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a Lightweight, Permanent JSON document database

blockchain database decentralized document ethereum filecoin firebase firebase-database firestore json jsonstorage layer2 mongodb rust web3

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

a Lightweight, Permanent JSON document database




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# DB3 Network

DB3 Network is a Lightweight, *Permanent* JSON document database for Web3. It is designed to store and retrieve data for decentralized applications built on blockchain technology. DB3 Network has two core features:

1. Using DB3 Network as a JSON document database.
2. Periodically rolling up the JSON document to the [Arweave]( at a very low cost.

# Have a try

## Set up self-hosted Node

**1. Start docker container**

sudo docker run -p 26639:26639 -p 26619:26619 -p 26629:26629 \
-e ADMIN_ADDR=0xF78c...29679 \ # use your own wallet address

you should see the following output
start store node...
start index node...
the ar account address e_i_JLA8toEr5HaHCpkZJUIXp3kypCAd5NNAvfWNOgE
start ar testnet ...
10000000000000Start the local db3 nodes successfully
The storage node url:
The index node url:
The console url:

**2. Setup the node**

* open the `` to setup your node for the first time
* open the `` to create database or collection
* open the `` to vist the dashboard

**3. Playground**

open the `` to create database or collection, then go the playgound

// create a account
const account = createRandomAccount()
// create the client
const client = createClient('',

// get the collection
// please replace the database address and collection name with yours
const collection = await getCollection("0xF7..79", "book", client)

// add a document
const {id} = await addDoc(collection, {
name:"The Three-Body Problem",
rate:"4.8"} as Book)
// query the document
const resultSet = await queryDoc(collection, "/[author=Cixin-Liu]")

if you have any questions, please feel free to ask us for help and you can find more detail about the example
* the doc for [createClient](
* the doc about [queryDoc](

# Try the testnet

## Try the testnet console

## Try the sdk
| Public Chains | Testnet | Mainnet |
| zksync |data rollup node:``
data index node:`` | :soon: |
| scroll |data rollup node:``
data index node:`` | :soon: |

You can connect to the Data Rollup Node and Data Index Node with db3.js
Note: the cloud sandbox is just for testing and unstable

# How it works

The DB3 Network has two roles:

1. The **Data Rollup Node** accepts write operations, compresses the data, rolls it up to Arweave, and stores the metadata in the smart contract.
2. The **Data Index Node** synchronizes data from the Data Rollup Node in real-time or recovers the index with metadata in the smart contract and files in Arweave. It serves the index as a queryable API.

To prevent tampering, every
JSON document must be signed by its owner. Only the owner can update or delete the JSON document.

## The Plan to support public chain list

| Public Chains | Testnet | Mainnet |
| Arweave | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark:|
| Polygon | :heavy_check_mark: [Mumbai]( | :soon: |
| Zksync | :heavy_check_mark:[testnet]( | :soon: |
| Scroll | :heavy_check_mark: [alpha]( | :soon: |
| Arbitrum | :soon: | :soon: |
| Optimism | :soon: | :soon: |
| Linea| :heavy_check_mark: [testnet]( | :soon: |

If you want us to support the other public chains, just give us an [issue](

# What can we build with the db3 network?

Now building a fully on-chain application is an easy thing. You can create a fully on-chain game or a fully on-chain social network, or any other application you desire.


Q: Is the DB3 Network a blockchain?

A: No, the DB3 Network is not a blockchain. It is simply a developer tool that can be hosted locally or used through our cloud service.

Q: What are the differences between MongoDB and DB3 Network?

A: MongoDB uses centralized data storage, whereas DB3 Network uses decentralized data storage. Additionally, DB3 Network ensures that data is permanently available.

Q: Will my data be lost if the Data Rollup Node or Data Index Node is not available?

A: No, you can set up your data index node and recover your data from the blockchain.

# License

Apache License, Version 2.0

# Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.
See [](