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Interactive in-browser track viewer

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Interactive in-browser track viewer




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# pileup.js
pileup.js is an interactive in-browser track viewer. [**Try a demo**][demo]!

It is built from the ground up to take advantage of the modern JavaScript
ecosystem, e.g. ES2015, static type analysis, React.js and Promises. Read more about the motivations behind pileup.js in our [paper][biorxiv].

![pileup.js screenshot](./pileup-screenshot.png)

Showing a structural variant (large deletion):
![pileup.js showing a large deletion](./pileup-large-deletion.png)

## Usage

To use pileup.js in a project, install it via NPM:

npm install --save pileup

And then source either `node_modules/pileup/dist/pileup.min.js` or `pileup.js`.

To create a pileup, use `pileup.create()`. You specify a container DOM element,
an initial range and a list of tracks:

var div = document.getElementById('your-id');
var p = pileup.create(div, {
range: {contig: 'chr17', start: 7512384, stop: 7512544},
tracks: [
viz: pileup.viz.genome(),
isReference: true,
data: pileup.formats.twoBit({
url: ''
name: 'Reference'
viz: pileup.viz.pileup(),
data: pileup.formats.bam({
url: '/test-data/synth3.normal.17.7500000-7515000.bam',
indexUrl: '/test-data/synth3.normal.17.7500000-7515000.bam.bai'
cssClass: 'normal',
name: 'Alignments'
// ...

Each track has a name, a data source and a visualization. See
[`/examples/playground.js`](/examples/playground.js) for a complete set of
track types.

To style the track viewer, use CSS! pileup.js uses [flexbox][] for track
layout. You can view [this codepen][layout] for a simple demo of the skeleton.
For example, to allocate 1/3 of the space to a variant track and 2/3 to a
pileup track, you could use this CSS:

.track.variants { flex: 1; }
.track.pileup { flex: 2; }

To style multiple tracks of the same type, you can use the `cssClass` property.

## API

The pileup object returned by `pileup.create` has these methods:

* `setRange`: Update the visible range in the pileup. This takes a
`GenomeRange` object, e.g. `{contig: "chr17", start: 123, stop: 456}`. The
coordinates are 1-based and the range is inclusive on both ends.
* `getRange`: Returns the currently-visible range. This is a `GenomeRange`
object (see description in `setRange`).
* `zoomIn`: Zooms current range in by a factor of 2.
* `zoomOut`: Zooms current range out by a factor of 2.
* `toSvg`: Converts pileup object to SVG data URL.
* `destroy`: Tears down the pileup and releases references to allow proper
garbage collection.

If you want to change the set of tracks in a pileup, tear it down and create a
new one. The caches are stored on the individual source and visualization
objects so, as long as you reuse these, the `destroy` / `create` cycle is
relatively cheap and will not incur extra trips to the network.

## Development

## Basic Setup

git clone
cd pileup.js
npm install
npm run build

To play with the demo, start an [http-server][hs]:

npm run http-server

Then open [http://localhost:8080/examples/index.html](http://localhost:8080/examples/index.html) in your browser of choice.

To view integration with GA4GH schemas, view [http://localhost:8080/examples/ga4gh-example.html](http://localhost:8080/examples/ga4gh-example.html).

## Testing

Run the tests from the command line:

npm run test

Run the tests in a real browser:

npm run http-server
open http://localhost:8080/src/test/runner.html

To continuously regenerate the combined pileup and test JS, run:

npm run watch

To run a single test from the command line, use:

npm run test -- --grep=pileuputils

To do the same in the web UI, pass in a `?grep=` URL parameter.

To typecheck the code, run

npm run flow

For best results, use one of the flowtype editor integrations.

## Design

See [](/

If you're looking for ideas, see [](/

## Releases

To cut a new release:

- Update `version` in both `package.json` and `pileup.js`. Commit this change.
- Run `scripts/`
- Run `npm publish`
- Push to github and [tag a release][tagRelease] there. Add release notes.

## License

pileup.js is [Apache v2](/LICENSE) licensed.
