
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.


Awesome list of well crafted Node.js packages.

  • lukeed
  • mscdex
  • klaussinani
  • David Mark Clements
  • Mathias Buus
  • Rich Harris
  • Matteo Collina
  • James Halliday
  • ljharb
  • sindresorhus
  • Harminder Virk
  • terkelg
  • got - Got is a human-friendly and powerful HTTP request library (**good replacement for request or axios**).
  • polka - A micro web server so fast, it'll make you dance! (good replacement for Express).
  • fastify - Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js
  • httpie - A Node.js HTTP client as easy as pie!
  • sirv - An optimized middleware & CLI application for serving static files~!
  • fetch-github-repositories - Fetch github repositories for a given user (or organization)
  • matchit - Quickly parse & match URLs
  • zup - A simple, fast template engine for node.
  • qoa - Minimal interactive command-line prompts
  • sade - Smooth (CLI) Operator 🎶
  • @slimio/async-cli-spinner - Elegant Asynchronous Terminal (CLI) Spinner for Node.js
  • @slimio/stdin - Node.js light, interactive and elegant input crafted for REPL experience.
  • @slimio/pretty-json - Stdout JSON in your terminal with colors and syntax close to yml.
  • @slimio/wcwidth - Fork of wcwidth.
  • @slimio/json-diff - Stdout difference from two JS Objects in the TTY
  • kleur - The fastest Node.js library for formatting terminal text with ANSI colors~! (no dependencies).
  • cliui - easily create complex multi-column command-line-interfaces.
  • prompts - Lightweight, beautiful and user-friendly interactive prompts
  • postgres - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js
  • tape - tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
  • baretest - An extremely fast and simple JavaScript test runner.
  • c8 - Code-coverage using Node.js' built in functionality that's compatible with Istanbul's reporters. Like nyc, c8 just magically works:
  • pino - Very low overhead Node.js logger, inspired by Bunyan.
  • dotenv - Dotenv is a zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env.
  • @zeit/git-hooks - No nonsense Git hook management with 0 dep.
  • watch-my-app - Light alternative to nodemon
  • rosetta - A general purpose internationalization library in 292 bytes
  • denque - Double ended queue
  • fast-async-zlib - Speed up zlib operations by running them using the sync APIs but in a Worker
  • tiny-glob - Super tiny and ~350% faster alternative to node-glob
  • @lukeed/uuid - A tiny (230B), fast, and cryptographically secure UUID (v4) generator for Node and the browser
  • wrr - A tiny (148B) weighted round robin utility
  • ework - Execute your tasks on another thread or in parallel, with a simple to use and cross-platform (Node.js >=10 and modern browsers) API.
  • flydrive - Flexible and Fluent framework-agnostic driver based system to manage storage in Node.js
  • rfdc - Really Fast Deep Clone
  • premove - A tiny (247B) utility to remove items recursively
  • ms - Use this package to easily convert various time formats to milliseconds.
  • semiver - A tiny (153B) utility to compare semver strings.
  • estree-walker - Traverse an ESTree-compliant AST
  • sonic-boom - Extremely fast utf8-only stream implementation to write to files and file descriptors.
  • @slimio/lock - Node.js Semaphore like.
  • zen-observable - An Implementation of Observables for Javascript
  • node-watch - A wrapper and enhancements for
  • bytes - node byte string parser
  • ajv - The fastest JSON Schema Validator. Supports draft-04/06/07
  • isolated-vm - Access to multiple isolates in nodejs
  • heapify - The fastest JavaScript priority queue out there. Zero dependencies.
  • ssri - ssri, short for Standard Subresource Integrity, is a Node.js utility for parsing, manipulating, serializing, generating, and verifying Subresource Integrity hashes.