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a JavaScript DNA, RNA, and protein sequence viewer

biology dna igem plasmid protein rna synthetic-biology vector

Last synced: 4 months ago
JSON representation

a JavaScript DNA, RNA, and protein sequence viewer




`SeqViz` is a DNA, RNA, and protein sequence viewer.

#### Used By





## Table of Contents

- [Demo](#demo)
- [Features](#features)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Instantiation](#instantiation)
- [Props](#props)
- [Custom Viewer Positioning](#custom-viewer-positioning)
- [Without React](#without-react)
- [Contact Us](#contact-us)

## Demo

You can see a demo at []( The source is in [/demo](./demo).

## Features

### Linear and Circular Sequence Viewers

- Annotations, primers, and highlights with names and colors
- Amino acid translations
- Enzyme cut sites
- Searching with mismatches and highlighting

### Sequence and Element Selection

- Selecting a range on the viewer(s), or clicking an `annotation`, `translation`, `primer`, `cutSite`, or `searchResult`, highlights the selection and passes it to the `onSelection()` callback.

## Usage

### Installation

#### npm

npm install seqviz

#### CDN



### Instantiation

#### React

import { SeqViz } from "seqviz";

export default () => (


#### Non-React

More details are in the [Viewer without React](#without-react) section.


.Viewer("root", {
name: "L09136",
seq: "tcgcgcgtttcggtgatgacggtgaaaacctctgacacatgca",
style: { height: "100vh", width: "100vw" },


### Props

All the following are usable as props for the React component (`seqviz.SeqViz`) or as options for the plain JS implementation (`seqviz.Viewer()`).

#### Required

#### `seq (='')`

A sequence to render. Can be a DNA, RNA, or amino acid sequence.

#### File or Accession

These props are `@deprecated` and may be removed in a future major release. We recommend parsing sequence files outside of `SeqViz` with the [`seqparse` package](

- `file` is a FASTA, GenBank, SnapGene, JBEI, or SBOL file (`string` | [`File`](
- `accession` is an NCBI accession-ID (`string`)

For example:

import seqparse from "seqparse";

export default () => {
const [seq, setSeq] = useState({ name: "", seq: "", annotations: [] });

// fetch and parse a sequence from NCBI:
useEffect(async () => setSeq(await seqparse("MN623123.1")));

return ;

#### Optional

#### `viewer (='both')`

The type and orientation of the sequence viewers. One of `"linear" | "circular" | "both" | "both_flip"`. `both` means the circular viewer fills the left side of SeqViz, and the linear viewer fills the right. `both_flip` is the opposite: the linear viewer is on the left, and the circular viewer is on the right.

#### `name (='')`

The name of the sequence/plasmid. Shown at the center of the circular viewer.

#### `annotations (=[])`

An array of `Annotation`s to render. Each `Annotation` requires 0-based start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) indexes. `name`s are rendered on top of the annotations. Set the annotation's direction to `1` for forward arrows and `-1` for reverse arrows.

annotations = [
{ start: 0, end: 22, name: "Strong promoter", direction: 1 }, // [0, 22)
{ start: 23, end: 273, name: "GFP" },
{ start: 300, end: 325, name: "Weak promoter", direction: -1, color: "#FAA887" },

In the example above, the "Strong promoter" would span the first to twenty-second base pair.

#### `primers (=[])`

An array of `Primer`s to render. Each `Primer` requires 0-based start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) indexes. `name`s are rendered on top of the primers. Set the primer's direction to `1` for forward primer and `-1` for reverse primer.

primers = [
{ start: 33, end: 53, name: "LacZ Foward Primer", direction: 1 },
{ start: 3098, end: 3128, name: "LacZ Reverse Primer", direction: -1, color: "#FAA887" },

In the example above, the forward and reverse primers of LacZ are define by the direction parameter. Notice that color could be used optionally.

#### `translations (=[])`

An array of `translations`: sequence ranges to translate and render as amino acids sequences. Requires 0-based `start` (inclusive) and `end` (exclusive) indexes relative the DNA sequence. A direction is required: `1` (FWD) or `-1` (REV).

translations = [
{ start: 0, end: 90, direction: 1 }, // [0, 90)
{ start: 191, end: 522, direction: -1 },

#### `enzymes (=[])`

An array of restriction `enzymes` to show recognition sites for. A list of pre-defined enzymes in [src/enzymes.ts](src/enzymes.ts) can be referenced by name. Example:

enzymes = [
name: "Cas9",
rseq: "NGG", // recognition sequence
fcut: 0, // cut index on FWD strand, relative to start of rseq
rcut: 1, // cut index on REV strand, relative to start of rseq
color: "#D7E5F0", // color to highlight recognition site with
// (optional) only show recognition sites between 100th and 250th index [100, 250)
range: {
start: 100,
end: 250,

#### `highlights (=[])`

Ranges of sequence to highlight. A default color from `colors` is used if none is provided.

highlights = [
{ start: 36, end: 66, color: "magenta" },
{ start: 70, end: 80 },

#### `zoom (={ linear: 50 })`

How zoomed the viewer(s) should be `0-100`. Key'ed by viewer type, but only `linear` is supported.

#### `colors (=[])`

An array of colors to use for annotations, translations, and highlights. Defaults are in [src/colors.ts](src/colors.ts).

#### `bpColors (={})`

An object mapping base pairs to their color. The key/bp is either a nucleotide type or 0-based index. Example:

bpColors = { A: "#FF0000", T: "blue", 12: "#00FFFF" };

#### `style (={})`

Style for `seqviz`'s outer container div. Empty by default. Useful for setting the height and width of the viewer if the element around `seqviz` lacks one. For example:

style = { height: "100vh", width: "100vw" };

#### `selection (={})`

This (optional) `selection` prop is useful if you want to externally manage and set the `selection` state:

selection = {
start: 133,
end: 457,
clockwise: true,

#### `onSelection (=(_: Selection) => {})`

A callback executed after selection events. It accepts a single [`Selection` type]( argument.

This occurs after drag/drop selections and clicks. It will have meta on `annotation`, `translation`, `enzyme`, `highlight` or `search` elements if one was selected. The example below shows an `annotation` selection:

"end": 457,
"length": 324,
"name": "lacZ fragment",
"start": 133,
"type": "ANNOTATION",

#### `search (={})`

Sequence search parameters. Takes a `query` sequence and the [maximum allowable `mismatch`]( for a match (default: 0). Matches are highlighted.

search = { query: "aatggtctc", mismatch: 1 };

Searching supports wildcard symbols, e.g. `{ query: "AANAA" }`. All symbols supported are in [src/sequence.ts](src/sequence.ts).

#### `onSearch (=(_: Range) => {})`

A callback executed after a search event. This is called once on initial render and every time the sequence changes thereafter. An example of search results is below:

start: 728,
end: 733,
direction: 1,
index: 0,
start: 1788,
end: 1793,
direction: -1,
index: 1,

#### `copyEvent (=(e: KeyboardEvent) => e.key === "c" && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey))`

A function returning whether to copy the viewer(s) current selection during a keyboard event. The default method copies sequence after any `ctrl+c` or `meta+c` keyboard events.

#### `selectAllEvent (=(e: KeyboardEvent) => e.key === "a" && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey))`

A function returning whether to select the whole sequence during a keyboard event. The default method select whole sequence after any `ctrl+a` or `meta+a` keyboard events.

#### `showComplement (=true)`

Whether to show the complement sequence.

#### `rotateOnScroll (=true)`

By default, the circular viewer rotates when scrolling over the viewer. That can be disabled with rotateOnScroll: false.

#### `disableExternalFonts (=false)`

If true, SeqViz will not download fonts from external sites. By default the library will attempt to download "Roboto Mono:300,400,500" after first mount.

#### `refs (={ circular: undefined, linear: undefined })`

See: [custom viewer positioning](#custom-viewer-positioning)

### Custom Viewer Positioning

This makes use of the `children` and `refs` props to allow custom rendering of the sequence viewers. For example, to render the linear viewer above the circular viewer:

import { useRef } from "react";
import { Circular, Linear, SeqViz } from "seqviz";

export default () => {
const circular = useRef();
const linearRef = useRef();

return (

{({ circularProps, linearProps, ...props }) => (



### Without React

For usability in non-React apps, we provide a thin wrapper around the React component. The viewer's constructor accepts two arguments:

- `element`: either an element id or an [HTMLElement](
- `props`: props as documented [above](#optionsprops)

const element = document.getElementById("root");
const viewer = seqviz.Viewer(element, props);
// Render the viewer to the DOM at the node passed in $element`.
// To later update the viewer's configuration and re-renders.
// To render the viewer, eg for server-side rendering, and returns it as an HTML string.

## Contact Us

This library is maintained by [Lattice Automation](

You can report bugs and request features at [Issues]( or contact us directly at [[email protected]]([email protected])