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Common Lisp Extension for VSCode

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Common Lisp Extension for VSCode




# Alive Development

Notes on making changes to the Alive codebase.

## Basic Knowledge

Alive is primarily constructed using TypeScript.
Basic knowledge of this language or JavaScript is necessary.
Familiarity with
is recommended.

Alive provides a language extension to support Common Lisp.
Basic understanding of that language and the Lisp REPL is assumed.
The specific Common Lisp implementation is Steel Bank Common Lisp.

The Alive codebase is hosted on
Basic understanding of `git` and `github` usage
including branches and forking is necessary.

### VSCode Extension Development

Developing extensions for VSCode is quite involved.
Start learning with the
[Extension API]( page.

## Startup

### Install Tools

Install the following tools:
* `git`
* `npm` JavaScript package manager (`yarn` might also work)
* Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL)

You should be able to execute the following programs:
* `git` (or whatever tool you prefer to use)
* `npm` JavaScript package manager
* `sbcl` Common Lisp REPL

The rest of this document assumes the command-line use of `git`.
You may prefer a different tool (including VSCode).

### Acquiring the Code

Alive development is done on a fork of the repository.
Pull Requests (PRs) are made from a branch in that fork
into the Alive repository.

* [Create a fork](
of the Alive code into your own `github` account.
* [Clone your fork](
onto your development machine.

### Inital Steps

After changing directory into the cloned development directory there are a few first steps.

#### Install JavaScript Modules

Run the command
npm install
in order to acquire necessary JavaScript modules
specified in the `package.json` file.

Failing to do this will result in hundreds of errors
as the Alive code will not be able to link to
the VSCode Extension API.

#### Compile Code

At this point it should be possible to execute
npm run compile
without any errors.

_If there are errors_ something bad happened.

## Development and Debugging

### Development Branch

Always work on a development branch, not the main branch:
git checkout -b

### Development

Make whatever changes seem appropriate on your development branch.
Use VSCode in order to get the debugger support for VSCode extension development.

Compilation of the extension code is not done automatically by VSCode.
It can be done manually by hitting `--B` and choosing
an appropriate task.

The recommended task is `npm:watch` which will start a process that
will automatically compile and build anytime a file changes.
The process will run forever in the VSCode Terminal window once started.

The same thing can be done in a shell window by executing
npm run watch

### Debugging

The simplest way to launch the debugger is with the `F5` key.
This should bring up a VSCode Extension Development Host -- another VSCode window with the modified Alive extension.
Test the extension within this window.

Standard VSCode debugging features (e.g. breakpoints, stepping through code) are available in the development VSCode window.
A floating button bar on the upper right has icons for
stepping through code and a red square outline
which will kill the testing window.

You can also start the debugger from the `Run and Debug` panel
that you can start from the Activity Bar on the left.
When this is showing there will be a small green triangle outline at the top of the panel which launch the Extension Development Host
the same as the `F5` key.

#### Output Panel

In addition to the more sophisticated debugging features available from VSCode
it is possible to view various types of output data.

Show the `Output` view at the bottom of the screen (`` or
the **Output: Focus on Output View** command) or just select the `Output` tab on the bottom panel.
On the right part of the title bar there is a dropdown to choose output from different threads.

For Alive development the following are available (from the extension host only):

* `Alive LSP` shows the output of the SBCL process running the Alive-lsp server.
* `Alive Log` shows the typescript logging statements.

#### Log Statements

In order to send log statements to the `Alive Log` it is necessary to use the logging
mechanism defined in `vscode/Log.ts`.[^1]

Import the necessary package:
import { log, toLog } from './vscode/Log'
where the specific relative path varies depending on the calling file.

Log statements are very simple:
log("Hello world!")
Insert variable(s) into the log statement using javascript template strings:
log(`Failed to init ASDF tree: ${err}`)

[^1]: Using `console.log()` will work, but the output goes to a different place.
Use the command **Developer: Toggle Developer Tools** and then switch to the `Console` tab.
When running in debug mode it also goes to the debug console on the parent
(as opposed to the extension host) window.
Using the `vscode/Log.ts` mechanism is preferred.

## Submitting Pull Requests

After your changes are working properly it is time to submit a PR from your development branch.
[Submit the PR from your fork](
to the [Alive repository]( on `github`.

## VSCode Extension Language Server

VSCode language extensions depend upon a separate [Language Server Protocol]( (LSP) which understands the language and provides support to the language extension itself. For the Alive extension this code is provided in the
[Alive-lsp]( repository.