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Help generating docker images from PDM projects

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Help generating docker images from PDM projects




# pdm-dockerize

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Help generating docker image from PDM projects.

## Installation

Install `pdm-dockerize`:

### With `pipx`

If you installed `pdm` with `pipx` and want to have the command for all projects:

pipx inject pdm pdm-dockerize

### With `pip`

If you manually installed `pdm` with `pip`, just install the extra dependency in the same environment:

pip install pdm-dockerize

### With `pdm`

You can also install it as a standard `pdm` plugin.

Either globally:

pdm self install pdm-dockerize

Either as a local plugin in your project:

plugins = [


pdm install --plugins

## Usage

Just use `pdm dockerize` in your multistage build:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1

# Build stage: build and install dependencies
FROM python:${PY_VERSION} AS builder


WORKDIR /project

# install PDM
RUN pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
RUN pip install pdm pdm-dockerize

RUN --mount=type=bind,source=pyproject.toml,target=pyproject.toml \
--mount=type=bind,source=pdm.lock,target=pdm.lock \
--mount=type=cache,target=$HOME/.cache,uid=$UUID \
pdm dockerize --prod -v

# Run stage: create the final runtime container
FROM python:${PY_VERSION} AS runtime


# Fetch built dependencies
COPY --from=builder /project/dist/docker /app
# Copy needed files from your project (filter using `.dockerignore`)
COPY . /app

ENTRYPOINT ["/app/entrypoint"]
CMD ["your-default-command"]

### Selecting scripts

By default, the `dockerize` command will render a script without any command as it does not select any script by default.

You can select scripts with the `include` and `exclude` properties of the `tool.pdm.dockerize` section.
Those properties are optional, can be either a string or list of string.
Each string is a [`fnmatch` filter pattern](

Dockerize first select script based on the include patterns and then filter-out those matching with any exclude pattern.

#### Include all scripts

include = "*"

#### Include some specific scripts

include = ["my-script", "my-other-script"]

#### Include all scripts excluding those matching `prefix-*`

include = "*"
exclude = "prefix-*"

#### Include all scripts matching a prefix but two

include = "prefix-*"
exclude = ["prefix-not-you", "prefix-you-neither"]

### Selecting binaries

By default, the `dockerize` command will not copy any python executable provided by your dependencies.
You can select binaries with the `include_bins` and `exclude_bins` properties of the `tool.pdm.dockerize` section.
Syntax and behavior are exactly the exact sames than `include`/`exclude` for script selection.

#### Include all python executables

include_bins = "*"

#### Include some specific executables

Most of the time, you will look like this

include = ["uvicorn"]

### Controlling environment

`pdm-dockerize` respects defined environment variables:
- scripts `env` variables are properly set
- shared `_.env` variables are properly set
- scripts `env_file` are properly loaded
- shared `_.env_file` are properly loaded

In addition, you can define some docker-only environment variables using the `tool.pdm.dockerize.env` table
or some docker-only `.env` files using `tool.pdm.dockerize.env_file`

#### Defining docker-only environment variables

Those environment variables will only be effective in the docker entrypoint.

VAR = "value"

#### Loading docker-only environment files

This file will only be loaded in the docker entrypoint.

env_file = "docker.env"

## Internals

This plugin works by providing by subclassing some `pdm.installers` classes to reuse the installation process:
- `DockerizeInstallManager`, a `pdm` `InstallManager` filtering binaries
- `DockerizeSynchronizer`, a `pdm` `Synchronizer` using a `DockerizeInstallManager` as `InstallManager`
- `FilteringDestination`, a `pdm` `InstallDestination` filtering binaries

This way, the dockerization is using the same installation process just tuned for docker and augmented with `pdm-dockerize` specifics.

## Contributing

Read the [dedicated contributing guidelines](./