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Automatically sync your pre-commit hooks version from your PDM or Poetry lockfile, and install them automatically.

pdm-plugin poetry-plugin pre-commit pre-commit-config python

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

Automatically sync your pre-commit hooks version from your PDM or Poetry lockfile, and install them automatically.




# sync-pre-commit-lock

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PDM and Poetry plugin to sync your pre-commit versions with your lockfile and automatically install pre-commit hooks.

![Sample output](.github/sample_command.png)

## Features

- 🔁 Sync pre-commit versions with your lockfile
- ⏩ Run every time you run the lockfile is updated, not as a pre-commit hook
- 🔄 Install pre-commit hooks automatically, no need to run `pre-commit install` manually
- 💫 Preserve your pre-commit config file formatting
- 🍃 Lightweight, only depends on [strictyaml](

## Supported versions

- Python 3.9+
- PDM 2.7.4+
- Poetry 1.6.0+

## Installation

### For PDM

Install it [just like any other PDM plugin](

pdm self add "sync-pre-commit-lock"

Optionally, you can also specify [the plugin in your project]( `pyproject.toml`, to make it installable with `pdm install --plugins`:

plugins = [

> Note: we have an extra group `[pdm]`, that adds PDM version constraints.
> While it's safer, it might result in PDM being installed twice.

### For Poetry

Install [like any other Poetry plugin](, e.g.:

poetry self plugin add "sync-pre-commit-lock[poetry]"

> Only Poetry 1.6.0+ is supported.

## Configuration

This plugin is configured using the `tool.sync-pre-commit-lock` section in your `pyproject.toml` file.

Here is the default configuration:

# Run `pre-commit install` automatically if applicable
automaticall-install-hooks = true
# Should we sync your pre-commit versions with your lockfile (when running lock, add, update, remove, etc.)?
disable-sync-from-lock = false
# Packages to ignore when syncing from lock
ignore = []
# Name of the pre-commit config file to sync with
pre-commit-config-file = ".pre-commit-config.yaml"
# Additional mapping of URLs to python packages
# Default is empty, but will merge with the default mapping
# "rev" indicates the format of the Git tags
dependency-mapping = {"package-name"= {"repo"= "", "rev"= "v${rev}"}}

> Note: the `dependency-mapping` is merged with the default mapping, so you don't need to specify the default mapping if you want to add a new mapping.
> Repos urls will be normalized to http(s), with the trailing slash removed.

### From environment

Some settings are overridable by environment variables with the following `SYNC_PRE_COMMIT_LOCK_*` prefixed environment variables:

| `toml` setting | environment | format |
| ------------------------------|----------------------------------------|-----------------------------------|
| `automatically-install-hooks` | `SYNC_PRE_COMMIT_LOCK_INSTALL` | `bool` as string (`true`, `1`...) |
| `disable-sync-from-lock` | `SYNC_PRE_COMMIT_LOCK_DISABLED` | `bool` as string (`true`, `1`...) |
| `ignore` | `SYNC_PRE_COMMIT_LOCK_IGNORE` | comma-separated list |
| `pre-commit-config-file` | `SYNC_PRE_COMMIT_LOCK_PRE_COMMIT_FILE` | `str` |

## Usage

Once installed, and optionally configured, the plugin usage should be transparent, and trigger when you run applicable PDM or Poetry commands, like `pdm lock`, or `poetry lock`.

> There should be a message in the output, when the sync or install or pre-commit is triggered.

You can manually trigger the sync with the CLI command:

pdm sync-pre-commit


poetry sync-pre-commit

Both commands support `--dry-run` and verbosity options.

## Supported packages for pre-commits

Here is the list of default packages supported by this plugin, from [``]( You can add more packages using the `dependency-mapping` configuration.

- [autopep8](
- [bandit](
- [black](
- [check-jsonschema](
- [codespell](
- [commitizen](
- [djhtml](
- [docformatter](
- [flake8](
- [flakeheaven](
- [isort](
- [mypy](
- [pycln](
- [pyroma](
- [pyupgrade](
- [rtscheck](
- [ruff](
- [yamllint](

## Improvement ideas

Feel free to open an issue or a PR if you have any idea, or if you want to help!

### Release / CI / DX

- [ ] Add a changelog
- [ ] Add "E2E" tests
- [ ] Add docs

### Features or fixes

- [X] Support hooks URL aliases for the same Python package
- [ ] Support user configuration of aliases
- [ ] Support `pdm config` and clear configuration precedence
- [ ] Create a more verbose command
- [ ] Add support for other lockfiles / project managers (pipenv, flit, hatch, etc.)
- [ ] Expose a pre-commit hook to sync the lockfile
- [ ] Support nested params for some repos? Like mypy types
- [ ] Support reading DB from a Python module?
- [ ] Support reordering DB inputs (file/global config/python module/cli)?
- [ ] Test using SSH/file dependencies?
- [ ] Check ref existence before writing?
- [ ] New feature to convert from pre-commit online to local?
- [ ] Warning if pre-commit CI auto update is also set?

## Inspiration

This project is inspired by @floatingpurr's [sync_with_pdm]( and [sync_with_poetry](

The code to install pre-commit hooks automatically is **adapted** from @vstrimaitis's [poetry-pre-commit-plugin](, licensed under GPL-3.