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Python Tool for UVM Testbench Generation

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Python Tool for UVM Testbench Generation




# tbengy v2
**tbengy** Python Tool for SV/UVM Testbench Generation and RTL Synthesis. The tool uses newly available capability of **Vivado tool by Xilinx (WebPack Version)** to compile and run SV/UVM Testbench and syntheize RTL for Digilent FPGA Boards

# Used in Industry

* [Backbone Systems](

# Demo (Demo will be updated soon)

# Requirements
* Python 3.x
* Xilinx Vivado 202x.x
* GNU Make

# Setup Instructions
### 1. Python 3.x.x
- Download Python3 from
- Install Python3 in your system
- Check Python version in Terminal/Console/Command-Prompt/Powershell

#### Command
python --version
python3 --version

#### Output (Should be 3.x.x)
Python 3.8.1

### 2. Xilinx Vivado 20xx.x
- Download Vivado from
- Install Vivado WebPack in your system
- Set Xilinx Vivado bin folder path to User/System Environment Variables

#### Setting Variable in Linux
export PATH="$PATH:/home//Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/bin"
**Note:** Put the above line with your path in ~/.bashrc, so the tool can load everytime you open terminal

#### Test that tool opens from Terminal and path is properly set
- Once you set the path in ~/.bashrc, open new terminal and execute command below
- If your path and setup is correct, Vivado GUI will open
- You can close it as we will be working from terminal for the tbengy

#### Setting Variable in Windows
Open Command-Prompt as administrator
setx path "%path%;Xilinx\Vivado\2020.1\bin"
Example: setx path "%path%;C:\Xilinx\Vivado\2020.1\bin"

You can also set the path from System Properties. Search online for this method.

#### Check your Vivado installation from Command-prompt/Powershell
- Once you set the path in Windows, open new command-prompt/Powershell and execute command below
- If your path and setup is correct, Vivado GUI will open
- You can close it as we will be working from command-prompt/Powershell for the tbengy

### 3. GNU Make
- Most Linux come with GNU Make so no need to do this step if you are running using Linux
- For Windows, download GNU Make and install it from
- After installation in Windows, we need to add the bin path of Make in system path variable as we did for Vivado
setx path "%path%;Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\"
Example: setx path "%path%;C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\"

- After adding the path, open new command-prompt/Powershell window and run
- If you see make getting executed, you are good to go

# Using tbengy

- Run the command below if you are using Git to clone the repository anywhere you wish
git clone
- Download from link -

- Unzip the if downloaded and then go to tbengy directory
- Open new Terminal/Console/Command-Prompt/Powershell in that directory
- Run the command below to generate UVM TB
tbengy help can be accessed with:
python -h
python3 -h
You should get the following output
usage: [-h] [-v] (-l | -m ) [-t ] [-b ] [-f ] [-d ]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version Show tbengy version and exit
-l, --listboards Show the list of available boards and exit
-m , --modulename
Module name for which TB to be generated. Ex. -m my_design
-t , --tbtype
Testbench type to be generated. Ex. -t uvm or -t sv
-b , --boardtype
Board Files to be added. Ex. -b zybo, -b nexys4_ddr, -b zybo-z7 etc.
-f , --fpga
FPGA used in board. Ex. -f xc7z010clg400-1, -f xc7a100tcsg324-1, -f xc7z010clg400-1 etc. for Zybo, Nexys 4 DDR and Zybo-Z7-10 respectively
-d , --dirpath
Directory under which TB should be generated. Ex. -d ./myProjects/TB. Default is present working dir.
- Enter you module name with '-m ', the tool will generate a complete UVM testbench (default tb_type is UVM)
python -m my_design
python3 -m my_design
- You can enter desired directory where you want to generate TB by passing '-d '
python -m my_design -d ./myProjects/
python3 -m my_design -d ./myProjects/
- Go to your generated module folder
- You can read the generated to understand directory structure
- To run the testbench, go to scripts directory and run command below

#### For **SV TB** generation
- For generating SV TB you need to add an additional flag '-t sv' along with primary generation command as shown below
python -m my_design -d ./myProjects/ -t sv
python3 -m my_design -d ./myProjects/ -t sv
#### For **SV TB with Synthesis on Digilent Boards** generation
- For generating SV TB with Synthesis on Digilent Boards, you need to add flag '-t sv -b -f ' along with primary generation command as shown below
- You should be able to find FPGA part name from Board Reference Manual or Vendor website
- The default RTL contains Blink LED program, which is basically a simple clock divider with output of 1Hz to LED
- The command also pics up correct board files and link them in script. Modified board files are already available in ./digilent-xdc directory
- These files are modified with additional information regarding clock frequencies and mapped to ports in design RTL by default
- To check the list of boards run the below command
python -l
python3 -l
- Example for Zybo Board
python -m zyboBlink -d ..\myProj\ -b zybo -f xc7z010clg400-1 -t sv
python3 -m zyboBlink -d ..\myProj\ -b zybo -f xc7z010clg400-1 -t sv
- Example for Nexys 4 DDR
python -m nddr4Blink -d ..\myProj\ -b nexys4-ddr -f xc7a100tcsg324-1 -t sv
python3 -m nddr4Blink -d ..\myProj\ -b nexys4-ddr -f xc7a100tcsg324-1 -t sv
#### For batch mode
make run_all
#### For generating wave and debugging in Vivado Simulator
make run_all_gui
#### For generating bit stream with synthesis and implementing it on board
make synth
Note: You can have multiple boards connected to system. Do make sure the boards are connected and turned on.

Contact me on [email protected] for any questions.

Hope the tool helps. Thanks!

# Tool Developement Plan
- [x] Generation of UVM Testbench with RTL Example and ready to compile and run
- [x] Add simple RAM RTL and simple sanity test
- [x] Create a seperate template file for configuring generated code
- [x] Code CLI for tbengy
- [x] Add support for simple SV TB
- [x] Add generation of synthesis script for Digilent/Xilinx FPGA boards for validation
- [x] Add support to select Digilent Xilinx FPGA boards to auto-synthesize, elaboration and implementation with programming bitstream on board
- [ ] Add support to select f4pga tool ( to auto-synthesize, elaboration and implementation with programming bitstream on board based on Lattice iCE40, ECP5 and Xilinx-7 Series FPGA as an alternate option
- [ ] ~~Add support for Modelsim compilation instruction in Makefile~~
- [ ] ~~Add support for Vivado wdb wave dump to Modelsim WLF dump conversion for debugging waves generated by Vivado in Modelsim (May or may not happen)~~