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A curated list of awesome PDM plugins and resources

  • pdm-download - A PDM plugin to download all packages in a lockfile for offline use
  • pdm-packer - A PDM plugin that packs your packages into a zipapp
  • pdm-version - Make `pdm version` like `poetry version`
  • pdm-bump - A PDM plugin that behaves like [bump2version]( relying on PEP440 compliant versions
  • pdm-audit - A PDM plugin that hooks into the installation end executes [pip-audit]( right after installation or manually
  • pdm-sbom - A PDM plugin that generates Software Bill of Materials as [SPDX](, [CycloneDX]( and [JFrog build info]( from `pdm.lock`.
  • pdm-shell - Use `pdm shell` set PATH and PYTHONPATH in the current shell
  • pdm-django - `pdm manage` and `pdm django-admin` shortcuts for Django commands
  • pdm-autoexport - A PDM plugin to sync the exported files with the project file
  • pdm-vscode - A PDM plugin that autogenerates workspace vscode settings for you
  • pdm-multirun - A PDM plugin to run a command on multiple Python versions
  • pdm-conda - A PDM plugin to install project dependencies with [Conda](
  • pdm-plugin-torch - A utility tool for selecting torch backend and version
  • pdm-dotenv - A PDM plugin that loads `.env` files
  • sync-pre-commit-lock - A PDM plugin to ease your life with `pre-commit` (automatic install, sync)
  • pdm-pip-index-url - A PDM plugin that automatically converts `PIP_*INDEX_URL` to `PDM_PYPI_*` envs
  • pdm-build-locked - A PDM plugin to add locked packages as additional optional dependency groups to the distribution metadata on build
  • pdm-readiness - A PDM plugin to check if your project dependencies support specified Python version
  • pdm-dockerize - A PDM plugin to help generating docker images from PDM projects
  • pdm-wheel - A PDM plugin to export your dependencies wheels, mainly for CI and deployments
  • copier-pdm - A Copier template for PDM projects
  • copier-pdm - A Copier template for PDM projects
  • cookiecutter-pdm-pypackage - A cookiecutter pdm pypackage template with ruff, mkdocs, precommit-hooks, github actions and more
  • setup-pdm - A GitHub Action that installs pdm properly for all Python versions
  • pdm-ci - A docker image for usage in multistage builds or gitlab-ci
  • tox-pdm - A plugin for tox that utilizes PDM as the package manager and installer
  • VSCode PDM Task Provider - VSCode Task provider for PDM
  • Mina - a monorepo-like implementation, which act as a hacking agent of `pdm-pep517`
  • sync_with_pdm - a `pre-commit` hook to keep PDM-managed packages and pre-commit hooks in sync
  • update-deps-action - A GitHub Action to update the pdm lockfile
  • PDM: A smarter way to manage Python packages - Info World - 2022/03
  • A Review: Pipenv vs. Poetry vs. PDM - Frost Ming - 2021/03
  • You don't really need a virtualenv - Frost Ming - 2021/01
  • PDM - 一款新的 Python 包管理器 - Frost Ming - 2020/02
  • How To Use PDM... - Ian Wootten - 2022/03
  • Automatic dependency updates with PDM - Carsten Igel (@carstencodes) - 2022/02
  • 基于 PEP 582 的包管理器 - Frost Ming - 2020/05