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A curated and non exhaustive list of Common Lisp libraries and resources.

  • alive - Common Lisp Extension for VSCode. Public domain.
  • using VSCode with Alive
  • cl-jupyter - A Common Lisp kernel for Jupyter notebooks [custom licence](
  • cl-repl - an ipython-like REPL. With completion, shell commands, magic commands, debugger, etc. [MIT][200]. With [colorthemes](
  • sbcli - a simple readline REPL that doesn't get in your way. It doesn't have a debugger, it just prints the error. With optional syntax highlighting and useful shortcuts.
  • Clozure Common Lisp
  • Ultralisp - A quicklisp distribution that builds every five minutes (instead of one month for Quicklisp), and requires 3 clicks to add your project to it (instead of opening an issue and waiting for Quicklisp).
  • Roswell - A Lisp implementation installer, script launcher and more.
  • cl-cookieproject - my project skeleton, more complete than the others. *New in 2021 :)*
  • easy-routes - a routes handling system on top of Hunchentoot. It supports dispatch based on HTTP method, arguments extraction from the url path, decorators, url generation from route name, etc.
  • Wookie - Asynchronous HTTP server. [Expat][14].
  • Snooze - A RESTful web framework, built on Clack, where routes are just functions and HTTP conditions are just Lisp conditions. [LLGPL][8].
  • radiance - An extensible framework library and multi-application CMS.
  • cl-rest-server - a library for writing REST web APIs. Features validation with schemas, annotations for logging, caching, permissions or authentication, documentation via Swagger, etc. [MIT][200].
  • Weblocks - A widgets-based framework with a built-in ajax update mechanism that "solves the JavaScript problem". [LLGPL][8].
  • Hunchentoot - the CL web server.
  • woo - A fast non-blocking HTTP server on top of libev. [MIT][200].
  • Cookbook: web scraping
  • Ten - by Djula's maintainer, a more flexible framework, where we can write lisp expressions in templates.
  • quri - Another URI library for
  • cl-slug - a small library to make slugs, mainly for URIs, transform in CamelCase, remove accentuation and punctuation, for english and beyound.
  • JSCL - A CL-to-JS compiler designed to be self-hosting from day one. Lacks CLOS, format and loop.
  • sigil - A Parenscript to
  • trident-mode
  • JACL
  • Valtan
  • Aws-sign4 - Common Lisp library for Amazon Web Services signing version 4. [GNU GPL3][2].
  • north - The successor to the
  • avatar-api - Get avatars from Google+, Gravatar and others. [Expat][14].
  • chirp - A Twitter client library. [Artistic License 2.0][51].
  • cl-irc - An IRC client library. [Expat][14].
  • cl-openid - An implementation of OpenID. [LLGPL][8].
  • cl-pushover - Common Lisp bindings to Pushover. [MIT][200].
  • cl-ses - Library for AWS SES. [Expat][14].
  • humbler - A Tumblr API interface. [Artistic License 2.0][51].
  • jonathan - A JSON encoder and decoder. [MIT][200].
  • Cookbook: databases
  • py4cl - A library that allows Common Lisp code to access Python libraries. It is basically the inverse of cl4py. [MIT][200].
  • cl4py - The library cl4py (pronounce as clappy) allows Python programs to call Common Lisp libraries. [MIT][200].
  • async-process
  • nodgui - Bindings for the Tk toolkit, based on Ltk, with syntax sugar and additional widgets.
  • IUP - CFFI bindings to the [IUP]( Portable User Interface library (pre-ALPHA). IUP is cross-platform (Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux, with new Android, iOs, Cocoa and Web Assembly drivers), has many widgets, has a small api and is actively developed.
  • Qtools - A Qt4 toolkit, based on CommonQt.
  • Electron-lisp-boilerplate - A rudimentary boilerplate for building Electron apps with embedded Lisp helper processes.
  • electron-sbcl-sqlite
  • LispWork's CAPI - A portable GUI toolkit, with mobile runtime. Proprietary, but comes with a free version.
  • Cookbook: numbers
  • Cookbook: multidimensionnal arrays
  • lisp-stat - an environment for statistical computing, conceptually similar to R, that is also suitable for front-line production deployments. "It grew out of a desire to have an environment for rapidly prototyping analytical and A.I. solutions, and move directly to production environments with minimal friction."
  • XLisp-Stat
  • Cookbook: threads
  • lfarm - distributing work across machines (on top of lparallel and usocket). [BSD_3Clause][15]
  • cl-async
  • Moira - Monitor and restart background threads. In-lisp process supervisor. [MIT][200].
  • trivial-monitored-thread
  • cl-gearman - a library for the [Gearman]( distributed job system. [LLGPL][8].
  • swank-crew - distributed computation framework implemented using Swank Client. [BSD_3Clause][15].
  • cl-coroutine - a coroutine library. It uses the CL-CONT continuations library in its implementation. [MIT][200].
  • STMX - High performance Transactional Memory for Common Lisp. [LLGPL][8].
  • cl-gserver - an Erlang inspired GenServer. It is meant to encapsulate state, but also to execute async operations. Also with actors. Functionality regarding state is not unsimilar to Clojure's Agent or cl-actors. [MIT][200].
  • simple-tasks - A very simple task scheduling framework. [Artistic License 2.0][51].
  • deeds - Deeds is an Extensible
  • cl-flow - Data-flowish computation tree library for non-blocking concurrent Common Lisp. [MIT][200].
  • event-glue - simple eventing abstraction. No dependencies. It can be used anywhere you need a generic event handling system. [MIT][200].
  • SBCL's timers - wide event schedulers.
  • cl-cron - A simple tool that provides cron like facilities.
  • clerk - a cron-like scheduler with sane DSL. [MIT][200].
  • Cookbook: regular expressions
  • one-more-re-nightmare - a fast-ish regular expression compiler in Common Lisp. [BSD_2Clause][17].
  • Cookbook: testing and continuous integration
  • Mockingbird - A small
  • Check-it - A QuickCheck-style randomized property-based testing. [LLGPL][8].
  • cl-coveralls
  • continuous-integration on
  • SBCL's code coverage tool
  • Cookbook: testing and continuous integration
  • a tutorial
  • cl-coveralls
  • serapeum - Another general-purpose utility library.
  • rutils - radical yet reasonable syntactic utilities for Common Lisp.
  • trivia - Optimized pattern-matching library. [LLGPL][8].
  • generic-cl - Generic function interface to standard Common Lisp functions (equality, comparison, arithmetic, objects, iterator, sequences,…). [MIT][200]. See also the more lightweight [generic-comparability]( [LLGPL][8].
  • pythonic-string-reader - A simple and unobtrusive read table modification inspired by Python's three quote strings. [BSD_3Clause][15].
  • cl-reader - A utility library
  • iterate - An iteration construct for Common Lisp which is extensible and Lispier. [MIT][200].
  • for - A concise, lispy and extensible
  • trivial-do - Additional dolist style macros for Common Lisp. [MIT][200].
  • doplus
  • picl - An (almost) complete port of Python's itertools package, complete with laziness where applicable, and not relying on cl-cont. [MIT][200].
  • gtwiwtg - A lazy sequences library. Similar to 'series' but not as complete. However it has a 'modern' API with stuff like `take`, `filter`, `for`, `fold`, etc. that is easy to use.
  • fn - a couple of lambda shorthand macros. `(fn* (+ _ _)) --> (lambda (_) (+ _ _))`. Public domain.
  • f-underscore - a tiny library of functional programming utils. `(f_ (+ _ _)) -> (lambda (_) (+ _ _))`. Public domain.
  • cl-punch - Scala-like anonymous lambda literals. `(mapcar ^(* 2 _) '(1 2 3 4 5))`. [MIT][200].
  • Rutils
  • uiop
  • Cookbook: interfacing with your OS
  • clavier - General purpose validation library for Common Lisp. [MIT][200].
  • json-schema - A library for validating data against schemas of drafts 4, 6, 7, and 2019-09 of the [JSON Schema]( standard. [LLGPL][8].
  • sanity-clause - a data serialization/contract library for Common Lisp. Schemas can be property lists or class-based, allowing to check slots' types during `make-instance`. [LLGPL][8].
  • Cookbook: date and time
  • cl-date-time-parser - Parse date-time-string, liberally. Hides the difference between date-time formats, and enables to manage date and time as the one date-time format. [MIT][200].
  • chronicity - A natural language date and time parse, to parse strings like "3 days from now". [BSD_3Clause][15].
  • local-time-duration
  • iso-8601-date - Miscellaneous date routines in Common Lisp, based around the ISO 8601 string representation. [LLGPL][8].
  • calendar-date - a Gregorian calendar date library. [MIT][200].
  • periods - manipulating date/time objects at a higher level. With series-compatible data structure. [BSD_3Clause][15].
  • Common Lisp programming: from novice to effective developer
  • its Github
  • my blog
  • How to create a full-featured Common Lisp project from scratch
  • Web requests in Common Lisp: how to fetch the Github API
  • CL Cookbook
  • Common Lisp programming: from novice to effective developer - journey) (*paywall*, some free videos).