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JSON encoder and decoder.

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

JSON encoder and decoder.




# Jonathan

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JSON encoder and decoder.
It's faster than [jsown]( - high performance Common Lisp json parser.

See [Document](
This HTML is generated by [Codex](

## Usage

(to-json '(:name "Common Lisp" :born 1984 :impls (SBCL KCL)))
;; => "{\"NAME\":\"Common Lisp\",\"BORN\":1984,\"IMPLS\":[\"SBCL\",\"KCL\"]}"

(to-json '(:name "Common Lisp" :born 1984 :impls (SBCL KCL))
:octets t)
;; => #(123 34 78 65 77 69 34 58 34 67 111 109 109 111 110 32 76 ...)

(to-json '((:name . "Common Lisp") (:born . 1984) (:impls SBCL KCL))
:from :alist)
;; => "{\"NAME\":\"Common Lisp\",\"BORN\":1984,\"IMPLS\":[\"SBCL\",\"KCL\"]}"

(to-json '(:obj (:name . "Common Lisp") (:born . 1984) (:impls SBCL KCL))
:from :jsown)
;; => "{\"NAME\":\"Common Lisp\",\"BORN\":1984,\"IMPLS\":[\"SBCL\",\"KCL\"]}"

(let ((encoder (compile-encoder (:from :alist) (name)
`(("name" . ,name)))))
(funcall encoder "Rudolph"))
;; => "{\"name\":\"Rudolph\"}"

(parse "{\"NAME\":\"Common Lisp\",\"BORN\":1984,\"IMPLS\":[\"SBCL\",\"KCL\"]}")
;; => (:NAME "Common Lisp" :BORN 1984 :IMPLS ("SBCL" "CCL" "KCL"))

(parse "{\"NAME\":\"Common Lisp\",\"BORN\":1984,\"IMPLS\":[\"SBCL\",\"KCL\"]}"
:as :alist)
;; => (("NAME" . "Common Lisp") ("BORN" . 1984) ("IMPLS" "SBCL" "CCL" "KCL"))

(parse "{\"NAME\":\"Common Lisp\",\"BORN\":1984,\"IMPLS\":[\"SBCL\",\"KCL\"]}"
:as :jsown)
;; => (:obj ("NAME" . "Common Lisp") ("BORN" . 1984) ("IMPLS" "SBCL" "CCL" "KCL"))

(parse "{\"NAME\":\"Common Lisp\",\"BORN\":1984,\"IMPLS\":[\"SBCL\",\"KCL\"]}"
:as :hash-table)
;; => #

## Installasion

(ql:quickload :jonathan)

## to-json
- can encode Object into JSON format.
- Restricted Property List. (`:from :plist`)
- Association List. (`:from :alist`)
- Jsown Object. (`:from :jsown`)
- can return not only string but also octets.
- can be compiled by compiler-macro.

;; Restricted Property List Samples
(to-json '(:name :age :born :impls))
;; => "{\"NAME\":\"AGE\",\"BORN\":\"IMPLS\"}"
;; not "[\"NAME\",\"AGE\",\"BORN\",\"IMPLS\"]"

(to-json '(:name "Common Lisp" :born))
;; => "{\"NAME\":\"Common Lisp\",\"BORN\":[]}"

- is customizable by `%to-json`, `%write-char` and `%write-string`.

(defclass user ()
((id :type integer :initarg :id)
(name :type string :initarg :name)))

(defmethod %to-json ((user user))
(write-key-value "id" (slot-value user 'id))
(write-key-value "name" (slot-value user 'name))))

(to-json (make-instance 'user :id 1 :name "Rudolph"))
;; => "{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Rudolph\"}"

![Benchmark of to-json](./images/

(let ((post (compile-encoder () (text)
(list :|channel| "lisp-alien"
:|username| "alien-bot"
:|text| text
:|icon_url| ""))))
(dotimes (_ 100000)
(funcall post "Post from Alien!"))))
;; => 0.095

(flet ((post (text)
(list :|channel| "lisp-alien"
:|username| "alien-bot"
:|text| text
:|icon_url| ""))))
(dotimes (_ 100000)
(post "Post from Alien!"))))
;; => 0.095

(flet ((post (text)
(format nil "{\"channel\":\"lisp-alien\",\"username\":\"alien-bot\",\"text\":~s,\"icon_url\":\"\"}" text)))
(dotimes (_ 100000)
(post "Post from Alien!"))))"\"}"))))
;; => 0.146

(flet ((post (text)
(list :|channel| "lisp-alien"
:|username| "alien-bot"
:|text| text
:|icon_url| ""))))
(dotimes (_ 100000)
(post "Post from Alien!"))))
;; => 0.604 - without compiler-macro.

(flet ((post (text)
`(:obj (:|channel| . "lisp-alien")
(:|username| . "alien-bot")
(:|text| . ,text)
(:|icon_url| . "")))))
(dotimes (_ 100000)
(post "Post from Alien!"))))
;; => 1.117

## parse
- can decode JSON format string into Object.
- Property List. (`:as :plist`)
- Association List. (`:as :alist`)
- Json Object. (`:as :jsown`)
- Hash Table. (`:as :hash-table`)
- can allow junked JSON format string (`:junk-allowed t`)
- can customize `*null-value*`, `*false-value*` and `*empty-array-value*`.
- can restrict keywords to read. (`:keywords-to-read`)
- can normalize keywords. (`:keyword-normalizer`)
- can not normalize keywords in nested objects.
- can ignore keywords when normalizer returns NIL.
- can unescape unicode escape sequences. (`:unescape-unicode-escape-sequence`)

(parse "{\"key\":\"value\"}")
;; => (:|key| "value")

(parse "{\"key\":\"value\"")
;; => raise .

(parse "{\"key\":\"value\"" :junk-allowed t)
;; => (:|key| "value")

(let ((*null-value* :null)
(*false-value* :false)
(*empty-array-value* :[]))
(parse "{\"null\":null,\"false\":false,\"empty\":[]}"))
;; => (:|null| :NULL :|false| :FALSE :|empty| :[])

(parse "{\"key1\":\"value1\",\"key2\":\"value2\"}" :keywords-to-read '("key1"))
;; => (:|key1| "value1")

(flet ((normalizer (key)
(with-vector-parsing (key)
("key1" (return-from normalizer "other-key1"))
("key2" (return-from normalizer "other-key2"))
(otherwise (return-from normalizer nil))))))
(parse "{\"KEY1\":{\"key2\":\"value2\"},\"key3\":\"value3\"}"
:keyword-normalizer #'normalizer)
;; => (:|other-key1| (:|key2| "value2"))
(parse "{\"KEY1\":{\"key2\":\"value2\"},\"key3\":\"value3\"}"
:keyword-normalizer #'normalizer
:normalize-all t))
;; => (:|other-key1| (:|other-key2| "value2"))

(parse "\"\\u30b8\\u30e7\\u30ca\\u30b5\\u30f3\"")
;; => "ジョナサン"

(parse "\"\\uD840\\uDC0B\"")
;; => "𠀋"

(parse "\"\\u30b8\\u30e7\\u30ca\\u30b5\\u30f3\""
:unescape-unicode-escape-sequence nil)
;; => "\u30b8\u30e7\u30ca\u30b5\u30f3"

![Benchmark of parse](./images/2.parse.png)

(let ((s "{\"key1\":\"value\",\"key2\":1.1,\"key3\":[\"Hello\",1.2]}"))
(dotimes (_ 100000)
(jonathan:parse s :as :alist))))
;; => 0.174

(let ((s "{\"key1\":\"value\",\"key2\":1.1,\"key3\":[\"Hello\",1.2]}"))
(dotimes (_ 100000)
(jonathan:parse s :as :jsown))))
;; => 0.181

(let ((s "{\"key1\":\"value\",\"key2\":1.1,\"key3\":[\"Hello\",1.2]}"))
(dotimes (_ 100000)
(jsown:parse s))))
;; => 0.204

![Benchmark of parse partially](./images/3.parse-partially.png)

(let ((s "{\"key1\":\"value\",\"key2\":1.1,\"key3\":[\"Hello\",1.2]}"))
(dotimes (_ 100000)
(jonathan:parse s :as :alist :keywords-to-read '("key1")))))
;; => 0.065

(let ((s "{\"key1\":\"value\",\"key2\":1.1,\"key3\":[\"Hello\",1.2]}"))
(dotimes (_ 100000)
(jonathan:parse s :as :jsown :keywords-to-read '("key1")))))
;; => 0.069

(let ((s "{\"key1\":\"value\",\"key2\":1.1,\"key3\":[\"Hello\",1.2]}"))
(dotimes (_ 100000)
(jsown:parse s "key1"))))
;; => 0.085

## Helper

### compile-encoder

- can compile encoder.

(compile-encoder () (name)
(list :name name))
;; => #

(funcall * "Rudolph")
;; => "{\"NAME\":\"Rudolph\"}"

(compile-encoder (:from :alist) (name)
`(("name" . ,name)))
;; => #

(funcall * "Rudolph")
;; => "{\"name\":\"Rudolph\"}"

(compile-encoder (:octets t) (name)
(list :name name))
;; => #

(funcall * "Rudolph")
;; => #(123 34 75 69 89 49 ...)

### with-object

(defclass user ()
((id :initarg :id)
(name :initarg :name)))

(defmethod %to-json ((user user))
(write-key "id")
(write-value (slot-value user 'id))
(write-key-value "name" (slot-value user 'name))))

(to-json (make-instance 'user :id 1 :name "Rudolph"))
;; => "{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Rudolph\"}"

### with-array

(defclass user ()
((id :initarg :id)
(name :initarg :name)))

(defmethod %to-json ((user user))
(write-item "id")
(write-item (slot-value user 'id))
(write-item "name")
(write-item (slot-value user 'name))))

(to-json (make-instance 'user :id 1 :name "Rudolph"))
;; => "[\"id\",1,\"name\",\"Rudolph\"]"

### with-output

(with-output-to-string (stream)
(with-output (stream)
(write-key-value "key" "value"))))
;; => "{\"key\":\"value\"}"

### with-output-to-string*

(write-key-value "key" "value"))))
;; => "{\"key\":\"value\"}"

## See Also
- [proc-parse](

## Author

- Rudolph-Miller

## Copyright

Copyright (c) 2015 Rudolph-Miller