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🌲 super fast, all natural json logger

fast json logger nodejs pino

Last synced: 14 days ago
JSON representation

🌲 super fast, all natural json logger





# pino
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[Very low overhead](#low-overhead) Node.js logger.

## Documentation

* [Benchmarks ⇗](/docs/
* [API ⇗](/docs/
* [Browser API ⇗](/docs/
* [Redaction ⇗](/docs/
* [Child Loggers ⇗](/docs/
* [Transports ⇗](/docs/
* [Web Frameworks ⇗](/docs/
* [Pretty Printing ⇗](/docs/
* [Asynchronous Logging ⇗](/docs/
* [Ecosystem ⇗](/docs/
* [Help ⇗](/docs/
* [Long Term Support Policy ⇗](/docs/

## Install

Using NPM:
$ npm install pino

Using YARN:
$ yarn add pino

If you would like to install pino v6, refer to

## Usage

const logger = require('pino')()'hello world')

const child = logger.child({ a: 'property' })'hello child!')

This produces:

{"level":30,"time":1531171074631,"msg":"hello world","pid":657,"hostname":""}
{"level":30,"time":1531171082399,"msg":"hello child!","pid":657,"hostname":"","a":"property"}

For using Pino with a web framework see:

* [Pino with Fastify](docs/
* [Pino with Express](docs/
* [Pino with Hapi](docs/
* [Pino with Restify](docs/
* [Pino with Koa](docs/
* [Pino with Node core `http`](docs/
* [Pino with Nest](docs/

## Essentials

### Development Formatting

The [`pino-pretty`]( module can be used to
format logs during development:

![pretty demo](pretty-demo.png)

### Transports & Log Processing

Due to Node's single-threaded event-loop, it's highly recommended that sending,
alert triggering, reformatting, and all forms of log processing
are conducted in a separate process or thread.

In Pino terminology, we call all log processors "transports" and recommend that the
transports be run in a worker thread using our `pino.transport` API.

For more details see our [Transports⇗](docs/ document.

### Low overhead

Using minimum resources for logging is very important. Log messages
tend to get added over time and this can lead to a throttling effect
on applications – such as reduced requests per second.

In many cases, Pino is over 5x faster than alternatives.

See the [Benchmarks](docs/ document for comparisons.

### Bundling support

Pino supports being bundled using tools like webpack or esbuild.

See [Bundling](docs/ document for more information.

## The Team

### Matteo Collina

### David Mark Clements

### James Sumners

### Thomas Watson Steen

## Contributing

Pino is an **OPEN Open Source Project**. This means that:

> Individuals making significant and valuable contributions are given commit-access to the project to contribute as they see fit. This project is more like an open wiki than a standard guarded open source project.

See the []( file for more details.

## Acknowledgments

This project was kindly sponsored by [nearForm](

Logo and identity designed by Cosmic Fox Design:

## License

Licensed under [MIT](./LICENSE).
