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An open multiple patterning framework

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An open multiple patterning framework




# OpenMPL

> **OpenMPL** stands for open multiple patterning lithography framework.

| Stitch Insertion | Graph Simplification | Decomposition |
| ---------------- | -------------------- | ------------- |
| | | |

### Pre-requisite

- [GCC](
- Recommend GCC 4.8 or later.
- Other compilers may also work, but not tested.

- [CMake](
- Require 3.8.2 or later.

- [Boost](
- Require 1.55...1.72.
- Need to install and visible for linking.
- Custom installation path may require to export ```BOOST_ROOT``` for [CMake](

- [Limbo](
- Integrated as a git submodule.

- [Gurobi]( (Optional)
- ILP solver.

### Publications

* [Wei Li](, [Yuzhe Ma](, [Qi Sun](, [Lu Zhang](, [Yibo Lin](, [Iris Hui-Ru Jiang](, [Bei Yu](, [David Z. Pan](,
“**OpenMPL: An Open Source Layout Decomposer**”, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD).

* [Wei Li](, [Yuzhe Ma](, [Qi Sun](, [Yibo Lin](, [Iris Hui-Ru Jiang](, [Bei Yu](, [David Z. Pan](,
"**OpenMPL: An Open Source Layout Decomposer**",
IEEE International Conference on ASIC (ASICON), Chongqing, China, Oct. 29–Nov. 1, 2019.
([preprint]( ([slides](

### Docker Version
We provide the docker version to avoid annoying compilation.
You can pull the image by
$ docker pull wadmes/openmpl:latest
The OpenMPL folder locates in `/home/OpenMPL`

### How To Compile

$ git clone
$ cd OpenMPL
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ make install
The default installation path is the repo directory. It can be changed via
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=your_installation_path

### Features
* Contact or metal layer decomposition
* Stitching
* Support 3 or 4 coloring
* Density control
* Multi-threading
* Small memory usage
* Multiple algorithms:
* ILP (Gurobi API)
* SDP (Csdp API)
* LP (Gurobi API)
* Dancing Links

The Csdp API used in OpenMPL has been modified and built for threading safety at high level.

### How to Get Benchmarks

Small benchmarks (ISCAS) [Download](
big benchmarks (ISPD19) [Download](

### How To Execute

$ cd bin/
$ ./OpenMPL

A table of options :

-help (false) toggle printing help message
-in input gds file name
-out () output gds file name
-coloring_distance (0) a floating point number indicating number of coloring distance in nanometer
-color_num an integer indicating number of masks (colors) < 3|4 >
-simplify_level (3) an integer indicating graph simplification level < 0|1|2|3 >
-thread_num (1) an integer indicating maximum thread number
-path_layer an integer indicating layer for conflict edges
-precolor_layer an integer indicating layer for pre-colored patterns
-uncolor_layer an integer indicating layer for coloring
-algo (BACKTRACK) algorithm type < ILP|BACKTRACK|LP|SDP >
-shape (RECTANGLE) shape mode < RECTANGLE|POLYGON >
-verbose (false) toggle controlling screen messages
-dbg_comp_id (4294967295) debug component id
-use_stitch use stitch to avoid conflict
-gen_stitch generate stitch candidate
-weight_stitch a floating point number indicating the weight of stitch

One exmaple : /bin/
Another example for large benchmark: /bin/

### Possible Compiler Problems

+ default CFLAGS of boost and gurobi are different in newest version

+ downgrade the boost version

+ ```
SimpleMPL.cpp:461:5: error: ‘graph_simplification_type’ has no member named ‘set_isVDDGND’

+ checkout to ***stitch*** branch in your limbo directory

### License

- BSD-3-clause License [[LINK](]

### Authors

| Name | Affiliation | email |
| ------------ | ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
| Yibo Lin | School of EECS, PKU | [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) |
| Bei Yu | CSE Dept, CUHK | [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) |
| Wei Li | CSE Dept, CUHK | [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) |
| Yuzhe Ma | CSE Dept, CUHK | [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) |
| David Z. Pan | ECE Dept, UT Austin | [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) |