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React rerelease of MSAViewer

bioinformatics msa multiple-sequence-alignment react viewer

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React rerelease of MSAViewer






`react-msa-viewer` is a performant, extendable, highly-customizable, production-ready
React Component that renders a Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA).

__WARNING: Work in progress - use with caution__

MSAViewer example

Getting started

import MSAViewer from '@plotly/react-msa-viewer';

function MSA() {
const options = {
sequences: [
name: "seq.1",
name: "seq.2",
name: "seq.3",
colorScheme: "zappo",
return (


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### Installation

For [npm]( users, run:

npm i --save @plotly/react-msa-viewer

For [yarn]( users, run:

yarn add @plotly/react-msa-viewer

### Use your own layout

`` acts a Context Provider for all MSA subcomponents.
Hence, it will automatically take care of synchronization between all MSA components in its tree:

import {
} from '@plotly/react-msa-viewer';

function MSA() {
const options = {
sequences: [
name: "seq.1",
name: "seq.2",
name: "seq.3",
return (


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### Usage in Vanilla JS

Using the `react-msa-viewer` with React is highly recommended.
However, it can be used in Vanilla JS:


var options = {
sequences: [
name: "seq.1",
name: "seq.2",
name: "seq.3",
colorScheme: "zappo",
React.createElement(ReactMSAViewer.MSAViewer, options),


See an [example on CodePen](


__Warning__: these properties are still susceptible to a _change at any moment_.

### `MSAViewer` (component)

A general-purpose layout for the MSA components

When children are passed it acts as a Context Provider for the msaStore,
otherwise it provides a default layout and forwards it props the respective

#### Props

##### `barAttributes`

Attributes to apply to each bar.

type: `object`

##### `barFillColor`

Fill color of the OverviewBar, e.g. `#999999`

type: `string`

##### `barMethod`

Method to use for the OverviewBar:
- `information-content`: Information entropy after Shannon of a column (scaled)
- `conservation`: Conservation of a column (scaled)

type: `enum('information-content'|'conservation')`

##### `barStyle`

Inline styles to apply to each bar.

type: `object`

##### `colorScheme`

Colorscheme to use. Currently the follow colorschemes are supported:
`buried_index`, `clustal`, `clustal2`, `cinema`, `helix_propensity`, `hydro`,
`lesk`, `mae`, `nucleotide`, `purine_pyrimidine`, `strand_propensity`, `taylor`,
`turn_propensity`, and `zappo`.

See [msa-colorschemes]( for details.

type: `custom`

##### `height`

Height of the sequence viewer (in pixels), e.g. `500`.

type: `number`

##### `labelAttributes`

Attributes to apply to each label.

type: `object`

##### `labelComponent`

Component to create labels from.

type: `union(object|func)`

##### `labelStyle`

Inline styles to apply to each label.

type: `object`

##### `layout`

Predefined layout scheme to use (only used when no child elements are provided).
Available layouts: `basic`, `inverse`, `full`, `compact`, `funky`

type: `enum('basic'|'default'|'inverse'|'full'|'compact'|'funky')`

##### `markerAttributes`

Attributes to apply to each marker.

type: `object`

##### `markerComponent`

Component to create markers from.

type: `union(object|func)`

##### `markerStartIndex`

At which number the PositionBar marker should start counting.
Typical values are: `1` (1-based indexing) and `0` (0-based indexing).

type: `number`

##### `markerSteps`

At which steps the position labels should appear, e.g. `2` for (1, 3, 5)

type: `number`

##### `markerStyle`

Inline styles to apply to each marker.

type: `object`

##### `msaStore`

A custom msaStore (created with `createMSAStore`).
Useful for custom interaction with other components

type: `object`

##### `onResidueClick`

Callback fired when the mouse pointer clicked a residue.

type: `func`

##### `onResidueDoubleClick`

Callback fired when the mouse pointer clicked a residue.

type: `func`

##### `onResidueMouseEnter`

Callback fired when the mouse pointer is entering a residue.

type: `func`

##### `onResidueMouseLeave`

Callback fired when the mouse pointer is leaving a residue.

type: `func`

##### `position`

Current x and y position of the viewpoint
in the main sequence viewer (in pixels).
This specifies the position of the top-left corner
of the viewpoint within the entire alignment,
e.g. `{xPos: 20, yPos: 5}`.

type: `custom`

##### `sequenceBorder`

Whether to draw a border.

type: `bool`

##### `sequenceBorderColor`

Color of the border. Name, hex or RGB value.

type: `string`

##### `sequenceBorderWidth`

Width of the border.

type: `number`

##### `sequenceOverflow`

What should happen if content overflows.

type: `enum("hidden"|"auto"|"scroll")`

##### `sequenceOverflowX`

What should happen if x-axis content overflows (overwrites "overflow")

type: `enum("hidden"|"auto"|"scroll"|"initial")`

##### `sequenceOverflowY`

What should happen if y-axis content overflows (overwrites "overflow")

type: `enum("hidden"|"auto"|"scroll"|"initial")`

##### `sequenceScrollBarPositionX`

X Position of the scroll bar ("top or "bottom")

type: `enum("top"|"bottom")`

##### `sequenceScrollBarPositionY`

Y Position of the scroll bar ("left" or "right")

type: `enum("left"|"right")`

##### `sequenceTextColor`

Color of the text residue letters (name, hex or RGB value)

type: `string`

##### `sequenceTextFont`

Font to use when drawing the individual residues.

type: `string`

##### `sequences` (required)

Sequence data.
`sequences` expects an array of individual sequences.

`sequence`: Raw sequence, e.g. `MEEPQSDPSIEP` (required)
`name`: name of the sequence, e.g. `Sequence X`


const sequences = [
name: "seq.1",
name: "seq.2",

type: `arrayOf[SequencePropType]`

##### `tileHeight`

Height of the main tiles (in pixels), e.g. `20`

type: `number`

##### `tileWidth`

Width of the main tiles (in pixels), e.g. `20`

type: `number`

##### `width`

Width of the sequence viewer (in pixels), e.g. `500`.

type: `number`

### `Labels` (component)

Displays the sequence names.

#### Props

##### `cacheElements`

defaultValue: `10`

##### `font`

Font of the sequence labels, e.g. `20px Arial`

type: `string`

##### `labelAttributes`

Attributes to apply to each label.

type: `object`

##### `labelComponent`

Component to create labels from.

type: `union(object|func)`

##### `labelStyle`

Inline styles to apply to each label.

type: `object`
defaultValue: `{}`

##### `style`

Inline styles to apply to the Label component

type: `object`

### `OverviewBar` (component)

Creates a small overview box of the sequences for a general overview.

#### Props

##### `engine`

Rendering engine: `canvas` or `webgl` (experimental).

type: `enum('canvas'|'webgl')`
defaultValue: `"canvas"`

##### `fillColor`

Fill color of the OverviewBar, e.g. `#999999`

type: `string`
defaultValue: `"#999999"`

##### `height` (required)

Width of the component (in pixels), e.g. `100`

type: `number`
defaultValue: `50`

##### `method`

Method to use for the OverviewBar:
- `information-content`: Information entropy after Shannon of a column (scaled)
- `conservation`: Conservation of a column (scaled)

type: `enum('information-content'|'conservation')`
defaultValue: `"conservation"`

##### `style`

Custom style configuration.

type: `object`

##### `width` (required)

Width of the component (in pixels), e.g. `100`

type: `number`

### `PositionBar` (component)

Displays the sequence names with an arbitrary Marker component

#### Props

##### `cacheElements`

defaultValue: `10`

##### `font`

Font of the sequence labels, e.g. `20px Arial`

type: `string`

##### `height`

Height of the PositionBar (in pixels), e.g. `100`

type: `number`
defaultValue: `15`

##### `markerAttributes`

Attributes to apply to each marker.

type: `object`

##### `markerComponent`

Component to create markers from.

type: `union(object|func)`

##### `markerSteps`

At which steps the position labels should appear, e.g. `2` for (1, 3, 5)

type: `number`
defaultValue: `2`

##### `markerStyle`

Inline styles to apply to each marker.

type: `object`
defaultValue: `{}`

##### `startIndex`

At which number the PositionBar marker should start counting.
Typical values are: `1` (1-based indexing) and `0` (0-based indexing).

type: `number`
defaultValue: `1`

##### `style`

Inline styles to apply to the PositionBar component

type: `object`
defaultValue: `{
font: "12px Arial",

### `SequenceOverview` (component)

#### Props

##### `engine`

Rendering engine: `canvas` or `webgl` (experimental).

type: `enum('canvas'|'webgl')`
defaultValue: `"canvas"`

##### `height` (required)

Width of the component (in pixels), e.g. `100`

type: `number`
defaultValue: `50`

##### `style`

Custom style configuration.

type: `object`

##### `tileHeight`

Height of a tile in the OverviewBar, e.g. `5`

type: `number`
defaultValue: `5`

##### `tileWidth`

Width of a tile in the OverviewBar, e.g. `5`

type: `number`
defaultValue: `5`

##### `width` (required)

Width of the component (in pixels), e.g. `100`

type: `number`

### `SequenceViewer` (component)

Component to draw the main sequence alignment.

#### Props

##### `border`

Whether to draw a border.

type: `bool`
defaultValue: `false`

##### `borderColor`

Color of the border. Name, hex or RGB value.

type: `string`
defaultValue: `"black"`

##### `borderWidth`

Width of the border.

type: `number`
defaultValue: `1`

##### `cacheElements`

Number of residues to prerender outside of the visible viewbox.

type: `number`
defaultValue: `20`

##### `onResidueClick`

Callback fired when the mouse pointer clicked a residue.

type: `func`

##### `onResidueDoubleClick`

Callback fired when the mouse pointer clicked a residue.

type: `func`

##### `onResidueMouseEnter`

Callback fired when the mouse pointer is entering a residue.

type: `func`

##### `onResidueMouseLeave`

Callback fired when the mouse pointer is leaving a residue.

type: `func`

##### `overflow`

What should happen if content overflows.

type: `enum("hidden"|"auto"|"scroll")`
defaultValue: `"hidden"`

##### `overflowX`

What should happen if x-axis content overflows (overwrites "overflow")

type: `enum("hidden"|"auto"|"scroll"|"initial")`
defaultValue: `"auto"`

##### `overflowY`

What should happen if y-axis content overflows (overwrites "overflow")

type: `enum("hidden"|"auto"|"scroll"|"initial")`
defaultValue: `"auto"`

##### `scrollBarPositionX`

X Position of the scroll bar ("top or "bottom")

type: `enum("top"|"bottom")`
defaultValue: `"bottom"`

##### `scrollBarPositionY`

Y Position of the scroll bar ("left" or "right")

type: `enum("left"|"right")`
defaultValue: `"right"`

##### `showModBar`

Show the custom ModBar

type: `bool`
defaultValue: `false`

##### `textColor`

Color of the text residue letters (name, hex or RGB value)

type: `string`
defaultValue: `"black"`

##### `textFont`

Font to use when drawing the individual residues.

type: `string`
defaultValue: `"18px Arial"`

##### `xGridSize`

Number of residues to cluster in one tile (x-axis) (default: 10)

type: `number`
defaultValue: `10`

##### `yGridSize`

Number of residues to cluster in one tile (y-axis) (default: 10)

type: `number`
defaultValue: `10`

### Creating your own MSA components

The React MSA Viewer uses an Redux store internally.
You can connect your components with it too.

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {
} from '@plotly/react-msa-viewer';

class MyFirstMSAPluginComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
const residue = "E";
const style = {
width: this.props.tileWidth,
height: this.props.tileHeight,
backgroundColor: this.props.colorScheme.getColor(residue),
return (



const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
tileHeight: state.props.tileHeight,
tileWidth: state.props.tileWidth,
colorScheme: state.props.colorScheme,

const MyFirstMSAPlugin = msaConnect(

function MyMSA() {
return (


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However, for performance reasons you need to use a special mixin to listen for
position events.

import {
} from '@plotly/react-msa-viewer';

class MyFirstMSAPlugin extends React.Component {
shouldRerender(newPosition) {
return true;
render() {
return (

x: {this.position.xPos}, y: {this.position.yPos}


// inject the MSAPositionStore as this.position

function MyMSA() {
return (


ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById("my-msa"));

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Alternatively, you can also listen to events.

Listen to events

The `MSAViewer` components (and its subcomponents) provide a variety of callbacks
like `onResidueClick` that can be used to plug with your code:

import {
} from 'react-msa-viewer';

function MyMSA() {

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Some events also trigger custom DOM events which might simply subscription
outside of React:


var options = {
sequences: [
name: "seq.1",
name: "seq.2",
name: "seq.3",
colorScheme: "zappo"
var el = document.getElementById("my-msa");
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(ReactMSAViewer.MSAViewer, options), el);
el.addEventListener('residueClick', (e) => console.log(e.detail));


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The custom DOM events bubble up the tree and contain their payload in`.detail`.

Sending actions

While the most common way to update the MSA is to update its properties, you
can also send a variety of actions to the MSAViewer.

import {
} from 'react-msa-viewer';

class MyMSA extends React.Component {
moveLeft = () => {
this.msa.movePosition({yMovement: -10})
moveRight = () => {
this.msa.movePosition({yMovement: 10})
jumpOrigin = () => {
this.msa.movePosition({yPos: 0})
render() {
return (

this.msa = ref} />
Move left
Move right
Jump to the origin


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It's also possible to use `actions` to create a payload and dispatch it later:

import {
} from 'react-msa-viewer';

class MyMSA extends React.Component {
moveLeft = () => {
const payload = actions.movePosition({yMovement: -10});
moveRight = () => {
const payload = actions.movePosition({yMovement: 10});
jumpOrigin = () => {
const payload = actions.updatePosition({yPos: 0});
render() {
return (

this.msa = ref} />
Move left
Move right
Jump to the origin



### Getting started

Get the code:

git clone

Install the project `dev` dependencies:

npm install


Please, see the [CONTRIBUTING]( file.

Contributor Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of
Conduct]( By participating in this project you
agree to abide by its terms. See [CODE_OF_CONDUCT]( file.


react-msa-viewer is released under the MIT License. See the bundled
[LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.