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Generic template for Godot games

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Generic template for Godot games





> 🌟 You make games, the template handles the boring stuff.

Godot Download badge

GitHub release (latest by date)

**Godot Game Template** is a generic starter project for Godot games.

Its main focus is to provide a solid base to build upon.

# Get started

You have 2 options:

## 1. Get started with Github Templates:

1. [Create a new repo using this template](
2. Clone the new repository locally
3. Open the project in [Godot]( (GDScript)

## 2. Get started with a local project:

1. Go to
2. Download _Source code (zip)_
3. Unzip the project
4. Open the project in [Godot Engine]( (GDScript) and create your game!

## Used by

| Logo | Godot | Title | Link |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ![YouAreUto icon]( | 3.x | **YouAreUto** (2019) | [Android](, [iOS](, [GitHub]( |
| ![Defending Todot icon]( | 3.x | **Defending Todot** (2020) | [HTML5](, [GitHub]( |
| ![Karooto No Gase icon]( | 3.x | **Karooto No Gase** (2021) | [Android](, []( |
| ![Godot Game Template Demo]( | 3.x | **demo-godot-game-template** (2021) | [Android](, [GitHub]( |

_Get in contact if you want to be featured here!_

# How to...

## Change scene



## Change scene and show progress bar

Game.change_scene("res://scenes/gameplay/gameplay.tscn", {
"show_progress_bar": true


## Change scene and pass parameters

# you can pass whatever value you like: int, float, dictionary, ...
var params = {
"level": 4,
"skin": 'dark'
Game.change_scene("res://scenes/gameplay/gameplay.tscn", params)


func pre_start(params):
print(params.level) # 4
print( # 'dark'
# setup your scene here

## \_ready() vs pre_start() vs start()

They are called in this order:

| method | description |
| ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `_ready()` | gets called when the graphic transition covers the screen |
| `pre_start(params)` | gets called immediately after \_ready, it receives params passed via Game.change_scene(scene_path, params) |
| `start` | it's called as soon as the graphic transition finishes. It's a good place to activate gameplay logic, enemy AI, timers, ... |

## Restart the current scene

Game.restart_scene() # old params will be reused

## Restart the current scene and override params

var new_params = {
"level": 5,

## Center a Node2D into the viewport

$Sprite.position = Game.size / 2
# Game.size it's just a shortcut to get_viewport().get_visible_rect().size

# Conventions and project structure

- `assets/`
- Contains textures, sprites, sounds, music, fonts, ...
- `builds/`
- output directory for game builds (ignored by .gitignore and .gdignore)
- `scenes/`
- Contains Godot scenes (both entities, reusable scenes and "game screen" scenes)
- Scene folders can contain `.gd` scripts or resources used by the scene

Mostly inspired by the official [Godot Engine guidelines][l1]:

- **snake_case** for files and folders (eg:, game.tscn)
- **PascalCase** for node names (eg: Game, Player)


### Lower Case file names

This convention avoids having filesystem issues on different platforms. Stick with it
and it will save you time. Read more

> Windows and recent macOS versions use case-insensitive filesystems by default,
> whereas Linux distributions use a case-sensitive filesystem by default. This
> can cause issues after exporting a project, since Godot's PCK virtual
> filesystem is case-sensitive. To avoid this, it's recommended to stick to
> snake_case naming for all files in the project (and lowercase characters in
> general).

See also [this PR]( that adds `is_case_sensitive()`.

# Export utilities

## ``

From your project root:

./ MyGameName # this assumes that you have a "godot" binary/alias in your $PATH

Look inside the ./builds/ directory:

└── MyGameName
├── html5
│   ├── build.log # an export log + build datetime and git hash
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── ...
├── linux
│   ├── MyGameName.x86_64
│   └── build.log
├── osx
│   ├── MyGameName.dmg
│   └── build.log
└── windows
├── MyGameName.exe
└── build.log

## Github Actions

If you are using Github you can take advantage of:

1. automatic exports for every commit push (see [push-export.yml][ci-push-export])
2. manual exports via Github CI (see [dispatch-export.yml][ci-dispatch] )

[ci-push-export]: ./.github/workflows/push-export.yml
[ci-dispatch]: ./.github/workflows/push-export.yml

You can read more on [Wiki - Continuos Integration][wiki_ci]


# Contributing

If you want to help the project, create games and feel free to get in touch and report any issue.


You can also join [the Discord server]( (`#godot-game-template` channel).

Before adding new features please open an issue to discuss it with other contributors.

## Contributors

Many features were implemented only thanks to the help of:

- [Andrea-Miele](
- [Fahien](
- [Andrea1141](
- [vini-guerrero](
- [idbrii](

Also many tools were already available in the open source community, see the [Thanks](#thanks) section.

# Thanks

- For support & inspiration:
- All the [contributors](
- Crystal Bit community
- Godot Engine Italia
- Godot Engine
- For their work on free and open source software:
- [croconut](
- [josephbmanley](
- [GDQuest](
- [Scony](
- [myood](