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A full-featured repl implementation designed to work with Roswell

common-lisp repl roswell

Last synced: 2 months ago
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A full-featured repl implementation designed to work with Roswell




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# **Warning; WIP**
The software is still alpha quality.
The functionalities are incomplete and may cause unkown bugs.

# Overview
This project aims to provide a beginner-friendly REPL for Common Lisp with rich functionalities, such as IPython for Python.

What this project tries to achieve are listed here.

- [x] powerful line editting with gnu readline.
- [x] tab-completion of symbols.
- [x] simple installation instruction.
- [x] code editting with text editor.
- [ ] useful debugger & inspector. (incomplete)
- [x] syntax highlighting of input texts.
- [ ] implementation independence. (only SBCL supported)

Screenshots can be found [here](./image/).

# Installation
We recommend to use roswell.
CL-REPL can be installed via roswell as follows.

$ ros install koji-kojiro/cl-repl

Before installation, please ensure that gnu readline is installed.
If you use OSX, you might need to execute following command.

$ brew link --force readline

Also, ensure that your terminal support 256 colors.

## Note about installation via Roswell
If you installed roswell with normal configurations, cl-repl will be located in `~/.roswell/bin`.  
To use cl-repl from the command line, please ensure the PATH variable includes `~/.roswell/bin`.

# Usage
$ cl-repl


$ ros repl

Some useful magic commands are ready to use. To list available commands:

CL-USER> %help

## Configuration
You can customize CL-REPL by editting `~/.replrc`. You can change appearance, add your own commands, and do anything you want when startup.
An example can be found [here](./replrc-example).

## Syntax highlighting
Syntax highlighiting of input area is new in v0.5.0.
If you want to disable it, put the following in your `.replrc`.


## execute shell
If the line starts with `!`, excute it as shell command, e.g. `!ls -a`.

## %edit magic
Line editting in repl is sometimes painful. CL-REPL allows yot to edit code with your favorite text editor.

CL-REPL> %edit

CL-REPL invokes a text editor specified by `$EDITOR`.
After editting code, save and close it. Then repl will start to evaluate it.
If `` is not supplied, a temporary file will be created and deleted after evaluation.

We've be sure the following editors work properly.

- vi & vim
- GNU Emacs
- joe's own editor
- Lem

# Contributing
Don't hesitate to open issues or to send PRs.
Any suggestions are always welcomed.

# Author
[TANI Kojiro]( ([email protected])

# License
CL-REPL is distributed under [GPLv3](./LICENSE).