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A simple Finite State Machine for Godot

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A simple Finite State Machine for Godot




# Godot Simple State

A clean and easy to use Finite State Machine (FSM) for Godot 3.x


# Usage

1. Install the plugin
2. Enable the plugin
3. Add a `SateMachine` node to your character

Screenshot 2022-02-19 at 12 36 45

4. Add any type of `Node` to the `StateMachine` as a child to create a new script

Screenshot 2022-02-19 at 12 36 30

5. Attach a script to the node
6. Now at runtime you can change to a different state using `$StateMachine.goto("state")`

# Example

The example project contains two states, `idle` and `attack`.
The project will switch between each state automatically every 3 seconds.

# State functionality

The state has a few functionalities, here is an example state:

extends Node2D

var States
var Host

func _state_enter(arg or not):

func _state_exit():

If you call `await` in `_state_exit` the `StateMachine` will wait for your `await` to finish before entering the new state.
This is also true for `_state_enter` or other state functions.

func _state_exit():
await get_tree().create_timer(1).timeout

### Note: Exit state

`state` will change to `_exit` when the state machine is exiting.
Your state will also be queue-freed.

If running a long while loop in your state logic, be sure to check for `States.is_current()`

# Reference

## StateMachine

### `signal` `state_changed(new_state)`

Emitted whenever the `StateMachine` changes state (but before `_state_enter` is called)

### `goto(state_name: String, args = null)` change the state

`args` can be any or `undefined`

When an arg is passed, the argument will be pushed to the `_state_enter` function.

StateMachine.goto("attack", some_character)
StateMachine.goto("attack", [some_character_a, some_character_b])

The last example would call this function in the `attack` state:

func _state_enter(some_characters: Array):

### `call(method: String, args = null)` call a function on the current state (if exists)

```gdscript"some_method")"some_method", my_argument)"some_method", [my_arguments])

### `now(state: String)`

Returns true if the current state matches `state`

# keep running away instead of stopping to look at something

### `has(state: String)`

Returns true if exists in our state tree

if States.has("some-other-state"):
# Do something

### `is_current()`

Returns true only when called from a function inside the current state

if States.is_current():
This can only be printed in the current state
In any other state this will never be printed

### `restart(arg: any or none)`

Restarts the current state
This only calls "\_state_enter" again
it does not reset any variables

## State

`_state_enter(args or not)` will be called when the state is entered (each time)
An argument is only passed if one was passed. (`StateMachine.goto("state", arg)`)

`_state_exit()` will be called when the state is left (each time)

If the following variables exist on your state, they will be injected with dependencies as follows:

`Host` is the `NodePath` input into `StateMachine` i.e. your character controller

`States` is the `StateMachine`

If they do not exist on your state, nothing will be injected.

# Signals

You can connect signals directly to the `StateMachine` node using the following style:

Screenshot 2022-02-19 at 13 00 38

They will be then automatically sent to the current active state if that state has the handler function defined.

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