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[MICCAI'23] Foundation Model for Endoscopy Video Analysis via Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-train

endoscopy foundation-model large-scale miccai2023 pre-train self-supervised video

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[MICCAI'23] Foundation Model for Endoscopy Video Analysis via Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-train




# Foundation Model for Endoscopy Video Analysis

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This repository provides the official PyTorch implementation of the paper [**Foundation Model for Endoscopy Video Analysis via Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-train**](
by [Zhao Wang](\*, [Chang Liu](\*, [Shaoting Zhang](†, and [Qi Dou](†.

## Key Features

[//]: # (key feature bulletin points here)
- First foundation model for endoscopy video analysis.
- A large-scale endoscopic video dataset with over 33K video clips.
- Support 3 types of downstream tasks, including classification, segmentation, and detection.

## Links

- [Paper](
- [Model](
- [OpenMEDLab Page](

## Details

> Foundation models have exhibited remarkable success in various applications, such as disease diagnosis and text report generation. To date, a foundation model for endoscopic video analysis is still lacking. In this paper, we propose Endo-FM, a foundation model specifically developed using massive endoscopic video data. First, we build a video transformer, which captures both local and global long-range dependencies across spatial and temporal dimensions. Second, we pre-train our transformer model using global and local views via a self-supervised manner, aiming to make it robust to spatial-temporal variations and discriminative across different scenes. To develop the foundation model, we construct a large-scale endoscopy video dataset by combining 9 publicly available datasets and a privately collected dataset from Baoshan Branch of Renji Hospital in Shanghai, China. Our dataset overall consists of over 33K video clips with up to 5 million frames, encompassing various protocols, target organs, and disease types. Our pre-trained Endo-FM can be easily adopted for a given downtream task via fine-tuning by serving as the backbone. With experiments on 3 different types of downstream tasks, including classification, segmentation, and detection, our Endo-FM surpasses the current state-of-the-art self-supervised pre-training and adapter-based transfer learning methods by a significant margin.

[//]: # (More intro text here.)

## Datasets

We utilize 6 public and 1 private datasets for pre-training and 3 datasets as the downstream tasks.
Except for SUN & SUN-SEG, we provide our preprocessed data for pre-training and downstream tasks.

#### Pre-training Data (6 public + 1 private)
- Colonoscopic [[original paper]]( [[original dataset]]( [[our preprocessed dataset]](
- SUN & SUN-SEG [[original paper1]]( [[original paper2]]( [[original dataset1]]( [[original dataset2]](
- LPPolypVideo [[original paper]]( [[original dataset]]( [[our preprocessed dataset]](
- Hyper-Kvasir [[original paper]]( [[original dataset]]( [[our preprocessed dataset]](
- Kvasir-Capsule [[original paper]]( [[original dataset]]( [[our preprocessed dataset]](
- CholecTriplet [[original paper]]( [[original dataset]]( [[our preprocessed dataset]](
- Our Private [[our preprocessed dataset]](

#### Downstream Data (3 public)
- PolypDiag [[original paper]]( [[original dataset]]( [[our preprocessed dataset]](
- CVC-12k [[original paper]]( [[original dataset]]( [[our preprocessed dataset]](
- KUMC [[original paper]]( [[original dataset]]( [[our preprocessed dataset]](

For SUN & SUN-SEG, you need first request the original videos following [this instruction](
Then, you can transfer the data for pre-training videos by the following:
cd Endo-FM/data
Finally, generating the video list `pretrain/train.csv` for pre-training by the following:
cd Endo-FM/data

## Get Started

#### Main Requirements
- torch==1.8.0
- torchvision==0.9.0
- pillow==6.2.2
- timm==0.4.12

#### Installation
We suggest using Anaconda to setup environment on Linux, if you have installed anaconda, you can skip this step.

wget && zsh

Then, we can install packages using provided `environment.yaml`.

cd Endo-FM
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate endofm

#### Pre-trained Weights
You can directly download our pre-trained Endo-FM via this [link]( and put it under `checkpoints/` for downstream fine-tuning.

#### Downstream Fine-tuned Weights
Also, we provide the pre-trained weights of 3 downstream tasks for direct downstream testing.

| Dataset | PolypDiag | CVC-12k | KUMC |
| Our Paper | 90.7 | 73.9 | 84.1 |
| Released Model | 91.5 | 76.6 | 84.0 |
| Weights | [link]( | [link]( | [link]( |

#### Pre-training
cd Endo-FM
wget -P checkpoints/
bash scripts/

#### Downstream Fine-tuning
# PolypDiag (Classification)
cd Endo-FM
bash scripts/

# CVC (Segmentation)
cd Endo-FM/TransUNet

# KUMC (Detection)
cd Endo-FM/STMT
python build develop
python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=1 \
tools/ \
--master_port=$((RANDOM + 10000)) \
--config-file configs/STFT/kumc_R_50_STFT.yaml \
OUTPUT_DIR log_dir/kumc_finetune

#### Direct Downstream Testing
# PolypDiag (Classification)
cd Endo-FM
bash scripts/

# CVC (Segmentation)
cd Endo-FM/TransUNet
python --test

# KUMC (Detection)
cd Endo-FM/STMT
python build develop
python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=1 \
tools/ \
--master_port=$((RANDOM + 10000)) \
--config-file configs/STFT/kumc_R_50_STFT.yaml \
MODEL.WEIGHT kumc.pth \
OUTPUT_DIR log_dir/kumc_finetune

## 🙋‍♀️ Feedback and Contact

For further questions, pls feel free to contact [Zhao Wang](mailto:[email protected]).

## 🛡️ License

This project is under the Apache License 2.0 license. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.

## 🙏 Acknowledgement

Our code is based on [DINO](, [TimeSformer](, [SVT](, [TransUNet](, and [STFT]( Thanks them for releasing their codes.

## 📝 Citation

If you find this code useful, please cite in your research papers.
title={Foundation Model for Endoscopy Video Analysis via Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-train},
author={Zhao Wang and Chang Liu and Shaoting Zhang and Qi Dou},
booktitle={International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention},