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D3.js and ELK based schematic visualizer

circuit visualizer

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

D3.js and ELK based schematic visualizer




# d3-hwschematic
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D3.js and ELK based schematic visualizer.

Use `npm install d3-hwschematic --save` to install this library and save it to your package.json file.

## Features:

* automatic layout (layered graph with orthogonal routing, created by `elkjs`) with caching
* hierarchical components expandable on click
* net selection on click, highligh and tooltip on mouse over
* zoom, drag
* css style/class specifiable in input json, d3.js querey as a query language in javascript
* support for user node renderers and user CSS
* input is [ELK json]( with hwMeta propoperty (described in this document)

![cdc_pulse_gen]( "cdc_pulse_gen")

## Typical usecase

* A widget in for "synthesis tool" [jupyter_widget_hwt](
* An extension for Sphinx document generator [sphinx-hwt](

## How to use examples

### Online

* Documentation of [hwtLib](
(Look for scheme href under component name.)

* [jupyter_widget_hwt]( - Jupyter widgets for hw developement.

### From this git

1. download dependencies and build this library

npm install
npm install --only=dev
npm run build

2. Then you can open examples, but current web browsers does not allow to load files from local disk (because of security).
It has multiple solution
* You can run chrome with --allow-file-access-from-files option
* (prefered) Or use webserver. One webserver implementation is part of standard python distribution.

# (in root directory of this git)
python3 -m http.server 8888

Now you should be able to view the example application on
Where part after schematic= is path to json file where schematic is stored.

## ELK json format for d3-hwschematic

This libarary uses [ELK json](, [ELK options](
This format is basically a component tree stored in json.
The json specifies not just the structure of circuit but also how the circuit should be rendered.
It contains 3 object types `LNode`, `LPort` and `LEdge`.

ELK `LNode` (component instance)
"id": "0",
"hwMeta": { // [d3-hwschematic specific]
"name": "compoent instance name", // optional str
"cls": "compoent (module) name", // optional str
"bodyText": "", // optional str
"maxId": 2, // max id of any object in this node used to avoid re-counting object if new object is generated
"isExternalPort": true, // optional flag which set LNode style to external LPort
"cssClass": "node-style0", // optional string, css classes separated by space
"cssStyle": "fill:red", // css style specification separated by ;
"properties": { // recommended renderer settings
"org.eclipse.elk.portConstraints": "FIXED_ORDER", // can be also "FREE" or other value accepted by ELK
"org.eclipse.elk.layered.mergeEdges": 1
"ports": [], // list of LPort
"edges": [], // list of LEdge
"children": [], // list of LNode, if the node should be collapsed rename this property
// to "_children" and "edges" to "_edges"
If the children should be collapsed by default, the children `children` and `edges` property should be renamed to `_children` and `_edges`.

ELK `LPort`
"id": "1",
"hwMeta": { // [d3-hwschematic specific]
"name": "port name",
"cssClass": "node-style0", // optional string, css classes separated by space
"cssStyle": "fill:red", // css style specification separated by ;
"connectedAsParent": true, // an optional flag that notes that this LPort
// has no connections but it is connected as its parent LPort
"direction": "OUTPUT", // [d3-hwschematic specific] controlls direction marker
"properties": {
"side": "EAST",
"index": 0 // The order is assumed as clockwise, starting with the leftmost port on the top side.
// Required only for LNodes with "org.eclipse.elk.portConstraints": "FIXED_ORDER"
"children": [], // list of LPort, if the port should be collapsed rename this property to "_children"

ELK `LEdge`
{ // simple LEdge
"id": "62",
"source": "2", // id of LNode
"sourcePort": "23", // id of LPort
"target": "4", // id of LNode
"targetPort": "29", // id of LPort
"hwMeta": { // [d3-hwschematic specific]
"name": null // optional string, displayed on mouse over
"cssClass": "link-style0", // optional string, css classes separated by space
"cssStyle": "stroke:red", // css style specification separated by ;
{ // hyper LEdge
"id": "1119",
"sources": [
["17", "343"] // id of LNode, id of LPort
"targets": [
[ "18", "346"], // id of LNode, id of LPort
[ "21", "354"],
"hwMeta": { // [d3-hwschematic specific]
"name": "wr_ptr",
"cssClass": "link-style0", // optional string, css classes separated by space
"cssStyle": "stroke:red", // css style specification separated by ;

`LEdge` souce destination has to always be directly visible from the `LNode` where the `LEdge` is instanciated.
That means that LEdge may connect only to LPorts of current LNode or to LPorts of this LNode direct children `LNode`s.
`LNode` represents all types of components. Top LPorts are also represented as `LNode` because it looks better.

## Component shapes

The style and shape is determined by node renderers. Node renderers are defined in `src/node_renderers`.
Renderer classes can be registered using `HwSchematic.nodeRenderers.registerRenderer()` function on HwSchematic object.
The node renderer has function `select` which is used to determine if renderer should be used for for selected LNode.

## Similar opensource projects

* [adaptagrams]( - C++, Libraries for constraint-based layout and connector routing for diagrams.
* [BreadboardSim]( - C#, Circuit Simulator with Breadboard UI
* [circuitsandbox]( - Java, Boolean network editor and simulator
* [diagrammer]( - Scala, Very simple visualizer for chisel3.
* [Digital]( - Java, Simulator and design tool with GUI.
* [digitaljs]( - JS, Simulator with Yosys synthesis and ElkJS interactive scheme
* [dkilfoyle/logic]( - JS, IDE for digital circuit simulation
* [Eclipse Layout Kernel (ELK)]( - Java, Libary focused on automatic graph drawing.
* [electric-circuits]( - JS, Electric Circuits Domain for webGME
* [elkjs]( - JS, ELK transpiled to JS, (used in this project)
* [HAL]( - Python, The Hardware Analyzer
* [hdelk]( - Web-based HDL diagramming tool
* [hneemann/Digital]( - Java, Circut simulator and editor
* [hwstudio]( - GDScript, GUI editor for hardware description designs
* [logidrom]( - JS, Digital circuit renderer for some specific circuits
* [Logisim evolution]( - Java, Set of tools for HW design.
* [netlistsvg]( - draws an SVG schematic from a JSON netlist
* [ogdf]( - C++, Libary focused on automatic graph drawing.
* [pyVhdl2Sch]( - Python based VHDL to (pdf) schematic converter
* [schemdraw]( - Python, manual layout electrical circuit schematic diagrams
* [Siva]( - Python, Qt based scheme editor
* [sphinxcontrib-hdl-diagrams]( - Python, Sphinx Extension which generates various types of diagrams from Verilog code.
* [Spyce]( - Python, Simple circuit editor, MyHDL output (only prototype)
* [verilog-dot]( - Python, A simple dot file / graph generator for Verilog syntax trees.
* [VSRTL]( - C++, Visual Simulation of Register Transfer Logic

## Related opensource for electronic circuits electronic

* [CuFlow]( - Python, experimental procedural PCB layout program
* [skidl]( library for circuit design
* [kiutils]( kicad file parser