .NET experience in YOUR editor of choice.
    • Visual Studio Community - Free editor for individual developers, open source projects, academic research, education, and small professional teams.
    • Visual Studio Code - Excellent open source editor from Microsoft, based on Electron.
  • Productivity

    • Chocolatey - The package manager for Windows
    • PortableApps - Portable software for USB, portable, and cloud drives
  • JS

    • Moment.js - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times in JavaScript
  • Others Awesome

  • Continuous Integration

    • Octopus Deploy - Complex deployments, made easy
    • AppVeyor - .NET Continuous Integration and Deployment as a service. **[$]** **[Free for OSS]**
  • Package Management

    • MyGet - Hosted Package Repository for NuGet, NPM, Bower and VSIX. Also provides CI as-a-Service. **[[Free for OSS](]** **[$]**
    • NuGet - The .NET package manager
  • API

    • Breeze - API framework enabling rich data access by using the OData 3 protocol. Client libraries available for JavaScript and C#.
    • OData - The Open Data Protocol (OData) enables the creation of HTTP-based data services, which allow resources identified using Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) and defined in an abstract data model, to be published and edited by Web clients using simple HTTP messages.
    • RESTClient .NET - Simple REST Client for all .NET platforms.
  • Application Frameworks

    • Ether.Network - Ether.Network is an open source networking library that allow developers to create simple, fast and scalable socket server or client applications over the TCP/IP protocol.
    • ExtCore - Free, open source and cross-platform framework for creating modular and extendable web applications based on ASP.NET Core 1.0.
    • grpc - Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) provide a useful abstraction for building distributed applications and services. The libraries in this repository provide a concrete implementation of the gRPC protocol, layered over HTTP/2. These libraries enable communication between clients and servers using any combination of the supported languages.
    • Steeltoe OSS - .NET toolkit for common microservice patterns.
  • Application Templates

    • MVC.Template - ASP.NET Core MVC project starter template.
    • ASP.NET-MVC-Template - A ready-to-use templates for ASP.NET MVC 5 and ASP.NET Core with repositories, services, models mapping and DI and StyleCop warnings fixed.
  • Artificial Intelligence

    • SIML - Synthetic Intelligence Markup Language, a next generation Chatbot & Digital Assistant Language.
  • Authentication and Authorization

    • IdentityModel - Helper library for identity & access control in .NET 4.5 and MVC4/Web API.
    • IdentityServer - Extensible OAuth2 and OpenID Connect provider framework.
    • OAuth - A very lightweight library for generating OAuth 1.0a signatures written in C#
    • Stuntman - Stuntman is a library for impersonating users during development leveraging .NET Claims Identity.
    • Cierge - Cierge is an OpenID Connect server that handles user signup, login, profiles, management, social logins, and more. Instead of storing passwords, Cirege uses magic links/codes and external logins to authenticate your users.
  • Books

    • .NET Core in Action - teaches how to write applications and libraries with .NET Core. **[$]**
    • 3rd edition - sharp-in-depth-fourth-edition) - deep dive into the details of the C# language. **[$]**
    • CLR via C# - Dig deep and master the intricacies of the common language runtime, C#, and .NET development. **[$]**
    • Functional Programming in C# - teaches how to best leverage the functional features of the C# language. **[$]**
    • Microservices in .NET Core - shows you how to build maintainable, secure and operations-friendly microservices using Nancy and .NET Core. **[$]**
    • Dependency Injection in .NET - injection-in-dot-net-second-edition) - teaches you to use Dependency Injection to reduce hard-coded dependencies between application components in .NET. **[$]**
  • Caching

    • CacheAdapter - Another common cache abstraction layer for caching with enhanced cache API usage.
  • CLI

    • Appccelerate - Command Line Parser - A command-line parser with fluent definition syntax, different argument types, required and optional arguments, value restrictions, aliases, type conversion and semi-automatic usage help message composition
  • CMS

    • Piranha CMS - Piranha is the fun, fast and lightweight .NET framework for developing cms-based web applications with an extra bite. It's built on ASP.NET MVC and Web Pages and is fully compatible with both Visual Studio and WebMatrix.
    • BetterCMS - Open Source .NET Intuitive User Interface for Developer and Publisher
    • Platformus - Free, open source and cross-platform CMS based on ASP.NET Core 1.0 and ExtCore framework.
    • DotNetNuke - DNN Platform is our free, open source web CMS and the foundation of every professional DNN solution. Over 750,000 organizations worldwide have built websites powered by the DNN Platform.
  • Code Analysis and Metrics

    • StyleCop - StyleCop analyzes C# source code to enforce a set of style and consistency rules
    • Codinion - Enhanced syntax highlighting for C# and some other "Visual" features.
  • Code Snippets

    • .NET Fiddle - Write, compile and run C#, F# and VB code in the browser. The .Net equivalent of JSFiddle.
    • Gistlyn - Create, run and share your executable C# GitHub Gists.
    • TryRoslyn - Run C# code using different branches and versions of Roslyn.
  • Compilers, Transpilers and Languages

    • Bridge.NET - Open Source C# to JavaScript Compiler
    • FunScript - F# to JavaScript compiler with jQuery etc. mappings through a TypeScript type provider.
  • Compression

  • Cryptography

    • libsodium-net - libsodium for .NET - A secure cryptographic library
  • Database Drivers

    • MySQL Connector - Connector/Net is a fully-managed ADO.NET driver for MySQL
    • Firebird.NET - The .NET Data provider is written in C# and provides a high-performance, native implementation of the Firebird API
    • mysql-connector-net - Connector/Net is a fully-managed ADO.NET driver for MySQL.
    • ravendb - Linq enabled document database for .NET.
  • Decompilation

    • ILSpy - ILSpy is the open-source .NET assembly browser and decompiler
    • JustDecompile Engine - The decompilation engine of [JustDecompile](
    • dotPeek - Free-of-charge standalone tool based on ReSharper's bundled decompiler. It can reliably decompile any .NET assembly into equivalent C# or IL code. It can create Visual Studio solutions based on the original binary files in a straight-forward way. **[Proprietary]** **[Free]**
  • DirectX

    • SlimDX - DirectX framework wrapper for .NET applications
    • SlimDX - DirectX framework wrapper for .NET applications
    • SlimDX - DirectX framework wrapper for .NET applications
  • Distributed Computing

    • MBrace - Integrated Data Scripting for the Cloud
  • E-Commerce and Payments

  • Event aggregator and messenger

  • Game

    • Wave Engine - Wave engine is a free C# component-based modern game engine which allows you to create cross-platform games supporting Kinect, Oculus Rift, Vuforia, Cardboard, Leap Motion and much more. **[Free][Proprietary]**
  • GIS

    • SharpMap - to-use mapping library for use in web and desktop applications
    • OsmSharp - C# library to work with OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. Provides reading, writing and route-planning for OSM data.
    • NetTopologySuite
  • GUI

    • DockPanelSuite - The Visual Studio inspired docking library for .NET WinForms
    • SciterSharp - Create .NET cross-platform desktop apps using not just HTML, but all features of Sciter engine: CSS3, SVG, scripting, AJAX, <video>... Sciter is free for commercial use
  • Functional Programming

    • sodium - Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) Library. `4.x.x or above`
  • Image Processing

    • ImageResizer - Add commands to image URLs to get altered versions in milliseconds. Resizing, editing etc of images in real-time.
    • DynamicImage - High-performance open-source image manipulation library for ASP.NET.
    • Emgu CV - Cross-platform .NET wrapper for the OpenCV library.
  • Install tools

    • Wax - An interactive editor for WiX projects.
  • Logging

    • ELMAH - Official ELMAH site
    • Log4Net - The Apache log4net library is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets
    • BugSnag - Logs errors. Includes useful diagnostic info like stack trace, session, release, etc. Has a free tier. **[Free for OSS][$]**
  • Machine Learning and Data Science

    • Infer.NET - A framework for running Bayesian inference in graphical models. It can also be used for probabilistic programming. **[[Proprietary](]** **[Free]** **[Research]**
    • Accord.NET - Machine learning framework combined with audio and image processing libraries (computer vision, computer audition, signal processing and statistics).
    • FsLab - A collection of data science and machine learning libraries for F# and .NET
  • Markdown Processors

    • MarkdownSharp - Open source C# implementation of Markdown processor, as featured on Stack Overflow.
  • Mail

    • PreMailer.Net - C# library that moves your stylesheets to inline style attributes, for maximum compatibility with E-mail clients.
  • Mathematics

    • MathNet - Math.NET is an open source initiative to build and maintain toolkits covering fundamental mathematics, targetting advanced but also every day needs of .NET developers
    • UnitConversion - Expansible Unit Conversion Library for .NET Core and .NET Framework.
  • Misc

    • CSharp Pad - A web-based C# REPL with awesome code completion.
    • CSScript - CS-Script is a CLR based scripting system which uses C# as a programming language. CS-Script currently targets Microsoft implementation of CLR (.NET 2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5) with full support on Mono. Comes with many additional features, such as script hosting.
    • datatables - Microsoft ASP.NET server-side support and helpers for jQuery DataTables.
    • Dotnet outdated - A .NET Core global tool to display outdated NuGet packages in a project.
    • warden-stack - "health checks" for your applications, resources and infrastructure. Keep your Warden on the watch.
    • Trady - Handy library for computing technical indicators, and it targets to be an automated trading system that provides stock data feeding, indicator computing, strategy building and automatic trading.
  • MVVM

    • Catel - Catel is an application development platform with the focus on MVVM (WPF, Silverlight, Windows Phone and WinRT) and MVC (ASP.NET MVC). The core of Catel contains an IoC container, models, validation, memento, message mediator, argument checking, etc.
    • UpdateControls - Update Controls does not require that you implement `INotifyPropertyChanged` or declare a `DependencyProperty`. It connects controls directly to CLR properties. This makes it perfect for the Model/View/ViewModel pattern.
  • Protocols

    • SharpSnmpLib - An open source SNMP implementation for .NET/Mono/Xamarin. Versioin 1, 2c, and 3 are supported.
  • Scheduling

    • Hangfire - An easy way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring tasks inside .NET apps
  • State machines

    • Appccelerate - State Machine - A powerful state machine library - configured with a fluent API and synchrounous and asynchronous state transition support
  • Static Site Generators

    • Wyam - A simple to use, highly modular, and extremely configurable static content generator
  • Style Guide

  • Testing

    • NCrunch - An automated continuous & concurrent testing tool for Visual Studio. **[$]**
    • SpecFlow - Pragmatic BDD solution for .NET. It uses the Gherkin specification language and integrates to Visual Studio.
    • FluentAssertions - Set of .NET extension methods that allow you to more naturally specify the expected outcome of a TDD or BDD-style test.
  • Tools

    • Fiddler - The free web debugging proxy for any browser, system or platform
  • Visual Studio Plugins

    • Nuget Package Manager - NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform including .NET
    • Refactoring Essentials - Open source extension for C# and VB.NET refactorings, including code best practice analyzers.
    • VSColorOutput - Color highlighting for Build, Find and Debug output windows. Custom match patterns and colors can be added.
    • Developer Assistant - Developer Assistant for Visual Studio enables developers to find and reuse over 21 million code snippets and code sample projects from within the Visual Studio IDE.
    • CodeLineage - Easy access to a cumulative diff view between file revisions (supports svn, git, mercurial, perforce).
    • OzCode - OzCode is a Visual Studio Extension which cuts down on debugging time and increases productivity by detecting and isolating bugs, making them easy to fix. **[$]**
    • SideWaffle - A collection of Item Templates for Visual Studio 2012/2013 that makes any web developer's life much easier
  • Web Frameworks

    • Suave.IO - Framework/library/web server that makes you cry tears of joy after finishing your project ahead-of-time when you look at the beautiful code you've written in F#.
  • WebSocket

    • Crossertech - Provides a great set of tools for you to build real-time applications on the Microsoft.NET plattform and much more. **[$]**
  • General

  • Blockchain

    • Nethereum - Bringing the love of Ethereum to .NET.
  • Bot

    • NadekoBot - Open source, general-purpose Discord chat bot written in C#.
  • Queue and Messaging

    • emitter - Free open source real-time messaging service that connects all devices. This publish-subscribe messaging API is built for speed and security.
  • SDKs

  • HTTP

    • Flurl.Http - Fluent, portable, testable REST/HTTP client library
  • HTML and CSS

    • FluentBootstrap - Makes the Bootstrap CSS framework easier to use from ASP.NET MVC or WebPages.
  • Queue

    • Kafka Client - .NET implementation of the Apache Kafka Protocol that provides basic functionality through Producer/Consumer classes.
  • Serialization

    • F# Data - F# type providers for accessing XML, JSON, CSV and HTML files (based on sample documents) and for accessing WorldBank data
  • IOC

    • DryIoc - Fast, small, full-featured IoC Container for .NET.
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