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A curated list of quality Lua packages and resources.
Last synced: 4 days ago
JSON representation
- luasyslog - Log to syslog, based on LuaLogging.
Web/Networking Platforms
- OpenResty - A fast and scalable web application platform created by extending Nginx with Lua. Today's de-facto Lua web platform, used heavily by Cloudflare, Taobao, Tencent, and others.
- turbo - Event-driven, non-blocking, LuaJIT-based networking suite and framework, inspired by Tornado.
- Kepler Project - A collection of web-oriented projects using a common set of standards and components.
- OpenResty GitHub Organization - Home of the repositories for ngx_lua, ngx_openresty, and many related modules.
- Lapis - Full-stack framework for Lua and OpenResty. Like the Django or Rails of Lua. Supports Moonscript.
- lua-resty-http - Lua HTTP client driver, built on the cosocket API.
- Lapis - Full-stack framework for Lua and OpenResty. Like the Django or Rails of Lua. Supports Moonscript.
- ledge - Lua module providing scriptable, RFC-compliant HTTP cache functionality.
Concurrency and Multithreading
- cqueues - Library for managing sockets, signals, and threads based on an event loop with coroutines.
- comparison
- comparison
- lustache - Mustache template implementation.
File system and OS
- lunix - Bindings to common Unix system APIs, striving for thread-safety.
- LuaFileSystem - Extends and complements Lua's built-in set of file system functions.
Digital Signal Processing
- Worp - Sound/music/DSP engine written for LuaJIT.
Hardware and Embedded Systems
Math and Scientific Computing
- SciLua - Numerical/scientific computing framework built on LuaJIT, with an interface to R.
- Torch7 - Scientific computing framework with wide support for machine learning algorithms, used by Facebook, Google, and more.
- lhf's Lua Tools - Assorted libraries and tools, many math- or data-related.
- SciLua - Numerical/scientific computing framework built on LuaJIT, with an interface to R.
Parsing and Serialization
- LuaExpat - SAX XML parser via binding to the Expat library.
- lua-MessagePack - Pure Lua implementation of MessagePack.
- LPeg - A pattern-matching library for Lua, based on Parsing Expression Grammars.
- LuaExpat - SAX XML parser via binding to the Expat library.
- LPeg - A pattern-matching library for Lua, based on Parsing Expression Grammars.
- dkjson - JSON encoder/decoder implemented in pure Lua.
Implementations, Interpreters, and Bindings
- Lua - Lua's original ANSI C interpreter.
- LuaJIT - High-performance Just-In-Time compiler for Lua.
- Fengari - The Lua VM rewritten in Javascript with seamless JS and DOM interoperability.
- Lua - Lua's original ANSI C interpreter.
- MoonSharp - A Lua interpreter written entirely in C# for the .NET, Mono and Unity platforms.
Package Managers
- LuaRocks - De-facto tool for installing Lua modules as packages called "rocks", plus public rock repository and website. Much like npm or pip.
Debugging and Profiling
- ProFi - Simple profiler that works with LuaJIT and produces a report file.
IDEs and Plugins
- Lua Development Tools - Eclipse plugin which provides code completion, debugging, and more. Built on Metalua.
- Lua for IDEA - IntelliJ IDEA plugin which, among other things, provides code completion, smart highlighting, and experimental debugging.
- ZeroBraneStudio - Lightweight, customizable, cross-platform Lua-dedicated IDE with code completion and analysis, written in Lua. Has broad debugging support for numerous Lua engines.
- BabeLua - Lua editor/debugger extension for VS2012-13 with highlighting, auto-completion, linting, and formatting capabilities.
- Lua Development Tools - Eclipse plugin which provides code completion, debugging, and more. Built on Metalua.
Utility Belts
Game Engines
- LÖVE 2D - Desktop game development platform. Cross-platform, feature-complete, well-adopted.
- Corona SDK - Development platform for iOS and Android. Proprietary, but used by numerous top games and apps, totaling over 150 million downloads.
- MOAI - Open source, cross-platform, mobile game development framework. Minimalist C++ engine powered by Lua scripting.
- Drystal - Open source, games can run on Linux or on any platform with a recent web browser.
- Amulet - Open source, audio/visual toolkit suitable for small games and experimentation. It runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, HTML5 and iOS.
- LÖVR - 3D framework for creating virtual reality experiences, inspired by LÖVE 2D.
- LÖVR - 3D framework for creating virtual reality experiences, inspired by LÖVE 2D.
Game Development
- moaifiddle - Edit and share short scripts for the MOAI game engine and run them in the browser using WebGL.
- moaifiddle - Edit and share short scripts for the MOAI game engine and run them in the browser using WebGL.
Foreign Function Interfaces
- LuaJIT FFI - LuaJIT's mechanism for calling external C functions and using C data structures from pure Lua code.
Scriptable by Lua
- Hammerspoon - A powerful, extensible OS X automation tool. A community-maintained fork of [Mjolnir](
- lumail - A console-based mail client, with extensive scripting capabilities.
- AwesomeWM - A highly configurable and extensible window manager for X, scripted and configured by Lua.
- Hammerspoon - A powerful, extensible OS X automation tool. A community-maintained fork of [Mjolnir](
- Textadept - Extremely lightweight, customizable, cross-platform editor, written (mostly) in (and scripted by) Lua.
- MoonScript - Moonscript is a dynamic scripting language that compiles to Lua. It reduces verbosity and provides a rich set of features like comprehensions and classes. Its author calls it 'CoffeeScript for Lua'.
- sitegen - A static site generator which uses MoonScript and supports HTML and Markdown, page grouping, and plugins.
- sitegen - A static site generator which uses MoonScript and supports HTML and Markdown, page grouping, and plugins.
- lua-l - The official Lua mailing list, and one of the focal points of the Lua community.
- Lua.Space - The Lua community blog.
- Lua Users Foundation - An association of individuals with the mission of supporting and promoting Lua and its community and ecosystems.
- - A site for and by users of Lua, featuring an IRC channel, a web archive of lua-l, and a large wiki.
- Lua Workshop - Annual 2-day meeting of the Lua community, in rotating locations.
- Lua Conf - Annual 1-day Lua conference in Brazil.
- FOSDEM - Annual 2-day gathering of F/OSS developers in Brussels which sometimes has a "Lua devroom".
- lua-l - The official Lua mailing list, and one of the focal points of the Lua community.
- Lua Conf - Annual 1-day Lua conference in Brazil.
- FOSDEM - Annual 2-day gathering of F/OSS developers in Brussels which sometimes has a "Lua devroom".
- Lua Conf - Annual 1-day Lua conference in Brazil.
- Reference Manual - The official definition of the Lua language.
- lua-users wiki - A large community-maintained collection of Lua information and resources, supplementing the official website.
- Lua Unofficial FAQ - Answers all sorts of Lua-related questions, including many of the form 'How to ___?'.
- Reference Manual - The official definition of the Lua language.
- Lua Unofficial FAQ - Answers all sorts of Lua-related questions, including many of the form 'How to ___?'.
- Lua 5.3 Glossary - A glossary of some essential Lua terms.
Style Guides
- Lua-users style guide - A general, high-level style guide; unopinionated, easily agreed on.
- Lua Crash Course - Short crash course readover, or reference for when you forget the basics.
- Learn Lua in 15 Minutes - A well-commented example file which covers the basics.
- Learning Lua from JS - An overview of the similarities and differences between Lua and JS; a great start for JavaScript folks looking to pick up Lua.
- lua-users tutorial - In-depth collection of tutorials aimed at newcomers.
- Creating an Image Server - Walks through setting up and using OpenResty to build a simple image processing server; a great starting point for playing with OpenResty.
- Lua Crash Course - Short crash course readover, or reference for when you forget the basics.
- Learn Lua in 15 Minutes - A well-commented example file which covers the basics.
- Creating an Image Server - Walks through setting up and using OpenResty to build a simple image processing server; a great starting point for playing with OpenResty.
- Embedding Lua in C - An introductory walkthrough of embedding Lua in a C program. A bit dated, but still a great walkthrough.
- Lua: Good, bad, and ugly parts - A thorough summary of the good, different, bad, and ugly aspects of Lua, including many subtle quirks, by the author of ZeroBraneStudio.
- Lua states, libraries, coroutines and memory - Diagrams and explains some more advanced concepts of the Lua VM, particularly when interfacing with C.
- Embedding Lua in C - An introductory walkthrough of embedding Lua in a C program. A bit dated, but still a great walkthrough.
Talks & Slides
- Roberto's Talks - History of talks given by Lua's chief architect, with slides for each.
- Lua Workshop Talks - High-quality talks are given at each ~annual Lua Workshop, and a history of them is online, slides included.
- Roberto's Talks - History of talks given by Lua's chief architect, with slides for each.
- Lua Workshop Talks - High-quality talks are given at each ~annual Lua Workshop, and a history of them is online, slides included.
- Programming in Lua - The authoritative intro to all aspects of Lua programming, written by Lua's chief architect. Three editions released; first edition available online.
- Programming Gems - A collection of articles covering existing wisdom and practices on programming well in Lua, in a broad variety of use cases.
- Lua Programming - A shorter overview of the language, up to date for Lua 5.2, and available online.
- Programming in Lua - The authoritative intro to all aspects of Lua programming, written by Lua's chief architect. Three editions released; first edition available online.
- Lua Quick Reference - A quick reference on how to program in and embed Lua 5.1 through 5.3, by the creator of Textadept.
- Programming Gems - A collection of articles covering existing wisdom and practices on programming well in Lua, in a broad variety of use cases.
Other Lists
- Where Lua is Used - A comprehensive list of stand-alone programs written in or extensible using Lua.
- awesome-love2d - A list like this one, but focused on game dev and the LÖVE platform.
Command-line Utilities
- cliargs - A simple command-line argument parsing module.
- say - Simple string key-value store for i18n.
- LuaSocket - Networking extension which provides a socket API for TCP and UDP, and implements HTTP, FTP, and SMTP.
Data Stores
- LuaSQL - Simple interface for connecting to ODBC, ADO, Oracle, MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL.
Analysis Tools and ASTs
- luacov - Simple coverage analyzer, used by busted and telescope for checking test coverage.
Sub Categories
Game Engines
Parsing and Serialization
IDEs and Plugins
Scriptable by Lua
Implementations, Interpreters, and Bindings
Math and Scientific Computing
Talks & Slides
Other Lists
Concurrency and Multithreading
Web/Networking Platforms
Hardware and Embedded Systems
Game Development
File system and OS
Utility Belts
Debugging and Profiling
Style Guides
Foreign Function Interfaces
Analysis Tools and ASTs
Package Managers
Command-line Utilities
Data Stores
Digital Signal Processing