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Type safe TypeScript client for any GraphQL API

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Type safe TypeScript client for any GraphQL API




Type safe Graphql query builder

Write Graphql queries with type validation and auto completion

> Genql is building a cloud platform to automate SDK generation in multiple languages, docs website with examples, changelog website and more.
> Fill [this form]( if you are interested!

Read the [quick start guide]( to generate your client and start writing queries.

You can stay up to date with the latest changes subscribing to the [Genql changelog](


- ✅ Type completion & Type validation
- 🍃 No dependencies (not even graphql)
- ⚡️ [Can easily fetch all scalar fields in a type](
- 🐎 [Works with any client (Apollo, Relay, etc)](
- 🥃 [Support for Subscriptions](
- 🔋 [Built in batching support](
- ↔️ [Easy migrate existing GraphQL queries to Genql code](
- 🚂 Works in browser, Node, Deno, Cloudflare workers, Bun and more

## Example

First generate your client with the `genql` cli.

> You can find other cli options [here](

npm i -D @genql/cli # cli to generate the client code
genql --schema ./schema.graphql --output ./generated

Then you can use your client as follow

import { createClient, everything } from './generated'
const client = createClient()

countries: {
// pass arguments to the query
__args: {
filter: {
currency: {
eq: 'EUR',
name: true,
code: true,
nestedField: {
// fetch all scalar fields
__scalar: true,

The code above will fetch the graphql query below

query {
countries(filter: { currency: { eq: "EUR" } }) {
nestedField {

## Why

Genql has a lot of benefits over writing graphql queries by hand:

- Writing queries is faster thanks to TypeScript auto completion
- You can safely update your schema and be sure your queries are still valid
- You can fetch all scalar fields in a type with `__scalar: true`
- No `graphql` package dependency, no runtime parsing of queries
- You have to generate the client only after your schema changes, not after every query change


## Sponsors





[Licensed under MIT]().