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LIO_SAM for 6-axis IMU and GNSS.

6-axis-imu gps gtsam lidar lidar-inertial lidarslam lio liosam loam-velodyne slam

Last synced: 3 months ago
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LIO_SAM for 6-axis IMU and GNSS.






LIO_SAM_6AXIS is an open-source SLAM project based on the project [LIO_SAM]( that has been modified to support a wider range of sensors. It includes support for a 6-axis IMU and low-cost GNSS, making it easier to adapt for your own sensor setup.


## Features

LIO_SAM_6AXIS includes the following features:

- Support for a 6-axis IMU: This allows you to use orientation information in state estimation, improving the accuracy of your results.
- Support for low-cost GNSS: By eliminating the need to adapt for the robot_localization node, this feature makes it easier to integrate GNSS into your SLAM system.
- GPS constraint visualization: This feature helps with debugging by allowing you to visualize the GPS constraints that are being used in the optimization.
- Compatible with a range of lidars: LIO_SAM_6AXIS can be adapted to work with a range of lidars, including popular models like the VLP-16 ,Pandar32 and Ouster OS-1.
- Easy to adapt: With minor changes to the original code, LIO_SAM_6AXIS can be adapted to work with your own sensors and lidars.

## Getting Started

To get started with LIO_SAM_6AXIS, follow these steps:

1. Clone the repository:

git clone

2. Install the dependencies:

catkin build

3. Launch the roslaunch file for your sensor setup:

# set your bag_path here
roslaunch lio_sam_6axis test_vlp16.launch

For more information on how to use LIO_SAM_6AXIS, see the video tutorial and documentation.

4. finally, save your point cloud map.

# map is in the LIO-SAM-6AXIS/data
rosservice call /lio_sam_6axis/save_map


5. for docker support.

`Dockerfile` is for people who don't want to break their own environment.

# please cd the folder which have Dockerfile first, approximately 10mins based on your internet and CPU
docker build -t zhangkin/lio_sam_6axis .

docker run -it --net=host --gpus all --name lio_sam_6axis zhangkin/lio_sam_6axis /bin/zsh

# OR -v to link the folder from your computer into container (your_computer_loc:container_loc)
docker run -it --net=host --gpus all --name lio_sam_6axis -v /home/kin/bag_data:/home/xchu/data/ramlab_dataset zhangkin/lio_sam_6axis /bin/zsh

# in the container
catkin build
source devel/setup.zsh

# with dataset download and linked ==> please see more usage in previous section
roslaunch lio_sam_6axis ouster128_indoors.launch

# 对于在内地的同学,可以换源`dockerhub`后,直接拉取:
docker pull zhangkin/lio_sam_6axis

## Documentation

The documentation for LIO_SAM_6AXIS can be found in the `doc` directory of the repository. It includes instructions on how to adapt the code for your own sensors and lidars.

- [Bilibili](
- [Youtube](

## Latest News(2023-07-10)

Here are the latest updates to LIO_SAM_6AXIS:

- Remove Gpstools and use libGeographic for accuracy .
- Fix bugs of saving map service

## Dataset and Adaptation

LIO_SAM_6AXIS is compatible with a range of datasets and sensor setups. To help you get started, we have included a table that lists some of the datasets and sensors that have been tested with LIO_SAM_6AXIS.

| Dataset | Description | Sensors | Download Links | Ground Truth | Comments |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| hkust_20201105full | ![image-20221030035547512](README/image-20221030035547512.png) | VLP-16, STIM300 IMU, left camera, normal GPS | [Dropbox](, [BaiduNetdisk]( (password: m8g4) | [GT]( (password:123) | About 10 km outdoor, see [this doc]( |
| [HILTI]( DATASET 2022 | ![img](README/construction_sheldonian.jpg) | Hesai32 lidar, low-cost IMU, 5 Fisher Eye cameras | [Download]( | | The [config/params_pandar.yaml]( is prepared for the HILTI sensors kit |
| [FusionPortable]( DATASET | ![Garden](README/garden.png) | Ouster OS1-128, STIM300 IMU, stereo camera | [Download]( | [GT]( | Indoors. When you download this compressed data, remember to execute the following command: `rosbag decompress 20220216_garden_day_ref_compressed.bag` |

## Related Package

### 1. [LIO-SAM-6AXIS-UrbanNav](

- LIO_SAM 6轴IMU适配香港城市数据集UrbanNav,并给出添加GPS约束和不加GPS约束的结果


- integrate [LIO-SAM]( and [Imaging_lidar_place_recognition]( to achieve better mapping and localization result for SLAM system.

## Credits

We would like to thank TixiaoShan for creating the LIO_SAM project that served as the foundation for this work.

## Acknowledgments

Our deep gratitude goes to [Guoqing Zhang](, [Jianhao Jiao](, [Jin Wu](, and [Qingwen Zhang]( for their invaluable contributions to this project. A special mention goes to the [LIO_SAM]( for laying the groundwork for our efforts. We also thank the open-source community, whose relentless pursuit of SLAM technology advancement has made this project possible.

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